If there’s one thing I’ve learned about the Amish people I know, it’s their ability to accept things that happen to them as God’s will. Recently, one of our dear Amish friends was in a terrible accident, where her buggy got hit from behind. When the vehicle hit her, the impact was so great that it demolished the buggy, killed the horse, and injured my friend’s neck and spine. This sweet Amish lady kept an attitude of acceptance throughout her hospital stay, and is now at home recovering, where she is still keeping a positive attitude and a smile on her face. Some of her family and friends who have visited her say that when they leave this young woman’s home, they feel as though she has ministered to them, instead of the other way around. She even told one person I spoke with that if something good came out of her accident, it would be worth all the discomfort she’d been through.
Life isn’t always fair, but if we learn to appreciate what we have and trust God with our future, we’ll feel a sense of peace and acceptance. Remember this week to accept what you must and change what you can. Look to the future with a sense of hope and thank God for each new day. What do you have to thank God for today?