Wanda’s Journal


It’s our human nature to want everything to go perfectly, and in our own way. Unfortunately, that’s not reality. In order to feel a sense of peace, we must learn to accept the things that are out of our control, while praying for God’s will in all things.

The popular “Serenity Prayer,” is a good reminder, and in my opinion, one that everybody should memorize. It goes like this:
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”

I don’t know if my Amish friends have memorized that prayer, but I do know that from what I have witnessed, they “live” the Serenity Prayer. When a tragedy occurs, they grieve, just as we would do, but they accept it as God’s will, knowing that it’s out of their control, and that in the end, He will use it to His glory.

Is there something in your life you are concerned about or stressing over? If you’re not able to change it, have you accepted it as God’s will? If it’s a situation you can change, do you have the courage to do it? Have you asked God for the wisdom to know whether your situation is something that can be changed or if it’s something you need to accept?

What are some ways we can discern God’s will and know whether to accept or try to change our situation?

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Gifts and Talents

I am sure you have heard the term, “use it or lose it.” That can apply to several things, but I’m thinking especially about our talents that we have been gifted with. As an author, I write almost every day, so that keeps my creativity flowing and my skills honed. I enjoy writing, which is a motivating factor in getting me to write regularly. But I also write to share my knowledge with others and to let them know through the stories I create that God loves them and is there to help through any of life’s trials and situations.

Recently, I was asked to use my skills as a ventriloquist, doing a video routine with my ventriloquist figure, Randy Right. Since I don’t do ventriloquism on a daily basis, I needed to practice before doing the routine. You can see that video trailer on my Facebook fan page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Wanda-E-Brunstetter/119136496242

The video has been well-received, and several people have asked me to do more routines with Randy in the future. I sometimes use Randy or one of my other ventriloquist puppets when I speak at schools and various functions. But in order to do it well, I’ll want to keep practicing and perfecting my skill as a ventriloquist. I want both my ventriloquism and writing to honor God and show others the way to Him.

What gift or talent have you been blessed with and how are you using it to bring glory to God?

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Helping Our Neighbors

On one of our trips to Indiana, we were traveling down the road in our rental car when suddenly we saw an elderly Amish woman struggling to get her horse out of a ditch and back on the road. Before my husband had a chance to respond to the situation, our Amish friend who sat in the backseat shouted, “Please, stop the car; I need to help that woman!” My husband had barely stopped the car when our friend jumped out and raced over to the horse and buggy. Having grown up around horses, she wasn’t afraid, and quickly had the horse under control so the elderly woman could get back in her buggy. Watching the situation unfold, I thought of the Bible verse that reminds us that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. That means helping when we see a need.
It’s easy to find a reason not to get involved—indifference, busyness, or fear. Life for the Amish isn’t about seeing if they can get ahead of their neighbors, but seeing if they can help their neighbors.
As we seek to follow the Lord, we should look for opportunities to help our neighbors. We may be the only Jesus they’ll ever see. Is there something you have have done to help one of your neighbors this week?

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