Wanda’s Journal


With all of the negative things going on in our world right now, it’s easy to become depressed and allow our minds to be filled with negative thoughts. However, the Bible clearly states in Philippians 4:8 that we are to think on positive things: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8.
One thing that became clear to me when we began making friends with the Amish was their positive outlook on life. Not only do our Amish friends enjoy telling jokes and sharing stories, but they like to focus on the beauty of God’s creation. I’ve noticed that most Amish gardens are abundant with colorful flowers. Bird houses and feeders can also be found in their yards. Observing the beauty of flowers and watching the birds at the feeders is not only enjoyable, but it fills our minds with positive thoughts.
In order to be happy and keep from having negative thoughts, it helps if we can focus on the positive things around us. Watching flowers bloom and trees bud; listening to the birds sing, gazing at a beautiful sunset, giving someone a hug–these are just a few of the things that brings joy to me and fills my mind with positive thoughts.
If we don’t think positive thoughts, we can easily become negative, cynical, and depressed. What are some things you do during difficult times to maintain a positive attitude? Take a few moments to write down several things you appreciate about your surroundings. Make a list of things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report. When you do, your heart will feel a little lighter. Your outlook will be a little brighter.

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The Hope of Spring

In my novel, “The Hope of Spring,” part three of The Discovery Saga, Meredith Stoltzfus is trying to piece her life back together. She’s just weeks away from her baby being born, and is nearly out of money, yet she looks to God to provide a way. Just as we look forward to the hope of spring each year, Meredith looks forward to her baby’s arrival and the hope that this precious new life will bring.

There is something about seeing the trees bud, flowers bloom, and grass grow green, that gives me a sense of hope each spring. Even the birds singing sweetly in our yard seem excited about the new season, as they, too, celebrate the hope of spring.

What do you like best about springtime, and what hope does it bring?

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Joyful Hearts

“This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalms 118:24

Every time my husband and I have been invited into an Amish home for supper, we’ve enjoyed the light banter, joke-telling, and laughter that accompanied the meal. Our dear Amish friends are full of good humor and often look for things to laugh about.
Having grown up in a house where laughter was scarce, I find it very refreshing to be with people who like to laugh and have a good time. In fact, I often look for things to laugh about, knowing that laugher is not only good for me emotionally, but physically as well.
There are times when I might not feel like laughing, but if I remind myself to look around, there’s always something to smile about—a frisky pet, singing birds, flowers in bloom, children at play.
The Bible tells us in Proverbs 17:22 that a merry heart is good medicine. Just like the birds who like to sing in my yard, our Amish friends know how to share their joy with others. A joyful heart is truly pleasing to the Lord, and it’s an added benefit to know that it’s good for me, too.
What are some ways you have found to lift your spirits and give yourself a joyful heart?

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