Wanda’s Journal

Thanksgiving Traditions

Most people have a special Thanksgiving recipe or holiday tradition, including the Amish. One tradition my father passed on to me was how to make a savory dressing to stuff inside the turkey before baking. My mother taught me how to make pumpkin and apple pies, which were also delicious. Today I would like to share one of my Amish friend’s special Thanksgiving recipes with you.

Perfect Pumpkin Pie

1 cup pumpkin or squash, cooked
1 ½ cups brown sugar
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon allspice
½ teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon cinnamon
4 tablespoons flour
4 eggs yolks
4 cups milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 egg whites, stiffly beaten
2 – 9 inch pie shells, unbaked

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine the pumpkin, brown sugar, salt, allspice, cloves, cinnamon, flour, egg yolks, milk, and vanilla together until well blended. Fold in egg whites that have been stiffly beaten. Pour into the pie shells. Bake for 1 hour or until knife that has been inserted in the pie comes out clean. Yield: 2 pies

What is your favorite Thanksgiving recipe, and do you have any special holiday traditions that have been passed on from generation to generation?

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    1. Everyone seems to really like my special sweet potato casserole, so that is one of many dishes I normally prepare. Whether we gather with several family members or just a few, it is a good time of fellowship, food, and remembering God’s blessings. We always like to take turns and mention something for which we are thankful. It is good to reflect on God’s blessings; and even a difficult situation can be used to produce character in us.

  2. Just good ole Candied Sweet potatoes, my Grandma always fixed these every year and they were my favorite.

  3. Hi, Wanda our family tradition at Thanksgiving is getting together with family and cooking dressing, sweet potatoes, rice pudding, broccoli casserole, and homemade rolls. Then we sit around and visit and try to catch up on each others lives since we only get to see one another once a year.

    I love the holiday season and this year we will be celebrating the arrival of twin grandsons that are due around Christmas and this is going to be the first Thanksgiving in several years that my daughter and grandchildren ages 11, 1, and 2 will be with me. I am so excited!!!

  4. I hate stuffing and dressing so Mom came up with a mushroom one that is so yummy. There is no meat in it which makes it even better. And the tradition is making Mom’s oatmeal cookies every year with my daughter.

  5. The one staple that I am responsible for providing at our Thanksgiving table is Broccoli Casserole. My family loves it as well as all of our guests. We also provide a table cloth that everyone writes their blessings on. It is a wonderful way to see how our lives change over the years.

  6. Making my Mom’s homemade dressing which has no meat in it. I hate dressing but hers is so yummy. I have kept the tradition of making Mom’s oatmeal cookies with my daughter.

  7. I love eating turkey. My favorite Thanksgiving traditions are watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and then spending the whole weekend at my Grandparents house and helping them decorate their house for Christmas. Their house seems magical when it is decorated for Christmas.

  8. I love my mother-in-law’s dressing and still make it to this day. It was so good and I miss when she would make it for all holidays.

  9. Homemade cranberry sauce with whole fresh cranberries anx orange zest. Yummy! My nephew makes this for Thanksgiving every year since he was a young boy, he’s only 20 now!

  10. This looks so delicious… I don’t do much in the way of baking any longer but if I did I would then bake this…hour books are wonderful and they bring the Amish life to life… I am Catholic and I also dress modestly and wear a headcovering veil…so for me the journey into 2 Corinthians 11 speaks highly in how we should follow God’s Law…many thanks and God Bless you

  11. Our family has a traditional meal for thanksgiving and we spend most of the day together. We all live so far from each other it has always been a day of “catching up” stuffing yourselves with the great food. My favorite food from the meal is always my moms pecan pie. She only makes them this time of year so its a special treat! My uncle looks forward to my sweet potato casserole and always asks for his very own pan so he can take it home!

  12. Hi Wanda, we make sure to eat the traditional turkey on Thanksgiving. This Thanksgiving, I’m celebrating my birthday so it’s even more special.


  14. Our family throughout my lifetime has joined for a turkey and the fixings meal on Thanksgiving. Recently though, my husband and I have been volunteering at a community Thanksgiving feast and find that very rewarding. It’s difficult to know which recipe is my favorite food at the meal. I love the cornbread dressing recipe (seasoned with thyme) that came down through my father’s side of the family (from The South). My daughter’s convinced that the sweet potato casserole is the only food at the meal that she loves to eat. I love pumpkin pie as well.

  15. My family started meeting 37 years ago on the Sunday after or before whenever we can all get together. It makes it so much easier that way everyone can be with both sides of their families for the holiday but not rush. When you start getting In laws it just gets to busy and rushed for 1 day. I don’t think I have a favorite recipe.

  16. We have a hot fruit salad recipe which has been passed down for years. It is my favorite dish on Thanksgiving! We celebrate at my parents home each year and we all bring our favorite recipes.

  17. Thanksgiving is the time our family truly gets together and the hit of the day is the dressing for the turkey. We prefer a dryer dressing than many recipes result in. And ambrosia is our favorite snack.

  18. Your pumpkin pie recipe sounds just like my mom’s did! I still use her recipe!
    Love your website and all of your books!!

  19. Thankgivings was always special to my family. We gathered at Mama and Papa home for turkey and all the trimmings. We had pies and cakes. Now the tradition is carried on at my home. My favorite is pumpkin pie for dessert.

  20. Hi Wanda
    My sisters and I just visited Berlin, Ohio last week. We had a wonderful time. We ate twice at Boyd and Wurthmann’s Restaurant. Yummy.. We went to charm ate lunch at Keim Lumber Company I had the Cheeseburger soup. This was a treat. We also went to Sugar Creek and attended your play Stolen at the Ohio Star theater. Love your stories. We drove through the country side just taking in the beautiful farms and people. Love going to Holmes county.
    For our Thanksgivings one of our Traditional foods is fried corn everybody loves it.

  21. Being from the south, I love cornbread dressing with jellied cranberry sauce. It is my favorite food on Thnaksgiving Day! Each person in my family has a different favorite from mashed potatoes, ham, turkey, sweet potato casserole, but my favorite is the cornbread dressing.

  22. Because I am not a lover of turkey I fix ham with Pepsi in a slow cooker over night. Also fix bar b cue ribs. Sweet potato pie is a favorite from my sister in law who is from the south.

  23. Hi Wanda I would say that my favorite recipe is for pumpkin roll and I like reading all your books and Happy Thanksgiving

  24. We do the traditional Thanksgiving plus Ham! Everything is homemade pies, rolls etc… nothing store bought! My favorite is the Cranberry relish with fresh cranberry, oranges, apples, pears and pecans!

  25. The stuffing recipe that our family uses seems to be an absolute must at Thanksgiving. It is moist and delicious. We always make a lot of it because it goes so fast. I also love my mother’s pumpkin pie that she got from her mother. Thanksgiving has long been my favorite holiday. It was a time with family when I was growing up. In 1971 I woke up and realized that I didn’t have to go to work anymore because I was getting married on December 1. This year is special because my husband is here to celebrate it with us. He fell from our roof last November, breaking nine ribs and two vertebrae. After recovering completely he had to have surgery for a brain aneurysm. Praise God he’s just fine now.

  26. Hi Wanda,
    We like to have turkey and it’s not Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie made with real pumpkin. Can pumpkin is not the same thing as the real thing.

  27. My family continues the tradition of a Thanks Tree!
    We each have a different kind of leaf, at our seat, and we
    write one thing we are truly thankful for… Each person tells
    what they wrote, and we hang our leaf, on a small
    wooden tree.
    Thanks, and Happy November,

  28. Hi Wanda!
    I am so looking forward to Thanksgiving this year. Every year, our family sits around the table and says one thing they are grateful for. My husband and I are blessed to share Thanksgiving with both sides of our families. I am looking forward to eating my mom’s green bean casserole! It has been my favorite Thanksgiving recipe since I was a little girl. Have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!

  29. We have two family favorites…Sweet Potato Souffle and “Twice Baked” Mashed Potatoes. It’s just isn’t a holday meal without them!

  30. Hi Wanda!
    For thanksgiving my family really doesn’t have that many traditions except making the turkey! One year I remember my aunt brought turkey for thanksgiving and inside much to the kids surprise was hidden a smaller turkey! It has really funny trying to guess exactly how they did that!
    Have a good day!

  31. We have the smoked turkey and drsssing at the in laws. I actually prefer the traditional roasted turkey. I bring the sweet potato souffle and homemade chocolate marshmallow fudge. A friend recently gave me a recipe for a baked cranberry relish that I am adding to my go to list. I’d like to be added to The Hope Jar drawing. Thank you!

  32. Hi Wanda,
    The best tradition is the turkey my family makes every year! It always tastes so good and I remember one year my aunt brought a turkey with a surprise! Much to the kids astonishment their was a little Ike’s hidden inside! It was the best thanksgiving!

  33. The recipe sounds good, but my husband loves apple pie! My mother always used to make corn pudding, so that is a favorite for the Holidays.

  34. I love my chicken and dressing with a big slice of homemade chocolate pie! My husbands loves my chicken and dressing but he wants a slice of made from scratch cream cheese cake covered with fresh strawberries and bananas in a simple syrup. I would love to win a copy of The Hope Jar.

  35. Our family has most of what everyone else has for Thanksgiving dinner. My husband passed away in 2017 so we all feel that void when we get together. Thank you for a chance to win your book. Phyllis

    1. I understand how your family feel we experience the same lost two years ago. If you want you can email me and we can chat comnavkitsink@hotmail.com. Maybe my mom will contact you and you guys can talk because she feel the same way as you do

  36. My families Thanksgiving recipe tradition has been passed down from my Grandmother to my Mother and than onto me. We take the stuffing and put it it a square pan, than bake it and cut into squares. The baked stuffing is cruncy on the outside and soft on the inside. Yummy and fun tradition.

  37. We have ham instead of turkey plus meatloaf and fried chicken breast , plus lots of sides and desserts
    Such a blessing to spend time with our family . Happy Thanksgiving !

  38. Wanda this recipe sounds wonderful. I will absolutely have to try it. I love amish recipes and have tried many of them. Love to see your next journal entry……….

  39. Hi, Wanda,

    Our family tradition consists of homemade yeast rolls, sweet potato casserole and going around the table naming one thing you are thankful for this year. My husband reads scripture and we pray together. I usually have anywhere from 8 to 12 people for the dinner. Thank you for a chance to win your book! I love reading your stories and enjoy your style of writing.
    Blessings on your Thanksgiving!

  40. This will be the second Thankskgiving without my dad . I’m thankful everyday that he should me how to appericate people and the good they have in. I very thankful that he showed me that I can love even if I was hurt. He showed me to love like theres no tomorrow because you don t know when it your last time . I’m thankful that my parents showed me that anything is possible as long as you trust good and love yourself. There not a say that I go by wishing tha I just had one more day with him. BUt I thankful for all the time that I got to spend with him and the love and compassinote he showed us kids. Just be thankful that each day that you have with your parents and husband children and grandchildren and be happy with that because we don’t know when we wont have it Happy Thanksgiving Daddy I love you and Miiss you more then you think

  41. Our family tradition is to celebrate Thanksgiving on whatever day everyone in the family is able to be together on. So sometimes it isn’t actually Thanksgiving Day when we celebrate, but we all figure being together is the most important thing. The tradition my mom & I have is baking & prepping things the day before celebration day. We have such a good time doing this together.

  42. Besides the traditional Thanksgiving food we all have a certain item that we are to take. My dishes to take are Hot German Potato Salad and Garlic Salad. My husband makes the homemade Dinner Rolls. We have family that comes from out of state and this is the only time they get my two salads. I got in big trouble a couple years ago when my sister told me not to make them so I just make them. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  43. It’s sad because when we were all little, it was “over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house we go”. All the aunts, uncles, and cousins were there. That’s been a very long time ago. Now my Dad has passed and my Mom goes to Arizona for the winter and we all just do our own thing. Those family traditions got lost. To me, it doesn’t even seem like holidays anymore and I absolutely hate Christmas as it’s gone from being about Christ’s birth to who can buy the biggest and most expensive gift. I guess I just live in the wrong century. Even cooking Thanksgiving dinner has become a chore instead of a blessing. This year will hopefully turn it around as my second grandson is due on Thanksgiving. Hopefully this will be the year of something great again.

  44. My Favorite Recipe for Thanksgiving is my Mother’s Cranberry Salad. I have such great memories of my two children and then my grandchildren coming to help run the frozen cranberries through my Mother-in-Law’s old fashioned table hook grinder. This and so many Family memories of my own childhood hold Thanksgiving dear to my heart for all that I have to be thankful for.
    Cranberry Salad: 1 Bag Cranberries (frozen) grind or use food processor; grind two (2) oranges; add 2 cups sugar. Let Stand for two hours. Mix 1 large package of black raspberry jello; 2 cups hot water; 1 cup cold water. When jello begins to set, add the cranberry mixture. Chill in mold. Delicious!!!! Happy Thanksgiving to All.

  45. Thank you for the pumpkin pie recipe. I will be adding it to my recipes. We don’t have a certain Thanksgiving recipe per se, but we do have a new tradition. As the kids have gotten older we’ve ended up having a turkey cook off. So each Thanksgiving we have two turkeys and they both have to be judged by family members. I hope you have a wonder dlfukbThsnkdgivinh!!$

  46. Our family tradition is to have homemade dressing for thanksgiving. My husbands mother makes it
    And it is fantastic! I have the recipe, but she can make it much better!

  47. Howdy Wand! Our family tradition started with my maternal grandmother and her french meat pies and stuffing. Every year the whole family would gather at our grandparent’s home for turkey dinner. But for lunch we all enjoyed Memere’s meat pie.
    Now that she is gone, my husband carries on the tradition of making the meat pies and stuffing. This year our family is gathering at my daughter’s home. We are a family of 30 members and growing. I am proud to say that one of the children will take over the family tradition when we no longer are able.

  48. Pecan Pie is my favorite for Thanksgiving. I have many good memories of making pumpkin pie, cherry pie and oyster dressing with my mother-in-law for a house full of friends and family. We were exhausted afterwards, but seeing everyone enjoy all the food was worth it all.

  49. Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday! It’s only us 2 or 3. But we have turkey big enough for a crowd! And everything to go with it. We eat leftovers for over a week! Besides the turkey, my favorite is my husbands Pecan Pie. I had never had pecan pie before I moved here to Texas 16 years ago. After tasting his I have never tasted any like or better!!!

  50. My Mom went home to be with her Lord and Savior in July. She was my best friend. We would always have time for a cup of tea in the afternoon. She made life very special for everyone. She gave of herself . Her family was her life. She will be missed at Thanksgiving. She loved to have the family together and at the age of 89 she loved to cook and bake. We must carry on and remember what she taught us and that was to give to others and love the Lord.

  51. Even though we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here, we do give thanks.

    Any kind of fruit pie is a favourite.

    Thank you for the recipe.

  52. I just love getting together with family for the big feast on Thanksgiving! And my favorite has to be homemade cranberries. So delicious!



  54. I will have to give that Pumpkin pie recipe a try! I love making apple cake and cinnamon rolls are now a staple ( not the can stuff , homemade scratch 😉 ) for Christmas morning- that way i know the kids are actually eating something before they jump into all that junk that they get in the stocking lol

  55. Wanda, thank you for the new recipe! I love collecting recipes and cookbooks, especially from someplace I have been or am going! The same with just single recipes. I guess my favorite For Thanksgiving would be my baked corn, the recipe made with Jiffy corn bread mix. It’s so yummy.

    Maybe I’ll see you in Florida this winter.
    Dee Carter
    Wooster, Ohio

  56. One of our family traditions is that the day following a big Thanksgiving Feast at our house, with our sons, their wives, and our grandchildren, we celebrate November and December birthdays. This is the best time for us to celebrate since two of the celebrants live in Georgia and we are in Tennessee. Several in our family suffer from food allergies, so we make many adaptations to the traditional dishes…stuffing is gluten-free.

  57. We would celebrate Thanksgiving at Grandparents. We would have homemade noodles,with the traditional food. Along with cherry pie and pumpkin pie. Everything was so good. But since My Grandparents died it hasn’t been the same. But I have fond memories. But it is wonderful to have memories.

  58. My mother, like yours, taught me how to make apple pie, so that is my favorite Thanksgiving recipe. It is our tradition to get together with family on Thanksgiving and eat turkey with all of the trimmings. I enjoy your books so much, Wanda, and am looking forward to reading one of your Christmas books next month!

  59. My family would always go to my grandparents ‘ house. So if I was stay there I would help prepare the meal. I am thankful for always being with someone that loved me. My name is Angela Ayers my address is 10061/2 Pittsburgh Ave. Wooster, Ohio 44691.

    Thank you for your newsletters.

    God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving.
    Angela Ayers

  60. For many years our children have lived out of state so we do not get together often but from the time they were small one tradition for the Thanksgiving season was making a Maple Nut Cake. It is so good with maple flavoring in the cake with either walnuts or pecans but usually walnuts and a powdered sugar icing that also has maple flavoring and chopped walnuts sprinkled on top. We have fun memories of making and enjoying this cake.

  61. My favorite meal is my mother’s homemade noodles and stuffing. I actually mix the two together with apple cider vinegar and salt and pepper. Sounds weird, but oh so delicious! Anytime celebrating with family is precious time.

  62. I do not really have a favourite recipe, but many request my sweet potatoe pie. I usually back 13 at the most. The recipe won a blue ribbon from a family I do not know. I’ve kept this newspaper article since a friend passed it down to me. I usually make it for friends and family. Also, a tradition I like to do, since I’m single, is volunteer at a homeless shelter or any shelter to serve those less fortunate then I. This year I am hosting 2 exchange students, one from Turkey and one from Belgium. I am hoping to introduce my sweet potatoes pie to them as well as, volunteer some where.

  63. One of our newer traditions is to serve frog eye salad. Another traditional before we say grace is for each person to tell one thing they are thankful for.

  64. I love all of the Thanksgiving feast. My favorite way to enjoy is to have a little bit of dressing on my fork then spear a small piece of turkey. The flavors chewed together are just delightful.

  65. I love having turkey dressing, mashed potatoes and dressing on Thanksgiving, it wouldn’t be thanksgiving if not! My mom always has me make the mashed potatoes. We spend all day cooking and watching the Parade and everyone comes over for dinner. After dinner we have a craft or game for the kids.

  66. So many recipes…..my pumpkin pie and my pumpkin sheet cake….so yummy. And my corn casserole. But my favorite thing ever is stuffing, stuffing and more stuffing.

  67. Every year my Sunday School class goes to an Amish home for a Thanksgiving Dinner the week before Thanksgiving. It is just amazing! The sights, sounds and smells are just out of this world!

    I only read Amish books. I am just so relaxed while reading. I enjoy going to Amish homes and just taking in all of the peacefulness. Thank you for sharing your talent of writing with us! You are very loved 🙂

  68. I love Thanksgiving and I always make Sweet Potato Casserole for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. My brother always enjoys it and I make it for my in-laws also. It was even featured in a regional cookbook a few years ago.

  69. I love Thanksgiving and one of my go-to dishes for both Thanksgiving and Christmas is Sweet Potato Casserole. My brother enjoys it and I make it for my in-laws also. My tecipe was even featured in a Regional cookbook a few years ago.

  70. We’ve started some new traditions in recent years. Every year we look forward to our church’s annual Thanksgiving potluck dinner, held each year the Sunday before Thanksgiving! The church provides the turkeys and guests bring sides and desserts to share. I’m always amazed by the bounty and enjoy sampling the many delectable dishes! I usually bring gluten-free stuffing as my son and several others are gluten-free. It’s a wonderful meal we enjoy sharing each year with our church family! Since it’s only 5 of us on Thanksgiving Day, we take a day trip to Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts. There we are treated to a delicious traditional Thanksgiving buffet and afterwards, walk off our dinners with a relaxing stroll through the quaint village, where we can observe villagers baking pies and celebrating Thanksgiving as they did in colonial times, as well as a Thanksgiving blessing and proclamation given at the meetinghouse! This will be our third year going, always puts me in the holiday spirit!

  71. Happy American Thanksgiving!

    The first Canadian Thanksgiving was held by Martin Frobisher in the 1578. With your keen interest in history, I thought you might enjoy this article on how and why the Canadian and American Thanksgivings started to end up on different dates. Eats lots and as the Amish say “A fat wife and a full barn never did any man any harm!

    here is the link to the article: https://michelinewalker.com/2012/11/25/sir-martin-frobisher-the-first-thanksgiving/

  72. What is your favorite Thanksgiving recipe, and do you have any special holiday traditions that have been passed on from generation to generation?

    My favorite Thanksgiving recipe is green bean casserole. I also like to Male pumpkin pie. We don’t really have any family traditions but we do say what we are thankful for.

  73. My favorite recipe for Thanksgiving is the Libby’s Pumpkin Pie recipe. A favorite memory of mine – one year my mother forgot to put the sugar in the pie and the look on her face when she tasted it was priceless. Luckily, she was the first one to try it!

  74. We keep it simple with Turkey, mashed potatoes, homemade rolls, and pie. Oh, and green Bean Casserole. 🙂 Decorating the tree and talking about the ornaments is our favorite event of the Season.

  75. I love the Holidays and enjoy good food, we will have turkey, potatoes, sweet potatoes casserole and dessert plus whatever more . I’d like to make some great stuffing. Thank The Lord for His keeping hand on our Great grands and family members wherever they maybe.

  76. I miss my Mom’s homemade mince meat pie. Even though my Dad and I were the only ones who likes it, we always had a big piece. I like it warm with ice cream on top.

  77. From my childhood: pork sausage dressing, w/lots of thyme. New tradiotion: from scratch cranberry sauce. Bless you and all your readers.

  78. We have a tradition that we always use my maternal grandmother’s turkey plate. It is quite large and just perfect o hold the turkey.

  79. My favorite recipe is my grandmother’s stuffing recipe. It is simple to make and it has no nuts in it. That is good since I am allergic to any kind of nuts,so no chestnuts.

  80. I like the way my sister mashes the potatoes. She just puts milk and butter and no seasoning. It is plain but tasty.

  81. Hi Wanda…may you and your family have a Healthy and Blessed Thanksgiving! My DH and I are hosting this year. All the usuals which are always welcome: turkey, corn casserole, mashed potatoes, cranberries, punkin pie, etc.

  82. I like all of the “traditional” Thanksgiving food; but in the past few years I have to eat gluten free and I became a vegetarian…in the 1970s, a friend gave me a recipe for a sweet potato casserole that is SO good! It’s more like a dessert, and so yummy! 🙂

  83. My Grandmother used to make my Dad a raisin pie every year. My mother liked to surprise my Dad with them after my Grandmother was no longer here. When my Mom could no longer cook for my Dad, I tried making him a raisin pie, but no one told me to drain the water off the cooked raisins. Major mistake. I haven’t tried in many years, but this Thanksgiving we celebrate my Dad’s 94th birthday. I think I just might have to try it again!

  84. I don’t have a particular recipe but I have a memory of going to my Nannie and Poppa’s house to celebrate. It would be so many people there that I was 21 and still sitting at the card table with the kids. Nannie and Poppa have been in heaven for along time. No one celebrate and gets together like they use to. I will I could sit at that card table one more time.

  85. I do not have a family recipe, but I enjoy all the recipe’s I see! Have a blessed Thanksgiving! God bless, Amy

  86. Sounds delicious!! Gonna try this recipe.
    I’d love to win a copy of The Hope Jar.
    Hope you & your family have a very good Thanksgiving

  87. Sound good I have tryed some of your recipes from the back of your books I have just about all your books. I love reading your books they are the best. I just ordered 5 of your books for my winter reading as soon as you release your last new books they will be my winter reading also. Your books are the best that I have read so far. Please keep writing awesome books. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Brenda Barney.

  88. We have several traditions. Beside turkey we have to have ham for my dad and we always have my Grandmother’s pumpkin pie. The last ten years we have made dressing balls into of dressing/stuffing in a casserole dish. Every one loves them. I would love to win a copy of The Hope Jar as I haven’t read it.

  89. Hi Wanda! I recently got to meet you in Walnut Creek, OH and what a blessing that was! Your recipe sounds delicious! Our tradition has been keeping our extended family together to celebrate Thanksgiving long after our parents have gone to heaven. We have designated the second Saturday in November as “our Thanksgiving” and each year the site rotates. What an honor and privilege to share our heritage and memories with cousins and family. Looking forward to it again this year! May you and yours enjoy this Thanksgiving!

  90. I love Thanksgiving! My favorite dish is baked corn!! Since my Mom has passed, I make it. Lots of memories of the holidays. I would love to win a copy of your book! Have a great Thanksgiving!

  91. My husband and I celebrate Thanksgiving with just the two of us – we don’t have any close family – but that doesn’t stop us from having our own traditions. We make different dishes each year but always have a pumpkin pie and a chocolate pie, and we have decorations out that were handed down in my family, plus a decorative cornucopia we’ve made and filled with foods we like and foods that represent those who are special to us. Happy Thanksgiving!

  92. One of our favorites is Coconut Cream Pie which we usually purchase from our Shari’s Restaurant. No traditions have been passed down in our family. Would love to have your book. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  93. One of my favorites is Sweet Potato Pie. My Aunt Mamie made each year. She taught how to make it when i was young and i tend to make it each year either for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
    I love reading your journal entries, and would love to have your book. I have copied some of these recipes from your books and I plan on trying to make some of them these upcoming holidays.

  94. Fresh cranberries. Corn casserole. Many fresh vegetables. Being together. Thanking God for His many blessings.

  95. I was brought up in the foster system so no recipes and my grandma didn’t like to cook. she worked so many hours that i used to cook dinner and make her lunch for her and she was always so grateful. I hope that my way of making thanksgiving is the way my son now makes with his family out in Ca, We just got back from there and on the last day he wanted to show me he could make my fav dish of pot roast but then he had his wife start it for him as he had to work and she put it in the oven. I thought he was going to go thru the roof he said who puts pot roast in the oven she said that is what they said on facebook. He was even madder.

  96. Our favorite is Pumpkin Rolls. About to get started doing those and freezing them also for Christmas.

  97. Since I had to have a severe change in diet the past two years, Thanksgiving has been a lot different. I’ve grown to have a tradition of enjoying sweet potatoes and chicken. I know it isn’t special, but bring with my family is. Happy Thanksgiving!

  98. What has happened to family traditions? My Thanksgiving traditions growing up that still stay with me started by having warm homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Always a favorite. Then we would watch the Thanksgiving parades from New York City, Philadelphia and Detroit. We only had black and white television but still was so much fun to watch. My grandmother would be picked up to join us. The kitchen was a buzz all morning as the turkey, homemade dressing, mashed potatoes, vegetable, gravy, rolls, homemade cranberries and sweet potatoes were being prepared. The yummy pies had been baked the day before. There was pumpkin, mincemeat and apple pies. Mincemeat was my favorite followed by pumpkin pie. It was always great sitting with my parents, grandmother and siblings for this favorite holiday giving thanks for all we had. Later in the day we would have leftovers for a late supper. We played games and had fun being together. I miss those days. Now my siblings are all over the place. I will be home alone this year but will remember the earlier family traditions.

  99. A favorite family recipe was my Mother’s Seven Layer Salad. She used to make it for every family occasion and we loved it so much. She has gone on to be with Jesus now and we thought we had seen the last of the delicious dish, but I found her original recipe the other day, so I’m going to try to make it this year. Even though I will follow it word for word I’m sure it won’t be as good as hers was, but I’m sure going to try. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  100. Hi Wanda, I would love to read and review your latest book if you have an arc or print copy you would share with me. I do reviews for authors and also have a group Book Reviews by Sue where I review and support authors. I have been telling readers about your books for many years and it has been awhile since I did a review for you.

  101. Hl Wanda my favorite is the dressing & Turkey, pumpkin pie ,recipes came down from my grandmother.she was a great cook miss her dearly. My tradition would be read one of your Christmas books to the little ones at bedtime each night until the end of the book. Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family

  102. Really don’t have a favorite thanksgiving receipe except in the dessert department. We have so many good desserts we love. Fruit pizza can’t leave them alone bars. Reese’s peanut butter bars

  103. I really love reading your books. Everytime I read a book about amish it brings me back memories of someone that I know was amish. It has helped me to learn more about god. So I was depressed when my friend left me to be with god and I was so angry. But I didn’t want to forgive him for taking him away from me. But I remember he said that you need to forgive. So as I read your books I have learned how to forgive and move on. Yes I do miss him but I know that I can move on with out him being here on Earth. But he will always be in my heart. He was the love of my life. When he told me he grew up amish. I was surprised that he want to date me because I wasn’t.