A Mifflin County Mystery

The Protector by Wanda Brunstetter

The Protector

ECPA Bestseller

Book 1 in A Mifflin County Mystery Series

A Mysterious Disappearance Shakes a Pennsylvania Amish Family’s Faith

In book 1 of A Mifflin County Mystery series, Rosa Petersheim has disappeared without a trace. Norman always considered himself his sister’s protector and can’t believe she would have left home of her own accord—so he must have failed her. He throws all he has into helping the authorities search for Rosa, while trying to support his parents and siblings who are struggling both mentally and physically. Salina Swarey loves Norman and hopes they are headed towards marriage, but his obsession with Rosa’s whereabouts is driving them apart. Can Norman find a place of peace and contentment if he never learns where Rosa is?

The Peacemaker

{March 2025}

Book 2 in A Mifflin County Mystery Series

An Unresolved Mystery Holds an Amish Community in Limbo

Ada Detweiler’s best friend, Rosa Petsheim, disappeared a year ago and still has not been found. In their grief and confusion, Ada and Rosa’s boyfriend, Ephraim Peight, have grown close. However, some in the community feel Ephraim is responsible for Rosa’s disappearance. Now Rosa’s younger sister is making accusations against Ephraim that could drive him and Ada apart. A fire set by an arsonist might finally be the thing to reveal secrets that have long been dividing this community of friends and family. But will it be too late for love between the peacemaker and the suspect?