Wanda’s Journal


Have you ever tried to do so many things at once that you got confused about what you were doing? The Amish have a word for confusion or becoming mixed-up. It’s called: “Verhuddelt.”

In the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives we can get confused if we try to do too much or tackle too many things at one time. I have always been a multi-tasker, but there are times when I mess things up because I’m trying to do too much at one time.

If I don’t put my trust fully in God, pray, and read His Word every day, I can become verhuddelt about spiritual things, too. Yet, whenever I’m confused or make mistakes, I have the assurance that God is always there, and I’m thankful that I can call on Him anytime, day or night, even for the simplest things. If I trust my own judgment, rather than seeking His, I’m likely to become verhuddelt and make poor choices.

God has the answers to all my confusion. In I Corinthians 14:33, I’m reminded that, “God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”

Are you feeling verhuddelt about anything today? If so, then allow yourself to relax, say a prayer, and let God take control. That’s just what I plan to do.

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I’ve never been one to actually make a New Year’s resolution, but there’s something about beginning a new year that compels me to make some changes. Usually these changes come in the form of organization. I don’t like clutter, and when my office, or any room in our house, becomes cluttered, I find it difficult to find things, which becomes frustrating. It’s easier for me to be organized than to spend time looking for things I’ve either misplaced, or that may have become buried under a pile of papers.

One thing I often think about when the new year rolls around is my spiritual life. Do my actions, and not just my words, reflect Jesus Christ? Will others see Him living in me?

Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? If so, how will they change your life in the coming year?

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No Peeking

When my sister and I were little we would often sit under the Christmas tree and try to guess what was in each of our gifts. We wanted to peek, but were afraid if we got caught we might not get anything for Christmas.

Like the temptation to peek at Christmas gifts, I’ve sometimes wished I could see into the future–especially with a new year just a few days away. But I know my focus should be on today, and there’s no point in trying to peek into the future.

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” God wants us to leave the future in His hands, knowing He will be there to help us through anything that might occur. If we become too concerned about things that might happen, we’ll lose sight of the joy God has given us today. It’s never good to try to peek into the future or worry about what lies ahead. Our future is in God’s hands, and He will see us through. Here’s a thought for the New Year: You can’t see around the corners, but God can.

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