Wanda’s Journal


What would happen if you found out someone has been impersonating you?

In my novel, The Forgiving Jar, which releases next month, Sara Murray had never met her mother’s parents and was surprised to learn after Mama’s death that her grandparents were living in Pennsylvania. When she is finally able to make the trip to meet them, and discovers they are Amish, Sara is shocked to learn someone else has been living with them and pretending to be her. Sara can’t understand how quickly her grandparents are willing to forgive the imposter.

Secrets and deceit seem to follow Sara, and she is so tired of it. Though soon, she meets Brad Fuller who is visiting her grandparents during Christmas. She likes him a lot, but when she is not totally honest with him, he pulls away from her.

Struggling, Sara finds an old canning jar hidden in the basement of her grandparents’ home that is full of encouraging prayers. Can Sara find a way to forgive the past and move on to building new relationships?

Has someone you know refused to forgive you for something you may have said or done to hurt them? Or is there someone who has hurt you in the past that you need to forgive? What better way to begin the New Year than to start it with a forgiving heart?

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  1. Forgiveness is powerful, but not necessarily easy! With God’s help, we can begin to forgive step by step, day by day. I have learned, and am still learning, that forgiveness is a process that gets easier with God and time. When we forgive orhers, then God will FREELY forgive us. Forgiveness allows us to MOVE FORWARD, unfirgiveness keeps us stuck in the awful revolving door of prepetual hurt that turns into bitterness, anger, and stagnicity. I CHOOSE forgiveness and the FREEDOM that come with it. Forgiveness is a gift for YOU, the opportunity to receive and move in the BLESSINGS that Almighty God has for just for you! Noone, no person, or no circumstance is worth losing yourself in or keeping you from Heaven! #FORGIVE#

  2. Forgiveness is not always easy forgiveness is a gift that help the one person doing the forgiving or the person being forgiven God asks us to forgive because He has forgiven us He does this out of love and so we must love those around us and treat them the way we would want to be treated as the new year comes we should start out with a forgiving heart and be kind to one another
    #be kind# #forgive#

  3. When I have forgiven people I have felt so much better and peaceful. Total forgiveness can be so rewarding to yourself along with the other person.

  4. I need to remember to forgive quickly and not hang on to grudges and negative feelings when I feel wronged or slighted. He has forgiven me much, so I can forgive others.

  5. I have hurt many through the years. And I have always prayed and ask God to forgive me and show me the hurts I may have caused so that I can ask that persons forgiveness also. You can’t say I am sorry if you don’t know anything about what you may have said or done in ignorance. So praying and asking God to show you is one way for sure to know you have said or done something wrong. And the best thing is always asking God to forgive you for the things you say, do or think that is wrong.

  6. God’s word says that we must forgive if we want him to forgive us. When i remember what he has forgiven me for there is no reason not to forgive others.

  7. With God’s help I have been able to forgive someone. I choose to forgive and have to remember that God forgives us!

  8. Wishing you and your family a very Healthy and Happy New Year. Looking forward to another year full of reading your wonderful books which so far I have read all of them but the last one. Will get it to have to read when my 93 year old father has his cataract surgery on the 10th of Jan. Forgiveness is hard some times but with prayer and God’s help it is easier to do than on your own.

  9. Forgiveness is not always easy forgiveness is a gift we should always be ready to forgive each other we forgive each other out of love and we should love each other and be kind to each other we are all still learning about forgiveness and forgiving each other God forgives us He does this in love because He loves us He is willing to forgive us we should be willing to do the same

  10. Happy New year i hope your year will be a good one full of blessings and good wishes for you and your family wishing you and yours a happy new year

  11. Someone once said something very hurtful to me and it sent me in a tailspin for almost 10 years. It wasn’t until I asked the Lord back into my life and forgave her did I get my life back. I learned that the saying sticks and stones is not true as words can hurt and break you but forgiveness can heal you.

  12. I have troubled relationships aplenty in my life. I feel I have forgiven them, but decline to open full communication with these people. I feel open to allowing the Lord to lead me this year if He desires me to do more.

  13. I’ve never experienced lack of forgiveness personally. Thankfully! Forgiveness is such an important thing. Thankfully Jesus helps us accomplish it!

  14. I personally have to forgive. I have had close members of my family betray me in some of the worst ways. I forgive them all. My friends don’t understand how I could be so forgiving. Grudges are not something I am willing to carry around. I have God to help me thru all of this. My hardest thing is giving it to the Lord. I am learning I don’t have control over anything but my personal space.

  15. Forgiveness is not always easy especially when it hasn’t been asked for. However, by not forgiving we open the door for bitterness to take root. Forgiveness is often a choice and with God’s help we can forgive and then God can begin to heal our hearts.

  16. I have had trouble forgiveness. I really had to pray for God’s help. And he has directed her heart and work with his guidance.

  17. My husband & I were hurt 10 years ago by leaders in our church (mynus and was pastor). He had made a simple remark but didn’t mean it on malice. One person took it wrong! But my husband did ask forgiveness and apologized anyway a few weeks later. The leaders said “it was too late to ask for forgiveness”. I questioned them as to when is it ever to late with Christ? We would never be saved if that were the case! Long story short, my husband and I went into deep depression due to continuing harassment, which caused my husband to resign the church and we eventually left our home of 35+ years.
    It has taken me personally a long time to forgive fully as this changed our entire life and emotional state. We had to move but I can now see it was God’s hand moving us. I still have anxiety problems whenever I encounter these people, but I have to forgive them. I don’t have to like what they did, but I have to forgive to continue to to do my best for the Lord. One of these people was my very best friend, so that has been very painful. We do send mail or comment online on occasion, but the friendship will never be the same! Forgiveness lets us go forward, but the pain of the hurt still remains although it losses over time.

    1. Dear Linda: Have you read my novel, The Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club? There might be something in the book that would speak to your heart, as one of the characters is dealing with something similar to what you and your husband have gone through.

  18. I have forgiven many people that have hurt me. I may not have done it to their face but I asked god for forgiveness. These people do not talk to me so I can’t forgive face to face. I still love every one of them! Jesus says forgive and love everyone so I do!

  19. I have two family members that don’t talk to me at all. I have cried and don’t understand. My sister passed on almost two years ago I have prayed and told godoI’m sorry for what ever I said or did and please forgive me I also prayed to God that I forgive them for any wrong doing on there part. They still don’t talk to me I feel that.i need to move on.

  20. Forgiveness is a hard thing to do sometimes. I have to do it to have a healthier heart it causes more problems for you when you don’t forgive.
    Tighefan42atgmail dotcom

  21. It’s even harder to forgive someone when they are saying untrue things about you. And to tell that person I FORGIVE you when they think they have not done anything to be forgiven for. And harder when it’s family. But I have. We HAVE to. Just think about all that God has forgiven us.

  22. It is very hard to forgive someone that has hurt you over and over again..But through my own experience I have found, you have to forgive if you want complete peace with yourself. I just wish everyone could be forgiving, as it would make for a better world we live in.

  23. Forgive those who trespass against us. I am learning to forgive and still need God’s help with so many things in my life. This past year has taught me many things and I will learn more in 2019. I am feeling less stress than I was a year ago and feel better health wise. Thank you for bringing your wonderful books to your readers. I love reading them all and can’t wait for The Forgiving Jar next month. Many blessings to you, your family, friends and readers in 2019.

  24. Happy New Year! What an interesting subject
    for your book. I am trying to put myself in her
    position… It would only in the end, hurt Sara, not
    to forgive her impersonator! Sometimes, I have
    forgiven, but find it difficult to forget.
    Thank you, Cindi

  25. Sadly, I have struggled with forgiveness in the past but have recently felt a sense of release and great weight released from my heart. Maybe it’s the new year, maybe it’s the messages at church, maybe it’s God. I know it’s all of the above. Though truly have to find forgiveness in your heart, have peace and pray. It may take time, you will feel it happen and will feel so much better.

  26. I love reading your books. I read the bible every day. My goal each year is to read the bible from Genesis through Revelation . I start reading 3 chapters each day from Monday to Friday. Then on Sunday I read 5 chapters. That gives me all 929 chapters from the old testament and 260 chapters of the new testaments. Your books helps me to forgive others. I know no one is perfect in Gods standards.

  27. Forgiveness isn’t always easy but we can forgive someone who has hurt us if we ask God to Help us. We also need to be willing to talk with the person about what they have done because the person might not realize that they did something to hurt you.

  28. I have learned to forgive My dead dad for all the hurt He caused Me. On His death bed I told Him I forgave Him and He didn’t say in alot of words an apology. I am now choosing to remember the good times not the bad. I know God is helping Me everyday to forgive Everyone!

  29. Forgiveness is one that seems the hardest to do, especially if it is yourself. Reading the Lord’s work is where I start, but it is a difficult road.

  30. Forgiveness is not always easy especially when it is not asked for. However, if we don’t forgive we open the door to bitterness. We need to ask God for His help to forgive and then He can begin to heal our hearts.

  31. After almost a year of dealing with wicked evil neighbors, and losing almost everything I own including my mortgage free home,, my privacy, and my safety, I have struggled with forgiveness. I know it is my choice and decision to obey and forgive them, esp. one person. But it is not easy.
    I think on Jesus, and what was done to Him.. I remember what I have been taught about Him.
    I still need to let go, I have not achieved yet, but am working toward that freedom.

  32. Forgiveness is a hard subject. Most people know they should forgive and many even want to, but the process sometimes feels to hard to actually forgive. I have been guilty of this and am trying to work on it!

  33. A forgiving heart. It’s hard to forgive someone that really hurt me but I’ve been working real hard to do it..

  34. Forgiveness may be the easiest part, forgetting is another
    Story, only through God can we do both, Not in our powe but in His

    Can’t wait foe this second book, so loved the first one

    GOD bless you in this New Year

  35. I am a firm believer that you must forgive. You need to keep your hands from holding on to grudges so that your hands are free to hold on to blessings. Have a very blessed new year. I always look forward to your new books. They are full of wisdom and inspiration. May God bless you.

  36. Forgiveness is difficult but necessary for my own spiritual growth. I have learned that through the years.. The greater the pain it has caused me though , the harder it is to do. Many has been the time that I have had to ask God for strength to do this.

  37. It is hard to forgive someone who is unwilling to even admit that they did wrong, but it is definitely necessary! It brings a peace of mind to you!! Afterwards, pray that their heart is changed, so that they may experience God’s peace of mind as well!!

  38. Forgiveness is a hard thing to do but I’ve found out (the hard way) that it has to be done to have a peaceful life.

  39. This book was wonderful! Your books are like family/friends. Its hard to forgive sometimes….
    like a cheating spouse, or discovering a sister
    messing with a spouse. You must forgive, cause
    It only hurts your body/soul, and they dont always care.

  40. Happy New Year to you and your family! Many blessings from the Lord in 2019! Forgiveness is an essential part to living a happy and a healthy life. Personally and from observation, I find that forgiveness is not possible without the Lord being our strength and wisdom as many times our solo attempts are usually fruitless and only superficial.

  41. Not sure how well I would handle someone impersonating me. Especially in today’s day and age of identity theft. If it was done not to destroy someones reputation, persona or credit then it might be easier. Still a struggle though.

  42. I did have someone who lied about me. I had a hard time forgiving her. I finally decided it was not worth my while for her to have control over my life. I forgave her and we are good friends now. It is very hard to forgive someone who has hurt you.

  43. I will post this again since I cannot see it.
    I had someone who lied about me. I had a very hard time forgiving her. It consumed my life. I finally decided it was not worth my while to let it take over my life. I forgave her and we are now friends.
    It is very hard to forgive someone who has hurt you.

  44. I don’t know what I’d do. But I know what the Amish will do in the next book. I can’t wait to read it. Great fictional role models.

  45. I have lived my whole life with depression and not being able to tell which people in my life I should trust. I love most of my family but, I have hated some more then the ones I love. I was physically, emotionally abused, and more by some of them. I dwelt on the abuse for years and did not know how to move on. I thought I had forgiven them years ago, but sometimes I find myself still mad about what they did to me. I have been consumed practically my whole life with guilt, fear, and many more issues, but I can now talk to one of the offenders and not feel bad when I do. We actually talk now too. All of this was by the will of God and his answered prayers.

    It took me years to get to this point in my life and forgiving this person was one of the hardest things I’ve had to do in my life.

  46. Forgiveness, can be very difficult at times but also very rewarding. When we ask God to help us forgive someone then we are free to ask him to forgive us of the hard feelings we harbored towards the other individual. Forgiveness can be a daily process at times that we have to be aware of. There are also those that are easier to forgive than others. I chose to forgive those that I feel have done me wrong so that I can ask for forgiveness from God and know that he will forgive me.

  47. I loved your journal entry on forgiveness. It is hard for other people to accept how you can forgive people that have hurt you but I know it is the right thing to do. My daughter has a hard time understanding how I do it and I keep telling her that is what God wants us to do and it makes me feel better. I pray she will learn how to do the same thing.

  48. I find it hard to forgive, especially when someone I love has been hurt by them. It is easier to forgive someone that hurt me. With God, all things are possible.

  49. Thank you! Forgiveness is a huge part in bringing peace to your life! Accepting God’s forgiveness and forgiving others too. ❤

  50. With God’s help he teaches you how to forgive. Never easy but if you listen and let God guide you , you can forgive.Better to forgive than carry all that bitterness for years

  51. Years ago when my mom was battling cancer and could not leave the house she was visited by my brother’s minister and the minister of the other church in town. (Our town is less than 1000 people). Our own minister was “too busy” to call on her. It was very upsetting since she had been a member of the church her whole life. It took me 10 years after her death to forgive that minister. I finally new I had to or it would continue to upset me. After I forgave him in my heart I finally felt at peace. Many Blessings to you and your family.

  52. Love your books Wanda. Forgiveness s a timely topic and you handle it so well. Looking forward to the story.

  53. There are just some people who make no effort to forgive and will let it continue to stir their souls. While not easy, we are better off to let it go into the lord’s hand.

    1. I have read almost all of your books and eagerly await each new one…someone asked me once if I was really that religious or really bored?? my answer, try reading one and you will be hooked, she did and she is!!! thank you for books that are fun to read and leave you with a feeling of contentment..

  54. I won your book the Forgiving Jar. It was really hard to put down. I enjoy reading about the Amish. My grandparents was originally Amish and left to become Mennonites. I just read the Christmas Jar, and was very interesting. Thanks

  55. Someone in my family has hurt me many times but I’ve been unable to forgive or forget the last thing she did to me.

  56. I have had problems with forgiveness,but we have to, if our Heavenly Father forgives us then we have to do it too,so he will forgive us! We are sinful and have to ask him to forgive every day…

  57. While forgiveness is not easy it is a very important way to get your lives back on track. It is not healthy to care troubles with you through life.

  58. i have forgiven many people in my life for things they did to me, its done and over with, so why not forgive them

  59. I have spent this very week seeking to forgive someone who did harm to me and I am now doing so. What is done is done and fretting over it will gain me nothing. I have already sent the person a Happy New Year email.

  60. A brand new year is the time for letting go of old hurts and looking forward to new blessings and a time for renewed faith. Thank you, Jesus !

  61. My oldest son died of a drug overdose a few years ago, at the age of 33–the drugs were from his dad…I became so bitter & angry against my ex-husband…I ended up having an ugly, itchy rash on both legs & upper arms, b/c I had a root of bitterness in my heart. Thankfully, I had some friends from church who recognized my need to forgive and to let go, and the lovingly confronted me, AND, prayed over me–GOD delivered me from that anger & bitterness! And, the rashes disappeared! Another reason to forgive and turn people/situations over to GOD!

  62. I am estranged from my sister. She is a drug addict and has abused our family for many years. I’ve tried to reach out to her but she has refused my help. Several times a day I pray for her. I’ve offered her forgiveness and apologized for any thing she thinks I did to her. One of the last things my mom asked of me was to try to mend the relationship with my sister. I pray for patience and understanding. I miss my sister so much. I have placed in in God’s hands. I started my own prayer jar so I can place the prayers I say for my family. I am going to try to place my concerns at the foot of the cross like my pastor recommended. Thank you for this opportunity to put my feelings down. I tend to keep them bottled up. God bless all of you here.


  63. I always enjoy reading your thoughts each month. Also enjoy reading your books. God bless you
    in 2019.

  64. I made a comment as a joke to a co-worker, and she was very angry with me. I did not intend to hurt her feelings, and after a sleepless night, I tried to apologize for what I had said. She refused to forgive me. Her lack of forgiveness to me made it hard for me to forgive myself. Forgiveness is hard to do, but we must forgive in order to be forgiven.

  65. Wanda I look forward to read every book that you write, I just finished reading the Hawaiian Discovery 1 & 2 I don’t a favorite book I enjoy everyone of them, thanks for being a great & talented Author, blessings. <3 Debora from Peabody, MA

  66. I just read your new Newsletter, and yes, it does seem to me that 2018 went by quick. At 75 years of age, I find the days and weeks go by fast.
    Good Spiritual advice in that newsletter also.

  67. Thank you for writing such great books! Forgiveness
    is hard, but I want to be forgiven even when it’s hard.

  68. I love your books. I have had a lot of hurt over the years. It used to be hard for me to forgive and sometimes still is but I have learned that if you don’t forgive you are only hurting yourself and will never be able to have peace of mind.

  69. The bible does say to forgive. It is hard but if Jesus can forgive us for our sins; we need to forgive others. I continue to pray for people who have not forgiven me. Thank you for your good books.

  70. Forgiveness is something I have tried to do for a long time. My daughter hasn’t forgiven me for not taking more assertive steps when I knew her father was abusing her. I did what I thought was best and thought I was protecting her, but later found out I wasn’t. I can’t forgive myself, so can’t blame her for not forgiving me. As far as my ex not sure there is a way to forgive him.

  71. It would be horrifying to find out that someone had been impersonating me. Even though what they did was terrible I would forgive them just as Jesus Christ forgave me. I don’t want to hold grudges against people forever and if I think that I don’t forgive them then I’m lowering myself to their level and when I forgive people when it can be hard I am showing them God’s love. As one of my pastors said one time you may be the only Bible some people even read.

  72. Forgiveness is not always easy . Especially if it is related to a loved ones death . I have forgiven him for not getting my daughter the care and at a place that offered the care she needed . But sometimes I wonder if I have really forgiven him . Only God knows for sure .

  73. Forgiveness is hard. I know I need to forgive someone but have not been able to as yet. If I forgive them I am afraid they will hurt me again.

  74. There’s a old song that starts out “He looked beyond my faults and saw my needs” I am so thankful that I have been forgiven and I forgive others who have wronged me. At this time of year it is good to get rid of the old hurts and sorrows , and go on living and forgiving everyone whoever they maybe.
    Even if tomorrow your mind would bring up a incident that happened, you must remember you are not going to hold this hurt but realize you forgave them, and as Jesus has forgiven you, you have forgiven them also. Lord Jesus bless 2019

  75. To forget & forgive. I have heard that saying a lot in my lifetime and I thought could do that. I do not have any trouble in forgiving most things but when it has something to do with my two girls and my two grandbabies, I have to ask God to help me. If someone hurts any Children it is hard to forgive them. But God will help us. I hope everyone has had a Happy New Year!

  76. Forgiveness is essential in our lives. First of all, because God tells us to. The only way we can have peace is by forgiving. God bless us all. May this year be our best.

  77. OMG I have had several times in my life when I have been TERRIBLY wronged….NOT that I am wonderful but ….just have and BY FAMILY….once again….my husband and I are faced with “that”…
    a problem has been going on for over 15 years and finally we had to put a STOP to it….I know that I have to forgive, I have the other two people who have wronged us horribly…and know I will again…but now, this is so “new”…. and since the person is an even closer family member….!!! my husband is easier to “get there” if you will….though sometimes I think he acts that way….but inside…Me I am so full of hate and rage right….my husband is a critical care heart paient…another reason we dont “need this”…and I have heart issues too….which I can feel affecting my body….We took our trip to Florida to see our boys and 2 “grands” there and I reached out to a few special people in my life that I can confide it….good Chrisitans….one sent me two dfferent books, one on Joy and one on Peace….I know I must get it under control and have been working on myself TOO for the new year and goals….my grandson, who has been living with us….asked about Resolutions and if I will do them…I said no….I am going to make some Changes….Will Dos….and REALLY work on them to do…….changing my …working on my attitude if that’s the right term…getting more into the Bible and Bible study again….going back to SS after a bad year with a church comment made from the pulpit…..reading more, getting back to sewing, card making and “finding ME” again….sorry to be so long but maybe someone has a tip for me for the new year too…I AM a Christian but sometimes that devil reallys picks on “us” really personally and the attack is like none other….Thank you and Happy Healthy Blessed New Year to any who may read this…..

  78. We are estranged from my husband’s sister and brother-in-law. She is ill and I pray that we can resolve the issues before she gets worse. For some reason my brother-in-law suddenly has issues with me and will not be forthcoming as to the problem. I pray to God that I can forgive him and hopefully see them again.

  79. I believe in forgiveness although NOT always easy….I am normally willing to forgive but for some reason have had a hard time this past year…one of my best friends hurt me deeply and I walked away…make me angry and I can forgive…hurt me and not so easy..
    Thank you for sharing this…I am going to pray more and ask GOD to help me….none of us are perfect and I think we sometimes forget that we have no idea what someone else is dealing with and take things personally….Happy New Year to all….May GOD fill it with blessings and lessons….

  80. What a precious story about Forgiveness! An awesome way to begin the New Year by walking in forgiveness. We have found that unforgiveness stifles the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. There are several things that can hamper a free flow of the Spirit and they are anger, bitterness and unforgiveness. So do a inner study asking Father if there is anyone you have not forgiven or that you have not asked to forgive you plus give your anger and bitterness to the Lord and be free of those things that hamper your relationship with the Lord and stop the free flow of the Holy Spirit in your life to minister to others and to be ministered to. Love your books Wanda!! Happy New Year to you and your family!!

  81. Forgiveness is hard to do because when we forgive we need to also forget. And that is where it is hard for me. I can forgive but the hurt is still there and until I forget it will always be there.

  82. Thank you for your books. In my case, with tenants above me, it is not a case of one time forgiveness, it is daily. It is hard work of prayer with some fear. I just moved here but will probably have to move again. I know that I am not alone.

  83. Forgiveness isn’t easy and forgetting is even harder. We may tend to forgive but not always forget. Have we truly forgiven a peson if we are always remembering every so often.

  84. Forgive as I have forgiven, and you shall be forgiven. Not so easy to do, but the reward it worth it.

  85. Forgiving is hard to do. I hand it all over to Jesus, along with the person. I do not want that poison inside of me. The anger and bitterness only hurts you, it doesn’t hurt the other person. Jesus said to forgive, it does not mean you forget. The Lord can help heal you so the sting is gone. It is not worth it. Unforgiveness leaves a doorway open that the enemy can use to come in. Call Jesus into it, and let him heal you!

  86. My daughter and son-in-law gave me the Daughters of Lancaster County series for Christmas. For some reason, I had never read them before. I have to tell you that I read all three is less than four days. I couldn’t wait to see what happened especially with Zach. I always enjoy your books and look forward to The Forgiving Jar next month. Thank you for using your God-given talent to bring pleasure and inspiration to others. God bless you.

  87. Forgiveness is a hard thing but it is necessary to have peace within your life. When you have been done wrong I mean really wrong it is so easy to lash out or to ignore that person until the end of time but you will never truly have peace in your life until you forgive within.

  88. Forgiveness is definitely not always easy but as I have always heard if you hold onto a grudge and don’t forgive someone, you are only hurting yourself. I know often the person who has wronged you doesn’t even realize that they have hurt you. It is hard because even when you forgive, you remember what happened. I have been trying harder to not forget that the other person is only human as well and may have problems in their own life that are behind their words/actions.

  89. Forgiveness is very necessary in life, but for me at times it has been very difficult when I am hurt deeply. In the past, I have fallen into the “but” syndrome. Forgiveness is the correct thing to do, “but” in this case they don’t deserve it…”but” this is too personal to forgive…”but” this hurts too much to forgive. Reading your books and seeing what trials others go through and can still forgive helps me to remember that if God forgave us for our sins and for nailing his son to a cross, what could someone possibly do to us that is too much to forgive? Nothing! It is then that I find the strength to forgive. The world tells us there are things that are unforgivable. Your books give me inspiration to do the right thing. Thank you for writing them.

  90. I’d like to clear up something between me and a close friend. I forgave her a long time ago for something she did to me, but she still keeps me at a distance. I’m puzzled and hurt by her actions, since I was the one wronged. Hopefully we can get to the bottom of it so we can both move on, I’m very close with her family too but when she is there it is very uncomfortable and awkward. I miss how things were.

  91. I guess I have a hard time with someone that might not know they have hurt me and me wanting them to come and say they are sorry before I forgive him/her. Before I can have peace about it I should really confront them and tell that someone that they hurt me and then tell him/her that I forgive them.

  92. Sometimes it’s hard to forgive…but the longer you put it off the harder it is. Thanks for writing great books, where we can get away to a simpler life for just a bit.

  93. This sounds like such a great book! I have struggled for years with forgiveness, and worse…those not forgiving me. Seems that I have always been the peacemaker and giving in to make others happy. At 50 years old this month, I am struggling with the years of doing so. It has just built up. This year I plan to do more for me, yet have a more loving, forgiving heart.
    Thanks for such great books, a fabulous website, and wonderful insight on life and God.

  94. The Lord teaches us to forgive man as he has forgiven us Thank you so much Love all your books! Happy New Year To You and Your Family!

  95. If we are unwilling to forgive, why should we expect forgiveness from God? Forgiveness benefits us more than those that we forgive.

  96. I have a sister that over the years has spread so many lies about some of her own family members. She makes it worse by putting it on facebook where everyone can read the lies. The comments are very hurtful….nothing about me, but i still find it hard to forgive everything she has done and said. I enjoy reading your books as I have amish friends around Berne, Indiana..

  97. I live next door to someone that had an accusation against my child and my husband. We were very close to each other during a time when she felt no on was there for her. When her old friends began coming around again I feel that the accusation and comments she made broke our friendship. I was not perfect in responding to this behavior but I feel I was left with no choice but to defend myself, my child and my husband.
    I do forgive her for the accusations but I am not sure she wants to continue a friendship with me. I do not feel like I should have to reach out to her at this time so I quietly wait until she decides, if she decides to be friends again. I do miss her though.

  98. I know from personal experience how tough forgiving someone or several people can be. I was bullied in in high school. I am not just talking about ill words being thrown my way, but hair-pulling and slapping on the back bullying. At that time, girls did not get physical and fight back as they may do today, So I bore the evil acts the best as I could. Oh, I did try to get help, but none materialized. Those girls ruined my entire freshman year and beyond. I loathed that gang of girls For years I carried that hatred around. Then, I took a memoirs writing class where I very bluntly described my experience, shared it with the class, and finally forgave the girls. What a cleansing experience!!

    A great way to start the new year would be to stop holding grudges and forgive. You will be much better for it!

  99. I needed this right now. I had a heavy heart until I prayed and God helped me to forgive a family member. It was a great weight that was lifted from my heart.

  100. Sometimes it is very hard to forgive someone who hurt you and it was intentional. At times like this I understand I have to pray and forgive them immediately and ask the Holy Spirit to remind me each time I think about it, that by faith I have forgiven them. If Jesus can say “Father forgive them.” after all he endured , then I must do it also, because I do not want anything to block my blessings and prayers to God.

  101. First of all it is against the law to pretend to be someone you are not. Now on the next subject, my mother really hurt my feelings with the words she choose to use and never said she was sorry.

  102. It was very hard to forgive my daughter after the lies she said about us. But we did and love her even in the mist of it all. She talking to us after10 or more years!

  103. the amish do for give a lot of things since they do not pay taxes here in mo they are the type of family who will step in and they step up and help there neighbors even if it not amish they have help here during the strorms we have

  104. Forgiveness is a tough concept. I tend to be a grudge holder, which I know isn’t healthy. Even if the person who wronged you isn’t asking for forgiveness, I know it’s good for the health of the person doing the forgiving! I hope to get better at it this year.

  105. Sometimes it is hard to forgive others but God reminds me of how much he has forgiven me. The Bible says that if we don’t forgive then we can’t be forgiven. God will give us the grace to forgive others if we ask him.

  106. Forgiveness is from God. It’s a hard question to answer when when we are hurt or harmed so badly that it affects our lives, mental ability, etc. and probably will for the remainder of our years. We as humans want to get even. But Because God forgave us, we must forgive others. As far as forgetting, it’s hard for us to wipe the memory from our mind, it probably will remain. We’re not God in that capacity. But we can ask that He give us the grace to forgive and forget in time. I’ve been hurt to the extent that we lost our entire income, home, etc and had to move only because others “wanted their way”. So we resigned position & moved to keep the peace! In time God has allowed this hurt to ease. I have forgiven them over these last 10 years, but the memory still haunts us.

  107. I had a very difficult time with forgiving one person, but the Word says we have to do it to be forgiven. It’s really an act of kindness that means more to the person doing it.

  108. It’s not always easy to forgive someone who has hurt you especially if it’s a family member or close friend. We all need to pray and ask God if their is anyone we haven’t forgiven.

  109. They say that forgiveness is not formthe one you are forgiving, but for yourself. I would have to agree that that is correct and you will only find peace in forgiveness.

  110. Hi. Your forgiving jar is so, I’m not sure how to put it into words. Why is it so hard to forgive and move on without holding a grudge? Guess when you’ve been wronged by the ones you love and share your love, heart and life with it’s just so devastating. I’ve prayed and am working on it but. And that’s all I can say is but.

  111. Forgiveness can be so painful! At first, forgiving those who have wronged you – and continue to do so – feels a little like you are “letting them win.” However, with daily practice forgiving others, it becomes less like a loss and more like a win: freeing your mind and heart for service to our Jesus, who said to forgive (turn the other cheek) even 70 x 7! Be blessed!

  112. Forgiveness is something we must do….not only because the Bible says so…but because it is good for US….and that doesnt mean forgetting or bringing that person back into your life, espically if what they have done to you is horrible….But I know for a fact it is something I need for my happiness and health…..so I dont carry a crudge….but leave it …and go on….Not easy not easy but has to be done….

  113. I enjoy all of your books, this book really tells how people do things, sometimes the wrong way. We need to have a forgiving heart.

  114. Forgiveness releases me to be at peace regardless of that other person’s attitude. While I’ve not had horrific things happen to me that I need to forgive, I’ve seen our adopted daughter struggle with needing to forgive someone who abused her in her early childhood. Unforgiveness is a form of bondage from which forgiveness sets a person free.

  115. Harboring unforgiveness or holding a grudge against someone that has hurt you, does not have any effect on the other person, but it can fester like a poison inside of you causing strife or even illness. Many times the person that hurt you may not even realize it. So forgiving them won’t necessarily help them, but it is amazing how it will help the one doing the forgiving!

  116. I am having a really hard time right now forgiving someone. It has been a year now and I just can’t seem to find it in my heart yet to forgive them. I am sure the time will come and I will be able to let go of the hurt. I love reading your books. They transform me to a better place. Thank you

  117. Forgiveness is a choice and you always feel better when you forgive. It is like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders. I thank God that He gives us the grace to forgive others and most of all, that He has forgiven us.

  118. I have forgiven the person that caused so much pain and sadness in my life but my heart stays broken and I can’t get past the hurt.

  119. To the best of my knowledge no one had a grudge against me that is unforgiven. I had a hard time forgiving someone who wronged me one time, but I decided it was between her and God. I did nothing wrong and gave it all to God.

  120. Forgiveness is vital for our relationship to Christ. In scripture he tells us we need to forgive others because he has forgiven us. It keep us in bondage. The other person may never forgive you but it will free you.

  121. Forgiveness doesn’t erase the memory of the pain we’ve encountered or endured but it breaks the bonds and frees us to move past the situation and it enables us to receive forgiveness in return. I believe it’s not something you can do on your own but through prayer and leaning on God to help us let go of the hurt, pain and bitterness and to begin to see our offenders through compassionate eyes and heart. Often those we forgive aren’t asking for forgiveness nor are they themselves apologizing but the act of releasing the matter to God and deciding to no longer hold any grudge or negative thought about the other person is one that is transformational and God-honoring.

  122. Forgiving someone sometimes is not an easy thing to do. Holding a grudge is not good but peace of mind is so much better.


  124. This speaks so true to me right now. A co-worker is furious with me over a mistake that I had made while covering her class. I immediately told her about it and apologized; however she took it personally and blew up at me and hasn’t really spoken to me since. It’s been a month. It was awful and the way that she spoke to me really hurt, she was a like a family member to me and my children. After trying to apologize again and again for an honest mistake; I have almost given up. I’ve forgiven her for the way she treated me and spoke to me; it’s not worth being angry and keeping a grudge against someone; but it still makes me sad that our friendship has been destroyed. I am hoping that as time passes hew anger will dwindle and then we could talk about it and try to clear the air. I would love for her to forgive me for my mistake but it has to be when and if she is ready to. Waiting and not pushing for it can be the hardest part, because forgiveness can only come when one is ready to do it.

  125. Wanda, I can hardly wait to read this new book.. Forgiveness played a big part in our lives many years ago between my sweet husband and his dad. Drawing closer to the Lord, my husband knew he needed to forgive his dad for some things in his childhood but he needed help and that help came from the Lord and His Word. Soon, with applying the scriptures and choosing to forgive, the relationship between dad and son was restored and dad came to know Jesus as Savior. Thank you for your stories that truly apply directly to real life lived daily by all of us.

  126. I love your books. I was thinking about making a forgiving jar for our Sunday school class. Eveyone could write their prayer request down and then at the end of the year read them and see how many were answered.

  127. I cannot wait to read this book as forgiveness played a big role in my family’s life many years ago in reference to my father-in-law. He did something in reference to our son and was kindly told about it and he knew he was wrong but even though he was told very quietly and sweetly by myself, he blew up at me and called me names that were not acceptable and this was done right in front of our sons. Even though I would have forgiven my father-in-law for his actions if he apologized as he was asked to do my husband who was his son, he refused and therefore we told him he could not see his grandsons until he did so. He died never seeing his grandsons as a result of his stubborness.

  128. It’s even harder to forgive someone who has lied about you but refuses to acknowledge that. But I have. Not forgiving is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

  129. A lesson I learned about forgiveness: My son committed suicide in 2013. I was having a hard time forgiving myself and husband for not seeing the signs. Always wondering what we should have or could have done to change it. I know its not our fault but the hurt lingers. I knew God can change all that but at times I was angry with Him too for not stopping it. Forgiveness isn’t always for the other person but for ourselves too!

  130. Forgiveness is hard but if you are living a Christian life that is one thing you are asked to do. It is hard but with a lot of prayer, Bible reading and listening to the Holy Spirit you can find a way to forgive the person who did you wrong. They may never acknowledge the wrong they did to you but God knows you forgave them. Love all of your books and cannot wait to read this latest one.

  131. I forgive but it isn’t always easy to forget.
    Sitting back and dwelling on something someone said or did to you isn’t
    hurting that person, it keeps you away from enjoyment.
    I forgive and ask for a blessing for the other person
    Takes a big weight off my shoulders

  132. I have a very hard time forgiving people, especially people that have hurt myself or my immediate family. Maybe that’s the stubbornness coming out in me. But this sounds like a great book that would give me some wonderful insight and maybe help me to learn to forgive.

  133. Sometimes it’s not easy to forgive someone when they’ve hurt you. With God’s help, though, it’s easier to overcome the human obstacles and move past the pain to forgiveness. Thank you for sharing the book–I can’t wait to read it!

  134. Forgiveness can be so hard. We need this reminder that we need to do that. Everyone needs love and be forgiven as we don’t always know what is happening in their lives. It is hard to do at times and I know I’ve been in difficult situations where it was hard. I love how your ministry teaches us how to do that.

  135. What an AWESOME series that Wanda Brunstetter has written. I have read both The Hope Jar and The Forgiving Jar, I could not put either down once I started reading. I’m looking forward to the final book of this series in August . . . The Healing Jar. I have loved getting to know the characters, especially . . . Michelle, Sarah, Mary and Willis Lapp. The two young women looking for forgiveness and acceptance which they both receive and so much more from Mary and Willis Lapp. Anyone who loves Amish fiction will love this series and not be able to put the book(s) down until the last page has been read.

  136. Forgiveness is hard to do at times but is something that we all need to work on so that we can enjoy the life that God has given us. Mary and Willis Lapp did just that with Michelle and showed her love that she never experienced in her life.

  137. I love reading YOUR books of the Amish…Some authors like to include trashy parts to get you going. I don’t like that, I like knowing the truth. The love and kind ways of the plain people.
    I recently was off work on medical leave for 4 months, in that time I read The Hope Jar. As usual I was enthralled. I have recently gone back to work and have now purchased The Forging Jar. If I could only find the time to read it…

  138. Just want to thank you and your Amish friends for your up lifting journals,many of us I know in need of them, and telling us about your bppks,and adding a recipe to just love receiving monthly,God Bless all