Love Beyond Measure
I recently heard a saying that really touched my heart: “The very best we can give each other is love.” In my devotional book, “A Celebration of the Simple Life,” I mention that people who seek the good of others have an attitude that pleases God. God’s Word commands us to love one another and to love Him with our heart, soul, and mind. Can you imagine how different our world would be if everyone loved God and their fellow humans?
Some time ago I wrote a poem about love that I call, “Loving Attitude.” The first verse goes like this:
Let no bad thoughts toward anyone stay in your mind.
Observe the Golden Rule and to others be kind.
Vow to treat those you meet as you want them to treat you.
Emphasize a caring attitude in all that you do.
Is there something special you can do for someone you love today? What are some ways you can show love to others?