The Missing Watch
When my husband was hospitalized a few weeks ago, he gave me his watch for safe-keeping. Somehow, I guess in my shock from learning of his heart condition, my mind went blank and I couldn’t remember where I had put the watch. I looked in my purse, my coat pockets, and in every bag we had taken on our overnight journey to the hospital that is three hours from where we live. Nothing. No sign of the watch anywhere, and no memory of where I’d put it. All I could think to do at that point was to promise that I would buy him a new watch.
After searching for two weeks, I finally I did what I should have done in the first place. I prayed about it. A few more days went by, and I continued to pray. Then, the other day, upon entering our bathroom, I spotted my cosmetic bag lying on a bench. I was sure I had looked in there before, but figured it wouldn’t hurt to look again. The small front pocket of the quilted bag has always been reserved for things like cotton swabs, shower caps, and smaller items that need less room. What I found inside that small pocket was my husband’s watch. What a pleasant surprise! I was almost certain that I had looked in there before. If I had, then I’m guessing I must have only searched in the larger portion of the cosmetic bag and hadn’t bothered looking in the smaller section.
How about you? Have you ever lost an item and prayed for guidance to finding it? Did it stay lost, or did you eventually find what had been missing?
Praying always helps us find things.
I’m happy for you that you found the watch. I’ve also had this happen. I couldn’t find diamond earrings my husband had gotten me from our dating years. I was so upset that God had to remind me that it was an earthly treasure. Months went by and I had found peace that the earrings were gone. Then one day I seen something down in the carpet. I could not believe it was the missing earrings!! God is so good. He knows our heart and what bothers us and He cares for us and all our needs and wants.
Many times I have prayed to the Lord to help me find things, probably because I’m always losing things. Actually I think He is working on my memory because I seem to be doing better at not forgetting where I put things like my glasses.
Praying to find lost items is something I do too!
I still remember the day I couldn’t find my baby’s hat on a summer day. She had no hair as she was months old and I just couldn’t find it. I prayed and told the Lord He knows everything and asked for His hep in leading me to the hat. He honored that prayer and I knew from then that God helps with the big things and the little things – even pointing out where my baby’s hat was. Thank you Jesus
God wants to be in every part of our lives…big or small. I pray for the big things….I don’t always pray for the small things. I don’t want to bother Him with the small stuff. Nothing is too big or too small for God.
I just love all of your books I have read a lot of them and am going to start on your new ones soon. Take care and I’m glad your husband is doing better.
I can wholeheartedly resonate with your plight. I am always misplacing things. When that happens, I ask my youngest son, Michael, to help me find it. Michael passed in 2010 and he always helps me find whatever I misplaced. I know that if I don’t ask him to help me find it, I never will find whatever I misplaced. He always helps me still. I feel that praying always helps, no matter what.
Thankful your husband is doing better and I am praying for him 🙏. I lost a necklace a few years ago. We moved into a new house last fall, while I was packing I found my necklace at the bottom of a wooden bowl ( a very large one). I laughed and told the Lord thank you for reminding me to never give up. God bless you and your husband 🙏❤️
Good Morning Wanda
Been praying for your husband as he’s getting better and for you the caregiver..I also have done misplacing my white board to write my daily tasks on..I have MS so struggle with my memory on top if that.. About 2 weeks later found it in the most remarkable spot PTL🙏🙏🙏
Your monthly letters are an encouragement for me, as you and Richard have journeyed through this recent health scare I’ve been moved to tears at your strength in your faith and reminded constantly how amazing our God is. I recently laughed at myself, I was presently surprised to find in our local smaller extension branch of the library to find your book An Applecreek Announcement and I checked it out btw I loved it. Here’s the funny part I had finished the book and left it in my car overnight in preparation for returning to the library and I was sitting in my living room across the room was a book( not really uncommon), I thought how did An Applecreek Announcement get upstairs from my car but I looked at the cover and saw it was The Walnut Creek Wish,I bought it in November on a trip with my church ladies and completely forgot about it………. You know how crazy life can get around the Holidays.
I have misplaced items and eventually found them, but not one particular one comes to mind right now. I do remember one my husband misplaced. It was a silver belt buckle that was made by his cousin. He literally tore the house and shop apart looking for it. We did pray. He finally found it in the toe of one of his cowboy boots. We have learned over the years to give it to God to start with. God will provide if we’ll just let Him.
Hi Wanda
When I ordered my last book for my Bible study, I went to the shelf to get it but it was not there. I thought I remembered opening the Amazon envelope, looking at the book and putting it where I keep all the study books until I need them. It wasn’t there and it wasn’t in my Bible tote bag. I looked everywhere. No book! I didn’t have it for the first night although I had bought it a month early. I was about to purchase a 2nd copy when I found an unopened package. It was my book. I had never opened the package! Silly me. But at least I didn’t have to buy another book. Our mind can play tricks on us sometimes.
Looking forward to reading this book
I love reading your books and I sure love to win some of your books too thank you and I got some Amish in my family and with reading your book help me to see how they are not like us live way. God bless you and your family.
I pray about everything I lose because I know those prayers work! I misplace so many things, praying is what I do first, automatically.
I too have prayed when I’ve lost something. God faithfully leads me to it. Maybe not at that exact moment but soon. I am always aware it is His intervention. He us so faithful!
Yes several things. Usually it’s just my mind drawing a blank but inn some cases it has just mysteriously disappeared. And I have prayed several times. I remember my Mom lost her eyeglasses (and she had just purchased them which was quite costly) when she was getting very feeble with Parkinson’s. We hunted and hunted the house over. Finally I found what I thought was them in the dining room hutch. But they just didn’t seem to be the one right pair. So We took that pair to the optician where she bought them and the lady checked them and told us “no that’s not her new pair”. She described the frames to us, so we came back home to search. But she was able to use the older pair for now. We just prayed and left it in God’s hands. Several weeks had passed by and I was in one of her drawers and felt something in a pair of socks. Low and behold there were the eyeglasses, “down” in one of those socks. I suppose she had put them in there thinking they’d be protected by the sock material. When you can’t go or search any more, leave it to Jesus.
My husband loses things, and I do as well. God always finds the things that we need or that are dear to our hearts, and dear to His heart as well. Through God and through prayer, we find many things, some we lost, some that were put in our path…always His plan.
My husband has Alzheimer’s, he loses things daily; we pray, we search, and God reveals them to us. He also reveals lessons…prayer, obedience, patience, humility, trust, faith, love, kindness, and the understanding that not all these things are to be found immediately. During these searches, we often find other things, and these are the learning moments from God.
I truly believe that many items we “lose” are things that God has removed temporarily, so He can teach us about something far more important. Losing a remote control for the TV…how important is watching TV compared to the patience of the search, finding a lost book, and simply sit down to read…finding something in that book that has a profound meaning or lesson. Or finding a photo, a memory…something that brings back a lost memory.
God is so good and if we open our hearts, minds, ears, and eyes…he will reveal many things to us. When we lose something, prayer about it, talk to God, and leave it in His hands. Be receptive to what He ahs to show you…it might not be the lost item, but it will be a gift from God.
I’m glad your husband is doing better. My husband Richard has to have a biopsy on his left lung. Please pray for him.
I could not find our marriage license and it was needed for verification of dependent insurance coverage at my job. I asked God to help me and with His help I was able to find it in time to provide to Human Resources.
Our anniversary was February 15 and would have been 51 years this year (he passed from Covid in 2021
I didn’t lose anything tho my cable went out and I prayed for God to fix it and n
He did. I’m thankful I have God in my life,
I had a similar event. My grandsons had been playing with my FitBit (watch) and after they left I couldn’t find it. I looked “everywhere” for it and even had my daughter look through some of the things they had taken home. Coudn’t find it anywhere. So, I ordered another FitBit. It came the next day. The day after that, I was in my closet, where I had looked for the FitBit previously, and it was IN a boot that I had not worn since it went missing. So NOW, I have TWO FitBits! 🙂
I hide money at home for rainy day. We noticed roof missing shingles after hard winter. So I said to husband I have the hidden money. So we got estimate and scheduled new roof for late summer. Well I started looked for money and not there. So after lots of looking for it everywhere and not finding I decided to fall to my knees and ask God for help. So in a few days I looked in a place I felt being pulled too. There was our money for the roof. God does answer prayers.
I Love reading your books
Yes, I have lost things before and have prayed to find them. The last item was my cell phone when it fell out of my pocket at the recycle center. My friend is not a Christian but after checking 2 places we had been I said let’s pray that God will show us where it is and she said ok. After we prayed she looked at me and said, “I think we should check the recycle center, because even if you didn’t hear it fall on the cement/pavement it might have fell out of your pocket there.” Sure enough, the recycle employees had it in their office! God is good!
Dear Wanda
I’ve done that so many times I’m glad you found his watch and that he’s out of the hospital and doing better we’ll continue to pray for his continued healing and for you God bless
Oh yes. I have had several items missing and at my wits end to where they were. When I finally ask for the Lord to help me find them. BINGO! they appear. I say, “Only God. I should have turned it over to Him to begin with.” Usually, it is the little things and I think: oh, that doesn’t matter to Him. So He always shows me I’m wrong in my thinking.
More times than not have I done the same thing when things have gotten stressful! I feel like I’m being a bother to God by asking Him to help me find the missing item but that’s when I realize how Great our God is that we can bring anything to Him in prayer He is always there to guide & direct us! What a great Father He is to all of us!
Yes, many times. I kept losing my eye glasses until I learned just to stick them on a shelf on my dresser!😂🤓
I had recently picked up my medicine but I couldn’t find one of them and I thought I put it with my other meds. I called the pharmacy and the Dr’s to see if I could get a new script and couldn’t cause it was to soon. But I kept looking. Luckily I found it. It was in a bottle just not in the bigger bottle that it usually comes in and it threw me off so when I went to fill my medicine that week I made I was the right medicine and everything.
I lost my Mother’s ring. Found it months later by the garden. Now lost my anniversary ring and a year of praying has not turned it up.
Hi Wanda!,
I too have lost things and couldn’t find them for the life of me. As soon as I pray and ask the Lord to show me I always find it. Not until I’ve prayed. Praying for your husband, you and family
Darlene Youngworth
I have often prayed about things I have lost/misplaced and dreamed about where they were; or I should say the Lord through the Holy Spirit guided me to where they were. That may be unbelievable to some people but my Mother always taught me to pray about everything. She said God will let you find things when they are missing. I know it works. He not only cares for our physical and spiritual well being but our mental also and those lost things affect our mental well being.
The verse that I think of when so many things seem to be going wrong is Romans 8:28. King James Version …” And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
Thank you for all your wonderful books. Praying for healing for your husband and continued healing of your arm so that you can regain the full motion of it.
Prayers for everyone. I love your books and the Amish culture.
Dear Miss Wanda,
Let me start off by saying I am praying for your entire family, but especially your ❤️ regarding Richard.
To answer your question, one time I lost a paycheck & didn’t even notice at all until my employer questioned me about it…(I was a Nanny for a family & they paid me by personal check).
I was in a very stressful situation at the time, going through an unwanted divorce & after they asked me about it I went home & looked everywhere, to no avail!
I prayed about it & knew the Lord would show me where it was in His timing.
A short time later I was in the middle of prayer & He told me to go look in the little red pouch that I had in my purse that weekend that he paid me, I had been heading out to Ladie’s retreat & had the pouch in my bag.
And of course it was there. I was so surprised & blessed by that quick answer because it reminded me that God knows EVERY little detail of our lives & there is nothing “too small” to pray about. 🛐❤️🙌
Hi Wanda,
First I’d like to say how happy I am that Richard is doing well enough to be at home. I can only imagine your relief (and his).
Secondly, I absolutely love your hairstyle in the photo on your journal site! The color and the cut are adorable on you. xx
Now to your recent entry –
YES! I’ve prayed very many times for missing items. Usually it’s to locate my glasses on the daily but I have prayed to find other items as well as more intimate items such as inner peace. God always provides and I cannot recall anything ever not being found.
God bless you and your lovely family.
I just lost our house keys this past week and can relate to your being anxious in searching for your dear husband’s watch. God in his mercy helped me find the keys as he did your search for the watch. This was a good reminder that I am not sure I remembered to thank the Lord and especially for his finding me when I have strayed from him and been “lost”.
I continue to keep you and your husband in my prayers for all you have been through and praise Him for your testimony in your writing and the way you live your life for his glory.
I wrote more in my email to wish you a Happy Belated Anniversary and that my husband was called home on your wedding anniversary February 8, 2023 after we had many cozy times over the years listening to your books through our library’s Hoopla and drawing closer to the Lord. Yes, “the joy of the Lord is my strength”
Carolyn Davis
Dearest Wanda, I am happy that your husband is doing better. I’m also happy that you found his watch. My prayers are with you both.
I hope the blessings will continue for each of you.