Wanda’s Journal

The Best Gift

Another Christmas has passed, and all the gifts have been opened and probably put away by now. Some of my readers have asked me if the Amish give their family and friends gifts for Christmas or birthdays. The answer is yes, most do exchange gifts. However, while the Amish may buy some of their gifts, many are homemade. Did you receive any gifts that were made by the gift-giver? Did you give any gifts to others that were made by you? There’s something special and gratifying about making a gift with your own hands; although it can also be fun to shop for gifts, too.

However, the focus of this journal entry is not about the gifts we receive or have given to others. The gift I’d like to talk about is the one God gave to each of us when He sent His Son, Jesus to earth as a baby. God’s gift was not just for one individual, but to all people living then, or who would live in the future. God’s gift was for you and for me. All we have to do to receive that gift is to acknowledge Jesus Christ as our Savior, and believe on His name. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the word; but that the world through him might be saved.” John 3:16 & 17. Now, that is truly the best gift of all!

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How Long Has it Been?

On my way home from a recent trip, I observed a sightless woman who was on the same plane. An airline employee helped her board, and when we landed another person assisted her to baggage claim, making sure she was seated. Just before the attendant walked away, I heard the sightless woman say that her daughter was coming to pick her up. Nearly twenty minutes went by, as we waited for our luggage, and no one had come to pick up the woman, who now was beginning to fidget. I scanned the faces of those in the area, hoping that one of them might be this woman’s daughter, but no one seemed to notice her. “Can I help you?” I asked. “Is there someone I can call?” She smiled up at me and said, “Thank you; I appreciate that.” She gave me her daughter’s phone number, and as I was getting ready to make the call, another woman, whom I’d seen walking around the area, stepped up to me and said, “There’s no need for that, I’m her daughter.” Looking at the blind woman, she said, “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, Mom; I didn’t recognize you.” The older woman gave a nod. “Yes, it’s been a very long time.”

Relieved that the woman was no longer alone, I said goodbye and joined my family, waiting for me in the car. But as I walked away, I couldn’t stop thinking about the daughter’s words: “It’s been so long. I didn’t recognize you.” I don’t know the reason this mother and daughter had not seen each other for such a long time, but it reminded me of how important it is to keep in touch with our family and friends. Sometimes, due to circumstances, we aren’t able to see our loved ones as often as we like, but we can still keep in touch by other means. I am grateful that I stayed with the blind woman until her daughter arrived, and it did my heart good to see the joy on their faces as they hugged. Is there someone in your life you haven’t seen or talked to in awhile? Is there a way you can reach out to them soon?

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Recently someone said something very hurtful to me, and I felt the sting of it for several days. Remember the old saying, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me?” Well, they may not hurt in a physical sense, but unkind words can hurt emotionally. Words, whether spoken in kindness or with malice, can never be taken back. A kind word can heal and bless, but an unkind word causes strife and stress. Proverbs 15:1 says, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Another scripture, found in Proverbs 25:11 says, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”

It’s sometimes hard to know what to say and when to say it, but God will help us use the right words when we speak to others, if we just ask. Have you spoken words of encouragement to someone this week? Has someone said something meaningful or helpful to you? The Lord wants us to speak the truth, while seeking peace through our words

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