Wanda’s Journal

Offering of Prayers

In my novel, The Robin’s Greeting, many scriptures were included in the story that helped the characters deal with feelings they struggled with. God’s Word also helped the King family deal with several unpleasant things that had been done to them.

In addition to studying God’s Word, praying faithfully and fervently, helped Belinda and other members of her family get through several trials.

Reading passages from the Bible and offering prayers to God can also help us as we are faced with various situations and unexpected trials. Are there any special verses found in the Bible that have helped you recently? Do you have a special prayer request you would like to share? I, and I’m sure others who read this post, would like to pray for you.

“The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much.” James 5:16

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Amish Way of Life

My husband grew up in a Mennonite church in Pennsylvania, and getting to know my Mennonite relatives gave me a sense of yearning for the simpler life. Then, when one of our Mennonite friends introduced us to an Amish man he worked with, my desire went deeper. When I discovered that my great-great grandparents were part of the Anabaptist faith, I realized why I had such a deep yearning to know the Plain People. It wasn’t long after that we began making friends with many Amish families in several communities across the country. I decided to write Amish novels so that my readers would have a better understanding of the Amish people and their way of life.

Their simple lifestyle, and the fact that they put God first, and then family, is what makes the Amish people so special to me. I also appreciate their example of putting their emphasis on people and not things. When I’m with our Amish friends I see their family closeness, and my desire to be closer to my own family grows stronger. When I’m visiting our Amish friends I feel calm, relaxed, and closer to God.

What draws you to the Amish way of life?

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In my novel, A Cousin’s Challenge, which is Book 3 of my Indiana Cousins series, a lot of misunderstandings occurred in the story.

Misunderstandings are the biggest cause of dissension among family members and friends. If we are not careful, misunderstandings and differences of opinion can lead to quarreling, or even a permanent separation from a family member. Friendships can be dissolved due to false impressions or a misinterpretation of something that has happened.

What would you do if a friend or family member cut you out of their life and did not want to resolve the situation between the two of you?

What are some ways we can deal with misunderstandings that occur between us and our friends or family? How important is it for friends and family members to communicate well with each other?

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