Wanda’s Journal

Regular Worship

Some people feel that they don’t need to attend church, because they can worship God anywhere. Here is what the Bible says about worshipping with other believers: “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves, as the manner of some, but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25 (NKJV).

In addition to regular worship in a church setting, we can also worship God when we’re outside enjoying nature, or listening to Christian music. Reading the Bible is another way we can worship God and hear His voice.

I’m thankful for every opportunity to worship my Heavenly Father, in many different settings. How about you? What is your favorite way, or place, to worship God?

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  1. I enjoy worshiping by going to weekly services. On daily walks, I also like to talk to God. Our surroundings made by God are so beautiful….the sun, fall trees with pretty colorful leaves, spring flowers, wildlife and cloud formations to name a few. Reading the Bible and devotionals are other ways that I feel closer to God. Just look around you and see the beautiful surroundings and thank God for each day.

  2. Years ago I stopped attending church because of something the pastor said. I would go on hikes or sit quietly in nature and talk to God during this time. Even rejoiced once when I got stranded on a roof painting and someone moved the ladder as God sent me an extra special sunset. But while I still find and talk to God when in. Atjre I’m happy to say I’ve sent forgiveness and returned to church and love having a church family again.

  3. I would NEVER say that a person can’t worship God if they don’t attend church services! Each prayer said upon rising, each petition for help that goes up during the day, and each praise of thankfulness that is whispered before going to sleep…all of these are certainly acts of worship that aren’t done within the walls of a church building. I also love being outside enjoying His Creation and I certainly worship him then, I do, however, CHOOSE to regularly attend Sunday morning services (no Sunday night services) and Wednesday night Bible Study. The fellowship with other believers strengthens me and I feel like I’m showing my Heavenly Father that He is deserving of my time.

  4. Yes, that Bible verse is so true. Also, it is important to be in church to hear the teaching and preaching of God’s word to learn things you may not learn on your own just reading the Bible. There is so much a seasoned pastor can teach you from God’s Word. Fellowship with other Christians is important too for many reasons. We are social creatures and being around like minded people definitely helps us. Getting to know the needs of others so you can pray for them is another reason to be in church.
    I appreciate this (your) ministry beyond your books. It reminds me of Titus 2:3-5 One of my favorite ways beside my morning devotions is to be out in nature also (day or night) , being awed by the things He has created and earning more about them on Creation Moments. Listening to Christian radio helps me greatly.

  5. I feel for me the best way to worship is while listening to praise music, and also being out in nature.

  6. My favorite way to worship is out with nature in God’s beautiful surroundings. During Covid my Church held outside services. It was so beautiful being able to hear the birds chirping while we worshiped together as a church.

  7. We need the weekly prayer meetings and preaching services to learn more about God’s Word and to share our trials and blessings with our fellow believers. Also to come together and sung praises to Him. It’s a time too for the unsaved to hear the Word proclaimed and hopefully accept Jesus as Savior.
    Church is where we gain strength and encouragement.
    But there are times when we can’t go due to illness etc. It’s then we need to enjoy fellowship with Him through online or TV services. But these should never consistently replace God’s house. It’s just not the same!

  8. Being with my church family is a very important part of worship. We can be in services, working on a mission project, eating together or just visiting. You worship God in many ways by reading the Bible and praising him for all our blessings.

  9. Hello,
    While I love going to church to worship God and praising him. Every day that he gives me, I enjoy praising him. I love taking time to be in my bedroom reading the word and just talking to him. Sometimes I have to remind myself to stop talking after prayer and wait for him to speak. God is so good, and he is our good father. Keep the faith, and truly, nothing is too hard for him. Amen!!!

  10. I love nature of all kinds and enjoying seeing the beauty God has created for us. I find it very worshipful. However, my favorite place is with my brothers and sisters in the Lord as we share our prayer needs and praises for answered prayers and study His Word together.

  11. Good morning, Wanda,

    My favourite way of worshipping is in our weekly service. I sing in the choir and I love to worship Him through song.


  12. I myself like worshipping in church. Not only do I feel closer to God, but I enjoy praising God through the hymns we sing. When I walk I like talking to God about certain things going on in my life or others I know.

    Have fun in Hawaii and happy birthday!!!

  13. I really enjoy reading your books.I don’t won’t to put a book down until I finish the whole book. Very inspirational and inspiring. Thank you so much for your awesome talent in writing books

  14. I really enjoy reading your books.I don’t won’t to put a book down until I finish the whole book. Very inspirational and inspiring. Thank you so much for your awesome talent in writing books

  15. I enjoy worship in the assembly with others. I think God knew we would need others of like faith to help us through this life, that is one of the reasons we are commanded to assemble.

  16. Although I love spending time in nature and feeling God’s Spirit surrounding me, I think it is important to have a Church family to support one another, to learn from each other and to rely on one another when times get tough. I wouldn’t want it any other way and even find a church while I travel in America or abroad. While in Germany, I actually met friends of my father’s from when he still lived in that town as a young man. It was a total blessing to all of us to meet and remember the times they had in their church and community.

  17. I love reading Wanda’s books. They are almost like “comfort foods” that just relax me and make to have happy thoughts. And I felt so special when she requests us to pray with her.

  18. I so love worshipping in church! Listening to worship music at home during the week is an immense help to me in my walk with Christ.

  19. I enjoy going to church on Sunday morning at 8 a.m. it just kick start my week. I attend st vincenti palllottie parish in Wyandotte ? Michigan.

  20. I love my church worship. Spending time with fellow believers is soul refreshing especially when the non-believing world has become so hateful toward Christians. I love singing, visiting, and listening to our pastor’s message. Every third month I teach Jr Worship and that is also a special way to worship God. It takes work on my part but it is a blessing to serve Him. It is always wonderful to spend time with these children. Then it makes it special again to be back upstairs for the regular service.

  21. Our life and how we live every day is an act of worship toward our Lord and
    savior. I love attending my church which encourages me to listen not only to my pastor’s word of encouragement, the praises, the music but also visiting with my church family. We can become “hermits” staying inside and not interacting with the world outside our home. Listening to radio worship music has always been a joy to me, sometimes 24 hours a day.

  22. I enjoy our worship services and our small group Bible study afterwards. But I also enjoy reading my Bible outdoors (except for the bugs) getting to hear from God in His own creation.

  23. I enjoy praising God through playing the piano, worshipping with my fingers to express my heart to my heavenly Father, letting Him heal my hurts, extend love and grace through me to other worshippers, and lift my hopes to Him.
    Corporate worship is such a healing balm for hurting hearts and souls; it is through our walks we witness to others of the faith, while they see us walk through the firery trials of life. God is So great, and good, and loving, and pure, and honest, and loving and merciful. He is all that I am and could ever hope to be!
    Happy Thanksgiving to all in this community here, and, Miss Wanda, happy birthday to you a little early. I wish a beautiful and joyous time with the other authors and especially your daughter next week. Know that you are precious in His sight!

  24. I watch EWTN’s daily mass and pray during the day and night. I do the Rosary and the Divine Mercy with my sisters.

  25. I Don’t attend a church at this time. However I worship God every day in my evening prayers, during long quiet walks, sitting on my porch during a quiet evening.

  26. My favorite place to worship God is really everywhere or anytime. But, I really enjoy worshipping out in nature. Camping, sitting around a campfire and listening to the sounds of nature. Watching all the small and large creatures God has created.

  27. What is more wonderful than sitting by a creek bank with blue skies and the wonderful sounds of nature to be close to god.

  28. I am so grateful for my times of corporate worship in my church. I don’t feel that worship is limited to being there, though, and I should worship at home, outside, with my favorite people, and many, many other times. We are called to do this, and not to forsake corporate worship, as you noted in the Scripture you quoted. All of these are my favorite!!

  29. My church is a very warm and loving community. Worshiping with others who share their joys and sadness is a realty of God’s love through His people. The beauty of nature declares His glory, but being part of His family to worship is a gift.

  30. By assembling ourselves together we draw strength from our fellow Christian’s. We learn and talk with people who love us and the Lord.

  31. Hello Wanda,
    I love your newsletter and your journal entries that really make me think.
    What is my favorite way to worship God? There are so many ways and I utilize all of them but I guess my favorite way is through music because it really speaks to me. The message in the songs and singing them directly to Him; it’s like it’s only Him and me in the room, even if the room is full of people.

  32. I enjoy attending church every time the doors are open. I feel it’s important to fellowship one with another. I also like to worship God in my car or in my garden. Even while doing housework. Many times I have put on music while doing chores. It makes them go smoother. Daily Bible reading and prayer are other ways that I worship.

  33. I believe that attending church and worshipping with believers is very important as Christians. It seems that during the pandemic, people became accustomed to watching preachers on TV. But by doing that, they miss out on the fellowship of other believers and sharing of the worshsip time. It is important to our spiritual walk with the Lord. However, there are times when some cannot attend church. That does not mean that they can’t or aren’t worshipping God. God knows our heart

  34. My favorite place to worship God is in church. I enjoy praying, listening to my priest explain the gospel reading, and worshiping with other believers. Besides, Jesus went to church.

  35. I love going to church on Sundays! I also like taking long walks and talking with God while admiring His creation!

  36. I like to listen to Christian music and Christian radio as well as read the Bible and devotionals, enjoy nature and pray.

  37. Personal Bible study is very important in our walk with God. You are spot on We should attend church as well to help us in our growth.

  38. I love to worship God by the ocean. Because when I am there when I look at the ocean and see how wide, deep and how destructive it can be, I know that God’s love is even wider and deeper than any ocean and his power is so much more powerful than whatever destruction the ocean waves can do. When I walk on the sand it reminds me that God knows the number of grains of sand on every beach worldwide. When I see the seashells they remind me that we are all different. Some are broken, just like people. They are different shaped and colors. I can feel God’s presence with me when I think about all these things and how God created it all. When I see the sunrises and sunsets over the ocean, it reminds me of how God can create the most vibrant and amazing things for us to enjoy. If people would just slow down and take the time to look around them they would see God in everything and would be able to praise Him for his marvelous creations.

  39. I worship God by having my devotions every morning. I ask God for a passage to lead through the day in the right direction. I speak of God and try my best to honor his ways. I LOVE going to Sunday School and taking my seven year old son. He calls it Jesus school and is always very excited to go.

  40. Sometimes I just enjoy the peace and quiet of a Bible study by myself and I also like worshipping with fellow Christians for the extra pick me up I often need.

  41. My favorite way is just getting down on my knees when it’s too hard to stand and it can be anywhere because God is everywhere and can hear us no matter where we are

  42. My favorite place to worship is with my family and church family. I enjoy beings with other believers and being able to share with each other.

  43. I grew up attending church twice during the week and Sunday service twice on Sunday. So, worshipping at a sanctuary is something that we still do and teach our kids to not miss a service. We also see Christian movies, like Moses, and Jesus. I have my kiddos watch the Veggie tales and they sing along with the songs. We worship by listening to hymns and Christian kid songs. We read the Bible at night a story before bedtime. We pray at wake up, leaving to school and every meal. It’s a nice thing to grow up with and teaching your kiddos as well. Worship at church is always a blessing.

  44. I agree with the Bible, saying worshipping amongst others,(ie the church). I, myself, enjoy the live preaching of our Pastor’s Sermons, our Old Hymn singings, the Fellowship of all our members being together. Praising Our Lord together with others, just makes it that much more special to me, however, I do praise Him, thank Him, and enjoy the solitude with Him, by myself, as well. I think everyone enjoys that one on one time. Just like that movie, The War Room®. Just being able to have your own ‘battle’ of praise & prayer with God, can be soothing to the soul

  45. I love worshipping during Church Services, but I also love worshipping when I play Christian songs on the radio or just admiring the beauty of nature around us….a beautiful sunset, clouds or just the beautiful sky.

  46. I no longer attend Church because they have closed many near me and the nearest one about 10 miles away seems to be prejudice about who attends. So, I talk to God a lot and spend alone time in the quiet of a room praying.

  47. I probably best enjoy worshipping in my car while singing along to worship music. We attend weekly services at our church but due to our small congregation (less than 30), often my leadership positions feel like they rob me of the opportunity to worship properly and be fed because I’m constantly working to keep service flowing and then leave at sermon time to teach the children’s church. We have an older congregation, so those handful of us under 45 are taking care of much of the serving and I was assigned yet another position that none of our more seasoned congregants no longer wish to do. My car feels like one of the few places I can be alone with God and focus on him

  48. I love to worship the Lord in the car while I’m driving by singing his praises. Also out in wilderness. There is so much beauty He has blessed us with, we just can look around and see so many different blessings.

  49. Wonderful reminders about regular worship! I am going to share this Scripture with a friend who doesn’t think it’s “necessary” to attend church. Thank you for sharing! I look forward to reading your next journal entry.

  50. My favorite place to worship and pray is on my front porch chair where I can see His creation and hear the sounds of nature.

  51. First I WORSHIP GOD BY TAKING TIME EACH MORNING TO DO A DAILY DEVOTIONAL AND PRAYING. Also I enjoyed all the beautiful nature GOD created with daily walks or just sitting outside on my porch. I also get closer to the LORD by reading AMISH books that explains their devotion to the LORD, community, and most of all to family and friends.

  52. This past year has been a rough road for my family. Our home of 15yrs we had to sell. I have been fighting thyroid cancer and was in 2 of my lymph notes. We found 2 black mold in our house we had to vacate n move n sell cause the Mol was to bad. We are staying with my sister. Having to start over is the hardest thing to do. But with the help from God he will lead us in the direction that me n my family needs to do.