Wanda’s Journal

Healing Help

In my novel, The Healing Jar (Book 3 in The Prayer Jars series), some of the characters are in need of emotional and spiritual healing that resulted from their past or present circumstances.
Is there something in your life that needs emotional or spiritual healing? Have you found answers or help by reading God’s Word. If so, what particular scripture verse or verses helped you the most?
The Bible is full of wisdom and direction for our lives. One of my favorites verses for emotional or spiritual healing is found in Psalm 147:3 (KJV): “He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.”

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    1. I love reading your books. I recently read many of your books & will continue to read them as I recover from reconstructive foot surgery. I realized that I need to print out a complete list of your published books so I can keep track of which ones I have read! Thank you for your inspiring books. They continue to help me in my own faith journey. I would love to win The Amish Millionaire Series.

  1. I loved the Healing Jar, and read that entire series, which was so very good! I read the first book in the Amish Millionaire series, but somehow never was able to read the whole set! Would love to find out what happens in this series as well!

  2. Having a broken heart over anything is horrible. I found that the same bible passage is a great reminder that our Father loves and cares for us. Psalm 147:3.

  3. I love this series and am looking forward to reading The Healing Jar.

    My favorite Bible Verse is Proverbs 3:5-6 which says, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

    I just remember that God is in control on my path and if I lean on Him he will lead me.

  4. Thanx for the reminder of that verse …Psalm 147:3 (KJV): “He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.” We all have moments of brokeness, and too often need to be reminded of this!

  5. I read The Forgiving Jar and really enjoyed it. Looking forward to another one. Thank you for your wonderful stories.

  6. This one is my favorite:

    Matthew 9:20–22

    “Then suddenly a woman . . . came up behind him and touched the fringe of his cloak, for she said to herself, ‘If I only touch his cloak, I will be made well.’ Jesus turned, and seeing her he said, ‘Take heart, daughter; your faith has made you well.'”

  7. Psalm 119:105 Jesus be my guide and hold me to your side. I will not forget your love for me. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

  8. A verse that I have adopted for my life is Phil 4:13 “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” It gives me hope, courage and faith!!!

  9. I like to remember, Psalm 18:2 that says, “The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” I cannot imagine life without my Savior!

  10. I have enjoyed reading ALL of your books, and look forward to The Healing Jar (3)!
    As always, looking forward to the next new release! Thank you so much and God bless!

  11. Betrayal by a Friend is so devastating. This happened to me a few years ago and I can’t tell you how hurt Me and my family was. Especially when the friend could see they had done nothing wrong. It caused our family to lose our house and income. Extremely painful and devastating. It felt like my world has ended. It took years for me to be able to forgive. And being able to forgive meant healing for me. I still have moments of sadness because of the friend I lost. But if God can forgive me, I too must forgive. But God turned the entire fiasco into a blessing. I was able to move in with my mom and take care of her for 2 years before her death. And God has supplied our needs. God can turn trials into blessings.

  12. I have not read the Healing Jar, yet. Though, I will admit that after spending a couple years immersed in Patricia Cornwell’s Scarpetta series, totally engrossed in the Amish inspirational is a breath of fresh air. Let me explain; In 2008, my only sister died. And it seemed like every couple years since, someone else in my family passed away. I haven’t been raised in a household that accepted death as part of life…it was covered up and hidden away. I needed to unveil the secret behind the door, so to speak…which, in time, brought me to research death and dying…this also bringing me to Ms. Cornwell’s series. I knew that it was time to move past the darkness of those stories when I began to read Amish Inspirationals. For my entire adult life, and I am 55 yrs old now, I had been enamoured by a more simple life and those who lived it. So now that I read one Amish story after another, I have been hooked line and sinker. The stories help inspire me to be a better person. I even made some of the recipes from that Cooking Class I read about. I tell people I have a secret fantasy life as an Amish woman. (I actually have Mennonite friends and some that were raised Amish). So keep writing, Wanda, I need you! Blessings to you and your family, Sherri

  13. My past relationship with my father needs both emotional and spiritual healing, and I found both answers and help in reading God’s Word. The verse that helped me the most in that circumstance is Matthew 11:28-30: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

  14. I have read all of the books in this series, and find them to be wonderful and inspirational. I have had occasion when the world seemed overwhelming and find the psalms to be comforting. thank you for this opportunity

  15. I also have read the other books in this new series. I absolutely love ALL of your books! I love to read and I do so when I just want a break to relax. Keep on writing for all of us!

  16. I have read the first two books in this series. They were great! I can’t wait to read the Healing Jar.

    Phil. 4:13
    Jer. 29:11

  17. One of the scriptures that gives me the most comfort is Jer.31:15-17. There is always hope for our wayward children and grandchildren.

  18. Hi, I lost my 96 year old dad, and my sister, to cancer.
    Then, after 33 years of marriage, I will going through
    a divorce… This coming week I am getting a total
    knee replacement.
    The Bible verse that I have stitched on pillows, and
    bought wooden painted signs is Psalms 46:10- Be
    Still and Know That I am God… It soothes my soul.
    Many thanks, Cindi

  19. The verses in God’s Word that have impacted my life for spiritual, emotional and physical healing have been Proverbs 3:5-6 which we call our life verse. And a very personal portion of scripture that means so much to me: Philippians 4:4-8. I share these so often with other women and seek to encourage them in their walk with the Lord.

  20. my husband lost his job a year ago and unjustly, too. We were devastated. After 18 years! I clung to the verse Jeremiah 29:11. FOR I KNOW THE PLANS I HAVE FOR YOU, DECLARES THE LORD, PLANS TO PROSPER YOU AND NOT TO HARM YOU, PLANS TO GIVE YOU A HOPE AND A FUTURE. In 2 weeks he had a job! Not easy for a 58 year old man. It was all God!

  21. I love reading your books. The Healing Jar series really makes you think bout life and how others treat you. I have always loved the 23rd Psalms, even as a child. Have a blessed day.

  22. Hi I too haven’t been able to read your book but I plan to now that I have been told I have heart failure plus all the rest of the problems with this body. But He knows what He is doing and He will show me when He thinks its time to. He has Blessed me by allowing me to live longer than the doctors have said. Through problems that cant be fixed. Life is awesome every day is brings new challenges. God Bless and keep writing.

  23. God’s Word has helped me throughout life-especially the death of many loved ones-parents, husband, daughter, siblings, etc. I try to focus on the good things in life and have a joyful, thankful attitude.

  24. Your books give me hope and lift my spirits when things seem unobtainable. You definitely make your readers think and believe in miracles

  25. my mind is always put to ease when reading bible verses when my nephew at 7mns past in a car accident my faith got me through also when my brother pased at 8 years old and then father passed in 1999 i knew they would all be together again along with my grandmother always remember god doesn’t give us anymore than we can handle

  26. I have read many of your books. Love them! One of the verses I turn to daily is Ephesians 6:10-20. Putting on the whole armor of God.

  27. When my mom passed away many years ago I could not forgive our minister. He was too busy trying to get his teaching degree to bother visiting the people from our church who were sick. It took about 10 years and much soul searching to get to the point of being able to forgive him. However, after I did finally forgive him a big weight was lifted from my heart. Have a very blessed day.

  28. I really enjoyed the first book, and hoping to get to the second and third soon.

    This is a new verse for me but oh so soothing… Jer.31:15-17

  29. Wanda I read your journal and I have to tell you that Yes I do find listening to God’s gospel makes me more aware of the things I can do to be more christian. Recently I had a friend who had to have knee surgery and she would not have had anyone to help her and she would not be able to get where she needed to go be it shopping, or Physical Therapy or even to her doctor. So that weekend our Gospel was about the man laying in the road and nobody stopping to help him. It mad my decision to do the right thing. So I took her in my house and helped her till she could do for herself. Even now I help her by picking her up for physical therapy and go to the store to get her medicine and food. This was in the story about the man who asked Jesus who his neighbor was.

  30. I just finished reading The Hope Jar, reading The Forgiving jar now and can’t wait to read The Healing Jar. Your books are great, please write many more. Thank you, denise Birmingham

  31. I’m so glad to be involved in your club! I’m starting to read The Healing Jar. So far I love the series. When I feel overwhelmed I close my eyes and ask the Lord to help me and visualize my worries being loaded into His hands. Please continue writing I love all of your books and hope to meet you some day! Sincerely yours, Julie Brown

  32. Thought I read all your books but have not read the Millionaire series. Would be great to win so I could read all of them. Thank you. Linda Lee

  33. This sounds like a lovely story I love the trailer. I lost my mom nine years ago and it broke my heart and shattered me into a million pieces I don’t think that I have totally dealt with it. Psalms 91 is my absolute favorite chapter of the bible he will be our shelter. Thanks for the chance

  34. I really enjoyed reading this book. I lost my 10 year old daughter to a brain tumor, this year makes 20 years and I am still in need of reminders for keeping my faith . Proverbs 3:5-6

  35. I just Love reading the Prayer series, I read the first one and have been waiting for my Library to order the other ones!! all Wanda Brunstetter books are great!!

  36. I just finished Book #3 and it was very good.I am a 24/7 caregiver for my husband who is suffering with Parkinson’s Disease.This helps me-Matthew11:28, 29, and 30

  37. Yes, I have need of emotional healing, and I lean on several KJB verses to strengthen and guide me:

    Isaiah 26:3 King James Version (KJV)
    3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.

    Proverbs 3:5-6 King James Version (KJV)
    5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
    6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
    Do you know how hard that is, to acknowledge Him in ALL my ways?? All of them! Think about that, every choice, every thought, every action and word, must be given to the LORD, and we have to get ourselves off that selfish throne of self.

  38. When my son passed away in 2013 the bible verse that has helped me is Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not onto your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will make your paths straight. I will never understand why my son is gone from this earth but I do know that he’s with the Lord and that I WILL see him again someday. Its not an easy road but one day at a time and i’ll make it.


  40. I have read most every book you have written and love them all. I know what needing spiritual healing is like. Been there more than once. I know God has always been there for me and will Always be there no matter what. I have learned to hard way to just lean on him and his understanding. Not always easy but it’s the best way.

  41. I also love that God binds up the broken hearted as I have been broken in the past but God is the great healer and has a perfect plan for us. Jeremiah 29:11

  42. Proverbs 3:5-6 comes to my mind. My families been going through alot last couple years. My mom’s been ill she’s finally better now this week found out my dad has colon cancer the rapid spreading cancer. Don’t understand God’s plans or why things happen but I trust him. God’s only thing that brings me some comfort. I know one day everyone loses their parents just don’t make it easier. I’m very close to my parents see them both every single day. Please pray for my family.
    I love all of your books I try to read them all as soon as they are released you and your daughter are very talented writers. Thank you for sharing with us.

  43. My heart goes out to those who do not read the Bible for inspiration and comfort. There is always
    a verse or more in the Bible that will meet your needs.

  44. Prayer keeps me going. We have suffered several young deaths in our community lately and it makes my heart hurt for those who don’t know Jesus. I love Mrs. Brunstetter ‘s books

  45. I find that when I am struggling the verse Phil 4:13 “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”really helps.

  46. Your books are an inspiration! Love that I don’t have to worry about my grandkids reading over my shoulder and seeing in Christian writings. Thank you

  47. I haven’t read this series but cannot wait to. I think every person in life has some form of heartbreak. We all need God’s word for strength & healing. But there are tragedies in life that hurt so bed we shy away from our God instead of finding him
    His word is the bandages for those wounds. I have sought him out in those times of need & have never been disappointed. I have not always felt he was answering my prayers but then wham it hits me like a book and that prayer was answered. Your books relate to these trials in life and shows we all need the prayers & patience for the answers. I am recovering from hip surgery right now so I have plenty of reading time! Can’t wait to start a new series!

  48. What a wonderful book! I love this series and I am looking forward to the next series that that you will coming out in the Spring of 2020! Your books are a real inspiration!

  49. I love your books Wanda, please keep them coming. Matt 6:33 has helped me through many trials.

    But, Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

  50. I love reading your books looking forward to the Healing jar can hardly wait .I am now reading THE BRIDES OF THE BIG VALLY on the last story .. My favorite scripture at this time si Phil. 4:13 I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME …. As waiting for a call from hospital for my hubby’s Heart surgery . Keep up the great writing I can’t seem to get interested in other books Love yours have read them all now just waiting for your new one . May God continue to Bless you !

  51. I love your books. And yes i have something thats needs healing asking for help from God with it all the time.

  52. I enjoy reading your books. We live about an hour away from Holmes County in Ohio and visit there quite often. Each summer, my husband and I try to spend a couple of days there. We love staying at the Country View Inn just outside of Charm, OH. We love it there, very calm and relaxing. It is a Christian B&B with a tremendous breakfast with devotions before. Visiting with other Christians at breakfast and out on the large front porch is very uplifting. This summer we met with four ladies that were there at the same time as us last year, too, good surprise. My daughter and I met you and Jean at the Rodman Library in Alliance, OH. I also got a picture taken with you.

  53. I love reading your books. And, after reading, THE FORGIVING JAR it made me think about my grandparents and how much I truly loved them, and I miss them very much.

  54. Going through rough times right now with hubby diagnosis of dementia.. There are times I question where is God, but I know through scripture and His Word that He is with me at all times… I hang onto “I can do all things through Christ who me” Phil 4:13 and “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present you requests to God” Phil 4:6.
    I also just received your new book The Healing Jar and look forward to reading it.. the series has been a great inspiration to me. Thank you again for your wonderful work! Blessings..

  55. A year ago was diagnosed with breast cancer, had surgery and radiology, I’m now cancer free
    Philippians 4;13 I can do all this through hi who gives me strength.

  56. I absolutely love reading your books. They continue to help me on my own faith journey. I recently had reconstructive foot surgery & read many of your books while recovering & will read more as I continue to recover. I would love to be a winner of The Amish Millionaire series. Thank you.

  57. God’s word, knowing how much He loves you and church family are everything in times of struggles – just need to keep believing and trusting Him. Ephesians 3:14-21 is a favorite.

  58. When I have a troubling situation in my life, I turn to the bible to ready scripture. The fascinating thing is that it usually always applies to what is happening in my real life. It reassures my faith and sets me straight.

  59. I have had a rough last three years with my own medical issues and family medical issues. I find that putting everything in God’s hands helps out a lot.

  60. I love all your Books. They truly speak Gods word.
    When I need comforting, the Psalms z Especially, the 30’s,69’s
    Were David is struggling also. Helps me so much. Amen

  61. I have read yours and other authors’ Amish books and am always in awe of the many young Amish who have a strong respect for their elders and who either stay within their communities or come back. It opens my eyes to the many, many temptations in the world that my children and grandchildren are faced with every day. Although I was never Amish, and was raised by my grandparents, my childhood included many of the things that the Amish do and the way they live, including no electricity and large horses to tend the crops. That life never seemed hard to me and my sister and now we reminisce about the games we played and things we did; and it’s all good memories. Thank you for bringing these things to mind and for always ending with a happy and fulfilling ending.

  62. I can’t wait to get a look at the Healing Jar I have really loved reading the other two . I love reading all of your books and looking at your husbands pictures.

  63. Love reading yours and Jean’s books. I’m really don’t like reading can’t sit still long enough. I can pick up one of your books and read it in one night. Can’t wait for more to come out.

  64. This time last year I found out I was pregnant. I finally went in for my first Ob appointment on Oct 8th. The Dr went to listen for the baby’s heartbeat but could not seem to locate it. They bumped up the ultrasound that I had scheduled. When I went in for the ultrasound I was informed that the baby was only measuring at 9 weeks at 11 weeks along. Later on that night I wound up having a miscarriage. This was one of the hardest things I have ever been through. This was my very first pregnancy and my husband I were really looking forward to becoming parents.

  65. I have been going through a trying time with one of my daughters. She has decided to alienate me and her sister. I cannot even remember what it was about. I do know she gets jealous easily and I really have to watch what I say. I usually get her daughter for the summer as she works….this summer she decided to put her into summer camp instead to coming to Granma’s!! I have miss her smiling face so very much, and I have missed talking to my daughter. My granddaughter is 10 years old and I have always watched her for them. She is supposed to be here this weekend for a visit and apparently I will be getting her for the last 2 weeks of summer before she goes to school in the fall. We will see…..I have prayed about this situation…..my daughter can be so very jealous. She has not spoken to her youngest sister is a couple of years. Breaks my heart…..Anyway, I have given the situation up to God….I don’t know what else to do. My husband and I are not getting any younger…one day we will not be here. I am praying that she will soon realize this. Anyway, thanks for letting me vent Wanda I know everyone has problems and issues….I am not alone in this situation. But it certainly has broken my heart.

  66. I have enjoyed reading the first 2 books in the Prayer Jar serious. I cant wait to read the Healing Jar. We have several amish friends that live in Lancaster county. As I read I feel like I’m right there with them.

  67. I read The Healing Jar and it was wonderful. I left my copy for someone to read while I was on vacation at Myrtle Beach. I will tell you a verse that has helped me. Exodus 14:14 The Lord says I will fight for you be patient and wait.


  69. Wow, I was just about to write my comment and I noticed that the last person used the same verse that helps me! “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” Exodus 14:14, NIV is my “life verse”.

  70. Reading the Bible and Prayer has always been my greatest strength with God by my side I have overcome many health issues. We can never go wrong with God, Faith and Prayer. Always having those 3 things centered in your life you can win the battle.

  71. I enjoy your books. One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11 which says .
    1For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope

    No matter what GOD has it and you have to trust which is hard to d than write or say.

  72. I love your books ! Since we have a lot of Amish living in our community , I really enjoy reading your books . I’m so glad a friend gave me some of your books to read .

  73. My favourite verse that has helped me a lot is from Psalm 37:5. Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass. I love your books and hoping that I could win a copy (copies)!

  74. I love your books. My sister passed away in 2015. I have had to dig deep into God’s Word to get through it. I have several verses that I have read over and over again. Thank you for writing such beautiful books.

  75. Loved the first book in this series. Now to get the rest I am excited to finish the journey in this set. I love reading and learning about the amish. I also enjoy your news letters. You have inspired me to follow my dream.

  76. I have enjoyed this series so far looking forward to this next one!
    I have read all of your books. After visiting Amish country in PA and Ohio Im so i
    Interested in their lifestyle.
    Look forward to many more of your inspirational writings!
    Blessings to you and your family.

  77. I love all your books about the Amish. From the first page to the last it is hard to put it down. I am waiting on my copy of “The Healing Jar” to come. It’s suppose to be here Monday. Can’t wait to read it.
    As far as Bible verses go, my most favorite is Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV) “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths.”
    I love reading God’s words and spending time with him each day. It gives me the strength to go on. You see I lost my hearing about 3 years ago and now my knee has gone completely out and I have to use crutches. They say they can’t do a replacement because I don’t have enough blood flow in that leg. I am trusting in the Lord to heal me, to open my ears like he made the blind man see again. I trust him with all my heart and soul and if he doesn’t heal me in this life he will when I go to be with him.
    Thank you for all your wonderful books. I read mostly Amish books and yours are the top of the line. Since I can’t hear I read, a LOT, hahaha. Love them all .
    You have a beautiful family by the way.

  78. I have not been able to buy your book yet, but I have a broken heart with the loss of my mom, husband, my daughter who will be in heaven two years the 24th of this month and with the loss of my dad. February 24, 2019. I keep repeating in my mind John 3-16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. (KJV). I know I will see them again, but it still hurts.
    God bless you and your family. Love Pam Yeager

  79. I love your books and looking forward to reading more of them. One of my favorite verses is in Psalm 121:1 “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” and another verse I love is Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

    Thank you again for your wonderful books.

  80. I love your books and looking forward to reading more of them. One of my favorite verses is in Psalm 121:1 “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” and another verse I love is Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

    Thank you again for your wonderful books.

  81. I love reading your books and look forward to reading more of them. One of my favorite verse is Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” Thank you for writing such inspirational books.

  82. I’ve had a lot of things on my heart and mind lately and have found myself burdened but I find that reading your books and all the lessons they have helps so much. The verse that I read is Matthew 11:28-30.

  83. Wanda I love your books and I’m marketing my my thru each and every one. I plan on reading the children series also. I often find wisdom and clarity for life events. I have not visited an Amish community as an adult but as an child often passed buggies in Ohio while traveling. I just finished the Healing Jar. It’s a wonderful story full of generations crossed. Forgiveness and understanding that come to us in simple unexpected ways.

  84. The Healing Jar is so inspiring, I loved Mary Ruth’s absolute trust in our Heavenly Father and the Bible verse that you chose to focus on. Psalm 147

  85. Whenever I read one of your books I take away a feeling of calm and peace. I enjoy each and everyone of your books and all for different reasons. Thank you for giving your readers hours of enjoyment.

  86. Love your books i pick it up an read it an cant put it down . Your my favorite author. Cant wait to read more of your books i have read all of them

  87. Loved this series and can’t wait until March when you come to Der Dutchman for a book signing.
    Love the way you have scripture throughout your book. Surch a ministry.
    May God continue to bless you in your writing.

  88. Psalm 71 has been a healing help to me because God is my refuge and rock. Through life I have had to live with a handicap and mocking and evil pursue of others. God has not forsaken me in my old age and for those who wanted to harm me, God has brought to shame and confusion. I enjoy your books and your writings are refreshing.