Wanda’s Journal


In my devotional book, A Celebration of the Simple Life, I talk about how I love spending time with our Amish friends, and how I enjoy watching them work together as a family unit, as well as with others in their community. Having just visited some of our Amish friends in Illinois, I’m reminded once again what draws me to the Amish and their simply way of life.

A poem I wrote some time ago says it this way: Maintaining a life of simplicity is what the Amish culture is about. We could learn a lot from the Amish, there’s really no doubt. Spending time with others, and helping when there’s a need; focusing on God and following Him with every word and deed. Acquiring things and getting ahead is the focus for many these days. But maintaining a life of simplicity can be accomplished in numerous ways.

What are some ways you can simplify your life today?

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Inner Beauty

The world we live in seems to be obsessed with physical beauty, but that’s not the case with my Amish friends. The women and girls don’t wear makeup, jewelry, or fancy clothes. The men and boys dress plainly as well. Despite their plain dress, I have seen my Amish friend’s inner beauty, which doesn’t come from fancy clothes, makeup, or stylish hairdos.

Inner beauty isn’t something we can create for ourselves, and it can’t be purchased either. True inner beauty comes from God, because He is truly beautiful. It’s His gift to all who believe in and have accepted His Son, Jesus. The beauty of the Lord is a reflection of our Savior’s love.

Have you ever known someone whose face shined brightly with God’s inner beauty? You can see the joy of the Lord in their smile. You can hear God’s love in their voice. You know they have Jesus in their heart by their actions. Their inner beauty is the beauty of the Lord himself.

Here’s a verse of scripture that I’m reflecting on today:

Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us.” Psalm 90:17 (KJV)

Do you see your inner beauty when you look in the mirror? Do you see the beauty of our Lord in someone you know?

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Lesson from the Birds

As I look out my office window I’m seeing signs of spring in many places throughout our yard. Trees and bushes are budding; early spring flowers are beginning to bloom; the grass is turning green; and the birds are flitting around, seeking food and building nests.

I was thinking about the birds the other day, and noticed that even on rainy or windy days they are still happily chirping and seem quite content. Sometimes it’s hard for us humans to feel contentment when things aren’t going so well. Sometimes we get caught up in worry and could take a lesson from the birds. Here is a poem I wrote some time ago that I’d like to share with you, entitled “The Birds of the Air.”

The birds of the air don’t worry and fret, they don’t complain when it rains and they’re wet. The birds of the air sing a sweet melody; their simple contentment is really the key. Our Father cares for the birds of the air; and He cares for us as we offer a prayer. He provides for the birds with insects and seeds; and He always provides for His children’s needs. There is much we can learn from birds of the air, who don’t worry about what they’re going to wear. If we learn not to worry, fret, and complain, we’ll have nothing to lose and much to gain. If we trust God completely, as the birds of the air, our life will be blessed with His tender care.

Are you feeling a sense of contentment today?

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