Wanda’s Journal

Amish Values

In a recent interview I was asked what draws me to the Amish. My answer was that I am drawn to their strong, Christian values. Since my husband and I have many Amish friends, and have been able to spend a good deal of time with them, I’ve had the opportunity to observe these values. For my Amish friends, God comes first, and then their relationship with family. I have seen our Amish friends make sacrifices to help family members. I have witnessed the close fellowship and strong ties they have with family, which is something I think we all need and should cherish.

Now it’s your turn to answer the interviewer’s question: What draws you to the Amish?

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On March 3, 2015 the first book in my new Prairie State Friends series will be published. I chose to write this series because I know the value of friendship. I appreciate the friends I’ve been blessed with, some whom I have known since I was a girl. Others are newer friends, but all are equally special. Some friends live near me, while others reside in other parts of the country. No matter where my friends live, I know I can count on them, if only to pray when I have a need.

A true friend is loyal, loving, encouraging, compassionate, understanding, and so much more. Those are the attributes of the three special friends in my 3-book series set in the Amish community of Arthur, Illinois.

In Proverbs 17:17 it says “A friend loveth at all times.” In the Book of John, chapter 15:12 we are told, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

Is there a special friend in your life you wish to thank this week? What are some ways we can show our love and appreciation to our friends?

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The Opposite of Worry

In my Simple Life devotional book, I share a story entitled “Going Nowhere.” It’s about a woman named Sylvia who worries all the time. Sylvia’s daughter reminds her that worrying will not prevent something from happening. She told her mother that “Worry is like rocking in a chair. It gives you something to do, but it never goes anywhere.”

Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV) offers a good alternative to worry. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

With worry comes stress, and stress can cause us to become sick. It’s like a vicious cycle. Prayer and faith are the opposite of worry; they bring the peace of God that help us relax and give our troubles to Him. There’s an old saying that’s helpful to remember whenever we begin to worry: “When worry knocks at the door, send faith to answer it, and you’ll find no one is there.”

Is there something or someone you’re worried about? Ask God to fill your heart and mind with peace as you give your concerns to Him.

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