Wanda’s Journal

Every Good Deed

I remember one day when I was browsing in a store owned by one of our Amish friends. My friend wasn’t in the store at the time, but two of her daughters were working there. I’d gone down to the basement of the store and found some second-hand dresses for sale. I picked out two that I particularly liked and took them to one of the young women to ask how much the dresses cost. “Nothing for you,” she said with a smile. “Mom would want you to have them.”

“Oh, no,” I insisted. “I must pay you something for them.”

She shook her head, took the dresses, and put them in a paper sack. “Take them, please.”

I was tempted to argue further, but I could see by the determined look on her face that she wanted me to have the dresses as a gift. So I smiled and said, “Thank you; I really appreciate this. Tell your mother I said thanks, too.”

As I left the store that day, I was struck with the realization that it’s sometimes easier to give than to receive. However, we miss many blessings if we don’t allow others to give us a gift. When others give to us, we need to be thankful. Believers in Christ have a responsibility to show kindness to others. We also have a responsibility to accept the kindness others show to us. Has someone shown you a kindness this week? What was your response?

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Drawing Near to God

Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you.
James 4:8

One of the most obvious things about the Amish way of life is their desire to yield to God and please Him by the things they say and do. They teach their children to pray before and after each meal. They attend church together and sing songs about God. They give of themselves to others.

While all these things are pleasing to God, what pleases Him more than anything is when we worship Him with our whole heart. This becomes evident when we share the love of God with others through our words and actions.

One thing I’ve noticed after being with our Amish friends is that for them, God comes first, and then their family. It should be every Christian’s desire to please God before we please anyone else. Can you think of some things you’ve done to please God this week? Are there some things you know you ought to do that will please Him, too?

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In my devotional book, A Celebration of the Simple Life, I talk about how I love spending time with our Amish friends, and how I enjoy watching them work together as a family unit, as well as with others in their community. Having just visited some of our Amish friends in Illinois, I’m reminded once again what draws me to the Amish and their simply way of life.

A poem I wrote some time ago says it this way: Maintaining a life of simplicity is what the Amish culture is about. We could learn a lot from the Amish, there’s really no doubt. Spending time with others, and helping when there’s a need; focusing on God and following Him with every word and deed. Acquiring things and getting ahead is the focus for many these days. But maintaining a life of simplicity can be accomplished in numerous ways.

What are some ways you can simplify your life today?

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