Wanda’s Journal

New Beginnings

Many people look at a New Year as a time to start over. They might make resolutions or come up with a plan to try something new. However, we don’t need a New Year to start fresh. The glory of every morning is that it offers us the chance to begin anew.

We might choose to change the way we eat; make more time for exercise; take time out of our busy schedules to enjoy our friends and family; or read our Bible regularly.

Have you made any resolutions for the New Year? Do you have a plan for sticking with them? I heard an old saying the other day that might help. “If you’re looking to make a new start, ask God to change your heart.”

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  1. I agree with you are saying. Everyday when I get up I thank God for the new. Then I think what can this special and ask God to let me what is in store for me. I can face the new day with God’s help. He has healed my broken ways. I was a lost soul until I turn to God and started reading your books. Now I am saved and born anew. So thank you. Love and God to you and your family.

  2. I use to make resolutions every year …diet, exercise etc and found they cause unneeded stress.

    Better to remember to keep God first, family and friends second and then sort out the rest of your circles. Keeping God first will he
    P sort out much of the rest

  3. I have no plans to make any resolutions for the new year. At my age am thankful for every day I have. Enjoy reading your books.

  4. Your writings are always very Inspirational ,whether it is a newsletter or a book. My husband and I both read your books. I also have 2 of the Amish cookbooks and love the recipes.

  5. I just set goals to be healthier and happier; more joy. Leave negativity out of my life as much as possible. Also, I want to read more books. ? love yours.

  6. I like the idea of setting goals for the new year. As a diabetic, I work to maintain good blood sugar balance through diet, exercise, sleep, etc. in order to stay healthy. I also work to keep my mind and spirit healthy through studying the Bible, praying, reading inspirational literature, working crossword puzzles, and other similar activities.

  7. I don’t make New Year’s resolutions because that is a sure fire way to fail. I just try to be a better person, one day at a time. Blessings on this new year to one and all.

  8. As you get older I think the best thing is to live your life as Christ would want you to. Show others His love and share what you have with others.

  9. I don’t have lots of time to read; but have read several of your books and each one is a nice reminder of what daily live is without the hussle and bussle of negativeaty all the time. I just recently finished White Christmas Pie. Thank you for continueing to write books that we all can enjoy without worry of negative feeling after ward and those things we can feel good about recommending to our preteen advanced readers that need adult things to read without the ‘adult’ situations in them.

  10. I am looking forward to reading more books in 2018, along with exercising regularly and spending more time with family. Your books are truly delightful, and I am excited to read many more of them in 2018.

  11. I don’t make resolutions for the new year but I try to live my life better each day. I try to help others when I can and to focus on their needs rather than my own selfish wants. Have a great new year everyone.

  12. I haven’t made any resolutions either, but I like your term “goals” better. I definitely have some of those. What I would really like to work on is my anxiety and to have more trust in God. I know that alone will help. Happy New Year, everyone!

  13. I hope that God will continue to use me to help others in the new year, like he lead me to do last year. Here is an example of one of those times. I did not want to go someplace one day, but God knew there was someone that would be there that needed me to be there for her. She was very pregnant & the person at the assistance office was very mean to this woman who was very upset & needed help. It was cold & she had no coat or even a purse. I knew then way I had been sent there. It was to help her see she was not alone. I staid with her until she felt better.
    God lead to many of these kinds of situations where I was able to help the person. I just pray that I will be able to hear his call & follow where he leads me.

  14. I didn’t make any resolutions. I would just like to get healthier and show more love and compassion to those who need an uplift. God bless!

  15. I don’t really have any new resolutions. One thing I would like to do in this new year of 2018 is to draw closer to my Lord and Saviour and study my bible more. My husband taught the teen SS class yesterday and one thing he said to them was “you are either drawing closer to the Lord or you are back sliding. There is no in between.” He also said “it’s not enough to just read our 3 chapters a day to get through our bible in a year, but we need to truly study our bible while asking God what He has for us each and every day.” This is what I am striving to do this year.

  16. I hope to get closer to God and pray about everything. I do read the Bible every day and evening and I love my quiet time with God.

  17. I don’t really do resolutions, but do want to continue my weightloss journey. Going into the new year, I have already lost 19 pounds and have more to go1

  18. Resolving to lose weight never works for me, so this year I’m just going to try to adopt a healthier lifestyle . January 1st is also my birthday, so I always feel like I’m being given a brand new chance.

  19. The millionaire pie recipe in the back of ‘the Amish millionaire’ series was a great success over Christmas. Thank you for your inspiring words.

  20. I don’t make specific New Years resolutions per se because just like “diet” plans, they are broken so easily! I think the most important way of making so called resolutions is to start each day with the prayer that God will forgive me for my failings and create in me a new and clean heart to serve Him. And that my life will show forth Christ to those around me. I am the only Bible some people will read. I must be very careful how I present Christ!

  21. I think your very last statement is ultimately true. There will be many who seek to change things in their lives this year but, for some reason or another, will not be successful. As the year ended, I was seeking an answer as to why this is. It boils down to your last statement–ask God to change your heart. We have to change inwardly to change outwardly. So, I seek to ask the Lord to change my heart this year.

  22. My new years resolution is to take more time for me so I can be on a better path for my family and to gain more knowledge and follow my faith with God that he will guide my family in the right direction.

  23. I don’t make them! I lean more to just getting closer to good in my daily walk. Wanda I love your books. They are so wholesome. I can share with my granddaughters. I have not found one book i dislike of yours they are all 5 star to me. Hope your family is blessed with a New Year. Pray you feel better soon also.

  24. Happy New Year. I don’t really make resolutions but I do set new goals for myself like take care of myself and my family. Eating healthier and more importantly getting closer to God through His Word and in prayer. I know I can always do better than yesterday. May we all serve Him in a sweeter way this year and be His hands and feet to others in this upcoming year.

  25. I hope I’m doing the correct thing to enter this months(January) contest. Billie Scott and I love reading your books. Billie will be moving the to the Good Samaritan Nursing home when they have a room open. I’m so happy for her that it is her making this decision not her family. She has been saying for a while now that she is ready. She showed me the CHRISTmas card and coaster you sent her. I hope you have a Happy and Blessed New Year, Ruth Smith

  26. I’m setting a goal of loosing 20lbs as I’m planning a trip to Pennsylvania in February and want to be able to walk and enjoy the countryside. Also, I have a Bible in a year plan that I’m starting!

  27. It’s not really a new resolution. I’m getting back to eating healthy. The last few weeks have been lots of snacking and eating! Tomorrow also back to walking on my treadmill and stationary bike. Spiritually I want to get closer to God. I want people to see God when they see me. I want to be more patient with my husband, less nagging! lol I think my tongue will be sore from biting it! lol

  28. I made a new years resolution last year and was happy that God helped me through by achieving it! This year I have made a goal to work towards something but not really a new years resolution! Your books have really made me enjoy reading! I disliked reading till I just couldn’t put down the book written by you! Happy new year everyone!

  29. My New Year goal is CONSISTENCY … I’m my mind, body and spirit.
    I spend a lot of time with Amish as well because I sell Tupperware and the Amish love Tupperware! I have made many friends once they come to a place of trusting me. I think because they need to be strong in not following the ways of the world; they are able to be strong-willed. If they have their mind made up it’s extremely difficult to change their mind. I would enjoy hearing your input on this as well.
    Thank you for the messages and real life struggles in the Amish Millionaire series. I passed them on to a friend who is struggling in her marriage and she was ministered too in many aspects. She felt like she in the story.

  30. My new year resolution is try real hard not to holler or talk hateful to my husband. I will continue reading and enjoying your Amish Books that helps relieve my stress and peace to my life

  31. I like the idea of “goals “. My goal for this year on is to be a better person each day. Really enjoy your books & look for each one! My 94 year old mother introduced me to your books probably from your first book.

  32. I agree of the idea of goals over resolutions. I have trouble keeping up with too many major changes at once, so I plan to focus on two main goals to begin the new year. I plan to, with God’s help, re-adopt a healthier lifestyle and make Him more of a focus in my life. I plan to accomplish this by reading my Bible and studying His Word daily, as well as reading my devotionals.

  33. I do not make new year resolutions, but try to live a good life and with Gods help try to treat others as I want to be treated

  34. I haven’t made any resolutions this year, but I hope to have a healthier lifestyle and make better choices for myself. I will also be seeking God through my daily prayers and devotions, as well as, trying to find his true purpose for me.

  35. I do not make resolutions, but set goals as you do. I will and have already started to read my Bible more, at least once a day and I will attempt to help the down and out whenever I can. I also will collect more Bibles to distribute to the local jail chaplain for prison ministry.

  36. I begin this new year knowing that my faith in God and Jesus The Christ will continue to sustain me. I have chosen not to make any new resolutions, but to maintain the old, promising ones
    which have carried me through a year of cancer-free health. My wonderful, former co-worker (Laura Landis) has been a true inspiration providing weekly uplifting thoughts, prayers, cards and conversational encouragement ever since I was diagnosed with cancer in August 2016.

  37. Hi Wanda, Happy New Year! We really do not make new year resolutions but the Lord will give us a word or words for the new year. Some of our words have been PERSEVERANCE, COMMUNICATION, CONNECT, and even PEACE. As we reflect on these specific words Father gives us we know that in some way the Lord will draw us to Himself this new year and we will learn deeper and in a new fresh way these attitudes and behaviors that develop our Godly character. In the year we had Communication, we learned how to keep in touch with so many people and stay in relationship through that communication. Yes, each day is new and fresh and never been walked out so focus on the Lord Jesus and each day will be new, exciting and a blessing! Love and appreciate your ministry through your books very much!

  38. Every day when I awaken, I the Lord for giving me another day. I strive for Him to walk with me.
    I made no resolutions this year. I just want peace and happiness for all.

  39. God helps me with my resolutions which are always the same, to be so close to God I can feel his breath on my face. I had a hard 2017 losing my Mom in November but Gods,love got me through it! Teaching our children and grandchildren to turn only to God for help is very important. God bless you Wanda for all you do! Your books really comfort me.

  40. I thank God every morning and evening for giving me another day to have the opportunity to be with my children and grandchildren. I want to strive to be more helpful and understanding to those who may need my attention. At my age, everyday is a blessing and a privilege by the grace of God.

  41. I thank GOD everyday that he gives me. I am so glad the Lord love me and keeps me in his care. My husband & I are going to have our 45th wedding anniversary on the 27th of this month and I.m so excited that the Lord is giving me a chance. Thank you for giving me a chance a this contest also. I love the Lord with all my heart and I will never forsake him. You are an Inspiration to me Wanda, Thank you so much…

  42. I have made a New Years resolution this year to keep people who drag me down with their unkind words or lack of motivation away from me. 2018 is a year of peace for me as a 4 time cancer survivor. I only want those who are uplifting and motivated and come with a smile near me. I try real hard to wear a smile every day and always look at the glass half full and I want to keep life that way!

  43. I thank my Lord for all His blessings He sends my way. I always want to follow His guidance in all things. I truly hope to “reach out” more to those who are not able to get out as much as they used to. Thanks for allowing God to use you in His ministry.

  44. I haven’t really made any resolutions because I never do keep them. I do plan to try to stress less over the little things and find more happiness in each day. Happy New Year to you Wanda.

  45. I do not make resolutions. I just pray to God to see me through another year. I love him and praise his name always. Am looking forward to reading more of your good books this year. i don’t know if I done this right

  46. I really don’t have a resolution, Just that I need to get my Blood Sugar and A1c back to where they need to be and lose some more weight. So Carbs are getting cut again, and trying to find some exercises that I can do at home with out getting on the floor or going outside. That is about it, and it won’t be easy.

  47. I’m praying that several of my family members and friends will beat cancer and other health problems.I’m hoping for better health and happiness for my husband and me.

  48. Dear Wanda,

    My resolution for the New Year would be to exercise more for my overall health.
    My heart wants a closer walk with God, so that I could be a better person for my Family, Friends, and especially those that are in need.
    Have a Blessed New Year.

    Best Wishes,
    Silvina Irwin

  49. Hello, I seldom make new year resolutions anymore as I seldom keep them anyway lol, I do try each day to be the best person I can be. I start each day with reading my Bible which gives helps me to stay focused on God. I pray about everything. God is so good to each of us. His blessings abound each day if we just look for them. Just waking up each morning is a blessing, Having a warm home, food to eat, friends, family, His love for us. Just to name a few. I love your books and read them every chance I get. I love reading about the Amish, You are an excellent story teller. Thank you, looking forward to reading many more.

  50. I, like so many others, do not make a list of resolutions. Life has been a challenge for my husband and me with grown kids being unhappy because we married, but after more than 19 years together, 17 of those years being married to each other, we learned the hard way how important it is to take one day at a time and trust God to help us make it through. This year for the first time I have been called a Great Grandmother to twin four-year-old boys. In all the years my husband and I have been together, that was amazing and such a wonderful feeling, even though it wasn’t said to my face, but posted on my husband’s facebook page when his daughter posted photos she and her husband took of us and the precious little boys when they brought them to see us after Christmas – the second time the boys have been to our home since they were born. My husband is 89 and I am 74 and it has been a very hard road that God has let us travel, but how wonderful to know that we are starting the new year on a better path than many of the paths we have been on have been and I am so thankful! I have to do my best to remind myself each day that it is God who is in control, not us and that in God’s time things will be as they need to be. That helps me do my best to remember to lay it all at His feet and I am thankful to know how important it is to do that.

  51. WANDA, I remember you fondly . Thinking of your books reminds me of the joy you gave my father in his final days. I introduced him to your works. We went through the three quilt class books and discussed them. Those happy memories sustain me when I miss him.

    As for resolutions,: First, to be of service to others and mindful of needs I can meet. Second, to pray morning and night. Third, to maintain my attitude of gratitude.

    Good writing.
    Jean Maxwell

  52. i do not have any plans to make any resolutions as i never seem to keep them., but i do know that i would like to be able to get back into going to church like i use to go. I have had alot of health issues and have not gone in close to a year.

  53. I haven’t made a New Year Resolution in a number of years. I never seem to keep them. I just have prayer requests that I’d like answered.

  54. I am just hoping for a healthy and blessed life.. I love living a happy and loving life. I also reading your books.

  55. I would love to win a copy of your book, love to read Amish books!This New Year will be one of healing for me since I had surgery about a week ago.

  56. I don’t make resolutions on New Year’s day, but throughout the year I make new goals as I feel the need for change as I read God’s Word and pray and God lays on my heart changes I need to make. I love the quote in your journal: “If you’re looking to make a new start, ask God to change your heart.” That is the way to go!

  57. I’m hoping to be more healthy and eat better. And work on getting stronger in faith and God. And be the best person I can be.

  58. I am going to try and make new year’s resolutions and keep them. One of them is trying to loose weight and keep it off to be healthy. Another one is to read my Bible in a year.

  59. Wishing everyone a great New Year to health and happiness. May God bless all. I love to read books by you and your family.

  60. I am going to continue to get healthier and be able to do more things than I did in 2017. I am so Blessed that God has been on my side this past year and helped me. I was very sick and with God’s help I am getting better and stronger each and every day. This will be a great year. I will continue to Pray for all those who need Him. Thank you and God Bless to all in 2018.

  61. I have no resolutions this year. I find they give me stress, guilt and pressure that is negative. That does not mean that I have goals I wish to achieve. I will strive towards my goals when opportunity presents itself

  62. You are so right about not needing a new year to start anew but every day brings us a new beginning. I enjoy your books and always look forward to the next one.

  63. I also don’t make new year resolutions but… this year I have set a goal to eat healthier for me and my boys. I just had another baby in July and now I’m the heaviest I’ve ever weighed. My oldest is pretty heavy to so hopefully we both will eat healthier and lose some weight. I really enjoy your books I have the newest one planning on starting it soon. Happy New years! God bless!

  64. I did not make any actual resolutions but I do want to press in and draw closer to God in the new year. I too want to be used of Him to help others and be more sensative to the needs of others. Happy New Year!

  65. I plan on eating healthier to lose some weight and to enjoy being with my family. I love reading your books.

  66. Blessings to you and your dear family for a wonderful and peaceful New Year! What a blessing you are and have been to me for quite a while now. I have enjoyed reading many of your books
    and have been fortunate enough to be able to trade some with my friends, buy some and now I have
    won “The Westward Brides Christmas Collection.” How blessed I am, Wanda, and I can never thank you enough for sharing your books with us. How generous and kind of you to do such a
    special gift as this. I was so surprised to see my name there. This news came on a day I have not been feeling well at all with both kinds of arthritis. It has been well below zero here in Me.. I am finishing up an older series of yours which has been wonderful. I relax with it and am almost to the end of the last one. It is a Lancaster County book, “The Bishop’s Daughter” and I can’t wait to
    find out the outcome if the stolen baby will be reunited with his father,Abraham.My,what a story!
    It has been at least twenty years now. Your books are the most interesting stories I have ever read
    and I can’t thank God or you enough for them. You are such an encouragement to me in so many
    ways, Wanda. I have some wonderful Mennonite friends and treasure their friendship greatly. They visited my Mom when she was alive too and we bought a lot of their wonderful baking. We
    have been blessed and you certainly are blessing me in many special ways. I look forward to your
    books each night. You are my favorite author and always will be. I love to read. Thank you so much and may God bless you, my friend. Your newsletters are so interesting too. Your husband’s
    photography is the best. I love this picture of the two ladies in front of the old building. God has
    given him a special calling just as He has you. May He bless you and your family richly in this
    New Year that has just begun. We all need the peace of the Lord.
    Prayerfully in His Great Love,
    PS. I am still missing my cat that was very sick and had to be put down. So lost without her.
    My husband has a terminal lung disease and so you keep me cheered up. Thank you so much.

  67. I don’t make New Years resolutions. My prayer for the new year is to draw closer to God and be the person He wants me to be.

  68. One of my goals for the New Year is to use my story of how God helped me get through something really tough and to share it with others, and through that tough time how it helped me to grow in my relationship with Him. And also get passed my fear of being scared of talking in front of others, and to get other there and share my story so that it can help others and let them know that there not alone.

    I also wanted to say that I love your books and you are a wonderful author. I’ve read 4 of your books in 1 week ( and it takes me for ever to just read one book, so that’s really saying something 🙂

  69. I don’t make new years resolution’s .I reach out to people who are in need of hearing bout Jesus Christ ,how he came into this world and died for or sins .Seems like in away I am bout like you .I’ve been a preacher for 18 yes this month .I always read my bible through all the way every year Then I read other books .Amish books are my favorite ones to read .I know some Amish in Salem and Paoli Indiana .They are awesome people .Blessings to you an your family an may God bless your writings .

  70. New Year’s Resolution: I plan on turning off the computer and reading more Christian Books. I love getting “lost” in the story!

  71. Happy New Year! I am so blessed that my heart just overflows this morning. Thank you for your books and being a part of my life and my mother’s, who is 85 years old!

  72. The goal for myself is to try buying and reading as many Wanda Brunstetter books that I can. My other goals are to try and make many people’s day brighter everyday. Rather it be a simple compliment, do them a favor without their asking, or to do a random act of kindness.

  73. I don’t do resolutions – they seem to be made to be broken! But I am determined to live my life fuller & enjoy every moment that God gives me. Treat my body well, and do good for others. Love your books!

  74. I like the quote at the end of your entry “If you’re looking to make a new start, ask God to change your heart.”How true this is. I also heard recently a saying that I hope to follow in the new year for those of us who always put weight loss on our list – Don’t focus on what you have to lose but tether focus on what you have to gain. Happy New Year!

  75. My New Year’s resolution is to reconnect with old friends. To make more time for my friends and make definite plans to meet. I’ve also made a resolution to take time off work and take one nice long trip this year with my family!

  76. I never make resolutions, however I do have a determination to spend more time in God’s Word this year.

  77. My New Year’s resolution is too pray more for my loved ones and spend more time with the Lord in my devotions. I want to shine for him!

  78. Happy New Year! I don’t make specific resolutions – I always seem to toss them by the wayside. I now begin each year to make the most out of the days our Lord has provided us with, and to live each minute to the best of my ability.

  79. I used to make resolutions, but I never stuck with them. This year, I’m just focused on being more intentional overall. Making more time for family and friends, and not spending so much time on things that don’t matter.

  80. For a goal in the new year, I want to read my daily guideposts more regularly. We have a new Bible Study group and I love how much we are learning. it all ties together the more we learn and the pastor’s message. I have to say your books are just fabulous and I truly love them all. I met you and your husband in Coldwater, Michigan a couple years ago when the Tattered Quilt club was a musical. We talked about the covers of the books, and you told one of the women was a Miss America contestant. Well, I have been very ill and in the hospital and am now eager to get back to reading daily. I have the Christmas Quilt sitting right by chair from the library. I look forward to you chatting with our Facebook group, “keeping Up with the Amish,” Connie is our Administrator. Have wonderful new year!!!

  81. Happy New Year!! I do not make resolutions I just take each day at a time. But my goal this year is to spend more time with my Bible. And spend more time with my family. Look forward to to the chat on Keeping up with the the Amish. You bring your books to life I fill like I am part of them. And I can’t put the book down. Thank you for all your wonderful stories.

  82. Happy New Year! I enjoy reading your books they are well written. I am reading the Lopsided Christmas Cake now. I did not make a resolution this year. I however made some goals. (Read more ( I have a few of your series to catch up on), and to be more organized) I also am hoping to be able to craft more than I did last year. Thank you for all the wonderful books that your family has made available to all of us readers.

  83. I do not make any new years resolutions. But I am cutting out a lot of carbs and simple sugars in my diet–to become healthier! I am looking forward to any new books you and your daughter-in-law and grand-daughter are writing. There is always something in your books I can take out of them to make me happy! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  84. I don’t make new years resolutions. I feel like its alot of pressure if you fail them. I lost my mom in 2016 and it really opened my eyes to live each day as it was my last because it could be. I miss her so much, and I really relied on God and my faith in him to get me through those sad horrible days and sad days I still have. I have set a small goal for myself to lose weight and then continue to eat healthy and start a new healthier lifestyle. I know with God I can do it. I absolutely LOVE your books, I have learned so much about the amish and their lifestyle. I live in PA and I see quite a bit of amish families traveling and shopping in my stores. I hope you have an amazing 2018 and keep writing those wonderful stories.

  85. I lost my husband a year ago so making a new start is what I’m going to try to do for this New Year.
    The only way for me to do this is with God’s help. I love to read Amish stories and enjoy learning about Amish people. I hope you have a great New Year, God Bless!

  86. Hi Mrs Brunsetter, I totally agree even tho its hard for me to as God took my cat away last night (had to put him down cause he was in pain from Kidney Failure) BUT I know that God is always there for us.

    I love all your books and hope to win a free copy in this this months give away.

  87. I thank you for your inspirational books. They have really helped me become a better person and closer to our Lord.

  88. I didn’t make any New Years resolution. But I do plan on spending as much time with my husband as I possibly can as he was diagnosed with stage for colon cancer and there is no cure. I am getting closer to God and leaning on him more thru this very difficult time.
    I have spend several days in the hospital reading your books while my husband was admitted. Please keep writing your books they are awesome.
    Happy new year.

  89. I haven’t made any New Year’s resolutions this year. The year sort of snuck up on me. But maybe things will slow down around here and I might decide to think of some.

    We had to have our beloved Yellow Lap put down today and it is like a funeral here. I would appreciate your prayers.

  90. I think this year my family and I plan on trying to be more patient and understanding with each other. Last year was some what challenging and we all agree we would cherish each other more. I am thankful for finding your books!

  91. I didn’t make any New Year resolutions this year. I do and will try to do better with everything thud year. Love your books.

  92. I have been reading your books now for a couple of years. I am more inspired by each book I read. My husband & I have decided for the new year we are going to spend more time with God & family. Life has gotten so overweleming in this day & time. Not spend it with those we love most.

  93. Mine is just organing and putting some things away that should of been boxed and put away last year. Also reading my bible more and doing my bible study i read one of the bible books every day and night but i have a writing project that i am supposed to do every day and sometimes my hands hurt so much as i have been battling a nerve disease for 22 years so i put it off for a day and next thing i know i am 3 days behind. Then i get on the ball and catch up.

  94. Have seen you in person several times at Hackman’s Bible book store in Whitehall, PA. I am going to try to declutter and donate many items which I no longer use to a wonderful thrift shop in Lancaster County where all the proceeds go to the missions.

  95. I agree with this saying I thank god every morning I wake up alive . I didn’t really make a new years resolution but I would like to get more organized and start eating better / excersizing

  96. There are several things or people that puts a smile on my face. Every time I see my beautiful granddaughter’s smile always puts a smile on my face. She makes me so happy and brings so much joy to my life. My three best friends. I get to see two of them every month and we have so much fun together going out to lunch and shopping. Just seeing their smiling faces and spending time catching up with our busy lives just makes me happy. I don’t get to see my other friend because we don’t live close but receiving emails keeps us close and she always has a story to tell me that puts a smile on my face. We also send each other cards to let each other know we are thinking of them. Sunflowers are my favorite flowers, they just makes me smile.