Wanda’s Journal

The Power of Prayer

On February 22, 2023, our daughter, Lorine, had a massive stroke. I immediately reached out to our church prayer chain, several friends, all our relatives, and my dear reader fans. Our family could feel the power of prayer going up for our daughter, and a sense of peace filled our hearts as she continued to improve. Today, a little over a year from the date she had stroke, our daughter is back teaching fulltime. Although Lorine is still doing some therapy and needs continued prayer, we are thankful for the amazing progress she’s made.

More recently, our granddaughter, Jinell, due to pregnancy complications, gave birth to her baby 6 weeks early. This took place just one year after Lorine’s (her mother) stroke. Jinell was very sick, and her baby girl, Kira, weighed only 3 ½ lbs. Once again, I reached out to others for prayer. I’m happy to say that Jinell is doing better and both she and the baby have been discharged from the hospital and are now at home with Jinell’s husband (the baby’s grateful father.)

Most definitely, I believe in the power of prayer. How about you? Have you recently received an answer to prayer that made you realize just how powerful a prayer request can be? Or maybe you are in need of prayer right now. If so, would you please share that request with me so that I, and others who read this post, can pray for you?

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    1. Prayer can be one word or a thousand words. God sees what is in your heart. He hears and fills the smallest to the largest need if we ask in faith…

  1. Prayer is definitely powerful. I believe God hears us when we pray. He hears our joyful words of thanks and he hears us in our sorrow and pain. I believe God indeed answers prayer. It may take weeks, days, months, and even years before we see the workings of God. I witnessed to a boy on the bus when I was 14 ir 15. I prayed for him to turn to the Lord. He scoffed at me, but years later I saw him. He is saved and serving God. He reminded me of my witness and told me it worked on his heart. Praise God for his using me to bring his flock to himself. Sometimes we may never see his answers. I was blessed to see his answer in Mt brother in Chris, Ron.

  2. So glad your prayers are being answered. Good news about your daughter glad that her recovery is going well. Also glad your great granddaughter is doing well too. Great grandchildren are such a blessing. Sending more prayers to you and your family.

  3. Thank you for the daily inspiration you post . It always is the right encouragement that I need .
    Janet Thomas

  4. Yes, prayer is effective, and something we can do anytime. Thankful your family is healing and improving.. best wishes in the days ahead.

  5. I do believe in the power of prayer because I have seen God’s hand at work in my life and the life of my children as well. So very grateful for answered prayers according to God’s will.

  6. Praying for you and your family at this difficult time. I enjoy reading your books and cookbooks and after I read them I donate them to the nursing home up the street.

  7. I definitely believe in the power of prayer. I keep a journal of all the prayer requests I receive whether off the computer, friends or church. I pray for them daily and periodically check on their status. Over the years I’ve had many answers to prayers. The latest one is one that I will remember for a long time. I went through an intersection and somehow I did not see the oncoming car. I believe God took me right through the middle of the car because there was no accident. AMAZING!

  8. I absolutely believe in the power of prayer. It gives me a sense of relief that I have done all I can do because I know the situation is in the Hands of Heavenly Father and His Will be done. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have faith in prayer. It is truly my refuge in all times of trouble and place to express my gratitude each day.

  9. Definitely I and my family believe in prayer. But sometimes answers to prayer are not what we expected. Our daughter had spinal meningitis when she was 7 weeks old. Dr said 50/50 chance of making it. God answered, she lived. But in living, she also would years later receive a diagnosis of mental retardation. This we could handle, by God’s Grace. But the behavior explosions that occurred daily began and the older she became, the less we were able to handle her. Through prayer, we asked God to supply healing through a medication, counseling, so we could handle her. We just needed relief. We had another child to raise, who didn’t need to remain II this chaos. God’s answer came when she was 17 (but not the answer we really wanted). God supplied a state owned home where she would live in an environment that was stable, and staff changed every 8 hrs. Why would God have to remove her from our home? But we had asked Him for an answer. This was the ANSWER! For. 28 yrs she blossomed in that environment and then the state closed the homes. Again much prayer to supply a home. She now resides within a sponsored residential home (with friends she made at the state owned home). They are trained to handle her behaviors. God is still daily answering those prayers. But when we pray we must be ready that God’s answer might not be what we wanted but what He knew was best!

  10. I would like to ask prayers for me to be able to have the strength to go on helping my mother. She is in declining health with lots of pain. She is also financially strapped and cannot afford to go into an assisted living area but makes too much on Social Security to go into a Hud housing. I stay stressed everyday worrying about her. Please pray that God gives me the strength to hang on until something comes to light to help.

  11. I had a answer to prayer when my husband went on a motorcycle trip and had a accident he was not hurt bad just some burn scrapes.

  12. Several years ago, my husband and I left our church, because we feel the lead pastor was leading the members down a path we didn’t want our children exposed to. We live in a very rural community with few churches. Because of that, we no longer have a church community to share our burdens with. My sister died unexpectedly on Good Friday, due, largely to neglect by her children. The day before that, my daughter injured herself at volleyball practice, and will now need surgery. Our family is estranged, so there is no support there. Even finding out about my sister’s death and any funeral arrangements have not been shared with me, as well as the rest of our siblings – her children feel we have no right to know. Life is a mess sometimes, so I would sure appreciate any spare prayers anyone would care to speak.

  13. I definitely believe in the power of prayer, and it’s such an encouragement when you know that people have been lifting you up. It’s a blessing when others feel comfortable sharing some of their deepest needs to the body of Christ, and the blessing is doubled when you lift their needs to the Father.

  14. I believe in the power of prayer.I pray for a lot of family members,friends and people I don’t know.These are very troubling times and everyone needs prayers and help to get through them.God bless Wanda and her family and all of her readers on here.

  15. I believe in the power of prayer. I have a prayer list with names that I pray for daily. Your daughter Lorine and granddaughter Jinel are on my list! I would also accept all prayers as I’m currently dealing with basal call carcinomas and trying to stay positive. In His Spirit.

  16. I most definitely believe in the power of prayer. Recently my husband was diagnosed with cancer. I feel Gods presence in all my prayers. Our God is all knowing. Thank him daily, appreciate you loved ones ever minute of everyday 🙏❤️

  17. Hi Wanda
    Yes, I believe in the Power of Prayer.
    All winter the family and I were praying for my homeless cousin.
    He chose to be homeless after the death of his little sister. The place he chose to go was extremely cold within a snow belt area.
    In February, we were told that the town was going to put him up in a motel for the rest of winter and try to get him help.
    Gloria McInnis

  18. I will be praying for you and the family. Hope for a healing of all the people out there that needs healing and prayers. I love your books. I can’t wait for the next one.

  19. Hi Wanda,
    I have been reading your books for a long tim and enjoy them. I’m glad your grndaughter and the baby are doing well.
    Norma WIse

  20. A close friend of mine has had over 33 surgeries in her life and recently had a serious surgery again. Our church has a prayer chain as well & these prayers have certainly touched her in miraculous ways. I have had prayer warriors send them up for me in so many circumstances. Praying for someone is the most important thing you can do for someone.

  21. I lost an elderly friend named Larry he was living by himself with his small dog Smokey Larry was 84 yrs old. He pulled on something to heavy for him and he was already on oxygen, but it was too much for him and by the time he got to the hospital he couldn’t get enough
    oxygen so they had to intubate him and had to do it a second time, so his sister was there and he said he was tired and ready to go home with the Lord. They had the Memorial Service on the 23rd of March 2024. His sister said he about 5 yrs ago decided to donate his body to science. He is at the University of Health and Science in Dallas, Tx. Love all your books you have published so far still have a few I haven’t read and looking forward to reading them when I get some free time at night.

  22. The Prayer of Prayer is so amazing! And I do believe in the power of Prayer Please pray for my Oldest Son as he has had 2 heart attacks and my Daughter-in-law called and said she had to call the ambulance because he wasn’t feeling well! I Love your books Wanda Meaning Blessings coming to You and your family!

  23. I definitely believe in the power of prayer. My husband lived almost 11 years after he was diagnosed with stage four cancer. He took oral chemo pills that whole time and also had some radiation and immunotherapy. He still worked for 9 of those years till he retired at age 62. I know beyond the shadow of doubt God touched him many times. There was one time he could not even sleep in the bed because of a tumor that was in the chest wall cavity. The church people anointed him with oil and prayed for him. He slept in the bed that night and from then on. That place still showed up on CT scans but the swelling had went down and didn’t bother him again. He passed away August of 2021 but I will always believe God let him live those years to see our last 2 grandchildren born and they even got to know him for 8 years. They will never forget him now and I’m thankful I had him those extra years with him. The doctor said he had a person in his family with the same cancer and they didn’t live but a few months.

  24. I was glad to hear that your granddaughter and her baby are doing well now and hope they continue to do well. It was also good news to hear that your daughter Lorine is doing so well. I enjoy your books and have read a good many of them.

  25. Prayer has blessed us in the past when my husband had cancer and a serious surgery to remove it. Survival to 5 years for this rare cancer was only 15 percent. Surgery and recovery went well. As for survivability, his surgery was in 1991 and he is still healthy and cancer free. Now we need prayers for our son who has advanced lung cancer.

  26. Our daughter-in-law was expecting there first child and about a week before her due date she had an abruption to her placenta. We almost lost both of them. With all our family, friends and even people we didn’t know praying for the both of them, our prayers were answered and they are both with us today. Our Grandson was born with health issues and with all the love and support he is receiving with therapy, we pray every day for him and how blessed we are that our children are such great parents to him. ❤️

  27. My daughter was born three months premature because I developed eclampsia. She weighed 1 lb. 12 oz. So many churches prayed for her: my own congregation, my parents’ congregation, and my in-laws’ congregation.
    Today she is a vibrant young woman who loves to quilt, cook, and entertain. She has always been known for her thoughtfulness.

  28. I believe in the power of prayer as I have experienced God’s great grace in His answers. Some of the most difficult prayers are the ones that you really don’t know what the answer should be. Am I asking God to handle a problem in a way that is not His will? The most glorious answers are ones that come with quiet peace putting the matter to rest and waiting. Still don’t know if I will ever get that waiting trust part down pat. We are caring for an elderly parent who is unpredictable and agitated. God has calmed him for us so many times we still stand amazed. Please pray that we will be good witnesses to Dad as he is not saved.

  29. I love knowing that we only have to reach out and others will pray! Thank you for doing just that! Love all your books and looking forward to the next in the series of Letters!

  30. The power of prayer is sometimes beyond understanding but can surly be felt when you are in need of it. It is a blessing to be a part of a believing and praying group of people. what a blessing to watch the power of prayer through your family. So glad all is well with your family. I don’t understand how people do not believe in God with all the answers to prayers that we see taking place. Through my friends prayers I could feel the presence of the Lord when I went through my surgery for Breast Cancer and that was the best feeling to have. Continued prayers for your daughter, Granddaughter and Great Granddaughter.

  31. I wholeheartedly believe in the power of prayer. I’ve been healed by the power of prayer in the name of Jesus. Prayer changes lives and circumstances. I’ve seen cancer and tumors. Sickness and disease disappear in the name of Jesus because people prayed. The power of prayer is very strong and God is moved by our faithfulness to pray.

  32. I for sure believe in the power of prayer. Look forward to your new books. I am finishing up letters of wisdom now. Enjoy your daily inspirations. Thank you.

  33. I believe in prayer. I also know that God always answers my prayers even been a bit surprised at the answers. He has even answered my prayers before I even knew what the prayers were. Call out to your father even if you don’t know what to say, he will always answer.

  34. My mother and I religiously read your books. We couldn’t get enough of them. So GOOD. She has since passed in February, I will keep reading them for her. Thank you. Karen Willoughby

  35. Yes, i really believe in the power of prayer. God answers all prayers and sometimes not in the way we expected. He is faithful!

  36. Thanks for sharing the news – I enjoy reading all of your books and look forward to
    reading more.

  37. I definitely believe in the power of prayer and often feel a sense of peace after praying for a person or situation, knowing it is in God’s hands.

  38. I am looking forward to the new Friendship of Letters series. I love your books and one day, I hope I can meet you at a book signing.

  39. Praise Be! Our God is so faithful and good. Thank you for sharing your story with us on God’s faithfulness. Prayer is the most powerful tool we have for our Heavenly Father. We can trust that when we come to him in prayer we know he will answer our prayers and that he will hear us. It makes me think of this verse
    Matthew 18:20 (NIV) For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. He tells us right there that he is with us during prayer His promise to us all.


  40. I definitely believe in the power of prayer. It has helped me in my most desperate times. Unfortunately, I am going through a very bad time of my life right now. I am so upset. For some reason, I keep forgetting to stay calm and pray, pray, pray. In the past, God not only answered my prayers, He gave me more than I asked for. Why am I forgetting this now? Please pray for me. Thank you.

  41. I’m so glad to hear the good news on your daughter.Talking to God thru prayer is our lifeline.May God continue her healing.

  42. I believe in the power of prayer. My son has been wrestling since the age of six. He was ready to go to college and I feared he was not going to make it. He is almost finished his sophomore year. He is a starter on the wrestling team. He is an example of the power of prayer and I pray for him all of the time.

  43. I’m blessed to receive answers to prayer, even if it is not the answer I was hoping to get. Answered prayers have been needed at perilous times in my life as well as every day.

  44. The power of prayer works miracles.i know this to be true as I’ve asked for prayer due to a health issue or other issue and i can honestly say prayer does work. I have many prayer warriors who are friends and many are in the Church.

  45. I 100% believe in the power of prayer. Right now I am praying without ceasing for the salvation of my younger son Cory. He is in a very dark place right now. Please and thank you to all who say a prayer for him.

  46. Wanda,
    Thank you for the encouraging words and for the reminder of how powerful prayer is.
    I certainly believe in the Power of Prayer.

    Thanks for your encouragement!!!

  47. Your family has been through so very much. Yet your faith has never wavered. Our family has never been through anything as tough as what you have, and I pray we never have to face such traumatic events. If we do,.however I pray God draws us closer to him and our faith grows stronger. Thank you for sharing your life and your books with us.

  48. I am very thankful for prayers helping your family. Thank you for keeping us updated. May everyone’s prayers be answered that are in need.

  49. I have received answers to prayers so many times in my life that it gives me courage and hope for the unanswered prayers weighing on my heart today. My greatest prayer request is that my children love and serve the Lord with all their hearts.

  50. I do believe in the power of prayer. It is the most powerful thing we could do for each other.
    Many times people would pray for me especially when I was facing a difficult surgery.
    People still pray for me because my health is deteriorating. I have a bad heart which is very weak.
    We call on our Lord all the time. Knowing this, I do not forget to say, thank you.

  51. Love your months. Getting a nice collection and my family and friends love me sharing them with them. My mother when she was alive, loved reading them also. Thanks for books that you can relax and read and forget all your cares and worries for awhile.

  52. i love your books, since i have retired I have to wait a long time before I can buy between books.

  53. So thankful Lorine and Jinell are both doing better. God it’s so faithful and merciful. I still pray for your family. And Richard and your strength as well as well being.

  54. Wanda, I am so happy to hear that your daughters and grandbaby are doing better! I agree, there is so much power in prayer! My husband and I were diagnosed with infertility several years ago- we went through around 5 years of testing and trying and were told that we would not be able to conceive a child naturally. But God! We were so pleasantly surprised to have our first ever positive pregnancy test in January 2020 and had our oldest daughter in October of that year and then, 21 months later, we welcomed our 2nd little girl! I am confident that my children are a product of the countless prayers that we and so many others lifted up on our behalf.

  55. I’m am so glad to hear your daughter, granddaughter & great-granddaughter are all doing well!!

    I could use some prayers right now. My recent pap smear came back abnormal. I have to go for additional testing on Thursday. Also, I am heartbroken that our beloved rector & friend is moving to a new parish in early May. He’s had a profound impact on my own walk with Christ. I just need God to be in on this, I’m not sure what He’s up to but I just pray for His will to be done in all of it.

    Many Thanks!
    Debra Rich
    Milford CT

  56. To be honest pray is something new for me, so I cannot tell of it works or not. I’m glad you family is doing well now, you have been thru a lot.
    Your story are wonderful can not wait for the next one.

  57. Hello! I believe the power of prayer is awesome! My uncle had a mass in his lungs. The doctor referred him to a specialist. By the time he went to his appointment and had further testing the mass was totally gone. That appoint was only a few days later. Many people were praying for him.

  58. I most definitely believe in the power of prayer. God has blessed and answered so many of our prayers I can’t name just one. They may not have been answered the way I prayed for them to be but God knew exactly what I needed in every situation. I am so thankful He knows exactly what we need and when we need it.

  59. I believe in the power of prayer. I have seen stories recently of others that have been on terrible accidents and survived.

  60. Prayer is definitely powerful. I’ve prayed for 15+ years for my son to return to Jesus. He did about 2 months ago. God’s ways are not our ways, but he is working all the time nevertheless. Never stop praying!

  61. Praise God for His answered prayers for your daughter, granddaughter, and great granddaughter! God is so good.

    My prayer request is for God’s Will for the future of my church. Financial difficulties due to less giving are causing some tough decisions going forward. Unfortunately, there is a lot of division and hurt within the church, which makes the path forward very trying. Please pray for God’s Will for all things to work for His good and the patience and hope to wait on Him.

    God’s Peace to all!

  62. My favorite thing about Spring. I love to open windows to let fresh air in. Wash all my blankets and sheets hang outside and boy do they smell good that night when we go to bed. Then of course being able to work in flower beds and my garden. Getting all my vegetables planted so I can can watch God’s hand at work growing them. Hello Spring.

  63. Prayer is a very important part of my life, as well. Hearing the challenges your family has faced and the wonderful answers God has given is a blessing and an encouragement to continue to trust Him no matter the circumstances. I’m truly grateful for your blessings! My family is torn apart right now; I pray for healing. God knows the situation and the needs. Through this heart wrenching situation, I am learning to trust God to bring healing in His time. Thank you for your prayers❣️🙏

  64. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to receive a book. I enjoy reading. Books touch my heart in a way that nothing else can.

  65. I definitely believe in the power of prayer. I have been blessed in so many ways. I am so thankful for answered prayers.

  66. I’m a firm believer in prayer. My blessings in life didn’t happen by accident but by the plan that God has for me and the prayers that he’s answered in my time of need. I take comfort in knowing that he hears my prayers. What a sad life it would be to not have a giving and forgiving God to trust in every day.

  67. 🙏🙏🙏🙏for you and family. My Hubby has some health issues which God is taking care of. My Dad almost died 3 times last year from heart issues last year but he is back to doing things he used to do with God’s loving care and healthy!! .

  68. Prayers for your family. I recently asked for a family situation and the Lord answered my prayers.

  69. I have heard people say I have done all I can do now all I can do is pray. I want to tell them that prayer is the “first” thing you should do. Give it to God first. Ask others to also pray for your situation.

  70. So glad your daughter is recovering so well. I have a prayer request my daughter has been accepted in the Disney College program and will be leaving in September. I’m trying to be excited for her but Florida is a long way from Michigan and I am having a hard time with this!

  71. I have read the first two books and have been trying to get the money together to purchase the third one. I love the stories and cannot wait to see what happens next.

  72. Prayer has helped me every day . I start with prayer to make the day better. Plus prayers for others is doing the Lord’s work.

  73. I am very thankful to hear that your daughter, grand-daughter and great-grand-daughter are all doing well. Praying definitely has power.

  74. Prayer is our greatest weapon! Praise the Lord for His faithfulness to your family. Very early on in our marriage we needed a second car and I prayed that God would provide one without us going into debt to purchase it. Well a few weeks later God provided. Will continue to keep your family in prayer Wanda!

  75. I definitely believe in the power of prayer. I had a rash on my stomach, back of my legs, under my breasts and under my arms for 2 years. I went forward for prayer on a Sunday morning. In my spirit I was told I would be healed if I went forward. I did go forward and I was healed.
    In the spring, summer and fall I love being outdoors and working in our flower beds. Last year I planted a small garden and will do the same thing this year. It’s wonderful to have fresh tomatoes and squash. This year I’m adding corn.

  76. A friend recently donated a kidney to my husband. But no matter which way it would have gone prayer and community got us through.

  77. Prayer is the most powerful tool we have. When everything else seem hopeless prayer should always the first place we turn. I had a prayer answered this morning within minutes of praying. My husband was at the hospital
    to have a heart procedure done and after a test the doctor came in and said the issue was no longer there. The only answer was God.

  78. I believe in the power of prayer and often receive a gentle nudge from God that he is still there and to just ask. I have been battling fear and know that faith should go before fear. I ask the Father to always help me to remember that and put my Trust in Him.

    Anita Smith

  79. Continue prayers for your granddaughter and Great granddaughter. Our family has seen the miracle of power of prayers. My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2020. The dr didn’t sound very hopeful in the beginning of her treatment. The tumor was large and surgery wasn’t an option. She received chemo and radiation, which made her sick but she kept fighting. On April1 2024 we went back for her final test results. She is now 1 year and 8 months cancer free. Prayers mean a lot to families going through tough times. May God continue to look over your family.

  80. Glad to hear your family is on the up-and-up, and well wishes for continual good health. I understand power of prayer, recently (in Feb.) had surgery that after a few days of being home(was a common outpatient surgery) , I ended up back in hospital with an infection, that with prayers from others had me home and completely health after only a week stay. your books kepy me company while there. I have enjoyed ready you and your family’s novels for many years, and even have had my tiny local library get your books.

  81. So happy to hear your updates with your daughter and grand-daughter. God is good! I do so believe in the power of pray. God has answered many times and for that I am so grateful.

  82. I know your road ahead will be difficult but my family and I will be praying for you and yours!
    I enjoy your books so much I read and reread them and I also listen to them on audiobook.
    Every one I read inspires me and makes me want to be a better person
    Thank you for all that you do!!

  83. I often reach out to friends and family for prayers as I have a tendency to stress myself out too easily. My oldest son and family moved about 4 hours away from me almost 2 years ago. My grandson who will be 12 soon has had a hard time making friends in his new school and now will be starting middle school in August and he is worried about this. Please keep Derek in your prayers that he will make new connections in middle school and that the kids will stop bullying him. Thank you for your prayers 🙏🏼

  84. My Hubby and I have been the recipient of many answers to prayer over our
    57 years of marriage.
    Most recently was a heart related overnight hospital stay while out of town. Through the prayers of many family and friends, the issue resolved and Hubby was discharged the next morning.
    We trust God for everything in our lives and believe in His sovereignty.

  85. I am a firm believer that prayer works. I am so glad all are well in your family. A prayer sent up for continued good health for you all.

  86. Wanda – you have been a blessing to me as I have read so many pages in books you have written. I pray God will bless you and your family, giving peace and healing and guidance as needed for each situation!

  87. Prayers are absolutely powerful. I believe things can turn around when prayers are said, that’s why they are so powerful.

  88. My father n law who is 98 fell at his house. He went to the hospital had blood clots in both lungs and heart. We all thought he wasn’t going to make it. It took him 2 weeks to get him out of bed to walk. We all were there praying over him. He is now out of bed walking talking and eating . He says he’s ready to go back home.. That was a miracle!!!

  89. I definitely believe in the power of prayer. I’m glad your family has been the recipient of prayers that helped.

  90. I don’t know what I’d do without prayer. It’s such a comfort knowing there’s someone I can go to and talk too, a friend always. It’s so wonderful to hear your daughter is doing so good, I remember when you first ask for prayer. And what a joy your grand baby is home and thriving. Many thanks to God and His blessings .

  91. I definitely believe in the power of prayer. I’ve both sent and received prayers and seen them work in ways words can’t describe.

    I was born several months early in the 80s and wasn’t supposed to live, or -if I lived- would have sever deficits. Family set up a prayer chain/circle and I do believe that I am here today in good health with littles of my own because of prayer.

    May you have a beautiful and bountiful Spring.

  92. My husband and I are in need of prayers. I am disabled and unable to walk without a walker. My husband had a serious accident at work breaking his lower back and severely injuring his shoulder and is now struggling to recover. I do believe God was watching over him though because if he fell a different way he would have been killed.

  93. I always enjoy reading your books, they are comforting and inspiring. My most favorite thing to do once spring arrives, is to enjoy sitting out on the lanai and listening to the birds chirping and seeing the blooming flowers and smelling their fragrant aroma. Spring is like new life.

  94. I certainly believe in prayer. My husband lived almost 11 years with stage four renal cancer. If it had not been for prayer he would have been gone within months according to doctors. He lived long enough that he was able to see our last two grandchildren born and almost 7 years more. I’m so thankful they were old enough to remember him. God is good even though I lost him in August of 2021.

  95. We received an answer to prayer that my 96 year old grandfather who just wanted to die and be reunited with his wife who died in 2020 when he fell and broke his hip December 24th and died December 26th 2023 we are sad but also happy that he is no longer in pain after he fell and broke his hip and is reunited with his wife .The last few months was getting harder as he couldn’t do like anything his self. He lived in an apartment at our house the last 9 months of his life.

  96. Thank you for this opportunity to win your book.
    I’m happy that your daughter has recovered from her stroke.
    Congratulations on your new great granddaughter. Grandchildren keep us young.
    Prayer is powerful. God is in control and will answer in his time and his way.

  97. The power of prayer is an amazing thing and a true gift from our Heavenly Father. God answered a prayer for our family when our granddaughter was hospitalized for 6 weeks. He blessed her with healing.

  98. I believe in the power of prayer. In November, I lost my oldest niece (42) to Breast Cancer. When she was diagnosed they gave her maybe a month. We had her for another year. We will always cherish that extra time

  99. Hello Wanda, I do Believe in The Power Of Prayer! And Your New Book sounds like such a great story I hope to be one of the winners of your book! Have a Blessed Day!

  100. I absolutely love your books. Thank you! If ever there was a time that we need inspiration and answered prayer, it is now.

  101. There is most definitely power in prayer. Our family went through medical issues from October 11, 2022-April 2024. We wonder some times why but God has His reasons. We may not know those reasons but as a child of God we know it is for His glory. My husband fell off a roof 10/11/2022. Praise the Lord his injuries were not severe. We didn’t understand why but trusted God. We called on friends and family to pray and fully believe those prayers are why he wasn’t injured worse than he was. He had to use a walker for a few weeks. On a Sunday he quit using the walker and the following Friday our youngest son was admitted to the hospital with a severe brain infection. I fully believe my husband was injured so that he would be able to stay at the hospital with our son. My husband is a self employed contractor. If he had of been working and remodeling someone’s bathroom or kitchen he would not have been able to stay with our son. The old saying, hind sight is 20/20. No one will ever convince me that there is no God or there isn’t power in prayer. I have lived through many things because God has took care of me due to a lot of prayers.

  102. Hello Ms. Wanda,

    Yes, I do believe in the Power of Prayer. I wouldn’t be here without it. My family has been saved, and my sister healed from prayer. All I know is, that God is so good and I pray and believe in him.
    Thank you for all you do for your family and readers. I love your reads. Be blessed!
    Wanda W.

  103. I hope your daughter is doing much better these days. She, as well as all of your family, have been in my prayers.

  104. I believe in the Power Of Prayer. I would like prayers for my dog Abbie. She has E Coli on her bladder and not responding to medication. Praying she has good results with the medication they have recently given her and the test results show the E Coli is gone.
    Thank you for the prayers,

  105. I absolutely believe in the power of prayer! I could use some prayers right now for an unspoken request, but as I was scrolling through the comments reading all the answered prayers it gives me hope!

  106. Late June of 2021 my daughter’s car was struck twice by another vehicle that ran a red light. Fire chief was amazed she was alive due the type of accident. She was unresponsive for 2 weeks, put on the Neurology floor for a week, transferred to Mary Freebed 2 hours away for another 5 weeks. She suffered 2 brain bleeds, a frontal lobe brain injury, collapsed lung, and 4 fractured vertebrae. My church began praying and I truly believe she is alive today due to a miracle from God. God is so good.

    I broke my ankle last August and was put off work for several weeks, I sold my car to keep rent paid and such. Please pray for a car fir me. It will take a miracle to get one.
    Luv your books and always watch for my library to bring in new ones.

  107. I definitely believe in the power of prayer. I have seen God’s hands in so many of my prayers. I am very blessed.

  108. I would like to ask you to my sister Donelle In your prayers, she is very poor and out of the hospital since January with some sort of infection she needs a liver and kidney. She is also on Dialysis she’s only 59. Thank you in advance for your prayers

  109. Thank you Wanda for the updates on your daughter Lorine & granddaughter Jinell and her precious baby.I definitely believe in the power of prayer. I wanted to share how God answered prayer in our family. My brother in law had many mini strokes & was med transport to Boston Medical.Was in ICU awaiting surgery.Many people were praying and God spared his life without surgery.PTL.
    He is home after 4 days doing much better.He is working with & PT & OT to get the use of his left hand working.
    So yes I believe in the power of prayer.
    Dr’s say he still has the blood clot in his brain but with medication they are hoping to shrink it.We know only our Lord can take it all away in His time.
    God bless you and your precious loved ones.
    Sue Farrell

  110. The power of prayer has gotten me through many, many hard times during my life. Just the same, I pray when things go right, too. I also pray to thank Him for hearing my prayers. Over the years, I have found that not getting what you pray for is just as valuable…although at the time, it doesn’t seem like it.

  111. I have been reading your books for years, and always enjoy them! I’m so glad that your daughter is doing so well! Answered prayers! I know your granddaughter and her precious baby will be fine, too!

  112. God is so wonderful, he seen your daughter and granddaughter and baby safely home . Prayer is a very powerful thing, people need to trust and use pray more.

  113. We have found the importance of prayer in our 55 yrs of marriage. But we also realize that God can answer in one of three ways…YES, NO or WAIT. Often I personally have prayed for something specific only to have God to answer in a way very different from my original prayer. He knows BEST. I’m glad He answers in my best interest. Often in this life we may never understand the answer God gave, but Heaven will reveal the reason. Thanks for your books Wanda. They are a blessing.

  114. I do believe in the power of prayer! I am definitely in need of the power of prayer due to many issues that have come up as I am aging. I have good days and not so good days, but I try to take them as they are given to me. I also have a dear friend who is in need of prayer. We definitely pray for each other but sometimes I just think we need more than each other. I know that God will answer my prayers. He may not answer them the way that I would like but I will accept His decision whatever it may be. I would love and appreciate any and all prayer. Thank you so much Wanda and everyone.

  115. I do believe in the power of prayer and have seen many prayers answered. I am one example of a prodigal daughter who came home. Prayers for a 13 year old daughter who is heading down the wrong path and an 8 year old son who has anger issues and a husband who is too tired to help

  116. Hello,
    I am glad to hear your family is improving so much. God is so wonderful. I have been having some struggles in my life that have been going on now for over a year and a half. Being in a marriage that I didn’t recognize as one that was so toxic and abusive until I was away from it, changed my life completely. I really don’t know the right answers most days but I do know that if I didn’t have God in my life I would not have made it this far and neither would have my grown children. They were more affected than I realized. But somehow my heart still hurts for what it misses. I have many wonderful people who pray with me and for me. Please may I ask for prayers for me and my family and I will do the same for you as well. Take care!

  117. There have been so many times that I have seen prayers answered that I can’t help but believe in the power of prayer. Would you please join me in my current prayer request? I teach preschool and I love what I do. I’m blessed to be in a good working environment, that hasn’t always been the case most of the time. But recently I feel like maybe God has something more in store for me but I have no idea what that me. I’m praying for wisdom and clarity to see if this is the case.

  118. Your journal entry does make me believe that our prayers are answered! I’ve been following the story of your daughter and granddaughter and am so excited that both of them are doing so well. God does listen to our prayers! I pray for those that do not believe in the power of prayer, that God will give them a chance to believe in Him. Thank you Wanda, for your wonderful books and the hope you give those who read these books. Your books are a delightful mini vacation into the families of the Amish.

  119. We definitely believe in prayer. We have extended family that could use many extra prayers. A 50 yr old widow passed away after being quite ill. His mother is in the hospital, going from ICU to rehab to home to hospital. The father is not really able to tell the mother that their son has died. It may be too much for her.
    On a lighter note, I just picked up a copy of return to Big Valley. I grew up in the area and still have siblings in Milroy and Belleville and Lewistown area. We also have many family members is Lancaster-Harrisburg-Ronks-Columbia area. We visit every fall.

  120. I have seen the power of prayer many times. To believe and have faith enables us to connect with the Lord. Our church family prayed for months for our Pastor after he was diagnosed with cancer. Today he is still healed, and cancer free after under going his treatments. Praying together bound our people together in ways we could not have foreseen and built up our faith, love, and unity in service toward the Lord. He used this most difficult time not only to heal our beloved Pastor but to edify us to do the work of His body here.
    Ann Austin

  121. I believe in prayers. I always send prayers to those in need, even if they don’t ask for them.
    I recently had knee surgery, and lost my job. Now trying to get back into the work force, finding a job isn’t as easy as it seems.. yes there are plenty of jobs out there, but employers don’t seem to want to give you a chance in a new field….so if it’s not to much to ask. Could you all send a little prayer my way, I sure could use it.. Thank you so much for listening to me. Have a happy day!

  122. Yes for my husband. He was an alcoholic and is currently 8 months sober! Praise the Lord! Now prayers for him to start going to church with us would be appreciated! 🙂

  123. I am not surprised that your family is recovering so well. I am a firm believer in the power of prayer. I have enjoyed good health for the most part for which I thank God every day. However right now I have a problem with my foot. I have a sore on my toe that isn’t healing . I would appreciate prayers for that. Also I lost 5 people on my prayer list in the last couple of months. Please keep their loved ones in your prayers. Thank you for all you do. Your books are so full of hope for all of us

  124. Wanda,
    I’m so happy our prayers have been answered for Lorine, Jinell and Kira! Prayer is amazing and God is good. I love your books and can’t wait to read the next one. You are the first Amish writer that I read and now I’m hooked on reading about Amish life. Thank you for writing such exciting stories, I never want to put the book down until I’m finished.

  125. Love reading your books when I read your books I feel like I’m part of the story it’s like I’m magical pulled n to the story

  126. I’d like to ask for prayers for my son. Just over a year ago, my 22 year old son had to have his right leg amputated due to a blood clot. He went through the worst for months and months leading up to the amputation, and it’s still taking a toll on him mentally and physically today. We are now dealing with another issue on his other leg and the doctors are just not helping with figuring out what is causing it, and how we heal him. I know our God is the ultimate healer and I really could use all the prayers possible for healing for my baby. He is losing his faith and trust in God, and his doctors. I’m trying to hold everything together and sometimes I feel like I am failing.

  127. Recently I have been going through a tough time with my marriage. Some days are harder than others to go to work. We are separated at this time. My friends at work are my prayer buddies and support as well as my family. I pray for guidance each day and God lets me know I am not alone. Without God’s help I know I would not be where I am today. We are never alone in our troubles and in our triumphs. So glad your family is doing much better Mrs. Brunstetter. God bless!

  128. Prayer is definitely powerful. I have seen the prayers of God’s people restore a little girl with severe skull fractures.

  129. Oh yes! I most certainly believe in the power of prayer! I have been praying for your family and glad to hear they are doing better! God hears our prayers and longs for us to speak with Him. Blessings to you all!

  130. Many times this week I have been in a troubled state of mind. So much going on within the home and family that I have had to seek God out for answers to control my thoughts and emotions. God answered me with such an overwhelming response that I wasn’t sure I could do it. He said to stop and control my emotions and lean to Him and let Him lead my way through my troublesome hours. He will guide and direct me the way I need to go. He is always there with the answer to any problem I face.

  131. I am blessed that my husband was able to finally have surgery on his eyes for glaucoma. This week he has one eye done, Now in a couple of weeks he will get the other I done. I would like to ask for prayers for a speedy recovery. Also I would like to ask for prayers for healing for my back and neck. I have back discs and the doctor wants to try shots and then surgery to fix them. I am my husbands caregiver, I work a full time job and try to help with my mom. I needed up in the ER and found out that I have Afib. I just need prayers for strength and relief of this back pain

  132. I do believe in the power of prayer. Please pray for my family. We are going through some health issues right now. Thank you I love reading your books

  133. Yes, definetly believe in power of prayer. I am going thru breast cancer now and hope the power of prayer will circle me. ❤❤

  134. Good morning, Wanda,

    Prayer is amazing in how it can manifest healing when so desperately needed. I always pray for others but rarely pray for myself. Right now I find myself in the position of needing prayers. My colon developed a hole in it and a portion had to be removed resulting in a colostomy. This has been so hard to deal with, but I’m hoping it can be reversed. Until then, I am asking your devoted readers for prayers for healing and relief from constant pain. I will be so grateful for any help I can receive. Thank you so much.

  135. I love seeing the power of prayer in working in peoples life. It brings joy to my heart to see answered prayers and to be reminded just how amazing our God truly is.

  136. I was forced to give a little girl whom I birthed up for adoption when I was very young. I prayed for 54 years for my baby. In October of last year we found each other. We have a very special relationship and I have two grandchildren and one great granddaughter. Never give up hope. This was a miracle and God does answer prayers.

  137. Wanda,
    I have just lost another message to try to reach you again. It has been a very long time since I have been able to contact you. I have sent many messages but to no avail and I do not know why. I have been praying for you for many reasons, some are about your little friend in Fl who has been on oxygen for a long time, for your daughter and when she had the stroke and still am, for this great granddaughter of yours, too, her picture is so precious. Yes, God answers our prayers and He is so wonderful to hear us and to allow us to commune with Him at any time.
    I too, have a great granddaughter who was born quite recently. She was a full term baby but could not breathe. She was in the hosp.in GA and went home after two surgeries and after she was a month old. Bless her heart. She was born with a disease called Choanal Tresia, causing no breathing through her nose. The two surgeries have helped some but she has to be taken back tomorrow to the Chilrens hosp again for the third surgery. After that, we do not know. Her name is Lilee Sandra. She is precious. Just before she was born, my husband of sixty and a half year, has gone to Heaven. I took care of him for a couple of years but as his health greatly declined and he went from 225 lbs last summer down to
    130 lbs in those last few months. He could not eat. Hospice was.in our home for the past six weeks he lived and he was very optimistic. He kept wanting spring to come as he loves his flower garden but he realized about two weeks before the Lord took him Home that he was going. He kept telling me, “Andy, I am going Home.” He repeated it at different times. Just 3 hours after my 80th birthday, He went to His eternal Home. I take comfort, Wanda, in knowing where he is now. We have his burial service coming up soon. Glory to Jesus! I hope you will get this Wanda as I pray for you and your dear family all the time. I love you and am reading three of your books now that help me so much. It is the Prairie State Friends series a friend just loaned me. I love you Wanda. Love with Prayers,andria

  138. I fell in love with your books with the first book I read of your several years ago.( So long ago I don’t remember the title of that first book. ) I know one of the first series was” A Cousins Promise”
    I look forward to the first book of your brand new series coming in August 2024. Can’t wait to get it.