Wanda’s Journal


In my co-authored novel, The Blended Quilt, when Sadie decided to make a blended quilt, she said that she wouldn’t quit until she came up with the right combination.

Have you ever started a project and struggled to get it done? If you didn’t finish it, did you have any regrets? If you were able to complete your project, how did it make you feel?

Each year, on the first of January, many people make New Year’s resolutions. It might be to finish a project they began in the old year, start a new project and see it through to completion, lose weight, eat healthier, exercise more, spend less time watching TV and more time with family, or any number of things.

It’s harder to stick with a resolution than it is to make one. We might start out with good intentions but lose our determination along the way. What are some ways that a person who has decided to make a change, or do something they’ve always wanted to do, can see it through to completion?

But what if, because of certain unexpected circumstances, and despite your good intentions and determination, you are not able to keep your resolution or finish something you had planned to complete? Life gets in the way sometimes, which might mean setting your goals aside while you focus on something else that needs your immediate attention. The main thing is not to be hard on yourself if your specific goals for the New Year are not met. Taking one day at a time, and letting God lead in my daily walk is the best way I know to enter the New Year with determination to serve Him.

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  1. My very first quilt never got done. When I was piecing it together the block did not come out the correct size. Here is is about 20 years later and I finally decided that I could use the strip to make sewing machine cover. I have 4 sewing machines myself. I have the pattern, time and material but yet I still have not made them. This will be my resiloution this year. I am presently trying to repair a quilt for a lady who has lost her site to sew.

    1. I love reading all the Quilt books especially. I am presently reading the “Tattered Quilt Book” at the same time I am personally repairing a tatter quilt for someone. I see I need to reead the Blended quilt book next. I have found some great compariison from the weather to Religion.
      A friend of mine mention How ulgy the weather is. I had to comment to focus on the good side of the weather. I saw it as God giving us a new begining and we cleaned our houses and he is cleaning the outside world with new linen. (The snow). I also felt that this was a way to see things as a second chance to get it right. Let’s go back to the begining of God to say follow the commandment I gave you,.

      1. I love reading all your Amish Books.
        I can’t wait until March when the 3rd book is released in the Mockingbird’s Series. I get so involved that I feel like I actually in the story. With 2020 in the rear view and thinking positively about 2021. I plan on taking 1 day at a time and focus on it. Prayers for the Lord’s will to be done. Try not worry about what I cannot change.

  2. I started an embroidered quilt; I have about 1/2 the blocks finished. It’s very detail oriented and time consuming. I haven’t worked on it in months. I think I’ll get it out and make a goal of working on it an hour a week.

  3. In spite of all of the problems we faced in 2020, I vow to have a positive outlook on the new year 2021. God is still in control! He never leaves us.

  4. I love reading your books, they are so inspiring! You always have something in your books that touch my heart. May God bless you and your family with a wonderful new year. And keep em coming!! ❤️??. Helen

  5. I have some unfinished projects, many in fact. There are many reasons I could offer for why they are unfinished, but I think the real reason is that I get discouraged. Life takes over, as does health and loneliness. Having someone to sew and share with would be a wonderful blessing!

    1. Thank you for shining God’s light with your words. Through your books and all you do and write. I enjoy reading your books, and trying some of the recipes. May God continue to bless you in 2021. Happy New Year. Kim

  6. This has been a year to forget. The entire world is caught up in this Covid mess. I pray that we can see a light at the end of this dark tunnel….and come out in better shape than ever!! God is always watching over us….I know that. But He is certainly putting us through quite the test to prove it!! Blessings to all…..

  7. When I have had unfinished projects, I’ve discovered that I’ve either changed my mind, didn’t like how it came out, lost interest in it, or wanted it to turn out perfect and it wasn’t!
    My project for today and the first 2-3 months is to pack and move, this time across town. Hoping it will be easier than moving across country. Now that is a big project!

  8. Thank you! Your books give me something to look forward to each day. May God bless your new year with many blessings.

  9. I took up walking in 2020. I’ve signed up for several walking 5Ks in 2020. I don’t really have or set resolutions but I do intend to keep up the walking. Since I pay for these 5Ks that motivates me to do them. I pray and meditate during my walks. So, I intend to just keep doing what I’ve been doing in 2020.

  10. I am a quilter and at times I must go slowly and take breaks to complete a difficult project. That is a lot like life and what you said. We need to enjoy each day and thank God for his guidance and blessings.

  11. I have many unfinished projects as well. Along with plenty of broken New Year’s Resolutions. This year my only resolution is to try to not set unrealistic expectations for myself. Hope that this year is kinder to you than what this last one may have been!

  12. January 1,2021 at 9 :30 am
    Thank you for your scripture verse on today email from I Peter 3:12 “The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto theur prayers “

  13. I started working on organizing all of my parent’s photos last year. I made great progress for a couple months but then got burnt out on it. I am determined to finish that this year so I can get all those boxes packed up and out of my daily sight.

  14. I love your books and got to meet you once at a play made from your book.
    I would like to win a book of yours. I am going to be 71 in May and plan to retire in July.

  15. I am guilty of starting one project and before finishing it I start a new one. Hopefully this year I can finish my unfinished projects! My mom and I love all your books! Thank you and Happy New Year!

  16. I have made 2 lap quilts. 1 for each of my grandmothers. They have since returned to me. And I plan to give them to my daughters.

  17. While praying in the new year I asked The Lord to help me to be closer to Him. I got up this morning and I want to do my best to speak positive things out. I want to find at least one thing to be thankful for, even on my worst day. God is good. Happy New Year.

    1. That sounds like something I should do. I want to think more positive about things going on in my life . I want to look toward god more than I do now. I pray daily so I’m going to pray that I have a more positive attitude.

  18. Resolutions are something I honestly never have kept. However, this year I’m going to “goal.” For me, wording is the key. I will not overload myself with them, but what I do set as a goal will definitely be things that, for me, are obtainable.

    1. I enjoyed reading about the Amish lifestyle through your books. I know how it feels to start a project and not completing and then completing it. It gives you a feeling of accomplishment.

  19. Happy New Year. I love your books. You are the best author. I recieved one of your books as a Christmas gift. Reading your books gives me joy.

  20. I have definitely learned things don’t always work out. My husband has been in hospital since Oct 23 with Covid and its aftermath. God and prayers pulled him through and I know will bring him back to me in new year

  21. I always say I’m going to exercise more but never do it!I am hoping 2021 is a better year and I can get in better health!I did meet one goal I set!My goal was to read 50 books but I read 59!I love to read!The Blended Quilt was very good!

  22. I love reading your books. I have some unfinished projects that I am gonna finish this new year.

    1. Love your books and your messages! Seeing your emails really brightens my day. Especially since covid it has been really nice to have them to look forward to.

  23. 2020 was a year of learning, reflection, change, sadness and grief for me. I lost my mom the first of the year after being her caregiver 24/7 for 12 years. Change came when the Lord showed me that it was time for a change and a new beginning for my life in making possible the move to a new home for me. It was to a Senior Independent Living Apartment. Never in a million years would I have ever dreamed that this is were I would now call home. But, all is good! To say all this, I just want to tell you that I truly believe that God also brought your books into my life during this year to read in order to give me comfort and peace. Thank you, so much for that! 2021 is something I am looking forward to and to continue reading more and more of your books.

    1. Thank you for your comments. I pray the new direction is your life will be a blessing to you as well as others you have contact with.

  24. Wanda , I just love reading your books.
    Happy new year! Here’s hoping 2021 leads us to a better way.

  25. Wanda, 2020 was a year of ups and downs. I lost my dad and brother in October. I am getting a new grand baby in August. Last year I lean to draw closer to God and be thankful for all the small things. I am letting the Lord lead me and it’s going to a wonderful year. One of my projects I started last year was to learn one new craft each month and know I’m knitting (not well but it’s relaxing). My main project was a lap blanket for my grandma which I hope to finish in January. Thank you for the wonderful books that help me relax. I really appreciate all you do for us readers.

  26. My sister and me share your books and both of us love them. Hoping 2021 is a better year for everyone and those do not know the Lord, change their minds and accept him.

  27. I have no fears for the new year as my loving Heavenly Father has reminded me that today is the day the He has made and I should be glad and rejoice in it. This truth has deeply penetrated my heart over the past few weeks as my parents battled Covid-19. Each and every day as I awaken I remember this truth that today was created by the one who loves me more than any human being can. That brings me peace and joy admist the storms. May we all remember this and feel God’s presence each and every day.

  28. Your books are an inspiration to simpler and caring thoughts and actions. I appreciate their purity and inspiration. Thank you!

  29. Hi Wanda,
    Yes I agree with you (the last 3 paragraphs) regarding how life get in the way and people don’t stick to their resolutions. I gave up on making resolutions over the years (because I knew I may not stick to them) but sometimes thinking about making them on and off. This year, I decided to be abit more healthier and exercise more ; I just have to juggle and find a balance between home life and working (work from home).

  30. When I start something new I always try to find an accountability buddy. Someone who can encourage me and I can encourage back. Sometimes its my husband, daughter, or a good friend. But most of the time my buddy is God. Through my prayer journals I find encouragement from Him to push on or to revamp. Always my best advisors. I received the Blended Quilt for Christmas and just started it, I can not wait to see what happens to Sadie.

  31. Much easier to not have an incomplete project if you have encouragement and support.
    Just like with you writing your books (that I love), if you don’t have support you can fail.

  32. Thank you for your inspiring books. It’s always nice to read about the Amish lifestyle. I pray 2021 is a brighter year all of us. May we all be able to achieve the goals we set, but remember to not be hard on ourselves if we don’t. Tomorrow is another day to try again. God’s blessings for 2021!!

  33. Thank you for your inspiration and your encouragement. Your books are so wonderful and so part of life’s journey now with God’s light shining in . We have a book club with in our church that I share all my book by you to all the ladies that are shut in and not able to come out due to there health and COVID-19. They help them so much always asking when the next one coming. So, happy to share with them. May God give a vision and the inspiration to keep writing .
    God Bless you and your Family in 2021.

    Thank you , Juan

  34. I have some unfinished projects but always seem to get back to them at some time. Distraction or something else becomes a priority. Do not make resolutions. Try to keep learning, growing, and drawing closer to the Lord. Thank you for your books, your insight, updates on Zoie, and the opportunities each month. Happy New Year!

  35. I’ve started MANY projects and never finished them. Lol. This year, instead of any resolution, I’m deciding to learn to trust the Lord more. As we all know, 2020 was weird and hard and I learned my walk with the Lord has to be top priority daily.


  36. I have started several things, only to quit when it gets hard. I MUST rely on God to get me through these things!

  37. I have alot of unfinished projects. I lost my husband in Oct and I cant seem to get back to them as he always like to see what I was doing. I need some thing to get me going again. I love to read all your books.

    1. I am sorry for your loss. May you feel God’s love and presence as you seek His will in all things this year and beyond.

  38. I enjoy the ideas you gave in your journal about new year’s resolutions but I never make them. When I awake each day I ask the Lord to lead guide and direct my path to follow him and then of course when I try to plan my own way I ask him to forgive me and cleanse me from all unrighteousness and keep me on the plain path.
    I enjoy your newsletters so much and I love reading your books. Most of the books I read come from the Library in my town since my budget does not allow for buying books.
    Thank you so much for using tour talent to bring joy and hope to so many others.

    Carolyn Hunsaker

  39. I’ve chosen 2021 to be be a year of being resolute. Webster’s 1828 Dictionary gives this definition of “resolute ” – “Having a fixed purpose; determined; hence, bold; firm; steady; constant in pursuing a purpose.” Our families, churches and country need more resolute people than ever before. Resolutions are good and give us a sense of direction. Being resolute enables us to follow through on those resolutions as well as other decisions that we make.

    1. Debra, Thank you for finding the word that I have been fighting through all year long, see in August 2019 I was given a medication that I end up having a severe reaction to it that I fell into a coma and lost my memory; I am talking full memory.
      I do not have any memories at all. I have what is called TBI tramatic brain injury and now I ” resolute” to get better each day. I have come a long way, because I am back to knowing my name and address and the important information about me, if needed.

  40. Enjoy reading your books! Inspiring — a good reminder of what is most important for us to seek for our own life— put God first & our lives will have purpose & good things will follow!

  41. I don’t make new year’s resolutions. I haven’t started any projects that I didn’t finish. I am a perfectionist, and if I start something I have to finish it.

  42. I love your books. The only thing I hate is having to wait for the next one!?. They have gotten me through this pandemic.

  43. I like many of the others have unfinished projects. I am someone that must be in the mood to sew or I make mistakes and it would have been better if I hadn’t tried to sew at that time. I have been depressed since losing my brother, my best friend. 2020 did not make that any easier. I am hopeful that I can move on in 2021 and have a better life. I am getting ready to read “Sisters of Holmes County”. I lived in Muskingum County for 31 years while teaching in Zanesville. I was so close to Amish Country and went there often. I still go at least 3 times a year and I live in WV now.

  44. I loved the book and had mixed emotions all through it regarding everyone’s thoughts about Sadie’s quilt book. I have finished quilts for family and friends and felt wonderful in the giving no matter what kind of quilt it was. The quilt I haven’t finished yet is for myself and is my own creation, maybe I’m being too perfectionistic with it, once I let go of my perfectionism I can enjoy the journey again.

  45. I read your journal and it made me think of my nephew. I started a cross stitch which the United States Air Force was the t5eme. I could not wait to present it to him since he was a proud veteran and a devoted christian. While I was trying to complete the project, he passed away. It grieved me so much but I still finished the cross stitch and I gave it to his wife who cherished it. She hung it on her wall next to a picture of him in his uniform. I love your books so much. Books remind me of a phrase I read a while ago. God provides us with food for our stomachs and also for the nourishment of our
    souls. Books provide us with the knowledge to believe in God and to praise and worship him as we go through our daily lives.

  46. For years now, I have made my New Year’s Resolution that I would not make New Year’s Resolutions! The word ‘goal’ motivated me more. However, this year, be it ‘goal’ or New Year’s Resolution, I need to lose weight. I will exercise inside to a Zoom class, pedal on a Cubii-type machine, walk outside (weather permitting), or any type of exercise daily, as my life may depend on it. I’m in chronic kidney disease Stage 4; and to quality for a kidney transplant, I need to lose weight. I would appreciate your prayer support as I finally take my New Year’s Resolution seriously. Blessings!

    1. I too have started many projects, became discouraged and later setting them down. Some of them for many years. The projects I have started doing. in the last few years, have been projects I know I can finish in a few days at least. I am always proud when I do finish these project. It makes me sad to see all the old ones I have not finished over the years.

      I love reading your books. I got the Sisters of Holmes County for Christmas and I treated my self to The Blended Quilt. I am excited about reading them. I have also bought my granddaughter some your children’s books.

      May God be with is all as we travel into the new year, and may He keep us happy safe and healthy.

  47. I Love your Journal entries. Your New Years one really spoke to me. 2020 was the worst year i have had, 3 major surgeries, loss of family and friends, and a loss of hope for me. It was hard to see so many people who turned ugly. Through this i refound my love this fall for your books and reading. The Scriptures listed in the few i have read speak to me and have started to rebuild my hope. I know God is in control and slowly i am relearning to put all my trust and faith in him. Thank you for the love you extend & for keeping all the focus on God in your books and newsletter.

    1. May God bless you in the days ahead, Pamela. And may you feel His love and presence throughout the new year and beyond.

  48. Instead of a resolution, I have decided on a goal which is to clean and organize my home since many tasks were not addressed with my disabled child home 24/7 for most of the year. I also plan on doing simpler craft projects that won’t require large chunks of time.

  49. Thank you for your inspiration. I finally completed my first COVID project. Much easier to do as I am still trying to stay inside. I mailed it as a gift to my sister friend. It is still lost in the mail. Please pray that it is found and properly delivered.

  50. I love your books I read them quicker than any other books I’ve read. I order them online when I have the extra money and they can’t get to me quick enough.I go to the mailbox every day hoping one will be there.God bless you and thank you for bringing joy into so many lives thru your books. I hope that I will be able to one day to have all your books.Wouldn’t that be great.I love you and thank you for being a part of my life.I am a widow age 70 and the condition that the world is in they fill my time. January 1,2021 JoAllen Winter

  51. I am still working on my first quilt, I have a friend at work that is encouraging me.
    Happy Happy New Year to you and your Family.
    May God Bless each step you take and guide your path.

  52. After my husband and I had covid the end of 2020 and the Good Lord pulled us through I am looking forward to a new year with hope, . Happy New year everyone

  53. This last year was rough. My husband got covid in nov….then i got covid pnemonia. Then my dad was placed in hospice at his home so busy taking care of him while ifeel like i still need rest. But God always is with me. I hope i win a new book.

  54. I stopped making resolutions because I never stuck with them. I have given myself grace as I got older to know what I can do and what I cannot and to not feel guilty about what I cannot do. God knows what I’m capable of.

  55. When I read any of your books I feel like I’m in the story and become part of the family of the book. Thank you for that. Love your books.

  56. Happy New Year! I have started journaling on
    a daily basis, and it has helped my emotional
    status, immensely. Last evening, I wrote some
    future goals I have, as opposed to resolutions! I
    went through a divorce this year, which was not
    of my doing… I feel that I still have a lot to work
    through. My favorite Bible verse is Psalms 46:10-
    Be Still and Know That I Am God.
    Thank you,

  57. Well, if something gets in the way of me finishing my project, it doesn’t bother me at all. If I keep putting it off, for no real reason, yes, it agitates me.
    Your book sounds like a good study in maturity vs. immaturity, self-discipline vs. slothfulness. That’s my guess, I may be entirely wrong, but when a man won’t commit, he may have maturity issues.
    Thank you for offering this free gift.
    Keep writing and glorifying Jesus in all you do. God bless you.

    Romans 10:8-13; John 3:16-21

  58. Your books relax my mind. I fight anxiety and deep depression and you are my rescue. You are very gifted and unique. I always picture exactly what your descriptions of everything. The Amish way of life intrigues me and you have the gift of bringing it all alive and visible. Please continue sharing your gift with others. God Bless you,

  59. I have a beautiful red, white and blue star quilt top made by my great-grandmother. (1950’s) It’sbeen preserved and passed down through our family but never quilted. . I’ve thought of having it quilted but I can’t do it and I’m afraid to let it go out for fear of not getting it back or that it will be damaged because of its age. It’s good to have projects and set goals in life but I’ve found that you don’t have to complete every task to be happy and content.

  60. I really enjoy reading your books. This year I pan to try to eat healthier and drink more water. But most important I plan to read the bible and pray more. We need to pray for our family, friends , the country, and the world. After the year we just had with the virus and all the hate around. we need God back in everything we do. Put God first. Thank you for your great books. God bless you

  61. I took the pressure off myself by saying that I could make a resolution anytime of the year. I don’t have to wait for new years eve. Since making that decision I have been able to make progress-there have been failures but I’ve learnt to accept them and move past them. Reset move on amd succeed but always with God at my side
    Then all things are possible. Unless hes trying to redirect you. Thats when I realise they are not failures just God adjusting my inner GPS.
    He always knows better than I. So I place my trust in him. So it’s ok to let some resolutions go. God may not think they are the best for you.
    Just read your lovely wee book Twice Loved. Loved it.

  62. I am the world’s worst procrastinator. I wish I wasn’t like that. I am really trying to start and finish a job before starting another. I want to be better organized.
    “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

  63. I am the world’s worst procrastinator. It isn’t a resolution but I am trying hard to get my house in order. Your books are hard to put down! You have an amazing talent!!

  64. As of today I plan to declutter my home.. But not of my books. I just lent my Blended Quilt book to a friend of mine. We share books, either she buys them or I do. And after we are done reading them we share with a Lady, Wanda, who is 97 . Love your stories.

  65. I belong to a small craft group of ladies in my church. We are working on things for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day to give out in church. I have 1 more x stitch item to do and I’ll be done. I am determined to do this before I start anything else. I want to make some TBC’s (tissue box covers) this year to either sell or have on hand for gifts. I use plastic canvas and yarn for these. I watch my 2 grandsons, age almost 3 and 5. They are use to seeing me working on projects. One day the oldest one said “Nana, I know you like to sew, but do you have to do it every day?” lol

  66. I plan on spending more time with my grandbaby. Everyone needs to find an area in life that brings them joy and spend some time doing it. They also need to cut themselves some slack. We need to remember that we’re not perfect and move forward.

  67. I plan to spend more time with family and friends and more time reading the word of God. Time spent with people who are dear to us is so important and so is reading the Bible. I hope you have a wonderful and blessed year!

  68. 2020 brought many challenges and loss. I’m praying 2021 will be a year of revival in the churches and in the world. I’m thankful God is in control and has the perfect plan for all of us if we only seek Him. Thank you for your wonderful books. They bring a peace in this chaotic world…while showing what ‘living one’s beliefs’ looks like. I am acquiring quite a collection of Christian fiction…both in print and audiobooks. I do a lot of reading, but love to have an audiobook in the car for travel (and since I live in the boonies and an hour’s drive from any town, I do a lot of ‘traveling’). I pray God will continue to bless you with the talent and inspiration to write! Have a very happy and blessed New Year!!!

  69. I seem to have a small attention span. I will start one project and do really well with it but soon become bored and start a new project. Each year I say I will get one project finished before I start another one.. I am get so disappointed with myself. Love your books.

  70. One day at a time. Last year was rough as both of my parents went home to be with Jesus. I did lots of reading throughout the year – both novels and books. I really enjoy your books!

  71. Happy New Year!! I have taken on a couple of invites to read two Bible Plans with some ladies from church. One is reading the new testament in one year and the other is reading thru Psalms and Proverbs. Pray that I can stay focused on this daily. I also pray that the Lord protects us all from this horrible virus. Amen!

  72. Im promising my self to read more and to learn something new in between my charirty work i do from home for the foster care system
    I was a product of the system since a baby and i made a promise at 10 years old t my foster mom that i would help the children when i got older. well now i do what i can for them and my granddaughter became a Leagal Senior Social Worker for the foster care system
    I hope that this year 2021 is a much better year for the world

  73. Happy New Year! I used to set New Year resolutions but I no longer do that. I have started projects and not finished them mainly because they just were not coming out like they should. I hope to change that this year.
    I have a new grandbaby ( number 5) that was born in December. He is a tiny tot. I’ve been loving him and helping his Mama. I’m very thankful we live close so I can be there for her.
    I love reading your books.

  74. Well, 2020 was a year of change for me! My marriage dissolved in January, I had to put my furry friend, Maya, of 17 years down in July, I became an empty-nester in July, sold my home in August & God led me to my forever HOME in September:) I’ve been greatly blessed by God in my new home & with my new neighbors. I’ve not had much time for crafts this year but will endeavor to begin again this year.

    One thing I have had time for is reading your books, Mrs. Brunstetter. They have been a source of relaxation & joy! Please keep them coming:)

    Blessings to all this new year God has graced us with. May we all be about His business!!

    1. Thank you for sharing from your heart. May God grant you His peace and give you many blessings in this year ahead.

  75. years ago, when I was a beginner quilter, some of the projects I tried were just too difficult. I put them away with the hope that in the future when I had more time, I would complete them. I recently pulled these couple of projects out and could easily see where I went wrong and how to fix them. Being retired now, I also have the time!
    This made me think of my spiritual journey, and how looking back, I can see how far I have come. But like looking at the beautiful quilts at shows, I still have a long way to go!

  76. I love reading your books. They give me so much peace. As an abused child/teen, my grandma got me started on your books. I have been reading your books on and off my whole life. After I became a widow, (I was 45) I met you at a book signing in Howard City, Michigan. With 2020 being crazy, I have again returned to reading your books. Thank you so much for your words of comfort, (all of my life).

  77. I never make New Years resolutions because I never keep them and I have a lot of unfinished projects .however if I have a good book I will sit up all night to get it finished. I feel that way about your books.

  78. I try to finish a project before starting a new one. But I have also given myself permission to stop working on something if it is stressing me out. I like to craft but lately I don’t always have time to finish my projects. It helps me to set a goal and then I am usually able to complete it.
    Thank you for all of your amazing books!!!

  79. I know what you mean! It’s so hard to stick to New Years resolutions or to finishing a project but it always feels great when you accomplish something!

  80. I think to stay on track with some New Years resolutions you need some one by your side, cheering you on. Someone who has a common goal, to help push you along and make it fun. Right now that may be hard to do in person. There is lots of ways of getting online support, such as group pages or one on one with a friend. Sometimes God does have other plans for you and sidetracks you. A way to look at this positively and trust in Him is to think as it being a branch in your path. Its just a branch and maybe its his way of saying you are on the right path. Maybe He has lead you that way to see something, show you something new, to help someone. Trust that He knows your heart and path and it may have some twist, turns and branches but He will get you there, in His time. Happy New Year!!

  81. I pray that this new year will bring hope and healing to all after the rough year we all went through. I also hope to try and achieve my goals I have set for myself this year.

  82. I love this entry. 2020 was a very hard year for all. I live outside Nashville, TN and this area has had substantial catastrophic events up until 12\31. But, the people and city have stood together and united to overcome. I feel that we all can learn from this. Having faith and being dependent on someone else is not always easy. I think we are wired to fix things ourselves. Becoming dependent upon God and his faith is something I feel many struggle with. I know I do. I have decided to not set any resolutions but to just live life daily and focus more on my faith. I am slowly leaning to stop and think before responding. Giving the negatives that I can’t control to God has definitely made my life less stressful. The things I can control are the hardest. I’m a work in progress. Making decisions more faith based can only help me!! We all need to develop and be more #Nashville Strong in 2021!!! There’s proof that prayers and unity works! Happy New Year and I hope your 2021 is filled with many blessings!!

  83. No matter what may lay ahead for us in the New Year or thereafter, we can have a sense of peace and the faith to believe that God’s got this!
    This quote that you posted on your letter will take me into 2021. I am at peace because I trust in God and put all my faith in him and I will be ok.



  84. Last year I started doing counted cross stitch. After the covid started I stopped doing them. I plan on starting them again. It is very relaxing and helps to ease my stress. After I lost my dad in November I really didn’t feel up to doing anything but now I’m ready again to start living and loving. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  85. I have a lot of unfinished projects around. I see a new pattern and then I am off on to another project before I have finished what I was working on. I need to stop that and finish things I start. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  86. Last yr at Christmas (2019) I sat down and made memory bears for all my family on my side using my dads shirts. It took quite a bit of time especially since I was still working full time. It was so good when I let everyone pick theirs out of a bag at Christmas and everyone was so happy about getting theirs.
    I have yet to make my daughter and I a memory dog out of my husbands shirts not sure if its because its so emotional or just the idea its because I know why I’m making it. I will get to it and maybe 2021 will be the yr.
    I have accomplished a lot lately and that feels good but the projects all seem to be very emotional so I just take baby steps. My husband passed in 2018 so just cleaning a closet or the garage is a big deal but yet very emotional. Feels good afterwards (I’m not getting rid of anything just moving it to a he/she shed)

  87. I have a few unfinished projects in the works. I make dollhouses, and miniatures as a hobby. It seems that they are never finished because there is always something that I want to add to them. I also have a knitting project that is not getting done because I am running out of yarn and playing “yarn chicken” . I really need to learn to focus on one project at a time. I love your books! Happy New year to you and your family!

  88. I have made many resolutions that I have not been able to keep along the years for many reasons but this year I am making a couple of resolutions that are not above my means and I hope I can keep them. I do want to loose some pounds and eat healthier which I can do and also work on exercising every day and pushing myself to do more and working through my pain. In between that, I want to finish up many sewing projects and of course, a few quilts that I have in the works. I just need to make my mind up to do these projects each day and set a schedule each day in order to accomplish what I need to do on a given day. I also want to add more prayer into my life and attend more virtual services from my synagogue this year and get on a regular schedule with that as well. This can all be done if I put my mind to it.


  90. Thank you for your books of faith, encouragement and inspiration. Unfortunately, I came down with Covid and it has been 8 weeks and I still experience some of its lasting symptoms. As I recover, I am able to read and pleased to read the Mockingbird series plus others. They were a great comfort and helped pass the time. As I look back in time, I can see God’s hand in all things. I rely on the text from Jeremiah 29:11. Thank you again for your books that are a tremendous blessing during my recovery and am sure to others as well. Blessings!

    1. I am glad you on the way to complete healing, and I pray that you will continue to regain your strength. I am pleased to know that reading my books during your recovery was a blessings.

  91. About 3 years ago I fell and shattered my right shoulder. I had to have surgery followed by 5 months of physical therapy, so a very dear friend of my suggested I read books, since I couldn’t do anything else. So I began reading your books from our local library, can not tell you how much I have enjoyed them, several I have read over and over. I feel like I know them personally. Thank you so much for your talent that you share.

  92. I don’t make New Year resolutions but just try to take one day at a time with the Lords help.

  93. Though 2020 was a difficult year, God has blessed me with so much. My family is healthy, and we purchased a brand new home. My main goal for the new year is to not stress so much and just let go, and let God. I tell myself this frequently but the stress of work and life tend to take over and its draining. So here’s to a healthy, happy, 2021. God bless.

  94. I entered widowhood on this past July 24th. Such a change after a marriage of 71-1/2 years! We enjoyed being a Christian since we were children and God certainly blessed our home. We had a foster son from age 15 to 18 and then adopted two little girls, ages 2 and 3 (sisters) when we had been married nearly 20 years. Those childrn are now ages 68, 56 and 54. My husband and I were age 91 in 2020. God has certainly been faithful to us all those years. I am in fairly good health and a wonderful memory. What a gift from my Heavenly Father! I love your books. God bless you!

  95. Im quite excited to read this book. I would love to learn to hand quilt, I always do mine by machine. Happy New Year everyone!

  96. I will be taking 2021 one day at a time. My husband is retiring from the USAF this spring after serving 30 years, so he will be changing jobs and we could be relocating as we will need to move to wherever there is a good job for him. We are praying for the right job and location that is God’s will for us to present itself, so that we might be where the Lord wishes us to be. Changes are always hard, but with God’s blessings and guidance, we will be just fine. Best wishes for a good 2021!

  97. It gives me great pleasure to read Wanda Brunstetter book. They’re filled with faith based and uplifting stories. Learning a few other words in Pennsylvania Dutch is a plus as well. God Bless

  98. I, as I am sure many, have unfinished projects and less than stellar resolution accomplishments! These things remind me that we are all “projects in the making”. I try to face each day with a positive attitude and the understanding that God only seeks for me to do my best that day. Best is not synonymous with perfect! Look towards the sun and its rays will warm you on the bleakest of days. I so much enjoy all of your works. Happy New Years everyone.

  99. I have read many of your books and they have helped me through many tough times.
    Happy New Year everyone.

  100. I get your books from the library. I love all the ones that I have read and look forward to your new ones. I hope I can win one someday. Then I can read it and pass it on to my friends. Thank you for your inspiration to follow the Lord and trust in Him.

  101. Thank you for your books. They have been something good to look forward to reading at the end of the day and have sustained me throughout the pandemic.

  102. I don’t make new year’s resolutions any more. I do want to grow closer to Jesus and become more like him every year.

  103. Making a quilt is one of my bucket list items 🙂
    About resolutions… that is a hard one! I want to be fit to keep up with my growing boys, so that is the only resolution I made this year… just try my best to be in better shape. Other than that, being thankful for the little things is my daily resolution!
    May you have a great new year and 2021 bring you lots of inspiration to keep us reading your books!

  104. I love to read and crochet I started reading your books when My hands hurt so bad that I could not hold the crochet hook. They gave me such hope and inspiration. I have read most of your series. I love the quilt series. They made me laugh and cry at the same time. I felt so close to all of those people. I had made a print it of your books and when printed. I too printed the list and crossed them off as I read them. I went to the library and checked them out. If the library did not have them then I died the Liberian to order them. I also liked the cousin series… I just love your books

  105. Wanda I love reading your books I have been reading them for years. Then when I’m through with a series then I share them. Now my 88 year old mother has decided to start reading your books and I’m out trying to find the same ones again. We have seen several of the plays in Shipshawana and loved them all. Thank you for all the good books we have had to read

  106. I really enjoy your books. You never cease to hit me with something I need to improve on in my personal life. May God continue to bless you with many more books.

    Beverly Clites

    1. Can’t wait for book number for sisters of Holmes county love all your other books too, specially like the series !! happy and healthy new year to you ?

  107. I lost my mother October 22, 2020. We would go to Amish Country twice a year here in Ohio. We loved working together on the crafts and quilts together. I will miss her very much, but I also know she is with the Lord and is no more pain. I still plan to stick to our twice a year trip in honor of her.

  108. I’m not a quilter but I am a crocheter and an avid book reader. I have many crochet projects I’ve started and didn’t finish but never have I started one of your books I didn’t finish. I love your books. When I’m crocheting, if I know the person it’s going to, I love to pray over the project. I pray for the project’s purpose in the life of the person who is to receive it. For instance, hat and scarf for one of our unfortunate homeless I will pray the hat and scarf will provide warmth and comfort from the cold and the one receiving will know the love of Jesus Christ. I find I can finish a project much easier if I know who it’s going to (having a plan), I know what they will use it for (having a purpose) and I pray over it that the person receiving it will have a future and a hope in Jesus Christ (Jeremiah 29:11). I find it beneficial to claim that promise over my life every morning and to ask God to show me what projects that He would have me to do that day (whether it be for my health, a task for our home, a neighbor or friend, a ministry, etc). I seem to stick to finishing those a lot easier. May God show each of you the projects He has for you to finish this year!

  109. What do the Amish think of Covid-19?? Have the Amish Community been having problems with Covid? I have been just wondering this…… Thank you very much, and I LOVE your books! God bless! Amy

  110. I can’t wait till the Robins Greeting is out !!!!!
    I think the nosy neighbor across the street has something to do with the Greenhouse attacks/damages.

  111. Yes–0je day at a time. And keep praying. Not everything will get done– but enough will. I remind myself I’m only human and need God’ s help.

  112. Always keep praying and prayers in your everyday life and always say a extra prayer to the Lord he is helping so many people out right now. As we all know covid-19 was like a big bomb it every where. All the one’s it has took may they RIP . Amen

  113. My home post address is. Brenda Barney. 2463 CT.RT.38. Brasher Falls, NY. 13613I hope you never stop writing as I enjoy your books. May our lord watched over you always. Brenda Barney

  114. Wanda, I think Monroe staged the vandalism so that Belinda sells out and marries him! Maybe I am wrong! Will be reading the book as soon as I get it. I did a re-print already on my book. Should start writing book 2 but…. we gotta move the office first!

    Hey that picture of you by the buggy is from our home beside the salebarn. Looks good! I love seeing you use old pictures, it brings back memories.

  115. I love reading all your books. It takes me into the Amish community for the time that I am reading. It is such a nice escape from daily life. Sometimes, I wish we could all live the simple life that they live. I have started many projects but sometimes life gets in the way and I drop doing them. Your journal entry this month has given me inspiration to look at some of them again. Thank you.

  116. I have read many of your books. Loved them all. I have a cross-stitch I started making for my Parents 26 years ago. Both of my parents have passed away. My Dad in 2017 and my Mom 2020 . I know neither are suffering both have gone on to be with the Lord. You are right life does get in the way.

  117. I try to set mini goals for myself, finding that I stay motivated better that way. New Year’s resolutions are fine to make, but sometimes difficult to keep as the year progresses. Life happens and sometimes we have stumbling blocks that set us back. Mini goals are easier to reach and can be used to reach your ultimate goal.

  118. I have never made a quilt. I do remember my Grandmother and my Aunts putting up the quilt frame and making many quilts. They used alot of clothes that we all had worn. My sister made a quilt out of ties. I love to knit and make many dishcloths that I love to give away to all my friends. I currently have a scarf I started but with 3 surgeries on my calendar over the last year, I have not been up to finishing it.

    I read the 3 Hawaiian quilt books and want to read The Tattered Quilt. I love all your books. I start reading them and cant put them down until I have finished the books.

  119. I love all your books, especially the Amish Hawaiian Quilt series. I hope to get to Lancaster, PA someday. I went to visit my parents on the eastern shore of Maryland in 2019 and we drove up to an Amish market in Delaware and I was so ecstatic to get to see an Amish buggy that pulled Into the parking lot just as we were leaving.

  120. These messages are encouraging , as my brother hasn’t spoken to me in over 4 years, over a silly misunderstanding. I pray for him, continue to call him, drop off coffee and donuts to his house, leave little gifts for him. I do it more for me. My Aunt said to me to never give up, one of these times he will pick up the phone when I call, or he may answer the door. I just put all my trust and faith in God.

    Thank you… Love your books.. See your Plays at Bird in Hand, that is usually where I buy your books

  121. I love your books but I am a senior on a fix income and can’t afford to purchase your books . I have to get them from the library but our Library doesn’t get the new ones very often because we are a rural area. I prayed everyday that people will turn to God and always help people in anyway they can do it. I loved learning and reading about new things and your books accomplished that point for me. Thank you !

  122. I love your books. I recently bought the Walnut Creek book but it’s on my TBR pile. I will get to it soon. Thank you for this opportunity to win books.