Wanda’s Journal

Family Ties

In my novel, The English Son, Joel Byler left his Amish roots to explore the English world and gain modern things. By leaving the faith in the way that he did, Joel hurt his family as well as his girlfriend.

There are many reasons a person may move away from their family, but when they do it in a hurtful manner, or only visit when they want something, it puts a strain on everyone. Bitterness and strife can take root as well.

Have you ever been hurt by a family member who either left home for selfish reasons or only came around when they needed something? How did you deal with the situation? How do you think God wants us to treat wayward family members?

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Amish for a Day

I’ve experienced the pleasure of knowing, even in some small way, what it feels like to be Amish whenever I spend time with our Amish friends. A few years ago my husband and I were invited to stay with some of our Amish friends for several days. While we were there, I enjoyed washing the dishes, hanging freshly washed clothes on the line to dry, and helping to cook a meal on a propane-operated stove. I gave up watching TV, curling my hair, working on the computer, and communicating via my cell phone with emails and text messages. Instead, I spent many hours visiting, singing, watching Amish children play, and becoming one with nature. That Sunday, my husband and I attended church with our Amish friends, and rode in their horse-pulled buggy. We may not have understood all the words being said during the three-hour service, but we felt a worshipful spirit as Amish voices were lifted to the rafters in praise to God.

Have you ever tried being Amish for a day, or even a few hours? If so, what did you do and how did it make you feel?

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Amish Life

My husband grew up in a Mennonite church in Pennsylvania. Getting to know my Mennonite relatives gave me a sense of yearning for the simpler life. When one of our Mennonite friends introduced us to an Amish man he worked with, my desire went deeper. When I discovered that my great-great grandparents were part of the Anabaptist faith, I realized why I had such a deep yearning to know the Plain People. It wasn’t long after that and we began making friends with many Amish families in several communities across the country.

Back in 1996, I decided to write Amish-themed novels so my readers would have a better understanding of the Amish people and their way of life. What have you learned about the Amish from reading my novels, devotionals, and cookbooks? Have you put any of the Amish ways into practice in your own life?

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