Wanda’s Journal

Our Future

When an old year passes away and a new one takes its place, we tend to reflect on the past and focus on our future, which we hope and pray will go well.

In my novel, The Healing Jar, Lenore became discouraged and felt frustrated about her future and her desire to be married and have a family of her own.

Have you ever become impatient with God’s timing and plan for your life and tried to work things out your own way? Have you ever been in a situation where you couldn’t see clearly which direction the Lord was leading? If so, what did you do about it?

One thing I plan to do during the upcoming year is to spend more time thinking and praying about new insights, reading the Scriptures, and considering how to incorporate the things God reveals to me into my life.

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  1. I have all the books for the Greenhouse Mysteries. Why didn’t you make Where is the Hope in Grief a single book? I want to read that with the others but I don’t want to buy the book with the other stories in it. Can I purchase the book by itself.? Please let me know. I enjoy reading your books.

    1. I truly feel so blessed to live in a country that I am able to worship the Lord and read Christian books and outwardly profess that I am a child of God. I am 65 years old and I read my Bible and my books every night before I talk to the Lord and go to sleep. I have read almost all of your books. I love the stories and they make me happy. I would feel very honored to have a signed copy of one of your books. I am reading the Prayer Jars Trilogy right now. I am home with covid.TThank you for all of the wonderful stories, may God bless you with many more books and many blessings.

  2. I love all your books. I have yet to read them all but, I will! I share them with my mother in law after I have read them. Sometimes even before. She is 92 years young and still enjoys reading everyday.

  3. I’ve read a lot of your books & used to share with my sister but she as dementia & can;t concentrate long enough to read any more.

    1. Reading is good way to pass time I enjoy the Amish stories You can lost in the places and things they do.It is very inspiring

  4. I have gone to our public library in crystal lake, to check out some of your books. After losing both my dad and mom- I found comfort in some of your books- as I know that my parents are watching over me, my husband, my 2 sons and 5 grandboys. I would love to receive one of your books- it would mean so much to me.

  5. Happy New Year! Thank you for the opportunity to leave a comment on your journal entry. One of the hardest things to do is trust in God’s timing. People are impatient by nature so waiting is very hard. Praying & believing are what I do when I’m waiting on God to show me what He wants me to do next. It’s not always easy, but I know it’s the right thing to do. I’m thankful for the Lord’s provision & do allowing me to live to see another year!

  6. I love your books! They are an inspiration and insight into Amish ways & tradition.
    You encourage us all to focus on the Lord and ways in which to do so, thank you ❤️
    Thank you for sharing your gift of writing with us.

  7. I went through a divorce one year ago, this coming
    February. We had dated for 3 years and were married
    for 34. I have never been alone in my life! I am still
    praying for strength and guidance.
    Thanks, Cindi

  8. I love your books. I live not too far from Sugarcreek OH and love going out to Amish country every chance I can. There is a lovely coffee shop in Walnut Creek that I love to go to and read your books. Keep writing!

  9. I have almost every book you have written. I love reading y our books because they are so well written and each one teaches a lesson. I especially loved the Jar series, The Praying Jar, The Healing Jar, and The Hope Jar. I love the idea of the Jars and what they did for the people who found them. I would like to start my own Jar for my children to find when I am gone.
    As this New Year begins I want to read God’s Word more and study it and dig deep into it. I want to draw ever so close to God and to share my faith with unsaved friends and family. I began the New Year by asking God to instill boldness and confidence into my heart so that I would go and share my faith with others.
    Thank You, Wanda for the amazing books that you write as I have learned many lessons from them. I am right now reading The Hawaiian Discovery and I am about half way through it. I can’t wait to find out if Ken excepts his limitations and gets up and provides for his family. And to see who or if anyone Ellen ends up with.

  10. Patience growing up my Dad would said I had the patience of a Saint. As an Adult he would tell me the something. He would watch me work at things until I figured it out. Or watch me work with children and tell me that. Even at school where I volunteer and work with the preschool age kids up to Third grade doing g as asked its a challenge to react nicely and not harshly to them. Its fun to work with the kids. It fills my heart since I can’t have children of my own. I am now going on 5 years cancer free!! I had stage 3 uterine cancer. Our God Is Great!!!

  11. I love all your books. They are so inspiring. The Amish stories are about the only books I read. I love the ones about quilts. I hope to meet you someday. I visit bookstore in Sugarcreek, Ohio. Thanks for writing such wonderful books. Have a blessed New Year! ?

  12. I enjoy your journals and often can relate to them. We have no control over the future. We are in God`s hands. Peace be with you Wanda. All the best in 2022.

  13. In the past I have often become inpatient with God bbWhen seeking his guidance, I always wanted an answer immediately and in my mind I knew the answer I wanted. Rather than remain quiet and in prayer I would often go ahead without an answer. I have learned it is better and much more prudent to wait upon the Lord. His ways are above our ways and he will give you peace in his direction. If you do not feel God’s peace you are not walking in his light. Wait, pray, read the word and seek his peace in your direction. God bless

  14. Wanda thank you SO much for your awesome books. I absolutely love the ones that have anything to do with winter in them. Right now I’m reading Amish White Christmas Pie. (Again!)

  15. I love all of your book! Your insights, your messages resound with me. My word for 2022 is “pause” and I will be reflecting when I pause. Your words are an inspiration to all who read them. Happy New Year and keep writing!

  16. I always need to be patient in God’s timing. I try to be patient and pray. It sometimes takes time but I have realized God’s plans.

  17. God is in control, and we see this AFTER events in our life.
    My late husband and I lost everything in Hurricane Katrina, and after the storm, as we were working on rebuilding our lives, we saw where God had prepared us for this. We didn’t know it at the time, but He took something bad, and changed it into GOOD! GIGATT!

  18. I am in a position now with my job that I am having to “let go and let God”. My company is being bought by a larger company and I am just hoping they offer me a position.

  19. In the past, there were several times I became impatient with God’s timing and tried to speed it up. Usually it didn’t work. The times that it did, I found that I wished I had waited for the surprise God surely wanted to give me on How own. The outcome just was not that wonderful feeling I was expecting. In more recent years, if I could not see the way the Lord was leading me, I prayed about it, read the Bible, and made myself wait. The outcome has always been what I wanted and so much more. God has such good plans for us if we would just wait to see what He has in store for us.

  20. I sure enjoy reading your books, I’m looking forward to another year of reading. Thank you for the uplifting stories and insights! It is nice to have books that have such good content!

  21. As a teen, I always knew I wanted to be married, and begin having children, when I turned 24, and was single as could be, I felt I didn’t keep my own promise to myself. I knew God had something in store for me, but I couldn’t see ahead, for looking back, and wondering why I hadn’t met ‘the one’ yet. Little did I know, God was also working on ‘his’ side…my future husband’s side, as well as my own. Things had to be cut and ends tied, before he and I would meet. We met through a mutual friend, and while I was hurt in the past, we began dating a few days later. We just knew God had sent each other to the other. We dated for 11 months and married that December. I wanted a baby soon after, but he already had 2 young kids, and he knew it was in our best interest to wait a few years. 3 years later, God blessed us with a wonderful baby boy. Our son gave his heart to The Lord, Summer 2021, and was baptized a few weeks later. If God provides food and shelter for birds, just how much will he provide for us?? God is good, all the time! My goals this year are to be a stronger Christian and a healthier person. God bless!

  22. Thank you for staying true to our Lord Jesus Christ in your Christian writings. I think I’ve read nearly every book you’ve written and I can honestly say your writing encourages me and blesses my heart. So many Christian novels throw in suggestive material that breaks my heart because it can cause the readers to think about things that are not honoring to our Lord. I love to recommend your books to friends as I know they too will find a blessing when they read them.
    Yes, in answer to your question in your journal, I do sometimes become impatient with God’s timing, but I’ve learned that if I remember to “walk by faith and not by sight” God calms my anxious heart and gives me peace. God Bless You Wanda!

  23. I so enjoy your books. I lost my husband of 62 years last July. So thankful that He has given me more time to grow as a Christian and to serve Him. God bless.

  24. Happy New Year to All!! I love reading your books Wanda. I try to read a Christmas book during the holidays. In 2022 I pray to become closer to our Heavenly Father. He is always on time. God Bless!!

  25. Thank you for each and every book you’ve written, I am always blessed. I love giving them as gifts as well.

  26. I agree with you about focusing on God’s word instead of worrying about what is happening around us. The daily news can be overwhelming and yes we do need to know what’s going on and pray for those who may be suffering but we can’t let these things be our only focus. God wants us to trust in His plans and let Him take care of things. I have a biopsy coming up later in January and have already told the Lord that it is in His hands and I will trust in Him whatever comes from the test.
    Your will Lord not mine ??

  27. I love your message for the upcoming year and I fully agree. That is my focas as well to start my day with GODS word and to close my day in HIS word. I feel especially with the world in a bit of chaos that our focas needs to be on HIM who is our strength. Thank you for your beautiful books that are a breath of fresh air. GOD bless you

  28. When I’m in a situation where I don’t know what to do I find it best to pray and wait. My human nature often brings me fear and that makes me want to react. I’m learning to be patient and pray and wait. Waiting for God to speak and tell you what direction to take is very hard. Especially for people like me who need to feel in control. I pray blessings over you all for 2022. God bless.

  29. This speaks to my heart. I am in the mist of moving from the area I have a full life in to 3 states away but close to my daughter and some of my grandchildren and their families. It is a stress full time! But I know God is in this move!

  30. This year 2021 my husband was admitted into the hospital for a total of 55 days. We normally make all of our decisions together and when his body started to swell with water and his heart was failing the hospital decided it would be better to send him to a bigger hospital that was more equipped in dealing with cardiac situations. His organs were failing and he was very confused and I knew I had to make all these hard choices so I made the choice to have him go to the bigger hospital and I had to drive to and from our home and I stayed in a hotel and I stayed in his room with him. He ultimately had a heart attack he died the hospital thank the Lord was able to revive him but they ended up sedating him and it was a good month and a half that he was sedated and I wasn’t sure what type of person was going to wake up if he was going to wake up or what type of brain damage he might have had. I wasn’t sure what our new normal was going to be. I was 32 and my husband was just 35 at the time we’re now 33 and 36. We will also looking for a new place to live and I was deciding that all of my own and I wasn’t sure what path the Lord had for me and I wasn’t sure what choices I was going to make if they were the ones I should be making on my own or if they were the ones that the Lord had for me. But I knew I just had to keep my faith and that I needed the Lord was going to see me through all of this and that he was going to answer my prayers. Fast forward to January 1st 2022 my husband is home doing normal household chores he has three sessions left of his cardiac therapy he has come a long way and is definitely way more normal than he has any right to be and I think if I would have just went with my own thoughts and not followed what the Lord had put in my path we wouldn’t be where we are now in such a peaceful life. We have a good life we have a strong loving marriage. God is first in everything we do.

    I know 2022 is going to be a great year. God bless you all. God bless you Ms. Wanda I love your books they were one thing that kept me sane those long hospital nights

  31. Starting 2022 in our new home in Florida. I am adjusting well wasn’t sure since we have lived in our previous home for 43 years. We have found a loving church family which is very helpful. Also I have my books and love for reading.

  32. Happy New Year! This year my word is TRUST. Not to be suspicious. And also Patience and not rushing so much. If I don’t get everything done that I wanted to, it’ll be there tomorrow! I am reading your book about the Antique store right now and loving it! My husband also loves going to antique stores. So do I. He likes to look for things that have to do with trains. I like looking at the dishes and salt and pepper shakers. I have quite a collection of the salt and pepper shakers! We try to get something whenever we go on a trip to remember our trip.

  33. This past year has been tough. Experienced a lot of life changes. Lost our dog and best friend of 17 years. Nothing like losing a loved one. Also a family member moved to another state. This has been tough our relationship was very close. Like losing a best friend again. I have decided to leave it in God hands I’m sure he has a plan. I just say the Serenity pray and know my faith will get me though.

  34. Oh, for the insight of all the elders in our “youth.” Although I didn’t marry until I was 39, I still believe I ran ahead of the Lord in my decision to marry. My spiritual life was fragile for many years after, and I feel like my old self, 25 years later. How I would love to have those 25 years back to do over, and better! It is a terrible thing to try to force the Lord’s hand! Thanks for all the wisdom you share through your characters in your books, Wanda…it helps a lot of us as we walk through this life toward forever.

  35. I love your books and spending
    quality time reading them!!!

    God has been good to me. I know God answers our prayers, maybe not right away or even the way we want, but he also answers them.

  36. Hi Wanda, I love all you books. I too want to draw closer to God and trust Him to take care of everything.

  37. In your blog you asked about times of uncertainty in our lives. Many times in my life God’s plan has been everything but clear. I have come to rely on the Biblical reminder ,”Be still and know that I am God.” Being still quiets my mind and helps me focus on the things I can control. Then I can turn the rest over to the One who can do all things. Always easy to do? No, but worth it when I do succeed.

  38. Thank you so much, Wanda, for choosing Matthew to discuss this month. I sure needed this at this time in my life. Worrying comes so easy yet patience so often eludes me. It’s so hard to let go, and let God, but I’m hoping to work on this by remembering the words of Matthew.

  39. I love Quilted Book series for a couple reasons;
    My Mother quilted by hand a quilt for all 9 of us on
    ; for our weddings and 1 quilt for each grandchild!
    She also quilted many and sold them and for missions too.
    The other reason I enjoy your quilt series is the way you write about real
    Relationships among families and friends snd include
    God in changing lives.

  40. What an awesome resolution! This what I hope for my life also, to put God firstseek His wisdom and will for my life. I am happy to see that you are giving away some books I don’t have yet. It is exciting to see what God has in store for each and every one of us whether it is the new year or even a new day. We have such an awesome God!! Whatever God has new for us is always awesome. New things can be very scary, but God has a plan for each of us and gives us the strength to go through whatever He has for us. I am so thankful for your wisdom and insights that you share in each of your writings. May God continue to bless you as you serve Him.

  41. I am especially fond of stories about the Amish and have read many authors. You are my favorite. I really like your writing style and its easy for me to follow your wonderful stories which always leave me wishing I could just pop into your stories with your characters. Thank you for sharing your gift with us!

  42. Wow I just love your books, once I start reading it hard to put down to do my chores. Out in Eaton, Ohio our old neighbor are Old German Baptist and Mennonites. They have been very kind in showing me how to do quilting and helpful hint in sewing many years ago.
    Your stories allow me to reminisce those friend and long ago times.
    Thank you.

  43. I am anxious to read the new book “The Walnut Creek Wish” as I know it will be as wonderful as all of your books are. I wish you the best for 2022. Thank you.

  44. I need to have more patience with family and friends and most of all God.When I pray I want an answer right away and I need to wait for God’s timing and not try to rush everything. I am going to pray even more and look for ways to reach out and help more people…I have read most of your books and have one of your cook books.Have a blessed New Year Wanda.

  45. Your books are so relaxing to me. I enjoy all of your mail and journal eateries. God uses you to speed to me.

  46. Patient is a virtual. I learn to have Patient because being a care taker for my dad for almost 20 years and also my mom. I love reading your books. My mom got me hooked on your books. I lost her march 2021

  47. love getting your email each month working my way to reading all your books and have your up coming books added to my must have list. your the best

  48. Yes, I have become discouraged especially when in pain from surgery. Lots of prayers by family and friends and myself helped me get through it and heal from surgery.

  49. We have had so many blessings this year..yet so many people I care about are having such a hard time. I know I need to cling to His promises and realize that prayer is what I can do, and let God do the rest. Yet it’s difficult to let go ..Thanks for Always sharing uplifting thoughts with us.

  50. Wanda your books has inspired me in so many ways. Brought me closer to God. Not along ago with my cancer and having cap pneumonia that almost took my life and left me in a coma for 3 days. Doctors said that it was a miracle that I’m here. God brought me back for my children and grandchildren. He knew it wasn’t my time. He will always be my awsome God.

  51. Wanda your books has inspired me in so many ways. Brought me closer to God. Not along ago with my cancer and having cap pneumonia that almost took my life and left me in a coma for 3 days. Drs said that it was a miracle that I’m here. God brought me back for my children and grandchildren. He knew it wasn’t my time. He will aolways be my awsome God.

  52. The Healing Jar sounds like my God Box. The lesson I had to learn was Letting Go!! A very difficult lesson for me. But in 2021 my 37 year old son died of Covid because he did not believe in the seriousness of the virus. So now I understand what Simeon meant when he told Mary a sword would pierce her soul. The death of a child no matter how old is the sword.
    May 2022 be a Blessed New Year!! We can all use one.

  53. I haven’t read The Healing Jar yet. I am looking forward to reading it. I think we all need to spend time each day reading the Word of God. We can turn our troubles over to Him.

  54. Love your Hope Jar book series. Looking forward in reading you Hope Jar Devotional. Looking forward in seeing you sometime in March. May the Lord continue to bless you I. Your writing, and witnessing through your books.

  55. I love all your boojs. I try to incorporate into my life many of the lessons I take away f r on reading your books.. The Healing Jar was a good example of a lesson. My husband h as a weak heart from a heart attack 3 years ago and your books take me to a safe and serene place when I read them.

  56. I love your journal reading this time. It speaks of things that I am going thru. I have prayed to our Lord about this and know he is guiding me through. Just waiting for his answers to my prayers for guidance. Thank You! Have a great new 2022. Keep those books coming.

  57. My goal for this new year is to grow deeper in my relationship with God.
    I really enjoy all your books. I find the Amish community very interesting.
    God bless you and your family this year.

  58. I use to want God’s answers,now in my time. But as I have aged , I do it in God time not mine. Read more this year is my goal for myself. That’s what retirement is for.

  59. The old year has passed and this is suppose to be a new year with awesome beginnings. However I’m frustrated in a situation that I can’t see clearly which direction GOD wants my husband and I’s path on. I want to list our home and sale in the next four months. On the other hand my husband is bucking and say’s no, he wants to stay put and not sale. We are in conflict. I feel that GOD somehow is leading us to sell and this is the best time. I need more then waiting on GOD’S timing right now.

    I am asking GOD to give me a sign so I know it’s his WILL and leading. This way I can show my husband that it’s been GOD all along to help prosper us in this new year.

    Judges 6:17 Even Gideon asked GOD for a sign

  60. I’m enjoying The Amish Cooking Class series so much. I receive a nugget of wisdom or a reminder of God’s Word in them and it’s amazing and gives peace or something to think more about. The characters are so vivid, too. Lovely writing and a graceful spirit, thank you!

    I am taking much better care of myself into this new year (cheat day on New Year’s Day) and looking forward to greater wisdom and joy and trusting the Lord more.

  61. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was hospitalized for several weeks because I had eclampsia. At the time, I had a three year old son at home, and I just wanted to go home! But I felt that the responsibility of my daughter’s live was completely in my hands, so I felt very torn. One morning while praying, I realized that I wasn’t alone in the responsibility for my daughter’s life. I told God that I was weak and asked Him to “take over.”. A few minutes later, my doctor came in and told me the staff had been going over my case and determined that the baby had a better chance of survival outside of the womb. Labor was induced and my daughter was born the next morning, there months premature, weighing one pound, twelve ounces, and she was perfect!

  62. We don’t know what our future has instore for us!. We don’t know when God will be calling us to our Heavenly home. One thing for sure. We can give our best in all we do today! Live life to the fullest each and everyday. And LOVE with your whole heart!
    Tell the special people in your life how much you love them, and make time for them. Don’t put off til tomorrow what you can do today! Tomorrow will be to late!!

  63. Happy New Year! I love reading your books! Makes me want to strive to be a better person. Live more simple and not of this world! My goal for 2022

  64. I too would like to wish 2021 goodbye with all the sickness we have seen. I am a nurse and would like to see this thing end this year. So, I am trying to pray away the bad luck that we have had with this illness. I also would like to deepen my connection with God, and leave it in his hands. Whatever happens is the will of God.

  65. Happy New Year! I feel I am in the season of not knowing the next step right now, as I have now been retired a whole year and can’t say that I’ve felt any big prompting from God in any particular direction. I am doing more intercessory praying, so that’s always a good thing.

  66. Patience is a virtue that I have always struggled with. I pray about things but for some reason I tend to get frustrated because I always want an answer fast. But this is what I always ask God to help me with. And it is true when we rush things our way they don’t come out good. But when we do remain patient things come nicely. I related with Lenore so much in that story. Thank you for writing stories that relate to us. Blessings.

  67. I am always very touched by your wonderful writings whether it be your monthly news letter or one of your wonderful books. You always bring us positive things to thing about and scriptures ot study over you are always positive and encouraging in whatever you write. Thank you for all you do!
    May God continue to richly bless you as you continue the wonderful things you do for others
    I always enjoy your websites

  68. I have been having some problems with my job over the past few years. I have wanted to move on but it never worked out. It was hard having patience and waiting for God to show me the next step. He has however shown it to me. I just had to wait long enough and now I am retiring at the end of the school year. I am very excited about being able to do what I want. I know this was God’s timing not mine. It was hard waiting it out but He helped me to get through it.

  69. Your books bring peace to me. I love your witness to my heart and others. Thanks once again for sharing. God Bless you and your family ?

  70. Patience is my downfall. This year I am praying that I can turn my problems fully over to the Lord and let Him answer in His Time and in His way.

  71. Seeking God, reading scripture and praying will help us keep Christ at the forefront of my mind, and enable me to keep the chaos in our world today in perspective according to God’s Word, prophesy.

  72. Praying for all in 2022! Believing for good!

    I’m guilty of not waiting on God a few times. I hope to know Him better this year.

  73. Amish books are one of my favorite genres. I plan on reading my Bible through this next year. I usually do it every year but I got behind in 2021 when my husband was so sick and he passed away in August. I couldn’t hardly keep my mind on reading or hardly anything.

  74. I’m currently reading the prayer jars trilogy. I’m in the middle of the last book. I am encouraging my 13 year old granddaughter to read some if your books. She is going through a very rough time with depression and anger. My heart aches for my daughter. I pray everyday that the good Lord will intervene and heal this broken child. I woke with a feeling of hopefulness which I can only attribute to the help you give me to stay focused. I will add this trilogy to your other books I cherish and hope to pass down to my future generations. Love and blessings Pat

  75. I so enjoy your books. They are always encouraging and show that God does have a plan for our lives. We were looking forward to being grandparents last month as our son and his wife were adopting. At the last minute, the mother decided to parent the boy instead. It was a hard ending to last year, but we are hopeful that God will heal them from the disappointment and bring them an infant this year. God has a plan, and sometimes it is so hard to yield and let Him lead. Thank you for all your writings. I have never read one I didn’t enjoy. May God bless you in all you do this new year.

  76. Thank you for sharing your plans for 2022. I, too, have concerns for the future, but I sincerely believe that God is watching over us and He has plans for our lives. We just have to continue to pray, study the scriptures and look for ways to serve those around us, including strangers. I am looking forward to this new year and enjoying all of God’s blessings.

  77. I am told I am a very patient person, but I don’t always feel that way. Several years ago my children had grown and I didn’t know what way to go anymore, I felt lost. At the time my mother was still alive and she had always told me,” for every door closed the Lord will open another.” I was feeling pretty helpless and and I said to her, “I’m in the hallway and I don’t know what door to open.” She just kept telling me to be patient and it will open. My life did change a lot in the next year, and I was blessed with a lot of new endeavors. I now tell my children the same thing and to pray for Gods will to be done, and wait for good things to happen.
    Thank you for your inspirational stories, and I love the recipes you post with your newsletters. I have tried several and they turn out perfect.

  78. Yes, I have. I ended up praying about it and God worked a miracle andntook me out of the situation He didnt want me in.

  79. What a beautiful journal entry you wrote above here. If we are honest most everyone has tried to work things out for ourselves to get the outcome that we believe will be most beneficial to ourselves. Proverbs 3:5,6 tells us that we are to trust God and not lean on our own understanding. I like how you ask the question of your readers, Have you ever been in a situation where you didn’t know what to do? “What did you do about it?” Then you said you plan to spend more time in scripture, Praying and figuring out how to incorporate what you learn to your life. That is what everyone needs – an intimate relationship with the Lord where we ask Him to show us areas of our lives that are not completely yielded and then change our hearts. What I love about your books is that you work everyday situations into the novel and how no matter what circumstance you face there is a choice to make – a choice to please yourself or to please God. Thank you providing much wisdom through your writings.

  80. Thank you for your inspirational writings. I look forward to new books coming out. Can’t get enough of them & then share with friends. We do have to continue to trust God & His timing & His will for us.

  81. I believe the Lord has a promise for a future for me but I have to be patient while He works it out. It might not look like I want it but it will be far better than I could ever hope or imagine (and I’ve got a pretty wild imagination)

    On a side note, I’m trying to make a quilt. I’m almost finished embroidering all the blocks but I really don’t know how to (I could probably figure it out) piece it together. I don’t have the correct tools to embroider it once the backing is on and such. Would you know anyone who would be willing to complete the quilt; of course, I’d pay them..but I don’t even know what’s a good amount since I know the time put into it…someone who needs a little extra income maybe.

  82. My Mum is an avid reader and she loves your book. We have slowly been collecting all of them. This year I too am working on deepening my spiritual walk with God. There is so much I need to work on, but I’m slowly moving towards that. An in these times where the world is very conflicted and out of balance, I need to cling onto God and His Word even more.

    Thank you for your inspiring books and words.

  83. I have read almost all of your books and looking forward to reading the one about Sugarcreek since it is in my home state and I have been to that town many times. I love the quaint Amish shops and the restaurants. I own many of your books and have bought them as gifts for my daughter-in-law (who also has a passion for the Amish), my granddaughter, which I gave as part of a baby shower gift recently, and to my sister and friends for birthdays, Christmas and just become I love you gifts. Keep writing these wonderful books that I am saving to pass down to another granddaughter who asked for them.

  84. I love your books! I also can’t wait until you visit us in Mifflin county PA again! The Friendship bookstore is one of my favorite places to buy your books. Can’t wait to read more!
    Thank you for all the great books!
    May God bless!
    Amanda Atherton

  85. I read your books. I love them. It helps me to know that God is always with me in my heart. He is our savior

  86. I absolutely love the amish I wish I could spend a day with the woman and help them cook snd can. As well I go yo Lancaster Pa every year for two weeks I adire the amish as well I love your books and own every cookbook of yours as well different amish cookbooks.

  87. This year I have begun reading the Bible through in 1 year. So far I have kept up. I have noticed a big change in my attitude towards life since the beginning of January as I see how God was there helping people from the beginning of time and still is. People have been really disobedient from day to day but God is right there when we fall.
    However, if a work of restoration is to be achieved in our lives we must take the initiative to do what is right involving others and ourselves by looking to Jesus who is the author and finisher through our salvation.
    I love your books, Wanda and I enjoy the fact that the stories are so wholesome. They are the only books I can finish within 24 hours! The” Quilting Series was wonderful!” Over the years “The Kentucky Brothers” was the most favourite.
    Eating at the Amish homes is the most fun thing to do when I go to Pennsylvania because I can talk to the home owners and they are very receptive.
    I can’t wait get back over the border and into Pennsylvania once again where I feel very much at home with the Amish.
    Keep writing Wanda! Thank you for all your books over the years and may God continue to bless you in what you do.


  88. I love all your books. I am turning 72, retired from 35 teaching high school and then 9 years working with babies and their families. I am now packing to move to Iowa from Ohio I know God is in this move! Remember me in your prayers.

  89. I need this book! I have the others but haven’t read this one.
    I am from Iowa but caused in Missouri and we have a few Amish living here.
    I am currently attending college to get my Bachelor in Elementary Teaching and hoping for third to fifth grade.
    I picked up an Amish book one day and started reading it and became fascinated about their ways of life and struggles. It is so hard sometimes in our world I can’t imagine living their life.
    I have since started collecting your books and enjoy them even more. I even got my daughter to read them and she also like a them.

  90. One of the things I am working on is to have faith in God’s timing and trust that He will always take care of me. Does that mean that I won’t have worries or problems? Absolutely not! Part of our mortal experience is to grow in mind, body and spirit. I am studying Old Testament this year as part of my scripture study and am falling in love with the stories and writings there. Daily prayer and asking God “Whom do you want me to serve today” are increasing my spiritual values and awareness of how I can help anyone around me. Maybe it’s sharing homemade cookies with my mailman or maybe taking dinner to a friend or just sitting with a friend talking. I’m trying to serve each day and listen with a patient heart to the needs which are around me.

  91. I have every one of your books and love all of them. I live in Amish country. I live right outside of Lancaster Co. The Amish are very interesting people. I have a few of them as friends and I love their way of life. They are a warm and friendly group of people. Please keep writing about them. I learn something new each time I pick up one of your books. I wish you and your husband all the best for this new and crazy year. Keep writing.

  92. I’ve been praying so much more in this new year as well. I’ve also been reading my Bible more. I look forward to getting back into reading the beloved Amish books you write. Not sure which one to start with.

  93. I enjoy reading your books. I’ve read and own quite a few.

    I have 3 kids. My son is 10, oldest daughter 8 and youngest daughter is 6. My youngest, Emelie, is developmentally delayed and has Austim Spectrum Disorder. I love her to bits, obviously, but her condition and her delay presents an ongoing challenge daily. It’s hard to get her to understand things let alone following directions. Your books help me through a lot of struggles and challenges where I can focus back on God.

    I’ve been in many situations where I haven’t focused on God like I should have. I’m not the most patient person in the world and I’m very independent. It’s hard for me to ask for help even if I need the help. I try very hard to fix things myself because that’s just how I am. Every time I do that, God brings me back to him saying, “It’s not your timing; it’s mine. When you’re weak and heavily burdened, trust me, rely and depend on me and I will hold your hand through this or carry you through this. Know that I am God.” I believe and trust Him but it’s like I have one foot in the water and one foot on land in my relationship with God.

    With my youngest daughter, I cannot control her issues, struggles, or anything. All that I can do is guide her through everything, teach her as best as I can and love her through everything. She reminds me to fully rely on God. I need to do that a whole lot more.

    You should write a book about an Amish child with Autism. Document the challenges, the highs, the lows and how God is and has to be central in their life. I’d definitely love to read something like that. I’ve never met you but, through your books, I feel as if I already know you and to know you is to love you which I do.

    Your sister in Christ, Heidi

  94. I have been a reader all my life and still love to read. My favorite genres are mysteries, and clean romance which is why I read so many Amish books. I am just getting ready to start the Walnut Creek book and am glad to hear a second will be coming soon. I was raised in Northern Indiana(living in Illinois presently but have lived in Dayton and Medina, OH and St Louis, MO.) about a half an hour from an Amish area. We would see the Amish come to our town for major shopping and this is probably where my interest in the Amish started. I married and came to live in Medina, OH which was close to Walnut Creek, Berlin, Sugarcreek and we went there often!!! I sure hated leaving there when we moved to Dayton, OH. but we did go back several times and found community not far from Cincinnati, OH. LOVE reading your books. I believe I have read every series you have written!!!

  95. Good Evening, Wanda, good to hear from you. Love to read your books, I love to read about the Amish life that they live, If the rest of world would take the time to read the bible and quit fighting between each other and to treat other with respect the world would be a better place.
    Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year
    There is some Amish in Walker Valley, and they have a marker, love to good there
    Linda Myers

  96. I am a retired librarian and, finally, I can read to my heart’s content! Love your books and and plan to read all of them! So far I am 50% there. ❤️❤️❤️ I was thrilled to be chosen to receive an autographed book from You and Jean??. Plan to share with my Bible Study friends. Tell Jean I have included her books on my reading list too.

    Thank You for making me a better person,


    Troy, MO. 63379

  97. I am a retired librarian and, finally, I can read to my heart’s content! Love your books and and plan to read all of them! So far I am 50% there. ❤️❤️❤️ I was thrilled to be chosen to receive an autographed book from You and Jean??. Plan to share with my Bible Study friends. Tell Jean I have included her books on my reading list too.

    Thank You for making me a better person!

  98. When I read one of your books that mentioned Mrs. Yoder’s Kitchen in Mt. Hope, OH you had an instant fan! My husband and I have a little farm adjacent to Holmes County and we really enjoyed eating at Mrs. Yoder’s. I’ve lived 2400 miles away from our home since 2018 when I became the caregiver for my mom (96 with dementia). As hard as it is to be separated from my husband, our kids and grandchildren I pray I’m following God’s plan in looking after my mother. I look forward to eating at Mrs. Yoder’s again some day and tasting the delicious lake perch! Until then, your books are like snuggling into a comfy quilt that surrounds me with familiar names and places.

  99. 2022 started out better than 2021. In January of 2021 I lost my best friend.She died on January 9th the on January 10th my brother in law passed away neither had covid. I work three jobs and still continue to read in the evening. My favorite genre is Romance especially Amish. I have lived in the same area for most of my life only lived one other place and was glad to return to the area I grew up in.

  100. Hello I have always been interested in the Amish I started reading books about them about 15 years ago. I have read a few authors but always come back to your books, in yours’s its like I’m there in person . wishing you all the best your fan Leona Bradehoft

  101. I have read almost all of your books. There are a few I have missed but I am locating them and reading them. I am good friends with an Amish couple in Ohio and I love their traditions and their way of life. They have a wonderful cottage for people to stay in and it is like their life. Only gas lights, no air conditioners and heat with gas. It is absolutely wonderful. Thank you for the books your write that are true to the Amish life and keep you strong with God.

  102. I have been reading and enjoying your books for quite some time. Since my husband and I visit Ohio (Berlin, Sugarcreek, etc.) frequently, I can identify with areas, etc., that you mention. At this point in my life, I am retired, and so life changes. I was wondering if perhaps you would consider writing some books that as the MAIN THEME involving older Amish people at this stage in their life and their trials and tribulations–no longer young and being able to be as active, etc., etc. Just a thought.

    PS – My sister also reads all of your novels.

  103. There are times over the years that I didn’t pray first and just did what I wanted to. At other times I would pray, but got too impatient to wait on the answer from him on what to do. Lately I have been praying and asking him to show me a sign. If the sign doesn’t come in time, I just choose and I hope it’s the right one.