Wanda’s Journal

Love and Romance

During the month of February, in which Valentine’s Day occurs, many people’s thought turn to love and romance. A few years ago one of my readers asked me why I include romance in my inspirational novels. This person said they thought that Amish people probably didn’t do romance. So just to be clear, before I answered this question, I spoke to one of our Amish friends and asked him if he thought Amish men were romantic. He laughed and said, “Of course we do romance. How else do you think we could get a woman to marry us?” I just smiled in response, and said, “Thank you, Sir.”

So in thinking about love and romance during the month of February, I’d like to ask you two questions: 1. Out of all my books that you may have read, which one did you feel was the most romantic and why?
2. Do you enjoy reading novels that include a bit of romance sprinkled into the storyline?

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  1. I can’t remember the books title but it was part of the Indiana series that you wrote years ago. Of course I can’t remember the characters names either. There was an Amish girl in a wheelchair hurt from a accident while a group of Amish teens were returning home ,on a bus or van, and there was an accident. The young woman thought she didn’t have a future because of her disability but a young Amish man loved her even with her disability. That to me was real love and it touched my heart.
    I really enjoy a bit of romance sprinkled in the stories if it is clean read and yours are always that. I think romance is a natural thing and I love to see happy endings where a couple marries and builds a life together.

    1. I love reading all your books. Most of them in Dutch where I can get them at the libery.
      Your story give me a feeling of recounaction because I have lived in similair situations as the caractaiours in your books.
      I get a feeling of ” coming home”, when reading your books. The romance between people ,the love they are longing for. The positieve feelings everyone needs. It’s uplifting and inspirinational.

    1. All of your books are wonderful & I have read them all. I love the sprinkle of romance in your books, love winning over all hurdles. One of my favorite series is Daughters of Lancaster County!

  2. I enjoy all your books but can’t remember individual titles. I think a touch of romance makes any book better!

  3. I do love some of the romance added into the story line. I love their courtship and the way they try to keep everything secret. They take their time to build their relationship. They may sense they have found their love but they still take their time to get to know them.

  4. I can’t just pick one book!!! I absolutely love all your books. But I love the bishop’s daughter series, and brides of Lancaster county, well I love them all. There is only a few of the newer series that I don’t own yet. Yet being the key word. Lol I love how you do the romance in them. It’s tasteful and classic. I believe all your books have some romance in them. Thanks for letting God use you to write.
    God bless you

  5. My library is full of most of your books. When I start to read, I have to finish the story. I love all Amish reads.
    Thank you and have a blessed day!?

  6. The Brides of Big Valley. I like the fact that they all found love in the end. The Amish want love just like everyone does. I love reading you novels with romance. It makes the characters seem real. It makes for a well balanced story.

  7. I would say the Amish Hawaiian Adventures offered a bit of sweet romance for the girls. I really enjoyed them. The characters are wonderful and I found myself drawn into the storylines and caring what happened to these families. Mandy and Ellen were wonderful. Yes, I like a little romance sprinkled into the stories. It brings a smile to my face when reading!

  8. I have loved the Bishop’s Daughter series but really I have loved each of your books that I have read. It’s like being asked to choose a favorite child. I like books with some romance in them but not as the main storyline.

  9. The Hawaiian quilt series had romantic moments in it/it showed love between the characters showing family love as well romantic between two people who were in love with each other

  10. I really liked the Hawaiian books, also! I love all your books though! I do enjoy the romance that is sprinkled into the stories.

  11. I enjoy reading all of the Amish books. I am currently reading the Forgiving Jar and just finished The Hope Jar. Love these books and love the recipes that you share in your books. Thank you and God bless

  12. I love ALL your books. You can’t write them fast enough for me. I especially like the Hawaiian series because I’ve always wanted to go there. You have a talent from God! Please continue as long as you can. God bless!

  13. It is hard to pick one special book as I love them all. Once in awhile I help out at an assisted living home and they have a lady there who reads to another as the one lady can’t see well. I have taken some of your books to them and they absolutely love them. They had never read Amish stories before.

  14. Yes love romance! I can’t say I have a favorite because I have read so many great books. Your books are the ones I don’t want to miss and I always keep an open eye, waiting for the next release!

  15. I love all of your books so it’s hard to narrow down just one. I really liked how the love was shared in The Half-Stitch Quilting Series. The love the couple has for one another and how they share and spread that love with others makes my heart melt. Not to mention of course the love for quilting that takes place ❤️.

    I thoroughly enjoy “watching “the love and romance come to life in your books and think it’s a must have!

  16. I really enjoy the books that include characters that have to overcome spiritual issues, such as doubt and unbe!ief. They meet someone who shows them God’s love. Then they grow to love God. In time, they develop romantic love for this person. I love all of your books.

  17. All of your books are my favorites I read over and over as they are such good stories. I enjoy reading Amish books because they have romance in them but the romance is true to lifa.

  18. I enjoy all your books. Ben reading your books for a long time and always waiting for next release. I also enjoy cookbooks so would like to have another. We have visited Amish area in PA a number of times and always enjoy going. It is two day drive for us to go there but still enjoy. God bless you as you continue to write good stories for us to enjoy.

  19. I have read all your books & love them. I can’t wait till the next one comes out after I have finish the one I just read. Keep up the good work in your writing. I don know how you can keep coming up with so many ideas but so very glad you do. Thank you.

  20. I love all the books that have romance involved. I’m currently reading The Struggle. I love the story behind Ester and Samuel.

  21. I agree with several of the comments above….I’ve just discovered your books in the past few months but I’ve enjoyed each of them including the love and romance included in each story.

  22. I love for romance to be part of a good book. You always do a good job of having romance be a portion of your stories. You have several romantic books, but the one standing out in my mind right now is A Cousin’s Promise.

  23. Oh yes that is why I love reading your books, the romance! I enjoy quilting so The Half Stitched Amish Quilting Club would be on top, if I have to pick one (or 3).

  24. I enjoyed The Hawaiian Adventures for romance the best. I truly enjoy each and every book that you write.

  25. I enjoyed reading the books about Hawaii. I have been to Hawaii twice . Went in 1986 for our 25th
    anniversary. A friend and I went in 1998 to a meeting and would love to go back, but being 82
    I have too many problems to be on a plane that long. Keep up the good writing. I have read lots of your books and enjoy them all,

  26. My favorite right now is “Amish Front Porch Stories,” probably only because it’s the most recent one I read. It has romance sprinkled into all 18 tales written by Wanda, Jean and Richelle Brunstetter. I love reading all your books. Another favorite is the ones written about Hawaii. I love the beauty described about all the flowers. I grow many different flowers in our yard. Yes, I like the romance in the stories as it definitely adds to the story line. Also, like the romance because it is wholesome and has no smut in it. Which is the way I believe it should be.

  27. I really enjoyed reading The Hawaiian Quilt. Besides sweet romance (which I love) and all works out in the end, I learned a lot about the quilt. Thanks

  28. I certainly can’t pick a favorite! I love them all! I definitely want a little romance mixed in with a good storyline. Keep on writing; I will keep buying and reading!

  29. I enjoy reading all your books. I loved the Quilting Series. Yes, I like romance in the story line. Keep writing and I will keep reading.

  30. I love all of your books, and I’ve read them all so far. I’m anxious for your new ones to become available. I like romance in the story line. Once I start reading one of your books, I just cannot put it down. Thanks for writing these books.

  31. What a blessing you are to me as well as others, God gives you the ideas and words to print inspiring stories again and again. Thank you so much, for sharing your gift.

  32. I’m not sure if it’s your most romantic book but “Dear to me” is one of my favorite books you have wrote, and it has a great touch of sweet wholesome romance added. I love books with a touch of clean romance. My mind can fill in the blanks of what else occurred without it being laid out for me to read. I love knowing that the Amish are romantic because it shows they are just as human as you and I and not living the hard life like some people paint them out to be. Years ago a friend of mine lives in Ohio beside a newly married Amish couple that took me on a buggy ride. I sat in the back seat and remember the sweet glances they would send each other during this ride and the love you could see beaming from them. They allowed me to take a pic of the backs of their head, looking out at the backs of the horses, into a beautiful farmland area. To this day it’s still my favorite picture ever.

  33. I love the Amish books. They all have romance in them. I like the way that it is subtle. I like the romance is understated. My favorite ones are the Brides of Lancaster County. I also love the Quilting ones. I would like to add a Happy Anniversary to you and your husband on Feb 8th. That is a special day for me too as it is my birthday.


  35. Wanda, you are truly a Godsend to me. My dear sister passed away unexpectedly in 2017 due to complications from diabetes. She was an avid fan of yours and loved your Amish romance books. I love to cook and have an aunt who has Amish relatives. Being from Indiana, we are proud of our Amish community. I recently stumbled across my sister’s book collection of your books and was reminded of how much I miss her. I would love to win a signed copy of your Amish Cooking Class Cookbook to add to my cooking collection. Thank you so much for bringing back precious memories of my dear sister.

  36. Wanda I just want to say Thank You. I Love reading your books so much. They are a wonderful part of my life. Also Thank you for these journal entries and newsletters. Its a joy to read them too. Much Love and Hugs feom a Pennsylvania fan.

  37. I think I have read all of your books…just finished reading the Christmas Prayer about 3 family groups going west in a covered wagon. Its a older book but somehow missed it when it came out. I like how you develop your characters…makes me feel like I really know them. Keep up the good writing.

  38. I love all your books – but if I have to choose The Brides of Lancaster County was a favorite.

    See you in March in Sarasota

  39. I have loved all your books but I think I would have to say the Hawaiian series is very romantic. Keep up the good work.

  40. I have read many of your books over the years and I do enjoy having some romance thrown into them. I think adding the romance in gives the stories another angle and shows the emotional side(s) of the character(s) in the books. Your series books from The Prayer Jars, The Kentucky Brothers, and The Amish Cooking Class are just some of my favorites to read.

  41. I have to say what ever book I’m currently reading is my favorite romance! I love how it’s all so pure. The way God intends it to be!!! And YES, I love a good romance in the books I read. I think it would be boring if not! I like how maybe at first “the” couple can’t stand each other! lol I chuckle cause I KNOW they will end up together. lol

  42. I believe in romance. Whether it is during the
    courtship phase of a relationship, or during marriage!
    Both partners can be romantic in many ways…
    It is fun to surprise one another with even the simplest
    romantic act.
    Thanks, Cindi

  43. I really can’t pick just one favorite. I’ve been reading your books for years so have lots of your books in my library. I enjoy sharing them with family and friends. Yes I do enjoy the romance in them. Looking forward to your new series. God bless and have a great year writing!

  44. I love the Half-Stitched Quilting Club books. There was love in each book, but as I read more about Emma’s romance…what could be sweeter. The Prayer Jars also come to mind.

    I do enjoy romance in the books, and sprinkled is a good word to use. I don’t want the romance to take over the story, but it certainly adds to the story.

    I’m not sure where people get the idea that Amish don’t do romance. They are real people like the rest of us, with feelings and dreams. Thank you for setting the record straight.

  45. Since I love reading all your books, it would be very hard for me to pick one specific book and the romance story in it. I enjoy reading books with romance in the storylines, and how a couple goes from courtship to marriage. I especially loved learning about Amish weddings. Blessings

  46. I’ve read so many good ones, it’s hard to choose. I like Lyn Kurland romance, because people travel through time to be with the one they truly love!
    Yes I like romance in any story line!

  47. I love your books and can’t think of which one I would consider most romantic. However, I do enjoy that you include romance in your books and like learning the Amish customs about courting and marriage.

  48. I adore love stories and those where there is a misunderstanding and it is solved. My love story was a fairy tale come true. I left an abusive relationship and moved to another state while there I met my current husband who grew up in the same area I did. I am just saying a very short version but we have not been together married 20 years and I was never going to marry again. We do things constantly to let each other know about our love…refilling a coffee cup, turning on the electric blanket before the other comes to bed, talking each day for an hour or so just to stay connected…these are just a few things that keep us together….simple things but also knowing we are each others rock…..

  49. I like romance sprinkled in and a really strong friendship. I am just getting into reading this genre so no favorite yet, like them all.

  50. I enjoyed the video about “The Crow’s Call”. I’ve loved you’re writing for many years! Can’t wait for the new series.

  51. I felt that the Half Stitched Amish Quilting Club was the most romantic, probably because I am getting to be about the same age as the teachers in the book! I loved the way they took care of each other and cared so much for each other and the people in the class. I do enjoy it when romance is sprinkled in the story line of a book. It makes me feel more of a connection to the characters in the book.

  52. I am new to your novels. My first one was The Tattered Quilt. I love romance and like stories that include it in them. You have a new fan.

  53. Have read so many of your books over the last 10 years. Enjoyed them all! Reading Front Porch Stories now.So good!

  54. I think with each new series you right I find a new favorite. I have enjoyed all your books and will be anticipating all the new ones to be release. Like with chocolate I haven’t found one of your books I haven’t enjoyed.

  55. The Amish Hawaiian Quilt and The Hawaiian Amish Adventure.. I love romance in your books.. Seems like I am right in the story living in it.. I love all your books I have about maybe 25-35 of your books.. I love reading anything wrote by you..

  56. I enjoy reading your books. I love that they include romance. I have several of your books and have shared some of them with others.

  57. I do like romance in books if it fits well in the plot. I do like how you keep it clean and it being about knowing a person and doing the things that make them feel loved and noticed and understood – even when they don’t (or especially when they don’t) “deserve” it. I especially like romance in conversation and kind thoughtful acts. I appreciate your commitment to making your books as realistic as possible (i.e. trying to answer the reader’s question by asking someone who would know :). Happy Anniversary this month!

  58. I don’t think I could pick just one book, as I enjoy all your books and so many include the wonderful element of love and kindness. I do enjoy romance in books because it’s so nice to read about others doing kind and caring things for the one their heart longs for. February is a good month for my husband and I because we got engaged in February. Happy Anniversary to you and Richard!

  59. Happy Anniversary To You and Richard ! I can’t pick just One of your books as a Favorite Because I love all Your books ! Would love to win one of The cookbooks! Thank you for this amazing giveaway!

  60. I can’t pick just one because all of your books have a romantic aspect to them and I have love each one of them. I do like the romance part in the books.

  61. I think there is just the right amount of romance in all of your books, especially the quilt books where the folks are taught to quilt (titles escape me). I like novels with some romance but just enough to make the reader use their imagination.

  62. The first book of the Amish Cooking class between Eli and Loretta. I liked how their relationship developed as they followed the direction, guided by God’s hand. Loretta returning to her Amish roots, along with her children, was a blessing on my heart to read.

  63. I adored The Half Stitched Amish Quilting Club. It was the first book of yours that I read. Lamar Miller gently and steadfastly courted Emma Yoder working thru all her misgivings. That is love! He devoted himself to her! It warmed my heart to see a mature woman be the sunshine in someones life.

    I do enjoy romance being sprinkled thru a story. It’s real and honest 🙂

  64. Yes, I enjoy clean romance! I enjoyed the Amish Hawaiian Adventures:Two Amish Romances Blossom on the Island of Kauai

  65. Most people want to be loved and that element is found in your writing. Although I do have have a specific book to name, it is interesting that some of your titles have the word “Love”. Love Finds a Home, Love Finds a Way, Twice Loved

  66. I love your books!! I have read so many of them but I just recently have been reading the book with your granddaughter and daughter you have written. I love it!! I look forward to reading many more. ?

  67. I love each one of your books. And there is always something so unique about each one…Looking forward to seeing you in March at Der Dutchman in Sarasota, Fl.

  68. My father was from PA Dutch country, so I love reading any and all Amish stories! It does give me some insight into how my father was raised. Wanda, you’ve written so many books, it is very hard to single one out! You are a fabulous writer, and I do enjoy reading your books; especially those with a touch of romance. All your books are ‘clean,’ so I do not have to worry about unclean language or plots. Please keep on writing!

  69. Its hard to say which book I liked best of yours, I enjoyed the Prayer Jars. The Amish are such fascinating people. The most have a lot of romance. They usually have pretty good size family. By the way my Wedding Anniversary is February 8 also. Keep on writing.

  70. I have to say my favorite was The Bishops Daughter as that was the first book I read by you. It left me wanting more of your realistic Amish community stories and so each book you have I must read. I am not a big fan of romance! Only in your books. I love to read about the youth singing and the courting. Thank you for keeping it clean. Too much isn’t in most books today.

  71. I liked the little romance in Woman of Courage. It showed the strength of women but also the softer side wanting a little romance. Please continue the romantic side of your novels. They just wouldn’t be as interesting without it.

  72. I do enjoy romance in your books. And I, like alot of others can’t remember the titles of my favorites. I do know I’ve loved them all.

  73. I have enjoyed reading all your books. It would be hard to pick any favorite ones. Loved all of them. Looking forward to reading more of your books.

  74. I love all of your books. I loved Amish Hawaiian Adventures. I loved the way she was being pursued by the native guy. Yes I love stories with good clean romance.

  75. I love all of your books. I just finished the Hawaiian Adventures and 1and 2 of the Prayer jar series. I love good clean romance

  76. I can’t think of a title of a book, but I have read many, many of your books and love that you have love in your books, whether it be a married couple and the love they share by helping each other and the gentle touches you put in there or if they are courting and get a flower from the field or a candy or they go out for ice cream. Keep the books coming though please 🙂

  77. Pick one? Haha! That’s funny. It might be easier to pick one without romance. I love them all so much. I think the Bishops daughter or the Hawaii series both have a lot of to.dance. I just pre ordered the new one Crows Call yesterday. I’m excited to read it. I’m reading about it at every chance. I’m thinking there’s a bit of romance in this one also. Thank you so much for sharing your writing talents with us. ❤

  78. Each of your stories has a bit of romance, be it spiritual or human. The men in the stories demonstrate their romantic sides when they are seriously courting a young lady. Your characters are rich and honestly care for each other and that care and love extends to their love of God. I, too, am a romantic. Last year for Valentine’s Day, my husband was in the hospital fighting leukemia. I couldn’t bring him anything to celebrate the day because of all the precautions due to his treatment regime. He had been complaining about the toilet paper in his room and so for Valentin’s Day last year I carefully wrapped in bright red wrapping and with much fanfare, gave him 2 roles of toilet paper from home. We both laughed and he was touched. Unfortunately, he passed last April, but that last Valentine’s Day will always be romantic in its’own way.

  79. I can’t just pick one book that I liked most, as they all are perfect in their own right. You have a pure way of putting the romance into the book. So much different than the English romance books. You let us know how the Amish shows respect for the girls they pick to wed. You show your readers actually how a lady should be treated and loved.. And the young men pick that perfect girl to wed for the rest of their lives..And they do..I use to read the (English)love stories, but I don’t read them anymore, since I found your books and other Amish authors..There is just the right amount of romance in each book plus their lives adventures..Thanks Wanda for the good reads..

  80. I love all your books, and it is not fair for me to choose just one. I love the genteel romance in the stories, and feel my heart go up and down with each turn of the plot, hoping the best for each character. I also love the stories where adversity helps the character come closer to God and walk in His Word.

  81. After reading your post, I scrolled through all your books to refresh my memory of them and there is no way that I could pick one book or series! They are all so good in their own ways.
    I really liked the Bishops Daughter series .
    I love the courtships that take place and the planning for the wedding!
    thank you for all the good books that you write!

  82. I’m not sure of the title but your books bring such life to them! I feel as if I am a part of the family myself! Thank you for books we can rely on to have such good content & wonderful meaning!

  83. All of your books bring sunshine to those who read them. Amish stories are never offensive but always enjoyable.

  84. Wanda your Amish books are relaxers. I sit back and enjoy every word of the story. Thank You for these lovely books.

  85. The Amish books of yours are sweet,clean fun to read. I always enjoy them and never tire of them or disappointed in the story.

  86. I really love you books..I love reading about the Amish. I love your books and my favorite one which is hard to pick would be Amish Hawaiian Adventures. I also love the recipes that you put on your email. And I love reading books with a bit of romance in them. Romance novels are my favorite too. Thank you for giving us such wonderful reading.

  87. I enjoy your books. I can not choose a favorite because it is always whatever I am currently reading. I like a bit of romance in the books

  88. I enjoy all your books. I liked The Healing Quilt and the amish couple that touches people’s lives. I like added romance in the books along with some mystery and adventure.

  89. I love all of your books I don’t think I could make just one my favorite. I think almost all have that little bit of romance to them. I do like having the romance added it makes the stories that much better

  90. I just started reading your books. I don’t typically get the chance to read but I couldn’t put down the Sisters of Holmes books. I read all 3 and loved all of them. My family loved seeing me take the time to read. I have always been very inspired by the Amish ways and wish the world was more like them. I like the romance in the stories.

  91. Ive enjoyed all of your books! Ive visited the PA amish area many times. And recognize some of the places you mention… Their way of life is so interesting and how the hard work they do results in beauty.
    Can’t recall many of the titles of your books but always the romantic stories appeal to me.
    God has given you a true talent. Thanks for sharing it through words that inspire us and for pure clean enjoyment.
    Gods blessings on you and your family.

  92. I have read all your books and it would be hard to pick just one, but I so enjoyed the jar series because someone showed love throughout the books by the Scriptures and sayings they placed in a jar and how it helped those who found the jars. I also loved the Half-Stitched Quilt series and how Lamar didn’t give up on trying to win Emma’s heart. He kept going back even after she was even a little rude to him. He kept doing nice things for her and he finally won her heart. But also in this series I think Lamar and Emma showed love by how they lived their lives and how they helped each set of students who took their classes. I have to admit there was some twists in them that I didn’t see coming, but only made the story line that much better. I so enjoy reading about the Amish and their way of life. I sometimes wish we could all have a simpler life style as they do and not so much rush, rush, rush. I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next, your faithful readers.

  93. Who doesn’t enjoy a bit of romance in a book? Of course one must always be careful to realize it is a story and we must see the romance that is all around us in real life. Romance is a husband that brings you tea because your sick, get a cookie and always brings you one too, puts his dirty clothes in the hamper, tells you he loves you every day. These are the romances of everyday life and when you receive them let your heart soar knowing you are special.

  94. The romance in your books is always clean along with good language which I appreciate. It always feels realistic to me, just like life is. We know some Amish folks and they are normally very kind and I have seen “romance” in married couples in different ways.

  95. I love all your books – a favorite would be hard for me. I follow you on your website so I can keep up to date on what you are focusing on. Once I start a book, I have trouble putting it down.
    Your books have meaning and you write about today with the Amish flair, They have a spiritual meaning, love, humor – and most important they are peaceful books to read and give me a chance to “regroup” to survive in this world today. Your writing talent is very much appreciates by some many people. Thank you for sharing with all of us.

  96. I have loved everything I have read from you! Currently I am reading the Cousins Trilogy. I love the romance between Loraine and Wayne the best I think. I love how she loved him through everything!! ❤️❤️❤️

  97. I absolutely love the romance in all your books!! I read it more for the Godly romance than the whole Amish thing. It’s pure, it’s honest, and it’s wholesome! If I had to chose just one book though…it’s Naomi and Caleb’s story in The Storekeeper’s Daughter. What a heart melter! That book is just one example of suspense, adventure, romance, and real life! Keep up the great books!

  98. I have enjoyed every book you have written – and especially so because they are Christian books with a Christian theme – and because they all have a romantic “flare.” That adds so much to a story – like Naomie and Caleb’s relationship in the “The Storekeeper’s Daughter.” Thank you for writing these books – I am blessed!

  99. The Amish Cooking Class series’ THE CELEBRATION is my favorite Amish fiction romance.
    Heidi and Lyle Troyer’s love for one another is always apparent. Heidi was worried about the
    success of her new children’s cooking class. Lyle reminds Heidi how successful her previous
    classes were and restores Heidi’s confidence. Lyle and Heidi always kindly support and uplift each other in their daily routines. Other characters fall in love or remember why they fell in love.
    Trent realizes how much he misses his family and becomes more thoughtful. Trent surprises Miranda by planting rose bushes in their front yard. The couple has issues to work through, but do reconcile.
    Greg realizes before it is too late, how fortunate he is to have a good wife like Denise.
    A fire disaster forces Vilma and Hank to appreciate each other.
    Romance blossoms for parents of students in Heidi’s children’s cooking class.
    Heidi’s cooking class brings good recipes for a contented life.

  100. THE CELEBRATION is my favorite Amish fiction romance.
    Heidi and Lyle are always considerate and kind to each other.
    Heidi is worried about her new Children’s Cooking Class.
    Lyle reminds Heidi how successful her previous two series
    of Cooking Classes were.
    A marriage is reconciled.
    A couple realize how fortunate they are to have each other.
    A disaster draws a couple closer together.
    Love blooms for two single parents.
    Quite a few love stories in one book, perfect heart-warming
    story for cold dark winter nights..

  101. I always look forward to your books. They help me to be a better person. During this pandemic I tried my hand at writing. It helps to put our feelings on paper.