Wanda’s Journal


In February of this year, my husband and I will celebrate our 61st wedding anniversary, but as strange as it sounds, we’ve only been living together as husband and wife for 59 years. You might be wondering how that could be possible. Well, let me explain.

Just one and a half months after Richard and I were married, he was sent to Germany, where he would be for two years on an army military base. Due to the fact that we did not have the funds for me to join him, I stayed with my parents until Richard returned home two years later, when his tour of duty was over. The years we were apart were difficult, but we kept in touch via letters and a few phone calls. I also sent Richard photos, along with a recorded message that he could play on his tape recorder, and he did the same.

You might be wondering what kept us together during those two years apart, followed by 59 more years of living together and raising two children. I can sum it up in just one word—Commitment. Our first commitment has always been to God and then to each other.

To be fully committed, one must have an unreserved devotion to stand fast or hold in place. A lack of commitment in marriage will break down everything else that is important. If we’re committed to our spouse, we will almost certainly be committed to our children and grandchildren, as we grow older.

There are many other things we should be committed to, such as our job, relationships to friends and family, and any goals we might have. Our first and most important commitment, however, should always be to God. To serve Him, we must be committed to seeking His will for our lives. If we want to fulfill our purpose on earth, then as Christians, we must choose who we will serve and make an effort to remain faithful to the Lord.

My goal as a Christian wife, mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, is to follow Christ and stay committed to doing His will. What commitments have you made this year?

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  1. Happy early anniversary Wanda and Richard. I know it must have been very hard being apart those couple of years when you were first married. You are so right … commitment is the main thing in every marriage. Always put the Lord first then your spouse. It takes three to make a marriage work.. I love your books Wanda and Richard’s pictures. Keep those books coming.

  2. My commitment is trying to stay healthy as possible, but with more Trust in God’s Grace & Mercy, with my Faith. I’ve been through so much in life, that I never, ever dreamed I would be in or go through. It opened me up in ways that I didn’t think that were possible. I gained Strength & Confidence, as well as my own voice!!
    This is a positive for me a million times over, since I was committed to someone for over 22yrs, that wasn’t to me

  3. I’ve committed to spending time with my family and reading more novels, than watching tv. I feel like I need more inner affirming stimulus and less of the exterior, worldly voices.

  4. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. My mother was also a military wife. They were married on December 29 and he had to report on December 31st. She also stayed with her parents until he was done with his Navy tour.

  5. Congratulations on 61 years of commitment. Putting God first always puts everything else in order.
    I truly enjoy reading your books.

  6. Belated Happy Anniversary!!! You are right! Make the Lord the center of your marriage and you will have created the greatest triangle of love, with God at the center. Always enjoy your books and look forward to the next publication.

    Have a blessed day in the Lord!!

    Nancy Brown

  7. I thank you for sharing with us a little of your personal experiences. Your books are such a blessing to me!!

  8. To commit myself to pray and study more of the Bible. To be a good friend, wife mother and Mimi to everyone.

  9. Wanda, I enjoy reading your books and learning more about Amish ways. Happy anniversary, and may you have many more. I love to read, put puzzles together and watch the birds during the winter. We just had a week of snow and ice here in Alabama and of course it closes everything down here. May you and your husband have a wonderful year!

  10. I enjoyed reading your most recent entry about your husband spending 2 years in the Army stationed in Germany. My husband was also stationed in Germany soon after we were married. I was fortunate enough to be able to join him. That was a very enjoyable time and brings back fond memories. Thank you for sharing that part of your life.

  11. Happy anniversary to you and your husband Wanda brunstetter. I love reading your books and can not wait to find out about your new books you have written.

  12. happy anniversary ! my husband and I are celebrating our 21st this year and his parents celebrate 76 years together this year ! I think if we walk in Christ’s love and attitude trials and issues that arise in any marriage should make the love stronger. Respect,& kindness are our roots to all these years.

  13. Wow! What a huge accomplishment. My husband and I celebrated 42 years December 27, 2023. Praise God for his grace and mercy. He has been with us through all the ups and downs. My husband was not a Christian when we married, but through prayer and faith he came to know the Lord and has been a faithful wonderful husband, father, and Grandfather. Thank you for your books and wonderful journal entries.

  14. I was married on Feb 9, 1957 & had 64 1/2 years together before he went to be with Lord in July 2021. I miss him in so many situations but thankful I know where he is with our Lord & Lord with me. So appreciated your time of sharing a year ago in Sarasota.
    Blessings, Nancy

  15. Hello Wanda! My husband & I renewed our yearly pledge commitment to our church & received our pledge envelopes for the year. I’ve also made a decision to rejoin our church choir. I work evenings Mon – Thurs & rehearsals are Wednesday evenings but I’ve found a way to set aside Wednesday evenings with a combination of using vacation time & working some Friday evenings. I felt sad to miss singing in the choir over the holidays and singing brings me immense joy, and my joy brings God glory, so it’s a win-win! I was asked by Family Radio how I plan to enjoy God more in the New Year…feels good to make a commitment to joining choir again! During the winter months I love to make soup, sit with a mug of tea or coffee by our electric fireplace, take a winter hike through the woods, & even go snow tubing! 🙂 Blessings to you & your family Wanda, just love your books, they are chicken soup for the soul! Debra Rich, Milford CT

  16. I have committed to spend more time with God and my husband. I’ve found I have devoted alot of time to my kids and neglected spending that quality time with my husband.

  17. My first commitment would be to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To be lead by the Holy Spirit in all I say and do. My second commitment would be to my family including my church family. I too made a commitment when I got married but I was the only one in that relationship to make that commitment. After 18 years, much of that time I was by myself because of some things he got into, I finally divorced him. I was/am a single parent. I only have one granddaughter that I am very proud of who is in college. I try to spend time with them as they don’t live in the same state. My younger of the two sons still lives with me. God is good and I am truly blessed.

  18. During the winter I just like to stay in the house have my morning coffee, watch a little TV and then read books.

  19. Truly inspirational! I love your life stories as well as your books. This year I’ve committed to keeping even closer to God, reading and studying Bible more. I got a devotional planner for a year through the Bible. I’ve committed my new journey of watercolor painting for God. He brought watercolor painting into my life December 2023 and He has shown me once again that with being a quadriplegic that I can do all things through christ who strnghtens me. It’s helping me keep my mind off the turmoil of life from surgery/recovery/bed rest over the past year. I’ve devoted my time every day to God with sermons, listening to audio Bible, praying, mediating on sermons and Bible, and painting. It’s brought the peace, healing and much needed solace. I’ve always been close as possible to God but over the past few years (especially last year and this year so far, I’ve been even closer. I’m praying that God will guide me to whether I should move closer to town again in order to get back to church in person too. I’ve missed going to church over the past year due to surgery/recovery/bed rest. Thankfully YouTube has sermons I listen to every day. Thank you God for life and everything. Thank you Wanda for all your books and inspiration! God’s love light and blessings to you and your family

  20. Happy anniversary! Not many couples these days can say they’ve been married over 60 years (but my parents can)! I hope you have some special plans for this year. My commitment this year is to spend more time with my parents since we just moved closer to them.

  21. My commitments for this year are to draw closer to God by reading my Bible every day, pray daily for everyone on my prayer list. When a spouse loses their spouse, I pray for them daily for one year. I also keep a list of all the requests for all the folks we who request prayer by catergories, cancer, safety, etc. I will try to be more helpful in giving of my time to help others.

  22. 42 years married, ups and downs through the years, but we were committed to each other by our faith, our children, our family.

  23. Congratulations on 61 years together!
    Love is truly commitment to another. A covenant. What a blessing to have such a love.
    We are coming up on 42 years in May. I can’t believe how fast it has gone by. Happy anniversary!

  24. Wanda as always ,you make me think about my life. First always the Lord. Then everything else will fall into place.

  25. Wanda, The Prayer Jar is a Great Idea. We started Prayer jars at Church around the time your books were published.. the ladies wondered what to write and I told them to write what ever their Hearts suggested…
    Several of the ladies have kept their Prayer jars filled and read them just into the new year…

  26. This year my husband & I will celebrate our 54th anniversary & I agree it takes a commitment to God & to our vows to enjoy our lives together.

  27. I enjoy reading your journal entries and books. Commitment is definitely important to me in our marriage of 58 years. God is good! Congratulations on your many years of marriage and your love for our Lord!

  28. My granddaughter’s birthday is February 8, 2002. I enjoy reading your books. I like the way they are written. I have read almost every one. I buy them and donate them to my city library.

  29. Thank you, Wanda, for sharing your experiences and your words of encouragement regarding commitment. My commitment this year is to trust God no matter how bleak the circumstances may appear. It seems the closer we desire to come to God, the more the enemy attacks. God is Faithful and I choose to trust him in all things and claim his promise in Romans 8:28.

  30. Happy Early Anniversary!! I’ve made a commitment to focus more on my personal time with God by reading His Word and praying. I’ve also made a commitment to exercise more, eat better, and hopefully lose more weight.

  31. My commitment is to be a better wife, mother and grandmother. It is also to be of service to the church and do what God is calling me to do.

  32. Congratulations on your 61st Wedding Anniversary 🎉
    I really enjoy reading your books. I am currently reading your Amish Cooking Class series. I am on book 2 right now.

  33. It seems so few people practice commitment these days. My husband and I will celebrate 20 years of marriage this year. Has it always been easy? No. But has it been worth it? Absolutely! We’ve had our challenges. My health has been one of them and it seems as if I’ve been bombarded over the last year. It would be easy for him to walk away. But we committed to each other when we got engaged that “divorce” would not be an option once we were married and we’ve worked hard not to even make it part of our vocabulary. And we’ve both had strong, committed marriages to watch as examples. His parents celebrated 50 last year and my parents celebrate 45 this year. We’ve also practice our commitment to God and our love and commitment to Him helps us in our love and commitment to each other. My hope and prayer is that our example of commitment to the Lord and each other will positively affect our two children, so that they will go and do likewise.

  34. How wonderful to be married so many years. Marriage is a grand union. My commitment is to be more fixed on making my children to love each other. They are grown (41 & 37). Be there for each other.

  35. I am blessed by your journal entry. Your life and testimony is a blessing to many. May this be another wonderful year for you and your family. Happy Anniversary Wanda and Richard!!!
    My commitment this year is to continue to seek and do God’s will and serve Him by serving others.

  36. Bless God! Wow. What a strong, lasting commitment Richard and you made to God and to one another. Praise God!

    God Bless and Keep you, all yours, and all! And many more years of Blessed, wonderful marriage!

    In Christ Jesus!

  37. What a beautiful story! Happy Anniversary. My husband and I are celebrating 40 years this summer. 🙂

    I’m committed to reading the Bible through again this year. I’m using the YouVerse Bible app and I’m staying on track!

  38. Looking forward to reading this book
    Happy Anniversary to you both- may God bless you just like you bless everyone you meet…
    Love and prayers

  39. Love your writings. I have read many and will continue to do so. I love the way you write and gives me lots of good info about these loving people.
    You are blessed and I pray that our Lord and Savior will use your gift of writing to bring a lost soul to the Lord.
    Blessings, FennaMarie

  40. Congratulations on your anniversary! What an inspiration! My commitment has been to my weight loss journey. I’m down 35 lbs, so far, and I have exchanged thinking about food for spending time with God via being in His word, reading devotionals, and serving others.

  41. To do my best to show God’s love and grace to family, friends, and everyone that I cross paths with during the year.

  42. Congratulations on your anniversary! Commitment to God and his teachings is my number one. Having raised 4 children in the faith is no easy task but with God, anything is possible. I love when the new year begins so I can renew my commitment to God and the church. I strive to be a better wife, mother and church goer. God has been the main focus all of my life and I feel so blessed everyday.

  43. This year I am commuting to grow in my relationship with God as well as with my fiancée. Sometimes things like the phone, work, and kids are getting in the way of building a strong relationship and I need to commit to being closer to both God and my fiancée.

  44. I decided quite awhile back to engage in more activities in our church even though I had been regularly active for years. It was just a more focused effort on my part of what I had done for many years.
    Sometimes it is not easy, there are lots of different opinions of others to contend with but it has been worth the effort to draw closer to one another. My goal is to be conformed to Christ, and the longer I follow Him, the more He becomes to me. I am grateful for that.

  45. Congratulations on your 61st wedding anniversary. My husband and I are going on our 25th. Thank you for your insight on marriage and for the books you have written.

  46. Happy Anniversary! Congratulations to you and Mr. Richard on your enduring journey with the Lord and each other. Leaving our children a legacy of commitment is so powerful in their lives and the lives of others who see us answer the Lord’s call. I have found that when I keep God in the center, my love for my husband and children fall into place and bring great joy as well.

  47. What an inspiring story! I would like to be more committed to always “being in the moment” – not missing opportunities to touch those around me in a positive way.

  48. Happy Anniversary my husband and I will celebrate our 51st anniversary on February 16th. I enjoyed reading your column.

  49. Commitments that I have made as a Wife, Mother and Grandmother is to love unconditionally and to the fullest each and every day. Communication is another factor as to why my Husband and I have been married 50 years. I am blessed.

  50. My parents anniversary was in Feb also. My Dad has passed but we still send my Mom something for their anniversary.
    I like fall. I love the colors and the cooler weather. Unfortunately that leads to winter. 😂😂
    Happy Anniversary to you both.

  51. My dear husband just went Home to eternity in August. We were married for 43 years, looking forward to many more. His death was sudden but God has been amazing with His provision for me. I’ve cried tears of joy and know well that there can be joy in grief. Just yesterday I got a wonderful surprise. My husband had purchased for me a massage through our chiropractor (helps my neuropathy). It was for Christmas this past year. Who’d have known he wouldn’t be there to pick it up for me for Christmas? My chiropractor said he got tears when I asked him about purchasing one not long back. He was waiting to surprise me with my husband’s gift the next time I came in. I think we both teared up as he handed me the envelope he’d been waiting to give me. What a sweet and blessed moment. That went down in my blessing book. Go hug your husbands and let them know how much they mean to you. And…happy anniversary, Wanda and Richard! (Thanks for letting me share.)

  52. First of all, Congratulations on 61 years of marriage! That’s truly a wonderful thing!
    I always love reading your journal entries!
    Commitment is indeed important. It is a wonderful thing to commit to someone you love . It is a special and sometimes hard thing to do.
    I was married to and very much committed to my wonderful husband for 46 years , before he passed away.

  53. I love the reminder about the reminder of the importance of commitment. I especially like the one that God should be our first commitment.

  54. Commitment is a good trait to have in a marriage. That is interesting the way you and Richard started out your marriage. I would say that the Lord has blessed you both. Happy anniversary!

  55. Dear Wanda,
    Happy Anniversary to you and Richard! May the Lord bless you with a great day!!
    What a great example of commitment in a marriage. Commitment along with loyalty seems to be less and less understood in our current culture. Fits with your comments about church attendance.
    I have enjoyed reading many of your books!!!
    Have a blessed day,
    Jan W

  56. Happy Blessed Anniversary to you and your husband, may God Bless you with many more amazing years together.

    My husband’s parents went through similar first years as you and your husband. They married and he went away to Germany within a year. While there, he became a first time dad as his mother gave birth to him. He was nearly 2 before his dad got to hold him for the first time. She had done like you did sent pictures and letters to tell him he was a new dad. After he came home they had 3 more children and loves and lived together for 61 years with God as their guide until her death and then he lived alone until his death last year. As you say, that’s commitment.

    I made a commitment to God this new year to be more obedient, faithful, and loyal towards Him. I truly want to be a better Christian and I know I need His help to do this.
    I read every book of yours that I can get hold of. You inspire me through your writings.
    Thank you.

  57. Congratulations on your 61 wedding anniversary!! That’s fantastic 😊. My husband and I have been married 43 years. I love your books!!

  58. Like you and Richard my mother and father were separate about a week after they were married. He was in the Navy and I believe he was in Korea for a time. The had a happy marriage and both accepted the Lord as their Savior. My brother and I grew up in church thanks to my parents .

  59. Happy Anniversary, praying you enjoy some of your downtime! We have been having some really great weather for Kansas, all the 9 inches of snow we received in January are gone ! We are having 60 degree weather, but I am sure Winter is not done with us yet!🥰 I really enjoy your books very much!

  60. My husband & I were only married 9 months when he got orders to go to Vietnam for a year. Like you I went home to live with my parents. I was a new RN so I worked every shift I could to make the time go faster & to save up some money. I so agree with you about commitment, marriage doesn’t work well without it especially when having to be apart any length of time. We will be married 55 years this year. God is the center of our lives. We have 2 children & 5 wonderful grand children. I’m an avid reader & so thankful for authors like you who keep writing wonderful books.I especially love reading about the Amish.

  61. Happy Anniversary to you both! I can imagine how hard those early years were. I know the kind of commitment and sacrifice that our military families make. I have relatives that were in the military.
    I have made a commitment to pray every day. I try to spend at least 15 minutes each day talking to God and listening for his voice.

  62. I read the Healing Jars! Such a joy as always! Thanks. Happy Anniversary! We have been to Leavenworth, Washington. So quaint. Kinda like Sugarcreek, Ohio.

  63. I also have been married lots of years – 57 for me. Commitment is a strong word and since I am his caregiver my commitment this year is to be the best caregiver I can be.

  64. Happy Anniversary and I hope its as memorable as last year’s! I enjoy reading you messages 2 times a month in my email..I enjoy reading your books as well..
    God Bless you!
    Judy Stugart

  65. Happy Anniversary and I hope its as memorable as last year’s! I enjoy reading you messages twice a month in my email..I also enjoy reading your books as well..Thank You!!
    God Bless you!
    Judy Stugart

  66. Commitment is extremely important in any relationship, whether it by to God or family. Your passage on forgiveness hit me the most. My brother just passed away this week. I know he is at peace in the hands of the lord. My brother has not spoken to me or my brother since the passing of my mom 12 years ago. It was a misunderstanding and as many times I tried to explain that there was no money left after the care we gave her at the time he did not see it. My brother and I are still paying off the debt that we gave to take care of mom. My younger brother did not understand this. Unfortunately, he died without us speaking and it is the hardest pain to go thru. I have spoken to God every day asking him to speak to my baby brother (62) and let him know how much I love him no matter what he might have said to me. I wish you and your husband a Happy Anniversary and wish you many more happy ones. Remember never go to bed without saying I love you.

  67. Love spring. It is a new begining.
    I read stay in the best i can in winter.
    God is Good all the time
    Roxanna livermore

  68. Awww Happy Anniversary, Wanda!! What a journey from start to now. Truly it is encouraging. I am committed to reading the Word for at least 10 minutes daily, launching my business AND keeping a cleaning schedule within my home. Sending you and yours so much love this month and beyond <3

  69. I love curling up on a cold day with a cup of coffe and one of your books. Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us.

  70. Happy Anniversary!
    My husband and I have been married for 38 years, and we truly enjoy spending time together. I can’t imagine living apart for years! We were only separated when I was hospitalized during my second pregnancy at a hospital that was two hours away because I had preeclampsia. He had to stay home with our three year old son, and those two months were difficult in so many ways, not least of which was missing my husband and son.

  71. My husband and I were high school sweethearts. We dated three year before getting married. He left for Viet Nam 2 weeks after our wedding. We will have been married 56 years come March 30, 2024.

  72. Happy anniversary! I loved reading of your commitment to God and your husband, in that order, and how that kept your marriage strong. I enjoyed your whole journal entry.

    I absolutely love reading your books.

  73. Your journal entry is so true. I wish I had done this in my first marriage. I was so unhappy because my husband worked a lot and I pretty much raised our two boys alone. I decided I wanted a divorce and maybe I can be happy with someone else. Boy was I wrong! I should have stuck with the commitment I made when I was first married instead of giving up and I knew better. Thankfully I am happily married now but not without a lot of hurt and suffering for many years. I also have a closer walk with Jesus and I am so blessed he was always with me!

  74. Congratulations on your 61st wedding anniversary! That’s s huge feat these days. This year I will will be married 24 years to my high school sweetheart.

    This year I’ve been sticking to my New Years Resolutions! I ready need to be putting God first. It’s hard sometimes. Life is hard sometimes. I think I will add to my Resolutions of putting time aside for just him!

  75. Wanda, your marriage story was awesome and you were blessed to be able to be so committed to each other. But I do know where you are coming from saying a good marriage comes from commitment to each other after God.
    We will be married 57 in May and we feel the same way. Have always said Family First after God but he is our # 1 to love and be committed to.. we commit to all of our family and for many things with them this month. We are there for them and everything they do. First of all we are committed to the through God and our faith and belief. We have 12 grand children and 2 great Grandchildren. We had 5 children that married and then our oldest one passed in 2003 and we raised his one child as he had full custody. Now Jamie ,his son. Our oldest Grandson is married and has our 2vgreat grand children. And we are all committed . He is now a Police officer, fireman , and Peramedic. He is committed to all of the above .
    Thanks for that Journal page. Love and God Bless you, Sue Washegesic , 552 Center St. South Haven , Michigan 49090

  76. Happy Anniversary!!! What a great story of love and devotion! Such an example you set for your family showing them how Christ loves the church through your marriage. Thank you for being an example for all of us!

  77. I’ve made the commitment this year to read my bible, listen to more christian music and to feel more closer to God. To learn to listen to him when he speaks with me throughout my life situations. Also, to put my faith and fear in him as he deals with my health this year and bring my hubby & I closer to each other. I have also made the commitment to trust that his plans for me aren’t finished yet.

    Congrats on making it to 61 years with your husband as many aren’t so lucky to accomplish that great of a feat!

  78. Wanda,
    For me Ephesians 4:32 is the ultimate commitment. To become useful and helpful and kind to one another, tenderheartedforgiving one another as God in Christ Jeus forgave you.

  79. Tis April my husband and I will be married 60 Years. I was only 17 when we got married but I was a Christian and understood marriage is a commitment for life. We have had times when there was only enough money but God always made sure we could do it. He bless us with 2 children four grandchildren and one great grand child so far. Stay committed to God And it all works out.

  80. Happy Anniversary!!
    My commitments this year: To declutter my space, letting go of the unnecessary “stuff”, and to spend more time doing things I enjoy with my family. I have also started the Bible in a Year challenge with a friend.

  81. 61, that is just wonderful! We would have had our 50th in April, but my husband passed a year and a half ago. I love your commitment journal entry. My commitments are quite similar to yours in every way. You are inspiring. Happy Anniversary!

  82. His Forgiveness , Grace and Love is the foundation and purpose . God has been the center of my marriage from the start. Knowing that He will keep His Promise, help us keep focused on what is really important to our marry, family and life. He will always forgive my faults, sins, and mistakes if I let go and let Him cleanse them away. I know He is always with us and loves us for eternity.
    That is why your books inspire me. The messages your books carry hit home to our hearts .

  83. His Forgiveness , Grace and Love is the foundation and purpose . God has been the center of my marriage from the start. Knowing that He will keep His Promise, help us keep focused on what is really important to our marry, family and life. He will always forgive my faults, sins, and mistakes if I let go and let Him cleanse them away. I know He is always with us and loves us for eternity.
    That is why your books inspire me. The messages your books carry hit home to our hearts .

  84. You are so brave! I cannot imagine being married, yet apart for 2 years. My husband and I have been married for 38 years. Our separations are short. The most being a week. I admit I probably wear out God’s ear during those separations. He keeps me focused and moving forward.
    Thank you for this blog post. Commitment to God and one another is paramount to a successful relationship.

  85. My husband and I have 7 children, 5 grandchildren and much commitment!!!! We both work jobs that require our full attention, I am a nurse in an emergency department and he is an EMT, believe it or not he brings me patients!!! I have had many many talk with patients that are going through a hard time and have been able to share Jesus with them! When we aren’t working we are both volunteers in the Fire and EMS world! Where we can once again share! When we aren’t working or volunteering we are usually spending time with kids and grandkids, our house is an open invitation to friends and strangers and I believe our house and our personalities let others know how and what God has done in our lives!! We are a living example of God’s work!!!

  86. Hot chocolate & a good book is my idea of a good time .the sun is shining here in ohio today it’s been a while to see it. Happy Anniversary to you.

  87. Congratulations to you and Richard.My husband and I were married 51 years and he died in November 2023.I miss him so much but I am trying to keep busy and do a lot of things differently.He had PD and watched television day and night because he wasn’t able to do much.I only watch tv an hour each day.I love to read and I’ve read a lot of books this winter.I am spending a lot of time with family and friends too!God has blessed me.

  88. Happy Anniversary and Congratulations! You are right. Having a marriage that stays the course takes commitment to God first and then each other. Commitment is no longer taught. Keeping commitments to God and to your spouse is something that is learned. It starts in childhood….Teaching your children to keep their commitments in the “small things” gives them the foundation to know how to keep their commitments in the “big things” – God and marriage.

  89. Happy Anniversary first of all! May you both receive your biggest blessings yet!

    Favorite “winter” activity? Snowball fights with the grandkids followed by hot chocolate and lots of laughter as we thaw out!

  90. I made a commitment to myself this year to pray more for my family & friends. I often catch myself just asking the Lord to be with them. I want to do better in being more specific for them.

  91. Happy Anniversary! My husband and I just had our 44th anniversary. As a wife of a retired veteran who served 20 years. Without God being a huge part of life of our lives our marriage would not have stood a chance. We love Our Father and have a special relationship because of him. God Bless you both. I’m getting ready to start Sisters by the sea! Love you’re books!

  92. Happy Anniversary! My husband and I just had our 44th anniversary. As a wife of a retired veteran who served 20 years. Without God being a huge part of life of our lives our marriage would not have stood a chance. We love Our Father and have a special relationship because of him. God Bless you both. I’m getting ready to start Sisters by the sea! Love you’re books!

  93. Commitments made this year: 1.Read through the Old Testament. (Last year I read through the New Testament and through the Psalms.)
    2. Pray for our Pastors on Sundays and other days as lead.
    3. complete at least 3 sewing/ hand stitching projects
    Congratulations on 61 years of marriage, Wanda!! We are working on 47 years this June. It does take commitment, but it is worth it!!

  94. Even though it is late, congratulations on your anniversary. Love and marriage require work every single day to be successful.

  95. Congratulations on 61 years of marriage. That is wonderful. And thank you to your husband and you for his service. What a beautiful testament to God. He should always be first in our lives and everything else will fall into place. May not be an easy road but it is much easier with God on your side.

  96. Wanda,
    Happy Anniversary to you and Richard. You sure don’t look like you could be married for 61 years. Love all your books. God has blessed you with such talent. God is good, all the time.
    Willa Wilson

  97. Happy 61st Anniversary, My God Bless You With Many More. My daughter is veteran she served 8 years in the Navy, Thank you husband for his service . I absolutely love your books. I have read so many that I have to keep a list in my phone so I don’t buy them again. They are the only ones I do not donate after reading because of the recipes in the back. My god bless you. Robin GA

  98. Dear Wanda, you have been one of my life’s biggest blessings. Way back in 2014 when I came to your Wanda Weekend in Ohio and you bought me an Amish doll pattern book because I was starting a new adventure of a doll shop. As a “seeker” you told me that although I now lived in the south I might find an Amish Mennonite church which I did! I have learned so much from “the people.” I also talked to you about my love of writing and guess what? My first novel A Mess a’ Miracles is now a reality. Thank you for years of GODLY inspiration. Love Christine

  99. Today is the day that we go to church and praise God. I praise the lord and love him with all my love. I try to put God first in everything I do.



  101. Having grown up in a country, Rhodesia, and experiencing what is was like to live through a “bush war” , losing family and many friends; I’m forever thankful God kept my husband & I together then and now 46 years later – With God, Through God and & Committed to God by His Grace. Hallelujah!

  102. In In 9 days my Honey and I celebrate our 59th wedding anniversary. I am truly blessed to have the most caring and loving husband, and I thank God everyday for him. I look forward to many more years of wedded bliss.

  103. I do believe in the power of f prayer. My Bible study gals pray each week for our dear friends and family members who may be sick, who are experiencing difficulties in their lives ,who may need spiritual guidance from the Lord. We may not always see what we expect the outcome of our prayers should be, but we are certain God ‘s will is being done. It is not always according to our will , but His. We’ve prayed for and witnessed a little girl (the grand daughter of one of our Bible study members) receive a double lung transplant almost 2 years ago and is doing well.
    We prayed to our gracious and loving God fervently for her healing. God’s will was done. She still has obstacles, but she is doing very well. Keep those prayers coming!! God’s Will will be done.