Wanda’s Journal

Helping Others

In my novel, A Cousin’s Challenge, which was set in Indiana, some people in Jolene’s family saw her deafness as a handicap.
One of the best ways to help others with physical limitations is by encouraging and allowing them to do as much as they can on their own. I knew a young woman once who had cerebral palsy. She wanted to teach a Sunday school class at our church, and so the men of the church carried her wheelchair to the basement every Sunday so she was able to teach her young students.

I have an Amish friend who is partially paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair. He doesn’t see himself as disabled and even holds down a fulltime job. Another Amish friend is blind, but she also has a job and it makes her feel useful, as well as providing additional income for her family.

From your personal experiences, what are some ways you have discovered that can help others who have physical limitations see that they can live useful lives?

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  1. In our city many businesses hire adults with Down Syndrome. They are great workers, hard working and always have a smile on their faces. A pleasure to be around.

    1. I own a faceless doll! I like them better! I have read your the Prayer jar and Loved it!! I always read your books!! I check our Library to see if they have copies!! My company TJX Canada hires all kind of People with disabilities and I am happy that they do!!

  2. People with handicaps can help in so many ways. They can help in the church nursery by playing with the children, holding them, reading to the children or just being there.

  3. I have already read The Forgiving Jar, It is a excellent book. I have read all your books and I am looking forward to more books written by you. They remind me of my childhood. I lived in the country.

  4. I have worked at group homes and been around many disabled people. I treat them with love and get them to be as independent as possible. I have been a foster parent to a disabled woman for years and now I am her legal guardian. She has always been asked to try things and received help when needed.

  5. Allowing them to do as much as possible for themselves despite their limitations helps them keep their self confidence. Also, hiring them for a job that they can do even with their limitations will help them keep that self confidence, as I’ve seen here in NC. A new coffee bar just opened up in Raleigh and is run by those who have Down Syndrome ?.

  6. Still a fan of all your books! Where I work at (Engineering field) we hire handicap people – some are incredibly intelligent & even engineers! I’m glad that we reach out to them & give them an opportunity to share their knowledge & bright ideas with us!

  7. I sure wish many more would open their hearts and minds ! I haven’t read the forgiving jar just yet. Currently reading the Prairie State friends trilogy ! It’s my next one to read though! Waiting for the 3rd to be released in June I believe.

  8. I worked at a nursing home with a young lady who had lost her arm to cancer in her teens. She was amazing with what she could do as she had a mom, whom I went to church with, that was a great encouragement.

  9. I have worked very hard to help my disabled grandson get through school. He has very high anxiety issues and he was being bullied at school. We as a family decided to home school him. I was his teacher for three and half years. We got through it and he was actually brave enough to graduate with his class.

  10. My husband is legally blind, but he still works as a recording engineer. Even though his eye sight has diminished, his hearing has become more acute to make up for it. He uses adaptive technology to make his recordings. His computer reads out loud his screens for him so that he can know what is on it. He also has a big magnifier that enlarges print books, magazines, etc. so that he can see what they say. He also listens to many audiobooks. There are many other jobs that he can do still, so he can feel he is contributing to the household as well.

    Just because you have a disability, that doesn’t mean you can’t contribute. You just need to find what works best for you and do that to the best of your ability.

  11. My husband’s cousin has Muscular Dystrophy and has been confined to a wheelchair since young childhood. Her parents were told she wouldn’t live past 20. She’s 42, lives on her own (with the help of aides), and works a full-time job. I think not seeing herself as a victim has been a huge part of her being successful. And seeing all the positive and wonderful things in her life!

  12. I agree with what you noted in your journal entry…you have to allow them to do as much as they can on their own. I would add that I believe it is important also to make them feel a part of all the things that go on around them. Are you having an activity? Make sure there is a way they can participate and go out of your way to accommodate them, but make no big deal about it. I think one should never patronize either….normalcy is key.

  13. I am currently reading The Prairie State trilogy. This is my next set to read while waiting for the June release. Wish many more people would open their hearts and minds !

  14. I have two people in my life that I have been caring for. It is honestly sometimes very difficult, and can be taxing on the caretaker. I try my best to see that their needs are met and have to admit, at times I need a little respite, too. There are many appointments to take them to and I usually try to include lunch out with them or invite them to activities that they are capable of doing.

  15. Your books are truly a blessing to read. I feel as if I am really there. Thank you so much for your writing! I look forward to reading through them all one by one!

  16. I have just completed the 2nd book in the series The Forgiving Jar. I have the 3rd on order. Can’t wait. I hope you will come to Alliance, Ohio again, would love to hear you speak

  17. Anyone can help out whether they are “naked bodied” or “disabled.” Modifications can be made anywhere so that people with disabilities can help. I, myself, have learning disabilities which have been accommodated in the past. If you’re a parent, caregiver, or yourself, are disabled, get a hold of the person or organization that is in charge of what you want to do, and ask them about the modifications that could be made so that you or the person you’re in charge of, can help out. Be assertive with what you or they need. Don’t take no as an option. There’s too many people “in power” who think that they can belittle, bully, or push around those with disabilities. Don’t let this happen; get help if needed. It’s all about inclusion and modifying so everyone can participate in some fashion. Having been both accommodated and unaccommadted, I know from first-hand experience how it feels to be accepted or denied because of disabilities.

    1. This should have read as abled-bodied and disabled. My auto correct function chose the wrong word. Sorry about that.

      I’m not trying to be mean or anything, but having read some of these messages gets to me because as I have said previously, I have learning disabilities. People who are disabled generally don’t want the term or label of disabled or handicapped in front of them as an identification. For example, a disabled or a handicapped person. We are people first and foremost. We are no different than you are. Don’t classify us.

  18. My daughter works for an adult handicap people it is so good when I get invited to one of there event . They grow there own vegetables and help make the food for the party and invite other handicap house to come and join them. I enjoy seeing them singing and dancing with the staff of ARCA. It seems my heart to be able to meet them and have fun with them.

  19. I love your books Wanda. I read them all the time .I want in drawing for April newsletter one-mail the ten books of Amish Millionaire series .

  20. My niece has hearing loss, but we have always treated her just the same as the other children. She is able to hold a job, mothers two children, and function well with the help of special hearing devices and lip reading.

  21. I enjoyed the story of the faceless dolls. often wondered about that. I also can’t wait to try the scalloped potatoes and pork chops

  22. My BFF’s mother was wheelchair bound &
    losing use of one hand. After noticing
    my friend was was doing everything for Mom, who stated she felt “useless.”

    I suggested my BFF put small, clean laundry
    on the table to fold, smaller washed & rinsed
    dishes on the table to dry. BFF then had Mom
    Help mix batter, eggs or stir jello etc. Mpm
    told her how excited she was to help. I
    definitely believe handicapped folks should
    be encouraged to do as much as they can.

  23. My BFF’s mother was wheelchair bound &
    losing use of one hand. After noticing
    my friend was was doing everything for Mom, who stated she felt “useless.”

    I suggested my BFF put small, clean laundry
    on the table to fold, smaller washed & rinsed
    dishes on the table to dry. BFF then had Mom
    Help mix batter, eggs or stir jello etc. Mpm
    told her how excited she was to help. I
    definitely believe handicapped folks should
    be encouraged to do as much as they can.

  24. I love your books Wanda & was thrilled to have one of them signed by yo and have my picture taken with you at Hartville, Ohio. I have arthritis in my back but whenever I get a chance I try to winess to those around me, especially if I am in a hospital. God is helping me to do better but I am still not good at it. I also had both knees replaced & sometimes I can use that as a way of “entry” into how God has helped me. They still hurt me some as I have a slightly crooked leg. I’d love to win your books. We have a nurse that comes to do health care for my husband that married an Amish man. He left the Amish way. She is a very sweet girl. They are still able to visit & have good times with is family.

  25. I think that you can help people who have physical limitations by helping them discover an easier and better way of doing things. I have a disability and that is the way that people help me.

  26. I had an aunt with down syndrome. My grandmother taught her so much, she worked with her to be able to walk when she was little, and taught her to cook and take care of a house. She was also able to work through a special program and was so happy with her “own” spending money. She was a very special lady to me. I learned from my grandmother that her faith in God helped her to be the best mom she could to my aunt. It takes a lot of patience, teaching and encouragement to help a special needs person grow and learn.

  27. I have several friends and I too am handicapped but not in the ways my friends are. I try to encourage them to do what they can for themselves and others. I don’t see their handicap, I see the people that they are. They are living their life to the fullest and sometimes I think they live life better than I do. We can’t hold people back who have some kind of handicap. We have to help them to be the people God created them to be. They, too me are so special because they truly don’t see their handicap as a problem, but as a blessing. I am so proud to call them my friends. They truly love life and they freely give hugs and they just radiate with love.

  28. My Dad broke his back one month after he turned 30. He underwent numerous back surgeries and was immediately approved for SSDI for life. But my Dad being the stubborn man he was, he made himself get up and he and my Mom started their own business. They did very well for themselves. It was sheer will. He was in constant pain until the day he passed away. I think it’s a matter of making yourself do things. I myself an disabled. I try and do the best I can but it is hard.
    Anyway I would just say to start slowly and get your endurance up as much as possible. And people will help. Do not be afraid to ask for help.

  29. At our local charity shop, where I work, we have an older lady, with a mental disability, come in once a week & clean the floors. She does a terrible job, but we thank her. It is her work, so she feels she is contributing.

  30. My very first FT job was at a Habilitation center for adults with physical and mental handicaps…it was a business that employed these handicapped adults in making items that was on their level (if that explains it without sounding “mean”) and they were paid for the products they made and were sent out to businesses that ordered the products. I saw and worked with many people and learned how loving and capable they can be and how much they just wanted to feel and be as “normal” as they could be….I also had a friend that had a spinal cord injury….for many years he had a cane, then “progressing” to a walker, then before his death, was confined to an electric wheelchair…he so didnt want to give up and go from cane to more help … “you” just to help as they want/need you too…some dont want help…until they find they need it and say “ok please help me….” I always try to help and treat people as I would like to be treated and helped as I may need it….we never know when something might happen and we or someone we love may be disabled…

  31. Your books are truly a blessing to read. Thank you so much for your writing! I look forward to reading through them all!

  32. I have worked in several nursing homes as well as volunteering . Some residents were able to participate in activities such as: gardening, painting, cooking, crafts and others as well..I would encourage them to do what they could and the results were priceless…I even had a hospice resident who through my encouragement was able to walk the halls talking to other residents and staff, eating once again in the dining room and removed from hospice..Handicap does not mean helpless..God works his miracles in many different ways if we allow and trust him.

  33. After years of living with an “invisible” physical limitation, it recently became visible to others. I have found most people are understanding and compassionate. I am still uncomfortable when people offer help, as I have always been independent. I know that it is partly a pride problem and I believe God is teaching me that it is ok to accept help.

  34. I was blessed to have an uncle who was blind and almost completely deaf as a result of having and surviving spinal meningitis as a young child. he was an amazing individual who taught all of his nieces,nephews, and neighbors the values of a fulfilled life. he always kept a milk cow, and milked everyday faithfully. also, his garden was large and quite bountiful. he always told us God provided “extras” with other senses when He saw fit to take other senses. even though my uncle is no longer here on earth with us, his lessons live on in each of us as well as our children. i just know he is farming in Heaven!

  35. I would love to read this series! I love your books and especially the Hawaiian Quilt series and would love to have you write another to the series. Thank you!!

  36. Treat them with respect and love and help when needed but also try to give them their independence. Lots of things that we can all do to help and they can also help family and caregivers as well.

  37. I believe just simply treating them like anyone else goes a long way. Don’t shout at them because they are blind or in a wheelchair (I have witnessed this). Also, when having a discussion around a disabled person include them and ask their opinions on the subject just like everyone else. so many times these wonderful people are looked over or forgotten and there’s no reason for it.

  38. My best friend is almost 90 and was having a hard time reading her address book especially the phone numbers. I typed the names and numbers big and laminated it. She has had much less trouble calling people since this was done.

  39. Hi, My oldest son married a lady with a young, special
    needs son. They did not want him put in a special
    class because he is able to learn… So, they enrolled
    him in a school that has him in a regular classroom.
    Since, he requires physical surgeries, he sometimes
    falls behind, but he is enjoying life, and learning
    every day!
    Thanks, Cindi


  41. Allow those both adult and children to be as independent as they can be. When they do something that is a big accomplishment to them praise them for doing it It will make them feel good about themselves

  42. I was taught from a very young age that people are not DIS-ABLED, they are Special-ABLED. I grew up in a farming community in southeast Kansas. One of my classmates was special-Abled! We never left Richard “Woody” out – of anything!! Sports, academics, plays, dances, etc. A neighbor of ours had cerebral palsy. His brothers built him a “special car” with belts and pulleys instead of pedals, so that he could take himself to and from places. Another of my high school friends had epileptic seizures. Her parents taught us how to deal with these, so we would know what to do if one happened.
    So I led a very “enriched” life of total inclusion of all people. And the area I now live in has unique programs for all sorts of Special-Abled people – such as stores hiring them, programs that are geared to inclusion of all people, transportation so that they are not isolated, even a special workshop program that highlights their abilities – not their dis-abilities!
    My husband is in a men’s service organization and one of their proudest achievements last year was building a handicapped access fishing dock at Busch’s Wildlife area. And my daughter volunteers for Tree House St. Louis – or formerly known as Therapeutic Horsemanship that allows all levels of special needs people enjoy horseback riding. So you could say, it’s a family project!

  43. We have a lady with downs syndrome at our church. She wants to sing in our choir and we all love having her sing with us even though she’s off key. After all the bible says to make a joyful noise to the Lord.

  44. I had a friend with spina bifida who did medical transcription from home. For many years she was able to live a very fullfilling life in spite of her handicap. I admired her faith and tenacity. She always looked forward to the future when she would be dancing in glory. She has that priviledge now. I miss her so much.

  45. We have a couple of young men with Downs Syndrome working in one of our grocery stores. They are so nice and friendly . I always get a hi Bonnie and usually a hug when they see me.

  46. In my personal experiences, I’ve helped a young deaf boy learn to read and to understand lessons in his schoolbooks. I also worked, years ago, as a nurse’s aide in a nursing home, and there were many people who needed help, either walking, feeding themselves, or communicating. People who are handicapped in some way respond much better when the assistant is kind, gentle, and has a smile. The handicapped person is already dealing with frustration, so a calm attitude goes a long way.

    Romans 10:9-13

  47. Hi Wanda I am disabled and my son has autism and has other problems so in my family we have alot of. Problems but with god u can get though anything and me and my husband are learning that real fast we are new to the Christian faith and we just joined a church but we are learning alot about god and that god is good and god bless ,elizabeth Butler

  48. my sister got custody of a downs syndrome man and took care of him until he passed. he was so much fun to be around, our whole family loved him and he loved all of us, he was older than my sister, but she treated him just like her own sons. he was a joy to be around

  49. I have found that not limiting and letting them do what’s in there heart gives them self esteem and gives them a sense of “proving” to others as themselves that they are not just set aside as some people tend to treat them or/and see them just because they are handicap. Most of them do a better job then people that don’t have any handicap/limitations. In school I knew someone with Down syndrome and he did everything he could to show that he could be part of the kids at school. Some students would tell him he couldn’t do it or tried to do things for him and he would feel frustrated because the other students would put him aside. But with help from other students that we would have him involved in activities and sports without “classifying” him as handicap he became our lunch leader and office monitor. He had such a happier expression on his face. He felt he was important because he held positions in class. But like we told him… You have always been Important and you do a great job. And treated him like any other kid in class.

  50. We all have some kind of handicap, some a lot harder handicaps than others. Every person is unique and is able to provide some kind of gift to others. I love your books and read them when I get a chance.

  51. I like to encourage people that have handicaps or disabilities and let them know they can do a good job.Always treat them like you do people without handicaps.

  52. My first comment that above all we need to be kind to others always and in all ways…….treat others as you would have them treat you. I learned sign language from a deaf neighbor so that i could communicate with him and help him learn his way around our community. I think if i came across a blind person who had not learned braille that i would research avenues to share with that person……..and the same with any handicapped person who was unable to research somethings to meet their needs.

  53. Thank you so much for the book I was chosen to receive. I enjoy your books a lot. It is nice to read your newsletter each month to see what is happening. I had 4 children with special needs in my Sunday School Class. They were treated the same as the others and loved equally. Blessings.

  54. Thank you for your inspirational words in your newsletter…Have been really going through some “low” times last several months & have put your readings to the side. Realized how much I needed to read them & get back into my times spent with the Lord….We can’t do this life on our own no matter how much we try…Jesus always has our back! Blessings!

  55. My Dad used to pastor a church where there was a young girl that was born with cerebral palsy. Years after we left that church we connected with her and her family on facebook. She was the sweetest person I have ever met. She was in the special olympics. Every time a pic of her cheering was posted she always had a smile on her face. Sadly she passed away over a year ago! My Dad preached her funeral because she always loved him and would light up when she seen him. I truly miss her!!!!

  56. i love your books. I am always reading since I retired. would love to win the books of this month!

  57. I believe those with handicaps should always be included, no matter what. There is always a job to be done, an extra place at a table or outing, and their advice and thoughts are phenomenal! We all have handicaps in one way, shape or form. We all need to always step outside of the box and ask ourselves, if we were in their shoes, how would (and could) we be included?

  58. Recently read forgiving jar….its amazing! Loved it. My mom has lyphediemia bad in her legs. She also has bad arthritis recently a blood clot that thank goodness stopped in her lungs but many issues. She still likes to feel useful. I help her alot around her home I drive her to appointments or wherever she needs to go. She helps when I cook she’ll peel potatoes sitting or cut something while sitting. She worked in a factory up till 5 years ago when she no longer could. Everyone needs a purpose and a reason. Keep writing ill keep reading! Love your books!

  59. I have a friend who had a stroke and she has a hard time doing anything with her right side of her body but I know she works hard to get herself stronger so she can return home to her family… <3

  60. In 2002 i was in a terrible car accident i died a couple of times but god wasnt ready for me yet . I stiilll babysit for my great Niece who are 4 and 3 it keeps me hopping bbut keeps me young . I also livve in a senior citizen building and call bingo 2 – week . So i keep active and enjoy helping others. I used to work in a nursing home until my accident

  61. There are all kinds of ‘disabilities ‘ some we can see at a glance, others we can’t. I have two children that have a ‘learning disability’ my daughter finds it difficult to retain information from reading. Her hands on skills are amazing!! She just completed her first month (9 more to go) of hairdressing school. I’m very excited that she will see her dreams come true. ?

  62. As a nurse I helped diabetic people find ways to care for their condition so they could resume a healthy, active life. One lady had an arm amputation and struggled to give herself one handed insulin injections. Thankfully I was able to find some creative solutions for her. Where there is a will, there is a way.

    Thank you so much for all you share with us! I’m excited to try the pork chop and scalloped potatoes recipe. It sounds delicious!

  63. There is a special satisfaction that comes from helping someone who is handicapped. They don’t need to be made to feel that they are different from you. Just assist them and wear a smile while doing so. And don’t boast to others that you have done so. Just keep your ears and eyes open for opportunities to be a blessing to anyone handicapped or not.

  64. I worked as a home health aide for a while. Most of my clients were elderly. I helped one woman by picking the fruit from her trees and getting out the items for her to make jam. I cleaned up the next morning. She showed me how to make jam and it allowed her to do it again for the first time in years.

  65. I had a cousin who had Down’s we never saw her as different just one of us playing on the farm

  66. thank you for introducing us to the Amish way of life. When I am really feeling down all I have to do is pickup one of your books and start reading and I feel so bless to be a Christian.

  67. I have a 4 yr old grandson that has a rare genetic disorder (MECP2 Triplication) which is giving him 3 X chromosomes. He struggles daily to do things that come so natural to us. Having him in our lives is a blessing.
    Love your recipe for the scalloped potatoes and pork chops.
    Thank you for the wonderful books you write and all the information you provide to us in your newsletters.

  68. Most of the “handicapped “ people that I have worked with didn’t think they were the ones with the handicap. They were the happiest people and some of the hardest workers.

  69. I think acceptance of the person with their limitation is a key to how they see themselves. If we are encouraging rather than saying “you can’t” to the things they want to accomplish, they are apt to try more new things. And encouraging the gifts we see in them to blossom is important too.

  70. People with handicaps are so strong because everything they do takes so much more energy. My mom was legally blind when diabetes took most of her sight. Yet she still called people to encourage them. I miss her so much.

  71. My son has Autism and caring for him and learning with him has been one heck of a ride. I have learned love, patience , understanding for him and other people. I love your book’s and hope you keep writing them. Thanks

  72. It is helpful to discuss with a disabled person what they feel they can do without assistance as well as what they can do with specific assistance and respond accordingly.

  73. I am in a wheelchair and I have seizures really bad. When the seizures started, that meant no driving because I was having the worse type of seizures. But I did not give up. It was not long after that I had to have a surgery. I was in the hospital for a month come home in a wheelchair and knew it was going to be the rest of my life. I got in a bad depression and I stayed in the bed for a long time. Family and friends and my church family tried to help and guide me. Their prayers and the birth of my first grandchild helped me move on. I was at the point of giving up. So a person with a disability can goes through a lot of emotions. Some fight it and don’t give up and some has a hard time dealing with it. But a disabled person can do anything they want to do. God Blesses Everyone!

  74. My dad lost his eye when he was a little boy so he grew up with only one eye. At an early age he adjusted to looking at things with that one eye and as we children grew, he taught us to see things differently because he had only one eye he had difficulty at times seeing to the left or right and used his ears to help in seeing things on either side. Yes, people with disabilities are not disabled because they see themselves as being able to do what everyone else does. When I had my accident the doctors told me I would never walk again or use my left arm or hand and because I went through 3 yrs. of therapy to prove them wrong, I am able to do the things I want right now.

  75. When I am around a disabled person, I watch to see if they would like any help. I make sure that I speak to them if not I try to make eye contact with them. I do not own an Amish doll.

  76. I have read all of your books and then passed them onto my mother-in-law, sister, niece, and daughter-in-law as well as a few friends. They are a blessing and encouragement. Thank you!

  77. Love the sound of the horses walking on this website. It is so calming and relaxing, reminding me of my younger days and horseback riding, which was one of my favorite things to do back then. Recently a total stranger stopped to help me shovel out after another big snowfall. We have become friends, and as he wouldn’t take any payments from me, after blowing snow for me several times, he just has asked that I pay it forward. So when I go out to eat I leave some money to apply to the next person’s bill. Such a rewarding feeling. LOVE your books, but haven’t had time to read lately, but will be getting back at it here shortly!

  78. There are several retail companies that hire people with disabilities. Whether they are in a wheelchair or mentally handicapped they are always pleasant. They have a smile on their face and are ready to welcome you with a “good morning.” I just hope the companies continue hiring these awesome people.

  79. I enjoy readings Amish books! I have a faceless doll and I perfer that as to a doll with a face ! I have traveled to Lancaster and I loved the entire Amish experience.

  80. My Son in Law is blind and he lives life as if he does not have a problem. The family never speaks to him as if he is blind. We assist when needed but let him do what he can for himself. He has even earned two master degrees. He and his wife work as a team. It is encouraging and delightful to watch them.

  81. I do not have a faceless doll, but I do find them very intriguing. I have bought them as gifts for others. I can understand why the Amish want to protect their children from vanity. I grew up with Barbies and who can compete with Barbie.

  82. I am permanently disabled but I try to do all that I can and I help others too. I have deteriorating discs in my lower back and I use a walker now but I know one day I will be in a wheel chair..I love reading your books, I get them when ever I can. Once you start reading them they are hard to put down. I love reading about the Amish and their cooking is great. I look forward to getting more of your books and have a collection of them. Thank you for sharing your writings with me Have a beautiful and blessed day

  83. I have enjoyed all you books which I read as series. I am always waiting to read your next book.

  84. The human being is amazing created by God. We cannot underestimate their capacity and will to succeed. Praise God. Thank you wanda for your wonderful books.

  85. My mother in law was a double amputee and we were always coming up with new ways to help her be independent. She passed years ago but I was always grateful for how well she handled herself and it showed my children(her grandchildren) that nothing can hold you back. Your books are inspiring and I love to read them. Keep writing.

  86. While technology has become a hindrance in many ways, I do think it’s helped a lot too. I’ve dealt with panic attacks for the last 3 years, and it’s hard to work outside the home because I get stressed really easily and then have an attack. Thanks to my computer and God gifting me with the skill of résumé writing, I’m able to work from home helping people with résumés and cover letters to help them find work. I also know others who are able to make a living online when their physical limitations keep them from working outside the home.

  87. I love to hear stories of people being a success in spite of their disability. I look up to them because they don’t take “you can’t do that” for an answer. They find ways to overcome their disability. Anyone can do so if they have enough determination and encouragement.

  88. Sounds like you have another winner. I love your books and own several. Cant wait for this one. My husband lost 3 fingers in a work accident and it has been a real challenge for him this past year.

  89. Our pastor had a spinal stroke about 9 years ago. He is mostly in a wheelchair but he can walk with a walker for a little bit.
    My husband and I help him and his wife with washing their vehicles and I’ll clean her house also.

  90. I am disabled and have been for about 35 yrs my disease started then and since then has progressed throughout my body and yesterday learned i lost all the hearting in my rt ear and 1/2 of it is gone in my left ear the disease now has progressed to the nerves in the ears. I don’t let that get me down that much I try to do as much as I can around the house and then hubby knows what I can’t do and will do a few things on the weekend. I try not to use my scooter as much as the dr wants i use a walking stick and then a few people do help me at church as they have come to know what i need help with. Many times people have tried to help me walk and i have told them politely that i would rather do as much as I can and then they know when I need the help. There is a man who we dearly love at church and he is so loving and so sweet he is in his 50’s and lives with his mom but he has a full time job we do help them during the summer as they are one of the people that we drop vegi bags off at their house in the early morning and they don’t know it is us. We drop to 15 families who need it and i am happy i can help as hubby planted a raised garden right near the house so i can get there and pick the vegis when they are ready. I just love watching the plants grow and know that they are helping us and 15 others it;s enough for a family of 4 for a week that we drop off and we have done it for more than 15 years and love it!

  91. It’s a very inspiring story. Wish it was easier for more people with disabilities to feel a part of society.

  92. One thing I like to do is let my sister help with dishes when she visits. I let her wash that way I can make sure all food is off dishes. But she likes to help do her part. Makes her feel good she is helping and does my heart good to see her happy that she can still help.

  93. It’s important to encourage people with disabilities in both their business and personal lives. Many businesses truly try to accommodate people with disabilities so they can contribute and advance in business. Many people with disabilities feel no one would want to marry someone with a handicap. They need to be encouraged to socialize and date, such as in Wanda’s book “Looking For a Miracle.”

  94. I am entering in the drawing for cookbook for February newsletter.I love your books Wanda with your fighter-In-law and your granddaughter. My address Is 308 North Canal LaGrange,Indiana 46761 .Carrie Reed.

    1. Sorry, Wanda I thought I put a D Instead of F It Is to say your daughter-In-law and granddaughter.Carrie Reed

  95. Wanda,My address is 308 North Canal Street LaGrange,Indiana 46761 forgot the Street part . Carrie Reed

  96. Hi Wanda,
    we just wanted to let you know that
    Your books have brought so much joy to our lives! I couldn’t get enough of your books.read them from libraries+ bought many for years. Now after one was in a group of books my blind and disabled husband read on talking books and he was hooked:). That’s been twenty some years ago ,we order from library of Congress books on tape now since pandemic they come with 8or 9 on a bard cartridge!! We enjoyed all Amish story authors but yours were the first and we have listen to many. Now we order them in series as often as possible. Funny we were listening to the first of series where husband had been killed in the bus station, we thought. It was the only book on that tape group Boy did we scramble to order rest of series couldn’t wait to read the next ones. Some haven’t been recorded that way yet so if you can get them read for talking books please do!! They are a ministry to shut ins like no other. Mine enjoys the scripture reminders just as much, some he can memorize because they are in the books! Ty and know you are blessing our days!! Wendy