Wanda’s Journal

Simple Living (Part 6)

The Amish take part in many volunteer activities. In Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, many Amish men belong to the volunteer fire department. Many Amish women make quilts and other items to sell at benefit auctions which help people in other parts of the world, like Haiti. After the terrible hurricane that struck Louisiana several years ago, some of our Amish friends went there to help rebuild. Part of simple living is helping others, so why not devote more time to volunteer activities that involve helping people in need?

Is there anything you’ve done for someone in need recently?

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Simple Living (Part 5)

The old saying, “Many hands make light work,” is certainly true among the Amish. At work frolics and barn raisings there’s always more than enough help to get the job done. Even for things like preparing meals, cleaning the house, and doing outside chores, everyone chips in. Try getting together with some of your friends or family to do yard or household chores. It will get done much faster, and you’ll enjoy the fellowship that comes with working together.

I have certainly appreciated the help I’ve received from my own family while I am healing from a painful broken arm. What was the last thing you and your family did to help one another?

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Simple Living (Part 4)

When my husband and I visit Amish country, I’m always amazed when I see my Amish friend’s vegetable gardens. Besides the abundant crops that will help feed their family, their gardens are virtually weed-free.

This summer my husband and I decided to plant most of our garden in raised-beds, which has worked out quite nicely. So far we have harvested several cucumbers, yellow squash, zucchini, and a few tomatoes. We are still waiting for our onions, peppers, beets, carrots, and spaghetti squash to be ready for picking. In our larger garden area, which is entirely fenced in and covered with netting to keep the birds out, we’ve had a bumper crop of blueberries, most of which are in the freezer now. These, we will enjoy this winter.

One way to live more simply is to grow a garden. If you don’t have room in your yard, you might consider planting vegetables in pots. Nothing tastes so good as freshly picked homegrown produce.

Do you enjoy gardening? If you have a garden of your own, what have you harvested so far?

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