Wanda’s Journal

The Hope of Spring

In my novel, “The Hope of Spring,” part three of The Discovery Saga, Meredith Stoltzfus is trying to piece her life back together. She’s just weeks away from her baby being born, and is nearly out of money, yet she looks to God to provide a way. Just as we look forward to the hope of spring each year, Meredith looks forward to her baby’s arrival and the hope that this precious new life will bring.

There is something about seeing the trees bud, flowers bloom, and grass grow green, that gives me a sense of hope each spring. Even the birds singing sweetly in our yard seem excited about the new season, as they, too, celebrate the hope of spring.

What do you like best about springtime, and what hope does it bring?

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  1. Spring brings promise. I enjoy planting new flowers, longer days and to see my lovely lilac bushes began to bloom. Also I enjoy my peonies. We usually go to Myrtle Beach for a week each April so that certainly is something to look forward to.

    1. I love spring everything look renew and all the animals are back and out playing i love to see the rabbits and squares playing in yard.

  2. Spring means time to get out & enjoy all the fresh air after being couped up all winter! Watching the flowers bloom & spending time outdoors with the grandkids & animals 🙂

  3. I love spring. I love seeing everything turn green. It’s the only season I would say I really enjoy being outside. When you just HAVE to go outside because it feels so good.

  4. I so enjoy reading your books. We live about 2 hours from Sugar Creek, Ohio, and love to visit there. We were just there last week, a delayed trip for our 42 wedding anniversary! It is such a peaceful setting, and my husband loves to take pictures, so it is the perfect place for us to visit, and your books inspire me to such a place 🙂

  5. I love Spring! Especailly this year. TODAY my first grandbaby is being born! What blessing of new life!

    1. Congratulations on your first grand baby! A new season and a new grand baby. That’s what spring is all about . The beginning of something new.
      God bless you and your family.

  6. Spring is the hope of new life. It’s the freshness of a new beginning and brings with it lots of color and fresh air. Here in the Rio Grande Valley we hope for rain in spring to help us through the drought. Last reported real rain fall was in 2010. Bring on the rain.

  7. The hope of Spring is something we are all hoping for right now. We got a douse of winter when least expecting it. Need to get my garden plot ready – flowers thought about but finances hitting me hard so don’t know what I will be able to do this year.
    Please enter me in contest.

  8. I love the springtime and all the beautiful flowers that bloom..I think the Hope of Spring is new life coming again after dead of winter,
    thanks for sharing your books.
    Paula O

  9. Spring brings new life. Last week my husband and I purchased our very first home (giving all the Glory to God). As I walk around our new yard I see how it seems like the elderly woman who owned the home before us seemed to always be planting plants. I am amazed how something new and beautiful and full of life is springing from our yard full of color. Blessed and thankful 🙂

  10. Spring brings flowers and warm weather, so the kids can be outside playing , it means walks again outside in the sun

  11. I love springtime and being able to be outside. You can listen to all the different sounds of birds and creatures/animals in the country where I live. I like to sit outside and watch the sunset and see the warmth in the sky. Also, the new life coming after the dead and cold of winter!

  12. I always love spring. It brings with it new life. I enjoy being able to open up the house and let in the warmth from what was once a cold winter. It always makes me smile to see the birds starting their nest, singing and bringing color to the dead trees and grass. It just seems like the old can be tossed out of my home as well as my spiritual life and start fresh and new again. Spring has always been my favorite season! I thank the Lord for giving us all of the beauty that He bring out during this season of the year.

  13. In spring I love watching how God brings everything back to life, it’s a reminder to us how we were once dead in our sins, yet He brought us “back to life” when He forgave us of our sins!

  14. i love Spring its a new beginning ever thing in natures putting on new growth, i feel the worlds clean and fresh that Gods starting over a new different year, i love all your books and would love to win this giveaway

  15. I live in upstate New York and the hope of spring is to see perennials poking up in the soil. Today is April 2 and we had snow on the ground. Not much, but I’m still in the hope of spring mode.

  16. Spring is my favorite season. I love to photograph all the new beginnings. Would love to win this giveaway.

  17. I love spring, everything turns green and the air smells so fresh and new. It makes me feel renewed and like the Lord has given me a fresh start at things, of course he does this on a daily basis with each new morning. It is like the winter snows that remind me that though my sins be as scarlet, they are made white as snow through his blood shed for me and you. We need to make connections with things physical to things eternal !

  18. Spring for me means the promise of new beginnings. It means that all that was “sleeping” will wake and refresh and grow anew. I love Spring with the new colors that spring from the ground and watching the buds come out on the trees and bushes. Its also a special time for remembering my Dad who passed away. We always planted flowers together at his house and then mine. It gave a us a chance to spend time together and talk and share the joy of gardening. I learned so much from him in the time we spent gardening that I will cherish forever. It’s sometimes difficult to do it by myself now but I know he is watching and smiling down from Heaven as they flowers we planted together bloom and grow again.

  19. I just love spring because it brings new life. It reminds me of my new life in Christ. I love to see the green grass appearing again and the perennials sprouting through the soil. Since the days are longer and warmer, my daughter and grandchildren can take walks and catch up on our lives.

  20. The earth bursting forth with growth and renewal. Flowers popping up out ofthe ground, trees budding and everything greening up. All the newness covering up the drabness and gloom left from the winter. It’s like God is giving everyone new hope to the future. I can’t wait to get my fingers in the sun warmed dirt.

  21. I love Spring, it’s a time of hope, of newness and renewal. We are dealing with a bad relationship with our 18 y/o son and I am hoping that with the Spring will come a renewal with our son as well. I love your books Wanda and would love to read this series!!

  22. Iove the Springtime. I can’t wait for warmer weather so I can get my twins outside to play.

  23. April is a big birthday month in our family, two grandbabies born in april, two of my own children and my Dad and Sister also born in april. Birth and the new birth so totally related and shown in spring !

  24. All this week I have enjoyed sitting outside in the backyard watching our mini dachshund running and playing. We have watched as rabbits bounded behind our fence safely our of reach from a very curious dog and listened as birds sang happily from trees sprouting new leaves. I love Spring where everything is fresh and new and I love sitting outside in nature’s garden reading.

  25. Springtime is God’s reminder that whatever the frozen time of winter touched and all seems to be dead,just as Christ was dead and buried , He rose again and so can we!! Whatever hopes and dreams and sorrows are covered with snow in the winter are all fresh and doable in Spring.

  26. I love the spring flowers and all the first little animals of spring! It is like a new beginning each year after the bleak weather of winter is over. I would have to say my favorite part of Spring is celebrating the resurrection of our Lord! What better way to bring in the new life of spring!

  27. The Hope of Spring is something that this year we are still waiting for. Still cold in April, looking forward to the day when it warms up.

    I think that the best part of spring is that it symbolizes new life. After the cold dark dead of winter, the green grass, and the poking up of the flowers signifies a new start.

  28. I love Spring. I live in MN and we’ve had record snow and low temps this winter, so we’re all suffering from cabin fever. Each winter I put together a list of destinations to take with my family and we all love to get out and discover our great state. This past weekend, we visited the Amish in East Central MN. It was wonderful to see the windows open and the women cleaning in preparation of the Easter holiday.

  29. When I see the robins return and the flowers start to bloom it reminds me of the promises of God.

  30. I Love the Spring with the smell of flowers and fresh clean air,listening to the birds sing,I Love it.

  31. We love planting our garden and watching the plants shoot up through the ground. It gives you a true sense of new beginnings and reminds us that God gives us a new day and a clean slate every day. Today is a new day with no mistakes yet in it.

  32. I love spring. Warmer weather and sunshine. My husband and I are expecting our 4thgrades child in may
    I I am also looking forward to that 🙂

  33. Spring is my favorite time of year. It is rebirth. Everything is coming alive from winter. Sun is shining, flowers are blooming, everyone’s mood is happier and it is a joy to be able to be outside again.

  34. Spring brings about happiness after a long long winter. We may not be experiencing spring yet gere in cold and even still snowy Michigan , byt knowing it will soon be here gives us hope. The chance to plant the garden and be outside can’t come fast enough!

  35. I enjoy how the warmth from the sunshine seems to infuse my whole body. I love going out front under our Magnolia tree and having picnics with my girls! And I love how suddenly, all sorts of project ideas seem to “spring” into my mind!

  36. Spring is a renewal. When I went through a painful time, God’s love was the Spring in my heart. He renewed my spirit and restored my soul.

  37. Spring brings the promise of new life. It is shown in the flowers that bloom after a winter that shows no color. It is also the beginning of bright new things

  38. The empty tomb….. Knowing the tomb was empty means a new beginning which represents spring. It also confirms God’s word to be the truth… I enjoy hearing the birds, the sunshine, all the beautiful colors of the new spring flowers and the love of God for all of us everywhere….

  39. Spring is my favorite season — the flowers blooming — the warmer weather — time outside with friends and family. Love working in the garden — feeling the sunshine — seeing new life around me and thanking God for each new day.

  40. i have read all yur books ,i love them keep them coming.GOD BLESS U , get my books from our library

  41. Spring is another season to love and cherish one another. To look into God’s beautiful creation he has given us. I love I hope for things of God to come. Most important God has been there with me through every trial and tribulation. It reminds me of how thankful I need to be.

  42. I so enjoy reading your books and it would be awesome to have the chance to win something! I am one of the odd ones who really likes winter, but it is also wondeful to feel the warmth of spring sunshine on my face!

  43. Spring means a time of pleasure.
    This is the time to enjoy the creation
    That was given to us. A time to sit on the porch
    With a cup of ice tea and a good book soaking
    In the warmth of the sun!

  44. Spring to me is greening grass, budding trees and flowers, and FRESH AIR being let into the house! Love it all and tolerate runny nose due to allergies……oh and did I mention hummingbirds and robins!

  45. Spring means new life and makes me think of our new life in Christ. It is the most wonderful time of the year.

  46. The sights and smells of Spring bring me to a place of peace when I can get outside and be in nature. Animal babies, apple blossoms on our trees and the smells of fresh lilac blooms just make my world seem brighter!

  47. Spring is a sign of re-birth. I love watching everything comeback to life with their vibrabt colors.

  48. Spring for me is like a brand new awakening,everything is growing new and fresh.The air seems cleaner after a long winter.Flowers and birds make it all so beautiful

  49. I am so excited about getting to read your books. The amish amaze me. think we all need to go back to simple times. Cant wait to read it.

  50. April shower bring May Flowers!!, I m still getting snow. Warmer weather brings on many Anish trips , to see them work the gardens, an working the Fields, From young to old they all chip in to help in some way or another, I love the warner weather. love to see new life!!, Barb P

  51. Spring has always brought joy and hope to my life. I love seeing the trees, bushes and cactus’ bloom bringing new life with the seeds that get spread. I enjoy watching as the baby birds hatch. Where I used to live, I watch the baby gamble quail run through our yard with their daddy in the front and mommy in the back of the long row of babies. It always meant to me that everything in life goes on due to the promise of God. That promise gives me the hope I need to continue with my day or week, which ever is most troubling at the time.

  52. I love all of the beautiful Spring flowers, especially my tulips. Spring always brings new life and it’s always so wonderful to see.

  53. Spring means an end to the cold weather, beautiful sunshine with family picnics and grandchildren playing outside.

  54. Oh how I would love to win these book. Spring brings new life and with new life there is hope

  55. Would love to win. I love getting outside to walk with hubby and furbaby and swinging on our porch swing. I love feeding the birds and watching the bluebirds at our bluebird house! Thanks, Wanda

  56. Spring bring new life all around us. We see in the budding trees, flowers popping up and showing their array of beautiful colors, the grass turning green and birds singing before sunshine often. Spring also bring Easter celebration–the celebration of Jesus Christ death, burial and resurrection–which resulted with us having new life in Him just as there is new life all around in God’s beautiful world as spring arrives. Blessings Wanda for your inspiriational writings that encourages all to put their faith in our Heavenly Father.

  57. I love that Spring brings in a rebirth of all things whether plant or animal. That the flowers bloom in breathtaking beauty, and animals give birth is a testament of regeneration and perpetuation of the newness of life. It is a continuation of the cycle of life that shows that all things must die in order to be reborn. When thinking of the hope Spring does bring, I am reminded that as a Christian believer, there are things that we must die to, our sin nature must be buried if we hope to grow in Christ. God’s mercy and love endures forever. God bless…

    1. This is a six-book series. Here they are listed in order of their publishing date: Goodbye to Yesterday, The Silence of Winter, The Hope of Spring, The Pieces of Summer, A Revelation in Autumn, and A Vow for Always. If you are unable to find any of them let me know by sending me an email at wanda@wandabrunstetter.com. I have some copies I can sell at a discounted rate.