Simple Living (Part 2)
Recently, while talking with a few friends, the topic came up about the world we live in and how technology seems to have replaced the more simple life that our parents and grandparents enjoyed. The Amish and other Plain people, although they live busy lives, aren’t tied to technology the way we “English” are these days.
While we can’t all leave our modern way of life and live exactly like my Amish friends do, we can take the time to slow down and focus on some of the important things in life. Last month, with Tip #1, I talked about some simple ways we can experience some of the same things the Amish do in their everyday lives. I shared the first tip in last month’s journal entry, and this month I’m sharing a second tip with you.
Tip 2:
The Amish travel mostly by horse and buggy, although they do hire drivers when they need to go longer distances. They sometimes travel to places by train or bus. My Amish friends also walk many places, and some ride bikes or scooters. I have ridden with Amish friends in their buggies several times, and when I rode with them I noticed so many things around me that I might not have seen while riding in a car.
While most of us don’t have the opportunity to ride in a horse-drawn carriage, we can enjoy a slower pace by taking a leisurely walk in the country, or even a stroll around the neighborhood or in our very own yards. My husband and I live in the country, and our yard consists of 2 ½ acres, so that gives me a wonderful opportunity to take walks whenever I can. During this time I am able to see flowers in bloom, tall leafy trees, and a variety of singing birds I would not have been able to see or hear from my office window. I can smell the fresh air, hear the birds chirping, and feel the breeze against my body as I make my trek around the yard. The fresh air and exercise is good for me, too.
How about you? Have you ever had the opportunity to ride in an Amish buggy? Do you take walks, ride a bike, or simply enjoy the pleasure of sitting outside to be one with nature?