Wanda’s Journal

Dealing with Guilt

Earlier this month one of my first novels, The Storekeeper’s Daughter, was re-released. This book deals with the kidnapping of an Amish child, and the oldest daughter in the family, Naomi, was the one who left her little brother, Zach on the picnic table with a stranger. What did Naomi’s behavior after her brother was kidnapped reveal about her character and feelings of guilt? Was Naomi’s guilt justified?

Have you ever felt responsible for something and became consumed with guilt? Did your guilty feelings cause you to do things you might not have otherwise done?

What are some ways that people deal with their guilt? How do you think God wants us to deal with our feelings of guilt?

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A True Friend

A friend loveth at all times.
Proverbs 17:17

During one of our visits to Ohio, our Amish friend, Daniel, told us about a surprise anniversary party he and his wife had planned for some of their friends. As they gave us the details about the great lengths they’d gone to in order to keep the anniversary couple from finding out about the party, I was struck with the realization that a true friend goes the extra mile to do something special for someone they care about.

Another instance of friendship came to mind during the time we spent with some of our Amish friends in Pennsylvania. They actually gave up their bed and moved to the basement so we could have a room on the main floor.

One other time, some of our Amish friends in Indiana invited me to do a book signing in their home, and they invited their friends and relatives to come and meet us. We had an enjoyable evening as I signed books, visited, and ate refreshments.

The depth of friendship isn’t merely about spending time together or doing the right thing toward our friends. It’s about sacrifice and doing for others as we would have done to us. It’s about showing friends that we love them just as Christ loves us. Is there something special you can do for one of your friends today?

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The Neighborly Thing

You shall love thy neighbor as thyself.
Romans 13:9

On one of our trips to Indiana, we were surprised to see an elderly Amish woman struggling to get her horse out of a ditch and back on the road. Before my husband had a chance to respond to the situation, our Amish friend who sat in the backseat of our rental car shouted, “Please, stop the car; I need to help that woman!” My husband had barely stopped the car when our friend jumped out and raced over to the horse and buggy. Having grown up around horses, she wasn’t afraid, and quickly had the horse under control so the elderly woman could get back in her buggy. Watching the situation unfold, I thought of the Bible verse that reminds us that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. That means helping when we see a need.

It’s easy to find a reason not to get involved — indifference, busyness, or fear. Life for the Amish isn’t about seeing if they can get ahead of their neighbors, but seeing if they can help their neighbors.

As we seek to follow the Lord, we should look for opportunities to help our neighbors. We may be the only Jesus they’ll ever see. Is there something you might do to help one of your neighbors this week?

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