Wanda’s Journal

For Our Enjoyment

When my husband and I visited the Hawaiian Island of Kauai a few months ago, I was amazed at all the beautiful sights there were to see. . .gorgeous sunsets reflecting on the water each morning; sparkling waterfalls cascading over hillsides; soft, sandy beaches with pretty shells and lots of unusual coral; leafy, green vegetation; flowers in bold and muted colors; colorful birds with melodious songs; and so much more. All that tropical beauty gave us a glimpse of what the Garden of Eden must have been like — a little taste of Paradise.

God created the earth and everything in it for our enjoyment. Like a warm fire at the end of the day, the presence of God surrounds me. I can see Him in the flowers, trees, birds, sunsets, and all the beauty that He’s created. Look around. . . God has some wonderful blessings in store for you today. Enjoy!

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During a recent interview I was asked if I thought most people had misconceptions about the Amish, and if so, what are some of those misconceptions? I think one of the biggest misconceptions about the Amish is that they aren’t friendly and want nothing to do with people who aren’t Amish. I believe some think this because the Amish look different and live a different lifestyle than we “Englishers” do. So we just assume they won’t want to have anything to do with us. My husband and I have many Amish friends, and even though we dress differently and do some things in different ways, we still have many things in common. We have found the Amish to be friendly and kind. They may look different than us on the outside, but inside we are very much alike.

Unfortunately, people often judge others by the clothes they wear, their mode of transportation, the way they talk, or their lifestyle. You’ve heard the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Well, in Matthew 7:1 God says, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not have others judging me by the way I dress, talk, or choose to live. After all, it could be just a misconception. God created each of us, and He thinks we are beautiful just the way we are. With Him, there are no misconceptions.

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Perfect Peace

There’s still time to enter my Lose Your Heart in the Amish Life Contest. You have a chance to win a beautiful, Amish-made, quilted wall-hanging if you submit your entry by midnight on Friday, April 22nd.

Whenever I’m in Amish Country I feel a sense of peace. There’s something about the Amish people’s simple way of life that makes me feel relaxed and content. When I hear the steady clip-clop of a horse’s hooves as it pulls an Amish buggy along, I find it to be soothing, just like the gentle tick-tock of a clock. Sitting on one of our Amish friend’s porch, enjoying a glass of iced tea, looking out across their pasture at the horse’s grazing, always makes me feel peaceful and closer to God.

In our busy world we often get so caught up in doing and going that we don’t take time to relax and allow ourselves an opportunity to experience peaceful feelings. For some, like me, it might be a walk on the beach, enjoying a tall glass of iced tea, or a friendly visit with friends on their porch. What makes you feel relaxed and peaceful? What makes you feel closer to God?

Make a list of the things that give you a sense of peace. This week, as you take a few minutes out to relax, keep your mind on God, and receive His promise of perfect peace. That’s what I plan to do.

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