Wanda’s Journal


In my devotional book, A Celebration of the Simple Life, I talk about how I love spending time with our Amish friends, and how I enjoy watching them work together as a family unit, as well as with others in their community. Having just visited some of our Amish friends in Illinois, I’m reminded once again what draws me to the Amish and their simply way of life.

A poem I wrote some time ago says it this way: Maintaining a life of simplicity is what the Amish culture is about. We could learn a lot from the Amish, there’s really no doubt. Spending time with others, and helping when there’s a need; focusing on God and following Him with every word and deed. Acquiring things and getting ahead is the focus for many these days. But maintaining a life of simplicity can be accomplished in numerous ways.

What are some ways you can simplify your life today?

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  1. (first I enjoyed the poem–thank you…)
    I too, love the simplicity of the Amish and through your stories they are made into reality-its what attracts me to read them and love the Amish! Some ways I can simplify is to probably start ASKING others for help instead of doing most every single task around the house myself.. I try to do everything myself but really need some help sometimes, but then I feel like a failure at times IF I ask because it is my job as mother and homemaker…. Ive also found it simpler to TRYto stick to a routine somewhat, scheduling laundry on certain days, etc.. p.s.–I HAVE to learn to simplify more so I have MORE reading time!! Ive still got 2 books from you that I have near finished—almost done—cant wait!! have a great month…until again, Melissa Russell <3 thank you Wanda, for always keeping us abreast.

  2. Today was a beautiful spring day finally and I worked in my garden. I planted more vegetables.. and some flowers. Just waiting for the summer and cook my own vegatables and enjoy my organic food. Also I have a wonderful day with my little girl and my husband. Giving thanks to God for all the blessings that I have in my life. Today was a simply and happy day. Thanks mrs. Brunstetter for sharing all these nice thoughts.

  3. I make my life a little simple everyday. I walk more, I sit outside to read. I only use 1 light at night, and leave the rest off except when i really need them. Since TV has so much reality TV on there I watch on the news and the weather. Its hard here in Missouri because not much of the nasty weather being broadcast is on the radio. I try to rely less on modern things and use some things that don’t require electricity. Plus I figure reading outside is better for you anyway.

  4. Wanda
    I agree with you. We all could learn a lot from the Amish. I wish there were get aways where you could spend a weekend at an Amish farm. A life of simplicity is best.

  5. Just returning from the Lancaster Co. area my husband and I are remimded once again of the beautiful and simple way of life of the Amish. We never tire of visiting there! The rolling hills and beautiul farms are surely God”s creation. Today I will ” be still and know that I am God”. I enjoy your books so much, Wanda and look forward to the next one!
    God’s blessings always.

  6. I dry my clothes on wooden racks on the front porch instead of using the dryer. They smell so good! I also am making meals that are easy and basic. I read more instead of TV. Too much noise and clutter! Making life as simple as I can.

  7. Wanda got your note about your newsletter…it says I already get it!!!!!! LOL
    and I just spent 2-3 backbreaking hours redoing my bookshelf. you know when it’s got 500 books stacked on it and it holds 200….so I weeded out, but your shelf is still there.

  8. It wasn’t until about 2 years ago when my family was facing numerous things and we didnt know when the storm would end. It was a true humbling experience. It brought us closer to the Lord and has made us see life in a whole new way. We realize that we don’t need so many things in our lives and having our Heavenly father, family and our health is more than enough. We have always known that God is greater than us but we didn’t realize really how much we came to really rely on His grace and mercy during this time. It has brought us to where we are now a humble family.

    Blessings to all.

  9. Wanda,
    I love reading your books, outside in my tiny but wonderful backyard. I live my life as simple as I can and I am enjoying it, every day again.
    I feel ‘simply’ blessed and happy.
    Thanks for sharing your wonderful thoughts in your wonderful books.

  10. Wanda, I got into one of your books that was given to me as a gift. I now have my local library get them for me as I look them up on your website. I’am a recoverning alcoholic dry for 29 years,and now am an ordained pastor for the past 31 years. I’am 82 yrs old and enjoy sitting in my old rocking chair reading one of your books. Vaya Con Dios my friend.
    Pastor Lew Baker, Psalm 121
    3752 Watkins Rd.,Pine Valley, N.Y.

  11. There are many ways that we could simplify our lives today. Get away from all the electronics for one. Learn to make more items rather than buy them. Read your bible more and pray like you should. Opening up your heart, mind and soul to our Heaven Father.

    Thank you for all the wonderful books that you write. I so enjoy reading your books.
    They make me relax and think more about how my life should be and what I need to do to change
    things in my life.

    God Bless,
    Cheryl B

  12. my life has tturned to God more since I have started reading your books , Like I told my boss I am so much closer to God since I started reading about the Amish people, I start my days off most every day with saying good morning God, this is also the way I start everyday when I get off the second bus that I have to take to get to work. I also say when I get to the place of my work I thank God for getting me there in one piece, I walk four block after I get off the the bus,and at this time of morning it is five-twenty a,m, so I feel really happy and good when I make it safe each day. I also talk to him in my apt but not always at the same time of day. I am so thankful for finding your books an also the ones of your friendly other authors. please keep them coming. thank you Karen