Wanda’s Journal

Christmas Memories

For the last few weeks I’ve been decorating the inside of our home for Christmas, while my husband puts decorations and lights on the outside of the house. The decorations, Christmas cards, and gifts I’ve wrapped have brought back many Christmas memories from the past.

One of my favorite Christmas memories as a young girl is the year I was chosen to play the part of Mary in our church Christmas pageant. I can still remember the joy I felt that evening when the choir sang “Silent Night, Holy Night, All is calm, All is bright.”

Whenever I see a nativity scene, I’m in awe of God’s love. Isn’t it wonderful to know that He loves us so much that He sent His only Son to earth as a baby? Jesus, the Savior of the world, was crucified for the redemption of our sins so that we may have eternal life. What better gift could anyone receive?

What is your favorite Christmas memory, and how did it impact your life?

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  1. My favorite Christmas memory was when my brother and I were little my parents bought us a pony. He had a blue bell around his neck and every year when I put up my tree I hang that bell on my tree and it brings back such happy memories of happy times with my parents.

  2. Wanda I believe that I shared a happy memory of how my parents would put up the Christmas tree each year on my birthday and how much that I looked forward to this. Each Christmas as a girl, I would always become so excited about Santa Claus coming, that I could not sleep. I would keep my parents up a good part of the night, waiting for me to go to sleep so they could lay the presents out under the tree. Than I would wake up sometimes at 4 or so in the morning and try to sneak downstairs to see what Santa had left me. I slept with my older sister and she would have her hands full trying to keep me from sneaking into my gifts.
    As a child I remember thinking that the Christmas star that shone over Bethleham when Jesus was born actually came out each year on Christmas eve. I remember looking for the star and asking my sister where it was. We all have very special Christmas memories to cherish for the rest of our lives.
    Yours is a very special Christmas memory, Wanada. I’m sure you made a very good Mary. Let us all remember what Christmas really is about. Jesus is the real reason we celebrate.
    Merry Christmas!

    1. Every Christmas is special because we celebrate the birth of Jesus. That is the true meaning of Christmas. But one special memory is playing Mary in our Christmas play at my church when I was 5 years old. Being able to celebrate Christmas with the one’s you Love also makes the holiday special.

  3. One of my favorite Chrisrmas memories is the first Christmas with my oldest child. She had only been born 2 weeks before that Christmas. I felt so blessed to have her! SHE was my best Christmas present!!

  4. One of my favorite Christmas memories was each year when a family in our church would invite the whole church out to their home for a Christmas Party. The house was decorated in ideal Christmas decorations. The mom would bake up a storm and fill every counter and table in their kitchen, dining room and living room with delicious Christmas goodies. She would serve hot cider, hot cocoa, coffee and all kinds of yummy comforting items. The kids would gather in their snowsuits and sled down the long winding hills or build snow forts in the yard. The adults would gather around a piano and the Pastor would break out his guitar, hymnals would be passed out among the group, and we would sing. We would start on the first carol of advent and sing all the way through, including probably 50 carols. People would stand around friends and visit, updating each other on all the business of life and sharing stories together. While the house was crowded, it was filled with love and friendship, family and fellowship, warmth and peace. Merry Christmas!

  5. I remember our family going out in the woods behind our house a few days before Christmas and chopping down a tree and my dad shooting a rabbit for our dinner. It seemed like such a long walk back then, but the old house is still there and the walk seems much shorter now that I am older. I will always have that image of my dad dragging the christmas tree with one hand and the rabbit in his other and my mom carrying my baby brother through the snow back to our house.

  6. Dear Wanda,

    I enjoyed reading your entry about decorating your home for Christmas. This is my favorite time of the year. A time when I reflect on the fact that our God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to us so that we could share eternal life with Him. As I decorate, bake, read from the Bible, and enjoy cozy winter evenings, I am reminded of when I was a little girl. My Mom would start decorating weeks in advance. The tree was usually up and decorated the week after Thanksgiving. But, on Christmas Eve, every year, just before supper, my Dad would read Luke 2 and as he read, it was my job to set up the bisque nativity scene, from Joseph and Mary and Baby Jesus to the shepherds to the wise men. It was such a joyous time and it still gives me warm memories every year. May God bless you and your family during the Holy Season.
    Merry Christmas,
    Mrs. Lisa Dunstan

  7. The Christmas that sticks out in my mind is the first Christmas after my first husband moved out. One evening a few days before Christmas, my younger brother showed up on my door step with gifts from all of my siblings. I come from a family of 10 siblings, and they had all gotten my son and myself some really nice gifts. I guess they thought we needed cheering up or something. LOL. Anyway. I will always remember how caring my family was especially that year.

  8. My favorite Christmas memory is Christmas 2000 my dad was crushed by a forklift December 4th that year and we were to,d he was not going to make it through his injuries, but God had other plans. He did make it and that Christmas was spent in the hospital all his kids, grand kids and my mom. Every year prior we did the Christmas story as a family and this year was no exception. With dad lying lifeless in the hospital bed we all gathered around him singing songs of praise and worship and did the Christmas story. It was that year the Christmas story that dad had put together himself from the bible of course took on a whole new meaning to me. Not a dry eye in the room we made it through. Dad lived eight years and eight months to the day after that dreadful accident. But we praise the Lord for the time He gave us with dad after that day…

  9. My memory that stands out most in my mind was when I was 7 years old and I had to have my tonsils out over Christmas vacation. Back then you had to stay in, well, since I had to stay in we couldn’t go to my grandparents for Christmas, so everyone came to our house. It was a good time for all.

  10. A neighbor whose birth name is Saint Nick and looks like Santa came to our farm and we had a Winter Wonderland, lights, cookies, jiuce, photos, pony ride, music and more for needy kids in the area. Santa (my friend) came with his horses dressed as Reindeer, my daughter with Special Needs that still believes in Santa, was so shocked, till this day, she ask for Santa to come back. He went all out giving gifts, eating Christmas Eve dinner with our family, telling the Story of Christmas and so much more. He told us the magic of the North Pole and the Reindeer, my daughter ate up his words and took them to heart.

    It was the best Christmas Ever!

    Sadly this angel left earth a few years ago, but every year my daughter begs us to bring him back to celebrate with us.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  11. My best Christmas memory was when I was about 16 I had a friend who was in foster care. Her and I hung out all the time together. My mom and dad took her in that Christmas and bought her presents because they knew she would not have that great of a Christmas where she was at. I looked up to my dad and his kindness and I try to be like him everyday.

  12. My favorite christmas memory was when I was a child being at my Grandparents house. We would get together every christmas eve. One year we heard something outside. Me, my sister, my uncle and my cousin ran to the window to see Santa walking across the front yard. It was a very special time. Those were the best times in my life and it is the only happy time in my life.

  13. My favorite memory of Christmas is of my Dad reading us the Christmas story from Luke on Christmas Eve. I carried that tradition on to my family. I also like when we visited our youngest son one Christmas eve when his children were small. They had a birthday cake for Jesus. I had never seen that before and loved it.

  14. Every Christmas with my Dad, he wasn’t my father by birth, but without question the single greatest influence in my life. He’s been gone 4 years now but the sound of his laughter still echoes in my heart. I thank God every day for bringing him into my life .

  15. My favorite memory is the last Christmas I was able to spend with my husband Scott. He had been battling a brain tumor for almost two years at this point. He set up our nativity set on the fireplace and it still there to this day. It is a daily reminder to me the sacrifice that was made for me. Thank you God, you are good.

  16. I grew up on a farm…and one of my favorite memories about Christmas was decorating the tree with popcorn strings and singing Christmas songs…it was so much fun.

  17. My favorite time is having all the family at our house on Christmas Eve. This is the time when we all can get together. I love it .. Is this where i was suppose to leave comment on your 12 days of Christmas??

  18. My Birthday is December 20. Each year I got a birthday present on my birthday as well as christmas gifts 5 days later. It would have been easy to combine the gifts, but that never happened.

    I got my first Bible on my 8th birthday

  19. My favorite Christmas memory is when we would drive to see my Granddad. My whole extended family would meet us there. We would all have cousins our age to play with and plenty of Uncle and Aunts to visit with

  20. Best memories every when I was growing up I would go to my grand parents farm and help milking the cows and taking care of the chickens I always wonder why they had an out house no plumbing. No electric then realized my grand parents were Amish my paw paw always were a hat and my grand ma wore a bonnet. My mom and dad were not aloud on the farm so I got dropped off in lamcaster pa at the bird in hand restaurant ever summer to spend with my grand parents best summer ever. .

  21. My favorite Christmas memories are the family gatherings. We would go to my paternal Grandparents on Christmas and have gifts and lots of presents then the next weekend we would go to my Moms sisters and have a family gathering on that side of the family. It taught us the true meaning of family

  22. My favorite Christmas memory is going to my grandparents house and the ENTIRE family being together. We would have a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner and then open presents with everyone crammed in the living room. The uncles would joke around and tease us. My grandfather, who is now with the Lord, would look at us with such pride and joy on his face. It was the most magical night of the year.
    My second favorite would have to be the Christmas plays I would be able to participate in every year. Our little tiny country church in the hills of WV would be PACKED full of people celebrating the Christmas season and the true meaning of Christmas.

  23. My favorite Christmas memory is Christmas 1998. It was the last Christmas that my family and I had with my Mom. She had lung cancer, had her lung removed, went though radiation, etc. On that Christmas in my heart I just wasn’t sure we would have another Christmas with her. We didn’t. Only a couple of months later, the cancer spread to her brain and she passed away in May. My family and I gathered at her house and just “enjoyed” our time with her.

  24. My favorite Christmas memories are the ones we share with our family. My husband’s Dad was such a family man — he always wanted his family together whenever we could. My husband was in the Air Force so we didn’t get to be there much thru the years and wasn’t able to move back “home” before he passed away. Since we moved back, we have spent every Christmas Eve at my mother in law’s house! Always thinking of his Dad and how proud he would be of his family — numbering now about 70 — including kids, grandkids, great grandkids and spouses! We love you Poppaw!

  25. My favorite Christmas memory is the Christmas before I turned 14 years old. I didn’t get much that Christmas because I had just moved in and they weren’t expecting me to be there, but what mattered is that I was with people who cared enough to have me in their lives and I’m thankful for that.

  26. My favorite Christmas Memory took place in the 1950’s. I came downstairs Christmas morning to find a Shetland Pony in our kitchen decorated with a bright red ribbon. That pony was great companion for many years.

  27. I remember all of the past Christmas’ with family that is no longer here. Would love to be able to spend time again with parents, in-laws and others. So glad to have those memories to look back on and laugh over.

  28. One of my favorite Christmas memories is when my friend and I drive over two hrs with this little Charlie Brown Christmas tree in the car. We were meeting my future husband and his friend for Christmas. The look on their faces when we brought that tree in and proceeded to decorate it was priceless!

  29. The first Christmas with my husband, having come from an abusive background Christmas was never a joyous time, it just meant more time with the abuser. After many rough years and a divorce I found Chriist and started my Christian walk and that is when I met my to be husband while he was attending seminary. He brought me home to meet his parents while we were dating, he was the first person ever who showed me love in such a way that I knew God had sent him. 10 Christmas’s later we have 2 prescious children and a love that continues to grow.

  30. I don’t have any happy memories of Christmas as a child as I don’t remember most of my childhood. I guess I would have to say that Christmas as a child was never very happy for me as I would get sick every year because all the stress around me. As an Adult I celebrate it in a quiet way.

  31. I remember one morning coming down stairs as a teenager and my father had bought a hope chest for me. It was so beautiful and I was so touched~ can also remember getting a leather jumper one Christmas. Oh how I loved that, even though now I cringe at the thought that I actually wore it! Both my husband and I love your books, Wanda. We both read them then take them to my mom who shares them with all of her friends after she reads them. We are so in love with Lancaster County and are thankful that you have us feeling like we are right there in the middle of it when we read your books. Please keep them coming. Also your husband’s photos are amazing. I have one of his calendars up in my bedroom right now. Bless you and have a very Merry Christmas!

  32. Christmas has always been a conflicting time in my life. My childhood didn’t fit the traditional mode so memories are bitter sweet. However, after I got married and had my daughter, we had the Christmas tree up and she had fell asleep under it. The lights were twinkling and Christmas carols were playing. My husband and I were sitting on the couch, just watching her sleep. It was truly the best Christmas I’ve ever experienced.

    I think too often we put too much emphasis on details and forget that people are the reason for the season!

  33. My favorite memory growing up is when all our huge family would get together, we didnt have a lot and didnt get a whole lot but just being with family and sharing food and playing was more fun. those were the greatest time.

  34. I think my favorite Christmas memory would have to be this year. My oldest daughter was chosen to play Mary in the Christmas play this year as well. I can’t tell you what it has done for my heart to sit at the practices and watch my child sing her heart out for the Lord. It has an extra special meaning to me as she just gave her heart to the Lord a few months ago. God blessed her with a beautiful voice and this Christmas, I get to watch her use it for Him!

  35. My favorite Christmas is when my Sisters and I got a lot of board games and my Brother, Johnny sat at the table andplayed games with us most of the day !! He went to be with the Lord a year ago and I truely miss him so much !! He was so much older than me but we were really close all my life ! I was the “Baby” of the Family and he was the youngest Boy in the bunch !!

    Wishing you and your Family a very Blessed and Merry Christmas as we celebrate the Birth of our Lord and Savior !! Looking forward to more of your books in 2013 , can’t wait to see what you have in store for us to read 🙂 <3

  36. My favorite memories are the ones I’m making with my 2 little ones (7yr old and 4yr old). We always do hot cocoa (chocolate milk for the kiddos), and donuts. Their face lighting up is what counts. They love going on drives to see Christmas lights. They are at the age where they like to argue, but they stop and all you hear is them yelling back and forth to look out their side of the car to see the lights. We visit my parents on Christmas Eve, and husbands family on Christmas afternoon.

    We were blessed this year. Even though my son has Autism, and my daughter is continuing her battle of Lyme Disease, we are still here, and relatively healthy.

    Merry Christmas, and have a safe and blessed New Year 🙂

  37. Hello Wanda! All of my Christmas’s have been very special, but I think my favorite one was Christmas of 2011. It was the last Christmas I spent with my Mother. She was 87 years old when she passed. We had Christmas Eve at her house, with all our family present. We ate and laughed, opened presents and just had a wonderful time. She had her 4 grandsons there and her 5 great – grandchildren with her. She was a wonderful Mother, she had a beautiful smile and loved life and people. She just passed away October 5, and this will be my first Christmas without her. But she is with my Dad and I know they will be watching from above. I also would like to add, she was a huge fan of yours! She had many of your books and loved them all. I saved all of them so I could read them too. Thank you for bringing my Mom so much Joy. God Bless you! Peggy

    Peggy Overmeyer
    Box 35 Williamsville, Illinois 62693 217-341-9836

  38. My favorite memories of Chrismas was our tradition of putting our tree up the day after Thanksgiving and helping my Mom (who was really my Aunt) decorate it with special oranaments from her childhood, and ones that my grandfather had sewn and beaded together. I also remember decorating sugar cookies with homemade frosting and making everyone mad by licking the paintbrush haha (I was about 7). I dont have an particular touching or special memory, but I am especially thankful that my Aunt took me in, when my own parents couldn’t take care of me because of how they chose to live their lives. I have 2 brothers and one sister who weren’t so lucky. My oldest brother will be spending Christmas in Prison this year. He had no where to go so he did something he regrets, so that he would have food in his mouth and a place to sleep.

    God bless you and your family! Jesus IS the reason for tbe season!!

  39. I have great memories of Christmas at my grandparents. My cousin used to draw really neat winter scenes on my grandmas windows and I always thought that was so neat! He was quite an artist. My grandma always made the best christmas goodies including the bedt popcorn balls. It was always a fun time getting together with all the family. We are going to be grandparents for the first time in January so next Christmas will be sooo exciting!!! I can’t wait to make great memories for him!!! I hope u have a very merry Christmas and a great new year!!!
    Melissa brown

  40. I have so many wonderful Christmas memories and for that I am truly blessed! But there is one that sticks out more than others. It was the first Christmas after my Mammy passed away.

    I was still young enough to be enchanted by colorful packages under the tree, but old enough to understand that something just wasn’t the same. It wasn’t until there wasn’t a single present under the tree that Pappy regretfully realized that he hadn’t bought anything for mom or I. The look on his face when her realized this is forever etched in my memory…a cross between embarrassment that he hadn’t thought of it and sadness because my grandmother had always taken care of it.

    Although we both assured him, that we didn’t need anything from him, he got up from his spot on the couch and went to his bedroom. He came back with some money for my mom and Mammy’s watch for me. Having Mammy’s watch made me feel like she was still with us and the something that was missing had been found.

    That Christmas I learned, it isn’t about the number of shiny presents under the tree that makes the holiday wonderful…it is the thought behind a single gift and the unbreakable bonds of love that give Christmas its magic. I have never viewed Christmas the same way…now Christmas is about sharing time with my loved ones and remembering that the greatest gift of all is God’s love for us!

  41. I can’t really pin point one certain Christmas memory. All the Christmas’ I’ve had with my wonderful family are treasured memories. Jesus is, and always will be, the reason for the season !

  42. This is the first Christmas without my grandmother but I have very fond memories of her especially at Christmas. She loved Christmas so much and wanted to decorate everything. One year she had so many decorations on her tree that she had to use 2×4’s to hold it up this was so funny for my family. So I shared this story with my choir a few Sundays ago. This past Sunday night for no reason at all my tree fell over as it had been standing for several weeks. She must not have liked us laughing at her tree being held up with 2×4’s so maybe I need to take a lesson from her to hold my tree up.

  43. My favorite Christmas memory was the year my grandparents came from the Berkshires to spend Christmas with us in North Dakota. It’s the only memory I have of spending Christmas with either set of grandparents.It was especially cold that year and my grandparents only left the house twice. Once to buy gifts,and once to go back to the airport! We were shut in for a Couple of days and we played games together and just enjoyed spending time together. They bought me winter boots for Christmas that year,which I wore proudly! My Grammy passed away this October,but I have this beautiful memory of one special Christmas that I got to spend with her.It means a lot.

  44. I think my favorite Christmas memories were going to my grandma’s house – several hours from our home – and spending Christmas with her. She was Norwegian so we usually had a smorgasborg of delicious Norwegian treats. I enjoyed her lefse and just wish i had learned to make it like she did because it is hard to find it now. It was a fun time with aunts, uncles, cousins, and so many other people. Today, as we plan to celebrate at my in-laws this year, I will always have memories of those days at her house as we continue the tradition with my in-laws.

  45. Wanda,

    I have many wonderful memories of Christmas past but I think the future ones are going to be the one I charish the most. You see last year on Christmas Eve I lost my mother very suddenly to cancer. I have been trying all year to figure out how I would be able to celebrate this year with out her. But thanks to my husband, my 2 children, & my family we have started new traditions & they are turning out to be wonderful. Have a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

  46. One of my favorite Christmas memories, is when we were young my mother and dad would hang our stocking, which were our white socks we wore. We would know that we would get an orange and mixed nuts in it with some candy. We didn’t have much under the tree. we would sneak down and get into them before Christmas morning. One time my dad was laid off from work and the town hall came up with presents for us kids. I remember that the presents were in a box that looked like a chinney. They also gavbe my parents some food and a turkey.

  47. My Christmas have been celebrated the same way over 38 years. Breakfast at my parents!!! My uncle and his family and then both sets of grandparents would all squeeze into a small house and stuff ourselves silly! My momma has cancer and now the times we all get together are becoming more precious! The times we all (5) piled up in the Datsun ment for 2 to go church for the true Christmas story….memories that make my while heart smile!!!!

  48. When I was growing up, my favorite Christmas memory was walking through the woods at my grandfather’s farm looking for the perfect tree. My mom, dad, brother and sister all trying to pick the perfect one. But, we always seemed to come home with the one that was lopsided or had a bird’s nest in it or just plain funny looking. Now I have a 4 year old daughter and while we no longer chop down our own tree we are building our own sweet memories with her.

  49. My favorite memory was when I was a child we would go to Grandma’s house and she would make the most wonderful meal and then afterwards we would make popcorn balls and eat her homemade blackberry pie with ice cream! She would say kids; “God is good” He’s given us another year. My Grandma is with the angels now but those memories will stay with me forever! Now I have my own grand baby and I hope to make new memories with her.

  50. I rember gathering with all of the extended family at my grandmothers house every Christmas eve after church to be together – exchange gifts (we picked names at Thanksgiving) sing, enjoy each others company and just spend time with my wonderful grandmother. I miss her so much and those gatherings, as family as moved away and she passed on these gaherings stopped. I am so sorry that the younger generations did not get to be a part of this wonderful experience and family time.

  51. My favorite Christmas was the year, every year. I love the extra politeness in people, the way people will hold a door open for someone, just the spirit that God moves through everyone. It is there everyday I just notice it more this time of the year.

    Also, my grandchildren, they make everyday special like Christmas. Last night my son and his family were over for a visit. After they left the phone rang and naturally I answered my 3 year old grandaughter Carmen Jo said”Nanny I see Christmas lights. They are pretty” That is Christmas to me. Unfortunately I won’t have all my grandchildren home this year. I have a couple of them move to WVA and I just found out this week they don’t have the money to come and of course I don’t have it either, but we will be together in spirit .

    Julie Rowand
    251 Da Wyatt Rae
    Munford, Tn 38058

    Merry Christmas Wanda

  52. Your journal entry reminded me of being Mary one year and my Mom played Mary’s Mother in the church cantata. But my favourite memories come out every year as I put up the Christmas tree. Every ornament has its own set of memories and I remember them and think about various people from my past as I put it up. I add new ornaments too to make new memories.

  53. My favorite Christmas memory when I was a child was when Santa would come to the house when Dad and Mom had our Christmas dinner .Mom had a Santa suit and she would ask one of our neighbors to be Santa .And now they do the same thing for the Great Grandchildren . And now everytime I hear Santa Claus is Coming To Town I think back on those years ,because Mom would start playing that song and we would watch for Santa to come up to the door and she still does it for the Great Grandchildren and just to see their little faces light when they see Santa coming up to the house my eyes get a little watery.I hope you and your family have A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and A WONDERFUL NEW YEAR!!! GOD BLESS YOU and YOUR FAMILY!!

  54. My favorite memory was when I was growing up we would go to my grandparents house and have the best turkey and all the trimmings. And of course we would open gits too. Now my grandparents are both in heaven and I sure do miss them, but have great memories of all the time we spent there over the years.

  55. My favorite Christmas memory was the year I received my bicycle from Santa Claus. I was so sad it was raining outside. My wonderful Mother saved the day. I was allowed to ride the bicycle in our house!

  56. My favorite Christmas was when I was 10.I wanted a cabbage patch doll so bad,but Mom and Dad said we couldn’t afford it 🙁 So one of my aunts made my sister and I one and then made stockings and filled them with oranges,nuts and candy.This memory will forever be my best!I am so thankful the kindness of others when some are less fortunate than others.I am a true believer that it is ALWAYS better to give then receive!Jesus is the reason for the season 🙂

  57. My favorite Christmas memory was one we spent at my grandparents’ farm. I was probably about 8 or 9 at the time. I got to read the Nativity story from the family Bible which was such a great honor for me. Christmas was simpler with homemade gifts like freshly baked cookies or knitted socks but it was much more meaningful because of the hard work that went into it. I remember feeling for the first time the beauty of the Nativity story and the simple gift of love that God gave us in sending us His Son Jesus.

  58. I miss the Christmas programs that the children of the church used to do.

    I remember the Christmas when I was probably 4 or 5….my sister and I walked by the tree
    and saw two upright boxes…. and we both guessed that we were getting dolls. We were not

  59. My favorite Christmas story is when my sister and i were little and my parents would come to our bedroom in the middle of the night and lay a baby doll in our arms. When we woke up we thought Santa had come to our bedroom and put them there. We were really excited that he would do that for us, especially because that was exactly what we wished for.

  60. the christmas we drew names to make and fill a stocking.My husband got our first granddaughters name!he is a carpenter so he designed and made a wooden stocking.Started a tradition to make one for each grandchild and great grandchildren.Now he has passed it to our son since we have greatgreat grandchildren.Our kids still talk about that christmas and it has been years since we did that.merry christmas to everyone!!!

  61. Hi Wanda, my favorite Christmas memory is one from about 17 or 18 years ago. My Mother was not a person to have her picture taken. She was a very plain person but I so wanted a nice picture of her. She had been diagnosed with colon cancer the year before and we didn’t know how much longer we would have her. At Christmas time I ask her if she would go get her picture taken and give each of us 6 kids a picture. We kept it a surprise from the other 5 sibs and on Christmas Eve when all of our families got together, I said Mom has a gift for all of you. I had wrapped them all the same for her and I only watched them open one. My one brother had tears runing down his face, others were teary eyed. What a blessing she gave us!!! She passed away that next summer at the age of 83. I’m so thankful we had that picture to see each day. She was a wonderful Mom.

  62. I am playing an Angel this year in our Church pageant and so far it has been sooooooooo…much fun but thats not what makes Christmas so wonderful to me, the most wonderful part is my mother has always let us know its the birthday of Jesus who gave more then we could ever give and its not about what we want…its about being thankful for whatever we get and the fact that others in this world family, friends, ect…was kind enough to think about us at a time when things are most hard and turned upside down the holidays are not easy on anyone for there is so much to do and so many we miss not being here anymore that it can become a stress and our mother has let us know that a person who is welling to bury all that inside their self to make any day of the year a better one for others is the true meaning of Christmas God sent his only son here to give the free gift of healing and everlasting life everyday all day long to whoever wants it and anyone that go’s out of their way to help and give you anything at anytime of year should be an understanding of how great’ God’s love really is for us all. Baby Jesus was the little thing that became everything wasn’t he ??? Yes he was and like any gift big or small that I might get anytime of year in this life I will always remember to thank God and whoever made that gift possible in my life understanding that Christmas is not all wrapped up for one day but the greatest gift of all was wrapped up on this day to last forever like my feelings that no Christmas can be better then another when the real gift is my Jesus Amennnnnnnnnnn…and God Bless you allllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.

  63. My favorite Christmas memory was the one in 2004 when my dad was still healthy and with us. He was such a wonderful and amazing father and friend and I miss him dearly! He may not have been my biological father, but I knew him from when I was 1 1/2 til 28 when he passed away accidentally. He raised me to share a love of family, friends, music, and many other things. He is forever in my heart and soul!

  64. I remember one Christmas Eve when my cousin gave me an eraser. He asked me if I wanted it and I told him that it was his and he could keep it, but then he told me how Christmas is about giving. He gave me the eraser and I still have it. This moment reminded me of the true meaning of Christmas and I really enjoyed seeing it in my cousin. It also reminds me that no gift is to small when it is given in joy.

  65. My Christmas tree is decorated with”memory ornaments” from my childhood and from my children growing up. I get a new one every year and now one for my grandchild. They are all dated. It is very emotion when we put up the Christmas tree. Wonderful memories!

  66. I think I posted when this first came out not sure so I will post again. I was in 1996 or 1997 our middle son who was around 4 then and now 21 years old. We woke up on Christmas morning find that our son Johnathan had opend all the gifts and said Santa brougt all of them for me. Oh we will never forget that year and neither will his brother and sister.

  67. One of my favorite Christmas memories is when I saw the live nativity scene for the first time. I just couldn’t stop looking at it. It was so amazing! Thank you for sharing with us!

  68. My favorite memory is Christmas Eve 2006. We always go see my dad and have Christmas there and then have our Christmas at our house the next day. That year was so great everyone was in a great moodespecially my dad. We really enjoyed ourselves little did we know New years eve my dad died. I am so thankful we had that special time with him

  69. One of my favorite Christmas memories is walking through a German Christmas market. It is so much fun to get in warm clothes and visit all the booths. I loved the food and the hot spiced drinks. My oldest children were young when we lived in Germany and enjoyed the Christkindlemarkt. I hope they get to visit again one day.

  70. My favorite memory is all the family sitting around and the children all in a circle on the floor. While Grandmother reads the Christmas Story. She puts feelings behind her words that it leaves us all crying and singing praises to God. My son who turns 23 this next year in January stills remember she telling the story of Jesus. I still read the Christmas Story in memory of her. Please enter me in the contest.
    Connie Elrod
    1292 McDonald Road
    Bellevue, Tx 76226

  71. My favorite Christmas memory is going to look at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve. It was such a long day waiting for Santa that we would load up the car at dark and drive around looking at Christmas lights for a couple of hours. It took time away from us thinking about when Santa would come. Of course it still seemed to be the longest day of a kid’s life. racky (at) carolina.rr.com

  72. My Favorite Christmas memory was the year that my sister planned a 50 birthday party for me at the same time we had our family Christmas

  73. My favorite memories are with my late Mother-In-Law on Christmas Eve. Right before church in the evening, she would give us each a package to open…it would be homemade Christmas pjs. She had made them every year for my children (9, 8 and 5 years of age). May of 2011 we lost her unexpectedly, however she still had fabric picked out for the kids. The pjs were made and I eventually plan on taking all of the pjs and making them into a quilt for each of the children, that way they will always have the great memories of Grandma with them. I plan on continuing her tradition with making my kids homemade pjs every year that they can open on Christmas Eve and hopefully one day, my daughter will carry on the tradition as well.

  74. One of my favorite Christmas memories was waking up to my Grandma adn Grandpa being there on Christmas morning waiting for us to wake up and see what Santa left. They always got there early. Grandpa would get a fire going in the fireplace and then they waited patiently for my sister and I to wake up. We lived in a big two story house and we always had a huge tree that we went to the Christmas tree farm to cut down ourselves every year. My sister and I would take turn throughout the night, peeking down the staircase to see if we could tell if Santa had visited us yet or not. On Christmas morning we would run downstairs to see what we had gotten. Our entire family was always at our house every Christmas Day. Grandpa always gave the blessing before the meal too! I have such wonderful memories from my childhood! One of the sadest days of my life was also Christmas Day in 2004. My beloved grandfather died at my parent home that day. He spent half of the day with his loving family on earth and the rest of the day with his Lord and Saviour. We miss him very much but know he is celebrating Christmas with Jesus now. The tradition continues now at my home every year. We all join around the fire on Christmas Day for gifts, fellowship and rememberances of what Christmas Day is all about!

  75. My favorite memories are decorating with the kids and now with my grandchildren.We go out on the farm and let them pick a tree and them we cut it down and haul it home to put in our yard and the decorate it

  76. As a child I love playing with our nativity set. I would play with them every day wile they were out for many years. This is somethin that my kids do too as soon as i put them out they start playing carefully with thim. I love simple Christmas it goes by to fast. thanks for the giveaway

  77. As a child in parochial school we had a very big Christmas program and the ending song was always Joy to the World. Whenever I sing that song as an adult, I remember all those Christmas programs. I love the carols of Christmas! Church on Christmas Eve is my most favorite Christmas tradition.

  78. I remember always laying in my bed with my big sister on Christmas Eve and we would always try to guess what Santa was bringing us. We looked out the window to see if we could see him! I also remember my mom taking us to midnight mass.

  79. My favorite Christmas memory is the one that happened 8 years ago when my husband asked me to marry him. What is so special about this? We were both in our 50’s and he was my adult Sunday school teacher!


  80. One of my favorite Christmas memories was having a candlelit service at church and singing Christmas songs. I also always loved our family tree, which was huge and full of homemade ornaments from myself and my 3 sisters.

  81. My favorite Christmas memories was when my brother was still alive and children were still young and still living at home.We had such great times at Christmas.My brother loved Christmas,from the lights,the food,the gifts,and most of all celebrating our Saviors birth.Every year since his death I have decorated a small tree and put on his grave.I will cherish those memories forever.I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas Wanda and a Blessed New Year.

  82. Wow so many great comments. My best Christmas memories are when we raising the children. There’s just something about having children in your home for Christmas. I love and cherish the Christmases I have with my hubby now as empty nesters, but it’s just different. Merry Christmas Wanda. I pray daily for your continued inspiration and for God to reward you here on earth and in heaven. Blessings, Susan Fryman

  83. My favorite memory as being an only child was to sit in front of the Christmas tree just as the lights were being plugged in, watching everything sparkle nad all the Bubble lights bubble. Making me feel like I was the only one in the world to have such a beautiful tree made especially for me.

  84. My favorite memory is the year both of my children were in the Christmas program at church. My children are ten years apart in age, therefore I didn’t have many “together” experiences. My daughter was older and my son just a toddler. My son was a sheep and was only to say “baa”. He was doing wonderful until he saw his sister in costume and proclaimed “there is my Anna! baa baa” He would not stop until she went to comfort him. If was a very true blessing to know that both these children knew the love of the Lord, the love of family and the love of each other. Merry Christmas and God’s blessing to you and yours!

  85. I have so many special Christmas memories, this year I think will be the best so far. I spent my whole life looking for my dad’s best friends who he lost contact with over the years. I tried to find him in time for my dad’s 50th birthday with no luck and unfortunately my dad died before I could throw his party. I was still unable to find Bob for dad’s funeral but I kept looking. Shortly before my grandmother died she asked me not to give up on my dream of finding Bob so continue looking. Earlier this year thanks to facebook and their 50th High School Class Reunion, I finally found Bob. He is an awesome man and feels just like the uncle I never had. It almost seems like he went off to war and finally just came home. I always heard stories about him and had pictures but i never knew him until now. I also do Christmas for homeless and less fortunate Children and this is the biggest year I have ever had I will be serving over 90 children and it brings me joy to do this and see the blessings even while we are unemployed and struggling. I have been doing this for over 15 years with so many memories and all thr joy it brings.

  86. Growing up, I was not blessed with the exciting Christmas mornings that other people seemed to have. There would always be fighting and stress and when the entire family came over it would only get worse. One Christmas, I was probaby about 11 years old, we had gotten quite a bit of snow. When all of the family came over, we all decided to go sled ridding on a hill by our house just to have something to do. It turns out that we all had such a wonderful time laughing and just having fun. That was the one time that my family has ever gotten along so well, and it is something that I will always remember.

  87. Christmas as a child was magical and though there were many in our family Mom&Daddy always made Christmas special, we would have huge tree and gifts put under on Christmas eve after we went to bed so we would think Santa brought them. gifts were not many but we had much to eat with chocolate and lemon pies-blackberry Jam cake-coconut cake-fruits and nuts galore along with huge bowl of fruit cocktail. snow was always abundant in December and we kids loved to play in the snow on sleds. I have no special Christmas but remember fondly the love that was shared by our parents to us at this special time of year…

  88. Because there were so many little cousins. My uncle used to get $2.00 bills and stand in the middle of a room and throw them in the air. I think just to watch us scramble for the money.

  89. I remember making an alphabet book from our old Christmas cards when I was 7 (A is for Angel, B is for bell, C is for Christ, etc….) and saving it to give to my mom for Christmas the next year. As the year went on I kept adding wonderful little sayings in this book. I would also write about fun things we did or funny stories from the year. When Christmas the next year came around and I gave the alphabet book to my mom, she cried…really, really cried from all the love I dumped into this gift over the year. She treasured that book and set it out every Christmas until she passed. I got the book back and began setting it out each year, keeping that tradition alive. Now, after 8 years of my mom’s passing, I enjoy reading it with my 3 year old granddaughter, who often wants to hear about the story about the little girl who worked on the book all year long for her mother.

  90. Dear Wanda,
    Most likely I won’t be a winner here, but I remember that every Christmas, at the stroke of midnight, Dad would get us 3 children up from our beds and we would make our way downstairs. After a midnight snack at our little child’s table, we would sit on the couch or on the floor and Dad would read the account from God’s Word about the birth of The Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. After a time of prayer, we would receive our gifts. My daughter still has my original stocking and hangs it every year in my honor, even when we can’t be with her. There was a closeness and a special warmth on our Christmases to hear once again from the Bible how Jesus came into the world to save people from their sins, so we know He was born to die in our place. His story NEVER grows old, only more precious as the years roll by.

    May you and your family truly have a very Merry and a Blessed Christmas. And may your New Year be one of rejoicing and full of God’s goodness!

    In Christian love,

  91. My favorite Christmas memory is from last year. Little did I realize it would be my last Christmas with my Mother and my Mother-in-Law. My precious Mother passed away in January and my Mother-in-law passed away in February. I am so thankful for Christmas and all the past memories of family and the precious promises of God’s Word that I will see both these precious ladies in Heaven again!! I love your books and look forward to each new one that comes out! I am looking forward to my daughter and her husband being home for Christmas next week celebrating with my husband and I. What a grand rejoicing in Heaven we will all have some day!

  92. When my daughter was 4, her Daddy told her he would give her a dollar if she told him everything I had bought him for Christmas. She did with amazing recall of everything, including stocking stuffers. That was the last year she knew what anyone was getting.

  93. I have many Christmas memories. I would have to say the one that is most memorable is the Christmas of 2003. That year was scary. My son had an accident and was in Children’s Hospital for 22 days. I had to be off work, and drop out of college, and somehow still pay bills. But, that Christmas the church we were attending bought his Christmas. It never ceases to amaze the love and kindness that God’s people have and are willing to share. To this day, I do not know what I would do without the love of God and his people.

  94. Thinking back about the Christmas blessings that I have gotten-I don’t know how to pick just one! Each year I have been blessed with loved ones around, a roof over my head, heat to keep me warm, and food to eat. God has provided all of this for me and He also gave me His Son!
    Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
    Mary Beth

  95. I remember going to my grandma’s house every Christmas day. We would eat and then after all the dishes were done we would open gifts. We could hardly wait. We had so much fun. She passed away 9 years ago this January. I miss her!

  96. I have so many Wanda, it would be impossible to pick one. But probably my favorite is our family tradition of going to Candlelight service every year. It has been and will ALWAYS be the start of my Christmas. LOVE LOVE LOVE your books and Merry Christmas and a Blessed New year:)

  97. My favorite Christmas memory from when I was little was when my mom, brother and I took a bus from Sioux City, IA to Joplin, MO to see me great uncle, whom I’d never met. We had the best time and while we were there they got about 1 inch of snow and my ‘cousins’ were so thrilled that we taught them to play fox and goose in that little bit of snow. Joplin was not used to getting snow and we always had lots of it.


  98. In our family we have a tradition, the children exchanged the gifts we bought each other on Christmas eve. We are all grown now, and with the passing of my brother at 27, 18 years ago, we still exchanged gifts on Christmas eve, ( us kids), we even have one for my brother.

  99. my finest christmas memories are when i have to work because the clients i have to work with suffer from dementia and some hardly get anny visits so when u see their faces that is what christmas is about

  100. I grew up on a farm, and every year we would go to the woods to find a Christmas tree. Usually it would be a small spruce or fir. But one year we could not find those, so instead we chose a small southern pine tree. A southern yellow pine looks so much different than a spruce or fir, but it was so cute when we decorated it. Because it was so unique looking, I will always remember it, and it is a special memory for me.

  101. My favorite Christmas memory was Christmas Eve, my mom would pop popcorn on the stove the old way, oil in a pot, She would make 2 potfuls and we as a family would sit and string popcorn for the tree..oh how I loved them moments

  102. I was blessed to have grown up in a wonderful loving Christian family. Have many happy memories of my childhood.
    But one of the best memories is with our three children. After quietly getting things prepared for Santa my husband and I go to bed only to discover the kids are still awake singing Christmas songs at 2am. They sang and they sang. After listening for while, we finally got up to let them enjoy their presents. Wonderful memories…..we sure had three worn out kids by Christmas night!! Became a Christmas tradition to get up in the wee hours of morning to share our gifts.

  103. My favorite Christmas memory takes place at the home of my paternal grandparents. My grandfather died when I was nine. My grandmother lived on a fixed income. She had 12 grandchildren and didn’t have a lot of money to buy extravagant presents for each of us. We would draw names between the cousins to get our present at her house on Christmas Eve. But that present was not the important thing. My grandmother use to put $1 in an envelope for each one of the grandchildren. She would place a Christmas bow on the envelope and tape the envelopes around the door facing to the living room. Each of us grandchildren would race to livingroom door when we got to her house to see what color bow was on our envelope. That was the exciting thing about that Christmas tradition. I learned that Christmas is not about expensive Christmas presents. It is about the love my grandmother put into making a much loved tradition for us.

  104. I cannot pinpoint one favorite memory. If I had to narrow it down it would be spending every Christmas Eve with my dad’s family and every Christmas Day with my mom’s family. I don’t remember many gifts that were exchanged but it was always so much fun to go see our whole family, play with my cousins, eat delicious food my grandma’s had spent all day preparing. Now that all but one of my grandparents are gone those memories are even more precious.

  105. I dont have one favorite memory. I always enjoyed going over to my grandma and grandpas qnd then we would go over to our other granda and grand mas. I loved sitting around the piano on the flor drinking hot cocoa with the tree all lit. Mana would play the piano and we would sing Christmas carols. Ahhh precious memories. I miss her so. Merry Christmas everyone

  106. My sons first Christmas brings a smile on my face. My husband didn’t make much money gifts were skimpy,couldn’t afford a Christmas tree. I strung lights on the wall in the shape of a tree decorated it with ornaments and places a small table under it to set the gifts on. You know I think it was one of the best Christmas we had.

  107. Christmas always started on Christmas Eve by walking thru the snow to our small country church in Ohio. Great memories of singing all of the Christmas carols and then walking home and putting on our new Christmas nightgowns that my mother had made. It was had going to sleep because we had so many thoughts of all the Christmas Day activities for the next day. As a small child I remember comming down the steps to see what wonderful magic had been going on in our home while we were sleeping. My older brother and two younger sisters could hardley wait to get the okay to come down the stair to see what Santa had been busy doing all night. The huge pine tree had been put up in the bay window and decorated. What a beautiful site and smell of that pine in the air. I will never forget it. There were always lots of presents for all of us. We must have been very good because Santa had been very good to us. My parents worked very hard to make these wonderful memories for us. I miss them so much. Wish I could go back to those time. I have tried my best to make Christmas memories for my children and grand children.

  108. my favorite christmas memories are driving around looking at christmas lights with my family & opening a new door on the avent calender our great grandmother made us with my brother & sister each evening in dec. though there are many more. i have passed many down to my children.

  109. I have two favorite Christmas memories. One when I was a little girl, was seeing Santa going in a house. Boy was I excited ! Another was the relatives we went to see. at Christmas. Can still remember the pies sitting on the freezer.

  110. When I was very young my Dad used to tease me and my sisters telling us if we would go to the barn at midnight on Christmas Eve we could see the cows kneeling by the manger. Our Christmases were very simple but such love was felt and the Christmas programs at church and school were very special times. Sweet memories!

  111. My favorite Christmas memories all include being with family. These times remind me of all the blessings God has given us!

  112. My fav memories are the years growing up and my early adult years when my grandmother was still alive.
    We would all gather at her house……… there was a big crowd since Granny had 10 children and many many grandchildren and great grandchildred,.
    Everyone brough food and there was so much laughing and talking you could not hear yourself think. But we were having FUN!!!! Then Granny would open all her gift and smile and love each one. Then to end the evening we all gathered around singing Christmas Carols. Her favorite was O Beautiful Star of Bethlehem. She passed away in 1986 but everytime we sing that song I am reminded of Granny and the wonderful memories of Christmas Eve with her!

  113. My favorite memories are the years growing up and my early adult years when my grandmother was still alive.
    We would gather at her house. There was always a big crowd since granny at 10 children and many many grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.
    Everyone brought food and there was so much laughing and talking that you could not hear yourself think. But e were having FUN!!! THen Granny would open all her gifts and smile and love each one of them. Then to end the evening we all gathered around singing Christmas Carols. Her favorite was Oh Beautiful Star of Bethlehem. She passed away in 1986, but every year when we sing that song, I am reminded of Granny and the wonderful memories of Christmas Eve.

  114. When we was little my grandmother worked nights at RCA and she took care of a housefull of her grandkids wich was me and 2 other siblings . Mamaw worked hard to raise us and made our Christmas the best she could . We would make homemade cookies wich I thought they were the best , I think today as my mamaw has passed of how she always made our Christmas the best because with all she did for us kids and worked we still had gfts candy and fruit no matter what, even in the 1978 blizzaed we had.So as now as I’m a mamaw I strieve to leave my memories for my Grandbabies.

  115. My favorite Christmas was when I received my first Schwin bicycle. It was blue and I had so much fun on that bike. This was the mid-sixties.

  116. My favorite Christmas memory is when I was 10 yrs old, I remember laying in the living room floor and telling my Pawpaw that I wanted a “bald headed baby” for Christmas. I found what I thought was the perfect Cabbage Patch doll, showed it to him and he says “Sweetheart, it’s a beautiful baby but you don’t want a bald headed baby, you can’t comb it’s hair.” I was crushed. Woke up on Christmas morning and there was my Cabbage Patch doll with red pigtails :). At the time I wasn’t happy, but when my Pawpaw died in Feb my doll became my best friend. I’m now 34, married and have kids of my own, however my doll is still my most cherished possession.

  117. JMJ

    My favorite Christmas memory stems from the gathering of my family when I was very, very young. My mother passed away when I was 3 and my father spent his Christmas after gifts were open cooking the Christmas meal for my family. I remember the table being set so beautifully with fine china, stemware, cloth napkins, and even the small crystal bowls in which he made an appetizer of fruits. Each little bowl was placed loving atop the china plate for each of myself and my 3 sisters, their spouses. I remember the scent of the meal cooking, the big bright bulbs on the Christmas tree, and the voice of Bing Crosby singing White Christmas!

    Another memory I hold dear is the first time my father allowed me to assemble the Christmas tree with him. We lived in a suburb of a city in New Jersey at the time and we never had a real Christmas tree. I remember the stems of the branches of this artificial delight being color coded for assembly. I remember the closeness I had with my father who made me feel so grown up relying on my help that year.

    Finally, I remember visiting my Uncle Bob and Aunt Virginia at their home in Jersey. They had a fireplace which was a big deal to a city kid like I was! Uncle Bob saved up special pine cones for me to toss into the fire place and I loved the sound of the crackling they’d make! The adults would gather around the table and play cards together while I kept the fire stoked.

    Now my sisters and I have families of our own and we are making our own memories. My father and his brother Bob are long gone, but the memories we made together live on in my thoughts and my heart.

    Merry Christmas to you, Wanda! …and to all your readers.

    In Christ,

  118. It was Christmas 1971….. My first child was born on December 9th. He was not well. He was born with brain and spinal meningitis and 3 hernias and was very tiny. The doctors said he would not live and that I was ‘young and could have more children’. But, I was determinate and thankfully so was the pediatrician who was really hands on night and day. I decided when he was only five days old that I would have him baptized at the hospital and so we did. My little darling opened his eyes as the minister called out his name and I knew then that he would be okay. I went home shortly after and put up the Christmas tree. I told my son that all I wanted for Christmas was him under the tree. We brought our precious son home on Christmas Eve and put his seat under the Christmas Tree. He was without a doubt the best Christmas present I could ever have been blessed with!!

  119. Hello Wanda my xmas memories are every xmas eve our family get together and have our xmas dinner together it is a very special time for me to have them all with me. Xmas day they all do their own thing with their in laws.
    a blessed xmas to you and your family may you be inspired to writ many more books for us to enjoy.
    Pam Marais
    South Africa

  120. Every Christmas Eve at 6:00 P.M., my husband and I would place the baby Jesus in our Nativity scene. One of us would read that story from the Bible and then tell the Baby there is room in our house for He and His parents. My husband passed three years ago and I struggle to continue this wonderful tradition. But I know my husband is continuing the tradition in Heaven. How can I not do likewise?

  121. My most memorable Christmas was in 1999 when my son arrived (four weeks early) three days before Christmas. I had been on bedrest for over a week and was completely unprepared even for Christmas, and his room was not ready for him. With the help of friends and family, my house was cleaned, my presents were wrapped, and my son’s things were gotten ready for his coming arrival. After a week of bedrest, all attempts to stop my labor failed and the doctors worried he would need some assistance after he was born but he was a healthy 6 lbs 12 ounces and was strong and healthy. We were able to bring him home on Christmas Eve to eager grandparents, aunts and uncles and family. That same night, my younger brother proposed to his high school sweetheart and she said yes. My son will be 13 next week and continues to make our Christmases special year after year, and has been joined by a younger brother who was born the day before Easter Sunday!

  122. one of my favorite memories is of my child at Christmas…she couldn’t wait for Santa…sooooo excited. spent all night getting things ready after getting her in bed…and at 2:30 a.m. she was at our bed, getting us up…..she was so excited I couldn’t tell her no… she was sooooo sweet and I can still remember all her excitement

  123. I remember going Christmas caroling in back of a truck with the youth group at my Dad’s church and singin in the choir on Christmas Eve.

  124. Wanda, I too, have left my heart in Amish Country. As I think about this Christmas, it will be the first without one of my parents. My mother, too, passed away on 9/1/12. Though I know she is in a better place and with my dad, and brother and her parents and brother and sister, it is still strange to not have her around. I am planning on Christmas brunch with my family in late morning Christmas Day and then hosting my sister-in-law and her family for dinner Christmas Night. Then, at 4:00am on the 26th, I am heading to Ronks, PA to celebrate the season with my Amish and Mennonite friends who are part of my Circle Letter group. I can’t wait! Merry and Blessed Christmas One and All. Susan

  125. I am pretty sure this Christmas will be a favorite of mine since I will have both of my grown and married children home this year!!
    Merry Christmas to you!

  126. my favoriteChristmas was when i was 12 years old, we lived so far from other people i had no one but my 10 year old brother to spend time with, that Christmas my brother got a bb gun and i got a record player, Dad over heard me say i would give any thing to have a bb gun so Jim and i could hunt together, dad took the record player back and got me a bb gun. my brother and i spent may great days shooting at target and shooting the crows from the corn fields..

  127. My favorite Christmas memory is my Granddaughters first school Christmas program! I was and still am very proud of her! Merry Christmas!

  128. So many great memories of Christmas. But to single out just one. I was about 10, my brother was in the Air Force. He had to go back on Christmas Eve night, so we had Christmas a day early. On our “Christmas Eve”, we read from the Bible and got ready for Santa to come. I had been assured he would be there even though it was a day early. I got the doll I had asked for, among other things. But that night, Christmas Eve, we had to take my brother to the train station. It was very sad watching him leave like that. We drove back home and settled in for the night. Even though Santa had been there the night before. There was no real reason to get up at the crack of dawn on Christmas because we had opened our gifts the day before. So I got up to get ready for church around 7:30 and there in the living room was a brand new bicycle! I had dreamed of a new “big girl” two-wheeler. But I never told anyone. And there it was. All shiny and new and blue. I was so happy. Years later, I knew it was my Dad and my brother who got that bike for me. But at the time, I looked at it as a Christmas miracle. It had to be Jesus who gave me that bike because Santa had already visited. Thank you Jesus for the bicycle.

  129. One of my favorite memories recently was our daughters first Christmas she was born 8 weeks early. I had many scares throughout my pregnancy starting from about 1 month. After weeks on bedrest and Drs not sure if I would carrying her to term I ended up with Severe PreE and was lifeflighted to Columbus to OSU. They were not sure how bad of shape she would be in when I delivered by Emergency Csection but thank God she was actually very healthy just had to gain weight!. She came home after a month in the NICU and we were able to celebrate her first Christmas!! One of my favorite older Christmas memories is we were stationed at Fort Hood Texas and all our family lived in Ohio I felt so lonely for family! My grandmother sent some homemade goodies that we got to use for Christmas dinner along with her homemade strawberry jam which I miss to this day!!

  130. My favorite Christmas memories are with my children and seeing the wonder and joy in there little faces. My oldest son was born 4 days before Christmas. Having children of my own made Christmas that much more special.

  131. I have always loved Christmas. I used to always say my favorite christmas memory was the year i got my first “big girl” bike. It was pink, had a banana seat with butterflies on it, and a big white basket with flowers on the front! I road that thing all of the time, and had it for alot of years. As kids we used to put the tree up the first weekend in December. We would make cookies, drink hot chocolate, and play board games with mom and take turns putting ornaments on the tree. On christmas eve we would turn off all of the lights except for the christmas tree and mom would let us open one present which would always be new pajamas. We would put them on then she would give us new christmas coloring books and crayons and we would lay by the tree and color one for Santa. Even as we got older mom would always buy us pajamas and try to get us to color with her…lol. Not until the last 10 years have I realized how much those days meant to me. I lost my mom in 2002 and christmas has never been the same. She always kept us all together. Well 2 years ago I lost my brother at an early age and that made it seem even less enjoyable. However, my two sisters and I decided to not waste any more time so the last couple of years we have made time to get together and have dinner and yes to color pictures…lol. Their grandkids think we are crazy. But every time I think of the best christmas it goes back to ANY of them when I had my mom and brother!

  132. My favorite Christmas was the first one my brothers and I had after we were adopted. I was in the 6th grade and I no longer believed in Santa especially after spending a few years in foster homes where all we got were the clothes we Needed. My Dad was sick in bed with the flu. We went to Church for Christmas Eve where my brother threw up in my Great Grandma’s purse. When we got up our Mom had our Christmas breakfast (became our tradition) of homemade cheesecake and hot chocolate. When we went downstairs there were so many gifts under the tree that year my Mom said all of us kids believed in Santa that year. Years later she shared the story with us. She said after she made the cheese cake our cat decided to try and eat some of it. My Mom was not used to wrapping all that stuff so it was all in the attic waiting to be wrapped. She said that around 2 AM my Aunt and Uncle knocked on the door and said they heard she needed elves. My Mom said she had just gone to bed when us kids got up. Christmas lasted all day that year.

  133. My favorite Christmas memory is just being busy with my mom, cooking, baking, decorating, getting ready for my aunt and uncle to arrive. There weren’t a lot of us, but when we could all 4 be together, it was truly special. Helping my mom was always my favorite thing. I miss her even more now at Christmas.

  134. I think that one of my favorite Christmas memories would have to be when I became a Mom and it was our Daughters first Christmas. Watching her take everything in was amazing. Now it is special every year with both my girls. This year will be our first Christmas in Lancaster County. It is just beautiful here at Christmas. We are all excited. Starting new traditions and continuing with some old. Christmas is a blessed time of the year.

  135. My favorite Christmas memory is the anniversary band that I received from my husband on Christmas morning. My husband had been diagnosed with esophogeal cancer in May of the year. After chemo and surgery we where thankful he was alive. Unfortunately 7 months later he passed away because the cancer had spread. One day I will give this to my daughter and tell her the memory behind it.

  136. My favorite memory is my nephew’s. first Christmas. He turned one eight days later, so he was able to do much exploring around the tree and presents as he was very mobile. Seeing his gifts through his eyes with his genuine wonder reminds me every year that the true joy of Christmas comes when viewed through a child’s eyes as they are so innocent and full of joy.

  137. My best memories of Christmas is when my cousins, aunts, uncles, parents and all our families would meet at grandma&pa’s house. We had a good meal; then presents.
    Most of all it would snow and all us cousins would go sledding in the snow.
    Great memories.

  138. I have to say that my favorite Christmas memory, is every single Christmas I am graced by God with, because its another one I get to spend with my 4 children and 3 grandchildren. Its too hard to chose just one memory because I have so many of them and every year, we add still more. I know that one cannot compare to another, for each holds their own special place in my heart and my mind forever. It would be like trying to answer which child or grandchild is my favorite. I could never answer that by choosing just one, because each of them is so special for their own reasons as well as for similar and also different reasons…just like each and every memory is.
    And so, with this Christmas now to come, I have more favorite memories to make and then to add to my heart’s collection. <3
    God Bless and Merry CHRISTmas!!

  139. My favorite Christmas memory. There is so many!! Being back at home and the christmas eve party with family and waking up to the smell of food on christmas morning. We moved out of state and a lot is different now. I will keep those memories in my heart forever!!

  140. My favorite Christmas memory was when my brother and I were very young. Each Christmas Eve night my daddy would read to us the story of the Birth of jesus Christ from Luke chapter 2. We do this every year! Then each Christmas morning, we would wake up extra early and sneak to the Christmas tree to see what Santa had left us. We would sit up for hours after that just talking and waiting for our parents to wake up. When they finally woke up, we would run to the tree and see what Santa had brought us. Then we would go to my grandparents house and eat a huge breakfast! Once again my brother and I finished before everyone and we snuck to the Christmas tree to peek at what my aunts, uncles, and grandparents had given us! This Christmas will be different because my brother recently got married. We have breakfast at our house now and open gifts then go to my grandmas house for dinner! This Christmas season is about the birth of Jesus Christ and being together with family. The presents aren’t important, just being together celebrating the birth of Jesus is important!

  141. My favorite Christmas memory was when a kid, my mom and dad took his work boots and put them in the fireplace, they made foot prints all over the living room, they went up to the tree and then back to the fireplace 🙂 I will never forget that!

  142. My favorite Christmas memories is putting the tree up as a family and watching the kids decorate it. And on Christmas morning grandparents come to eat breaks fast and watch the kids open their gifts.

  143. I have a two in one Christmas Memory. First one is when My neice first began to read she read the Christmas story that year. and then the second, is when my nephew began to read a couple years later he read the Christmas story that year, and now they alternate each year who reads the story. it is only the first year that I remembered the most because it was their first time reading the Christmas Story in the BIble.

  144. My fondest memory is back in 1934 driving with my parents from Akron ,Ohio to New Straitsville Ohio and see my Grandmother standing at the door awaiting our arrival with her apron on ,I knew then dinner was about ready. Then after Dinner sitting around the tree opening what little gifts we had and the fun we had, the laughter I still can hear. The fun we had then would be nonsense to young children today. I wouldn’t trade my memory’s for any gift today.

  145. CHRISTmas is special to me cause we celebrate the birth of Jesus..I have so many special memories of CHRISTmas with my family as well….My granddaddy who has gone on to be with Jesus he would love to decorate the tree and he would let us kids help and he would also love to put lights up on the outside of the house….Merry CHRISTmas to all….

  146. I think my favorite Christmas memory is probably the three Christmases living near my Great Grandma. Because we (my Dad and I) had to ski from our cabin to the road and from there drive to town we would come out on Saturday afternoon so we could go to church the next day. We would stay overnight at my Great Grandma’s house and I would sleep on the floor next to her heater, wrapped in blankets snugly. During the Christmas season she would make Noder a Scandinavian bread-like cookie that is about the size of a nickle, it was a recipe handed down from her Grandmother who had brought it from Denmark. On those dark winter night Great Grandma would say “let’s have a midnight snack” and she would warm up a bowl of Noder and we would sit there and eat it. Great Grandma died in September and even though I haven’t gotten to see her often over the last years (my family moved) I miss her a lot and treasure the handwritten recipe for Noder that she gave me a few years ago…

  147. Christmas for me when I was a child was special to me:
    We would put our tree up on Thanksgiving morning before relatives came by for lunch! My favorite part was putting the candy canes on the tree! And on Christmas morning, mom would actually wake me up early by turning the light on or turning the tv volume up. Once I was up, I got excited; but I think my mom was more excited to see me open my gifts! Even after I stopped believing in Santa, she would still sign the tag from Santa!!

    My mom has been gone 3 years now and I still miss her so much! Merry Christmas Wanda and may you be blessed!

  148. When I was little my grandmother would make cookies with me. I now have most of the recipes and share them with my niece and nephew. My grandmother has been gone almost 20 years on New Years eve. I miss her but know that she is with my Lord and Savior. Love your books by the way.

  149. My memory of Christmas is alway’s that of Christmas at my Grandparent’s house. The Christmas meal was always served before opening gifts, and my between my Grandmother and Aunts, the tabels were always loaded down with tons of food. Of course, the kids were NEVER hungry until being told that before we could open a gift, we had to eat at least half of the food on our plate. We would rush to the table for a spoonfull of potato salad, a deviled egg, the smallest slice of ham that was on the plate and a roll. We would bypass anything that was green or bean looking. Then, much to our dismay, after the main meal, the desserts and coffee would come out. Now don’t get me wrong, we kids LOVED our Grandmother’s desserts, but there were GIFTS to open. Finally after a good dose of sugar and a cup or two of coffee, (and a cigerette for those who smoked,) Grandpa would wander into his bedroom, and pull out the big red Santa Sack. We would start with the smallest child first, and watch them open their gift, and continue up to the oldest child. My older cousin was out of state, so that was usually me. Afterwards, the adults exchanged their gifts. One year, all the men in the family recieved the very same red flannel shirt. It was on sale at a local store. That same year, my Grandmother was prestend MULTIPLE packages of Chocolate covered cherries. She didn’t like those, and my uncle who alway’s loved to pick on her, thought it would be fun to get a picture of her face when she opened the 8th package. I still have that picture of her, holding a box of the sweets and sporting a crinkled up nose. My Grandparent’s are gone now, and the families get together at their own houses. But, once or twice a year, we get together for cookouts’s or brunswick stews, and a little bit of the Christmas feeling returns to me. Have a great Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

  150. Every year that I have been a mom has been my favorite. My oldest is 14. She still gets excited about christmas. 😉 my other children are 11dead and 18I months. This year we will be finding out the gender of our unborn child christmas morning 🙂

  151. My fondest Christmas memory was December 20,1984.The year my beautiful daughter was born,its special because I look back each year and remember all the negative things said about my being blessed with her.You see I was only 15 years old and many thought I was not old enough to raise her properly.She was a wonderful child and we became and still are the best of friends.She has grown into a very bright and beautiful woman who continues to prove to me every day that I was old enough and that i did a pretty darn good job.Christmas has always been special for us and I thank God he gave me the courage and the knowledge to be the mom I am today.

  152. My favorite Christmas memory is when my late son was about 10 years old. I was very ill and unable to get out of bed. My son shoveled sidewalks to make money to buy a tree. He drug it home and he and his little sister put it up and decorated it. They helped me out of bed to see my Chrsitmas surprise. The tree was was the most beautiful tree that I had ever seen in spite of it’s obvious flaws 🙂 I hope that my son has a beautiful tree in heaven and he is with my mom and daddy.

  153. I always enjoyed going to my grandparents house Christmas eve and opening presents from youngest to oldest and the older male cousins being divided in half and doing the ugly tie gag gifts. The gifts got outrageous at times I sure do miss that happening it all stopped after both grandparents passed away

  154. My fondest Christmas memories have always been our family getting together. As we have grown older and have kids of our own, it’s harder to get the whole family together. As young children, we lived across the United States from our grandparents. When we moved to Missouri, we were able to start celebrating the holidays with both sets of grandparents. I remember traveling to my grandma’s and getting to spend time with all my aunts, uncles, and cousins as well as my grandparents. Family is so important. I am thankful for the many ways we can keep in touch, but wish we could spend more time together. As the new year approaches, I pray that all families take the time to be together as much as possible. God bless you! Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year~

  155. My fondest memeories are of Christmas Dinner at my Grandmother and Grandfather’s Farm Fisher Farms, Ray and Ruth Fisher’s Home. Turkey, Ham and all the fixins would be the fare.
    After spending the day there , we would go to the church to see the Christmas play, which always had lots of kids in white robes , carrying candles and walking arround the pews and down the center aisle to the stage. This is my earliest meemory of Christmas, I believe I was 5 at the time.
    We always went to the Farm untill my grandparents decided to move down to the old schoolhouse on their property and let my Uncle Jim and his family move into the big farmhouse.
    Then they no longer hosted Christmas in the same way. We would be allowed to come during the day and visit, but we never had dinner there all together when they moved.

    I loved visiting the farm all my life as a child, such good and wholesome memories.


  156. hi wanda

    one of the fondest christmas i was about 8 maybe and my sister was about 3 and we had lots and lots of snow i mean it be like knee deep we lived up on a hill in a trailer but my dad added on to the trailer looked like a house and we had a fire place with four vents and mom would make yeast breads and put them in the vents so it would rise and christmas was up on us we had a very tall tree a real live one and i wanted a bicycle and my sister wanted a slide
    so christmas eve we would open our presents i had a huge gift i opened that and it was empty i was like huh ? dad looked at me shrugged empty dont know what happened i didnt know what to think but i did look around and all of a sudden a nice yellow bicycle sitting in the kitchen along with the slide i remember i was the happiest girl smiles

  157. My fondest Christmas memories are Christmas Eve with my family. We would all worship at our church and my siblings and I would participate in the Christmas Eve program. We then would venture home in the snow and open our Christmas presents. Christmas day was very special gathering with our grandparents….they have now all passed but have left me such a Christian heritage and legacy to cherish forever.

  158. Favorite Christmas memories are hiding behind the couch with my sisters waiting on Santa Clause too come visit. Getting a miniture iron, ironing board and a cradle (my dad made. I still have it!)and rocking chair. Singing Christmas Carols with friends, visiting family members and eating Granny’s Ambrosia! Oh I can just taste it still! Wished she was still alive to make some! Merry Christmas!

  159. My fondest memory of Christmas was back in the early 60’s my dad worked 2 jobs they seen to it that everyone had a big Christmas. there was 5 girls and 1 boy he had polio, he was the only brother and on Christmas eve we would all decorate the tree string popcorn after mom made popcorn balls well we lived in a big 2 story home and us 5 girls would put our bed at the top of the steps so we could race down to get to the tree once there we all sat and waited for my brother to come for no one would be left behind, . dad worked 2 jobs to see that everything was taken care of we all had stockings hanging with popcorn balls oranges pennys and a small toy, those were the best Christmases ever, I wish I could turn back the clock and have one more Christmas like that since then I’ve lost my brother and my father, it made me grow up and see that money and gifts aren’t everything that money can’t buy the love we all shared as a family growing up.

  160. I too have an amazing childhood memory of playing a role in a Christmas play. I was one one of three angels that was chosen to be part of the annual Christmas play at our church. I remember thinking while playing the part what an honor it was to play an angel who got to be part of such a momentous scene: the live Nativity. Looking down over Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus. I remember looking out at the crowd one time and their faces were in such awe.
    I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas as well as a safe, healthy and Happy New Year!