Wanda’s Journal

The Importance of Sharing

The other day a young girl gave me a special dessert she had made. She and her mother had even altered the recipe to fit my gluten-free diet. The cake was delicious, and receiving it made me feel loved and appreciated. So today, I’d like to share a yummy recipe with you. It’s taken from my novel, Lydia’s Charm.

Do you have a special recipe you would like to share? Or perhaps just leave a comment about some special gift someone gave you recently and how it made you feel.

Lydia’s No-Crust Apple Pie

1 egg
1/2 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
Dash of salt
2 medium apples, sliced
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)

Preheat oven to 350°. In mixing bowl, beat egg and add remaining ingredients; mix well. Spread into greased pie pan and bake for 30 minutes or until apples are soft.

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  1. Always enjoy reading your books. Had a 3 yr. old give me flowers (her brother goes to the school I

    work at) & said I should always have flowers. She is such a little sweetie!

  2. I received my grandmothers recipe book after she passed. Many of the recipes handwritten by her.
    I treasure this and use it often. I love reading your books and especially enjoyed the ones set in Sarasota FL.

  3. I have always enjoyed reading your books. You make it so real that I feel that I’m there with them. I will always remember my husband’s grandmother sharing her gumbo recipe with us. We had so much fun with her the day she showed how to fix it. She was a very special lady.

  4. I really appreciate anything people give Me. It means so much cause you know someone was thinking of you and cares about you. Recently my youngest son gave me a ring he ordered for me. The pie sounds delicious!!

  5. Oh my goodness, I love the Prayer Jar series. I had pre-ordered the Forgiving Jar and am nearly done with it already! Thank you for writing books that are inspirational and I am not embarrassed to read around others!

  6. Love your books! Recently a friend a work just gave me a coffee cup (I collect them) for no reason.

  7. I made the no crust apple pie and it was very tasty. Makes for a quick dessert when you want something without all the fuss. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I enjoy your books. I have been to Sarasot, Florida many times. My favorite restaurant is DER DUTCHMAN. WE HAVE CELEBRATED BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES THERE.
    I HAVE AN Amish friend in Ohio where I have sent quilts to be done by her and her daughter.
    Once visiting friends inColumbus, Ohio we went to visit this quilter at their farm.
    Such a lovely family.
    I usually get books from the library downloaded to my IPad or Kindle..
    May God bless you and your family. Keep writing and I enjoy your newsletter.

  9. I do love reading your books.
    They give me a time to relax and enjoy the life style of the Amish communities.

  10. I’m eager to try this recipe. My husband always likes it when I read your books…and try your recipes! It is always refreshing to read read wholesome books, especially following characters across a series. And now…where are my apples?

  11. I am not able to eat many recipes anymore without having to doctor them up because of food allergies. But, instead, I appreciate gifts given to me. I am always grateful for what is given to me because I know things come from the heart. I cherish every item given to me and each has a special place among my home.

  12. Lately I haven’t recieved any gifts but when I do I appreciate Everyone of them. Even just a picture of them or a family picture makes me feel special, Means I was thought of and not left out. I love reading your books, I’ve read a whole book in one day because I just couldn’t stop reading! Soo good! Thank you!

  13. Wanda I just love every single book you have written except your recent new releases.

    I love how you capture my interest and make the stories so real. I have read many Amish books over

    many years. I have always been so fascinated about their daily life and family members. I especially

    Love when you do the series of books. Thank you for capturing my interest and it’s a time where

    I just relax and enjoy.

  14. I love giving ! Im a home baker at heart, so every time I bake, I try to send some of it off to a neighbor or friend – I can’t do much financially, so its the little things that make a smile on someone else’s face that makes it worth while!

  15. When my mother passed away, I was the only one in the family that wanted her vast collection of recipes. I was surprised as I remembered so many of these being special dishes at family dinners as well as holidays. So, I am in the process of preserving these by either scanning the original, or typing out the recipes to put on either cd’s or thumb drives for the generations to follow.

  16. What a sweet little girl. Congrats on your latest release and yes, it would make a person feel special. That’s awesome!!

  17. I really enjoy your books about the Amish. My grandmother was Amish then they left and became Mennoites

  18. Your books honor the Amish by showing us so many important life lessons. I enjoy your books, e-mails, and journal readings (like today’s)

  19. Sharing is such an important quality. Amish people open their hearts and have a lot of wonderful qualities that other denominations do not have, but should have. Your books about the Amish are so wonderful to read as they teach us to love, share and be more forgiving. I look forward to reading your journal entries also and have a stack of your new books to read while I am laid up after my surgery in later March.

  20. Happy March! I will try this recipe for sure…
    I am a card maker; and belong to a few wonderful
    groups of people, where we bring food and stamp!
    One of my friends from a group knows that one of
    my daughter in laws, loves her county fair winning
    chocolate chip cookies… She has made several batches
    for Sarah! Yesterday, Sarah was here; with my two
    grandsons. A knock came on my front door! It was
    my friend; who lives quite a way from me, delivering
    cookies for Sarah! They got to meet one another. It was totally
    a surprise visit. It was such fun…
    Thanks, Cindi

  21. Love reading your books and I look forward to every new one that comes out. There is always a message in them and I love sharing them with my family and church family and friends. I love when you include a recipe and I always make sure I make it at least once. If my family likes it I put it in my notebook of favorite recipes to be made again. Keep bringing us wonderful stories.

  22. I love your reminder on sharing. I do genealogy and share all my findings with family, but find many people do not want to share their findings and keep them totally to themselves and that when we collaborate together, we have much better success all around.

    Love your books, Wanda!

  23. I love your concept of sharing. It applies to me also. I do genealogy and share all my findings with interested family members but find many make discoveries that they completely want to keep to themselves and I feel if we were to collaborate we would find and accomplish so much more.

    I love your books Wanda! And your webpage as well!

  24. A recent gift I received was just an out-of-the-blue phone call from my son. He’s a very busy grad student who lives 7 hours away, and it really made my day when he called just to talk!

  25. Thanks for sharing a yummy apple dessert recipe that I am sure my family will devour when I make it this weekend. Many years ago before my grandmother died she taught herself to paint. She painted many landscapes and I have them hanging throughout my home. These paintings mean a lot to me and I feel closer to her when I look at them.

  26. I received a wonderful text from one of my grand daughters that just made my day. Thank you for sharing the Apple pie dessert. Will have to try it.

  27. Wanda YOUR books are the highlight of ALL the Amish writers. Have been reading your books for over 15 years. Keep us in good taste, and writing for many, many more years to come.

  28. Wanda your books are so special to me. I read every one I can. You are a wonderful writer. It gives me a warm feeling all over while I am reading one of your books. I hope you keep writing for many more years. Will have to try that Apple Pie dessert. Sounds delicious.

  29. This week my father passed away and on Thursday I went back to work. I am a teacher and my children had a program. After the program, they all made me cards to let me know much they love me and they were sorry for my loss. I was and still am so overwhelmed by what they did to make me smile.

    1. I am so sorry for your loss. How sweet that your school children made you cards and let you know how much they love you.

  30. I so enjoy your books. There are still a few I need to get my hands on, I buy or get them from local library. I live in Ohio and have visited many of the Amish towns you write about. I thank God for giving you a wonderful writing ability.

  31. Yes, Wanda, I certainly agree with you that Sharing is a very special gift in many ways. Having
    had a nice 75th birthday recently, two of my granddaughters gave me a plush, large, warm robe
    to cuddle in every night. Not being too well, they wanted me to be comfy and that I surely am!
    How thoughtful of them to care so much about their Grammy getting old!. Now, I will be thinking of them every time I wear this nice big warm cozy robe! God is just so good to me.
    I want to tell you that I loved your interesting information about the Amish living in Sarasota, Fl..
    I did not realize that they were there and how I would love to visit there sometime. I have cousins
    who live a little distance from there but they have not told me about this. I want to thank you for
    sharing with us so much information on our Amish people. I find it very interesting,indeed. May
    God bless you and your husband. You both contribute so much to all of us. I love you books!!!
    It is exciting to see what you are writing all the time. Thank you so very much.!
    PS. I am going to try Lydia’s Apple Pie. It looks like fun to make and more fun to eat!!!

  32. I love reading the Amish Stories- I take my Kindle to work so I can read on my breaks, everyday someone asks me what I am reading and why! I love the inspiration and learning about the cultures of the different orders! Right now I am reading The Promise of Palm Grove Brides of Pinecraft – book 1 By Shelly Shepard Grey!

  33. Thank you for the recipe. My son brought me a bunch of wildflowers that he had picked along the way. So thoughtful and unexpected.

  34. I love and cherish gifts that are made shows how much someone has gone to share their talent with you. I received from my little boy a glass vase with spring colors drawn on it and scented leaves inside. Regarding recipes my sister does a delicious from scratch Velvet Cheesecake cake with homemade cream cheese frosting. I enjoy the recipes you add to your books. Already made one. And will enjoy making this one too. Thank you for your wonderful stories.

  35. My mother passed in 2005. I’ve moved many times since then, last June I even lived through a tree being dumped on a house I was renting by a tornado. Years ago I thought I had lost a family recipe. Well, while unpacking into our new forever house, I found the recipe! It was my grandmother’s, passed to my mom because that grandmother only had a boy and she was his wife. Now it’s in my care again, and I only have a boy.

    I was just overjoyed to find this ray of sunshine among the hastily packed items of my life.

  36. I love apple pie! I will have to try the new recipe.
    I also loved The Healing Quilt. I have collected all the books in the story line. You make the characters come alive for me. I can see them and know them as if they were my friend. Thank you!

    Have a lovely March!

  37. I really enjoy reading your books..Actually, I read all Amish stories. They put me in a very peaceful state of mind. I will never give any of the books away. But I do lend them out to anyone..Sometimes I read them again.. And love the recipes..

  38. How sweet of your friend to make the treat tolerable for your diet! That is true sharing from the heart!

  39. My Dad’s mother was the best cook ever. She taught my Dad how to cook and he was a better cook than my Mom. Grandma made bread from scratch and taught me how to use her treadle sewing machine.

  40. Sharing is an act that ranges from expecting a return to the selfless attitude of giving freely. I believe we are all made with the desire to be comforted, excepted and loved. Sometimes the most simple act of sharing ones time can be the greatest thing a person may need. Recipes are also a wonderful thing to share. Thank you Wanda for Lydia’s No-Crust Apple Pie.

  41. I enjoy reading your books. I have a mumber of your books and I especially your cookbooks. I very much enjoy the redipes you share. I have relatives living in Sarasota area so I enjoy reading about those people.

  42. As my bookshelfs weren’t enough I decided to share some of my books with other women. And they share my books to other women. I did also with your books. It was a little hard to do, but it gives great pleasure to make others happy for they also like your books very much! As soon as your new books are translated info my own language (Dutch), I try to find them in the library. Dear Wanda, I hope you’ll write books for many, many years! God bless you!

  43. Once, when a friend discovered I enjoyed going to tea parties, she gave me a pin for my coat that had a teacup on it. The pin had been hers, and she thought I would enjoy it, so she gave it to me. I treasure it. Gifts do not need to be new or cost a lot to make you feel good. The thought alone made me feel so important and valued.

  44. My father grew up in an orphanage. When a bus load of orphans arrived at the picnic area we were at, he gave the Nun money to buy the children ice-cream. He felt since we were having ice-cream the other children should too.

  45. That sounds delicious! My sister recently crocheted me some beautiful dish clothes. She’s such a good sister and friend!

  46. I love to share gifts with others.

    After a recent storm we were surprised that neighbor children down the street shoveled our driveway for us and the parents did not even ask them or encourage them to do so.

    As a thank you, my husband made them a cheesecake that they really love.

    Always enjoy reading your books.

  47. Thank you for sharing this recipe. I am blessed to have received my grandmother’s treadle sewing machine after my mother died.

  48. Such a thoughtful gift and good lesson for the young girl. A gift blesses the giver as well as the recipient, even sending a card to someone in the mail is a blessing. I need to try your recipe!

  49. Hi Wanda! This recipe has come at a perfect time! A family member who has Celiac is coming to visit and I plan to make this crust-free apple pie. It already smells and tastes delicious! And to boot, I also have a very lovely granddaughter named Lydia who just loves apples! Thanks for making life a little easier for us.

  50. I always enjoy your books. It makes it more interesting when you have been to visit the places you write about because you can make it more realistic. I love the recipes you share as well. Can’t wait to make the apple pie.

  51. About two years ago I started to compile a cookbook of my families favorite recipes. I am always being asked if one or another family can get a copy when its done! I am always looking for new ways to make comfort foods and add wholesome items to my menu rotation. I too am GF so I know how much you must appreciate it when someone goes the extra effort to make you a treat! Please keep sharing and writing as I am a fan of both!

  52. Sharing is definitely something special that blesses both the giver and its recipient. Sharing is caring as the saying goes and it truly is. Wishing everyone a blessed month of March!

  53. Caring is sharing. I have too many favorite recipes: chicken and rice, goulash, spaghetti, beans, taco salad, etc. I don’t cook though. My mom cooks and shares it with my family. I appreciate her.

  54. Hello all, here every person is sharing these kinds of experience, thus it’s nice
    to read this weblog, and I used to pay a quick visit this webpage daily.

  55. I enjoy reading both books and journal entries. I have made several recopies that are in your books. They never fail to please. They are both simple and delicious.

  56. thank you and bless you for your bible passages this month. i will mark them in my bible. it is a blessing to be able to have books such as yours to read that is with words of God and faith. love reading your books. they are so inspirational

  57. I am just beginning to read your book, “Letters of Trust” and am looking forward to the story. I have read many of your books in the past and find them to be quite interesting and I enjoy reading about the Amish. Could you enter me in your current contest to win “Amish Friends Farmhouse Favorites Cookbook”.
