The Power of Prayer
On February 22, 2023, our daughter, Lorine, had a massive stroke. I immediately reached out to our church prayer chain, several friends, all our relatives, and my dear reader fans. Our family could feel the power of prayer going up for our daughter, and a sense of peace filled our hearts as she continued to improve. Today, a little over a year from the date she had stroke, our daughter is back teaching fulltime. Although Lorine is still doing some therapy and needs continued prayer, we are thankful for the amazing progress she’s made.
More recently, our granddaughter, Jinell, due to pregnancy complications, gave birth to her baby 6 weeks early. This took place just one year after Lorine’s (her mother) stroke. Jinell was very sick, and her baby girl, Kira, weighed only 3 ½ lbs. Once again, I reached out to others for prayer. I’m happy to say that Jinell is doing better and both she and the baby have been discharged from the hospital and are now at home with Jinell’s husband (the baby’s grateful father.)
Most definitely, I believe in the power of prayer. How about you? Have you recently received an answer to prayer that made you realize just how powerful a prayer request can be? Or maybe you are in need of prayer right now. If so, would you please share that request with me so that I, and others who read this post, can pray for you?