Wanda’s Journal

Twelve Remedies to Counteract Stress

During difficult times like our world is facing now, it’s important for us to find some ways to relax and de-stress. Here is a list I have compiled that helps me when I’m dealing with worry or stress.

1. Pray (listed as number 1 because it’s the most important.) “The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers.” (I Peter 3:12). “Be careful for nothing, but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)
2. Read the Bible and meditate on God’s Word. “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” (Colossians 3:16) “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)
3. Read a good book that includes inspirational thoughts, and it will take your mind someplace else.
4. Take a walk, run, or ride a bike. Exercise is good for us physically and mentally.
5. Listen to uplifting/relaxing music.
6. Talk with a friend or relative on the phone or in person if possible.
7. Go outside or sit near an open window while you watch and listen to the birds’ uplifting melodies.
8. Pick a flower—smell it—enjoy the fragrance.
9. Feast your eyes on a sunrise or sunset and remember that God is the creator of all things.
10. Take a warm shower or bath.
11. Watch an uplifting or humorous movie on your TV or some other electronic device.
12. Eat your favorite comfort food. Indulging in chocolate is comforting for some people. I personally find that drinking certain kinds of herbal tea can help me relax.

Above all else, don’t give in to fear or extreme worry. Those emotions will make you feel more stressed. I am reminding myself daily to replace “Fear” with “FAITH.” One of my favorite verses is Psalm 34:4: “I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.”

How are you coping with our situation right now? Have you found some ways to relax and de-stress?

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The Importance of Family

In my novel, The Crow’s Call, the King family was faced with a serious trial they never expected would happen. It was a time when they had to work closely with each other in order to survive. The emotional and physical support they received from one another was what held the family together. In many ways the trials they faced brought the family closer, despite the discord that sometimes occurred.

Has you family ever been faced with a difficult challenge, and because of it, you were brought closer? Or did the traumatic event seem to pull you apart?

When a family experiences a tragedy, how can they come through it with a stronger bond and greater faith in God?

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Love and Romance

During the month of February, in which Valentine’s Day occurs, many people’s thought turn to love and romance. A few years ago one of my readers asked me why I include romance in my inspirational novels. This person said they thought that Amish people probably didn’t do romance. So just to be clear, before I answered this question, I spoke to one of our Amish friends and asked him if he thought Amish men were romantic. He laughed and said, “Of course we do romance. How else do you think we could get a woman to marry us?” I just smiled in response, and said, “Thank you, Sir.”

So in thinking about love and romance during the month of February, I’d like to ask you two questions: 1. Out of all my books that you may have read, which one did you feel was the most romantic and why?
2. Do you enjoy reading novels that include a bit of romance sprinkled into the storyline?

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