Wanda’s Journal

No Peeking

When my sister and I were little we would often sit under the Christmas tree and try to guess what was in each of our gifts. We wanted to peek, but were afraid if we got caught we might not get anything for Christmas.

Like the temptation to peek at Christmas gifts, I’ve sometimes wished I could see into the future–especially with a new year just a few days away. But I know my focus should be on today, and there’s no point in trying to peek into the future.

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus said, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” God wants us to leave the future in His hands, knowing He will be there to help us through anything that might occur. If we become too concerned about things that might happen, we’ll lose sight of the joy God has given us today. It’s never good to try to peek into the future or worry about what lies ahead. Our future is in God’s hands, and He will see us through. Here’s a thought for the New Year: You can’t see around the corners, but God can.

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There’s always a sense of excitement as Christmas draws near. I remember as a child, I was always wondering what gifts I would get for Christmas. I hoped it would be something I wanted, of course, but I knew I should be grateful for whatever I got, as my parents didn’t have a lot of money to spend. One year I got a puppet when I really wanted a baby doll. That was a disappointment, but looking back on it now, I realize that receiving the puppet was what sparked my interest in ventriloquism. Sometimes the gifts we think we don’t want are the very things we need.

In church last Sunday, the pastor talked about gifts–specifically, what gifts can we give God? He suggested a few possibilities: God values our love for Him. He appreciates our obedience, our devotion, and our gratefulness. We can also show our love for Him by giving to others. During these next two weeks, I’ll be thinking about the gift I can give God, as well as to others this Christmas. Is there some special gift you would like to give God or to someone you know who might need a special touch during this blessed Christmas season?

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Thankful Attitude

It’s just a few days past Thanksgiving, and I’m still reflecting on all I have to be thankful for–family, friends, and especially God’s love for me. Sometimes, when things aren’t going as well as I might like, I remind myself to be thankful for all the things God has done for me.

It’s important for every believer to not only feel thankful, but to take the time to tell God how much we appreciate Him and all the blessings He’s bestowed on us, as well as our families. Knowing that God can use all things for His good is more than enough reason for me to give thanks in everything.

I wrote a poem sometime ago entitled, “Thankful Attitude,” and it goes like this: We should be thankful for the abundance that is ours, for the beauty of this world, the sun, moon, and stars. For our family, friends, and God’s everlasting love, we should give thanks to the Father above. We should be thankful for the clothes we wear, and for the opportunities we have to share. For the Son whom God sent because of His love, we should offer our thanks to the Father above.

“Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” Psalm 136:1.

What are you thankful for today?

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