Wanda’s Journal

Staying Committed

A few days ago I finished a deadline for a novel I had been working on since early spring. It took commitment on my part to finish the book, because I had so several interruptions along the way. It would have been easy for me to become sidetracked or let other things stand in the way of completing the novel, but I knew I had to stay committed or it wouldn’t get done.

Sometimes it’s hard to stay committed to something because we become tired or sidetracked. But Galatians 6:9 says: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Our Amish friends are some of the most dedicated, committed people I know — attending church regularly, caring for others, and preserving their way of life. However, I’m sure that even they struggle with the issue of commitment at times.

The life of commitment, for anyone — Amish or English — means being steadfast. We’re committed to things we know are helpful to someone. We’re dedicated to things we know are important. If we are faithful and committed to God, then we’re more likely to be faithful to other things as well.

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The Heat of Summer

Special Note: Wanda is currently holding drawings for a free dinner with her and her husband. If you will be in the Lancaster County, PA area on Tuesday, September 13th, enter the “Dinner with Wanda in Lancaster County, PA” drawing here. If you will be in the Holmes County, OH area on Thursday, September 22nd, enter the “Dinner with Wanda in Holmes County, OH” drawing here. Winners will be notified August 27th.

Extremely hot weather has prevailed this summer in many parts of our country. As we have dealt with the heat where I live, I’ve looked for ways to stay cool. Wearing lighter, cotton clothes; closing curtains to keep the hot sun from streaming in; drinking plenty of cool water; enjoying a dish of cold, homemade ice cream; opening windows whenever there’s a cool breeze; sitting under the shade of a leafy tree; and of course, appreciating the benefit of air conditioning and fans.

Sometimes our lives are sometimes filled with unbearable situations — financial problems; illness; injuries; family issues; and the list goes on. In 2 Corinthians 4:8 it says: “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”

Here are a few things I’ve found helpful to cope with the heat of life’s problems: Reading and meditating on God’s Word; spending time in prayer; fellowshipping with my Christian brothers and sisters; listening to uplifting Christian music; reading a good Christian novel; taking a walk or just sitting quietly outdoors so I can reflect on all the good things God has provided for His people. What are some things you do to get through your unbearable situations?

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Family Ties

Since my husband and I travel a lot, we always try to plan our trips so that we don’t miss out on special family events, because our children and grandchildren are very important to us.

I’ve noticed that our Amish friends have a very special bond to their family members, too. I have seen a deep respect between parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins. I believe that as we follow God’s teachings, our first priority is to Him, and second, to love and serve our family.

How sad that some people treat strangers with more kindness and respect than their own families. The richest legacy we can leave our children and grandchildren is a Christian example. Is there something special you can do for a family member today? When was the last time you told someone in your family how much you love and appreciate them?

Heavenly Father: Thank You for my husband, children, and grandchildren, whom I love and appreciate so much. Help me remember to tell them often that I love them. Amen.

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