Wanda’s Journal

Pray Without Ceasing

It seems like there are always so many things to pray about, and my list gets longer and longer. Prayer is really nothing more than making our requests known to God. It’s our duty as Christians to pray – not only for ourselves, but for others as well. I am thankful that I can pray any time of the day or night. I’m also thankful that He always hears my prayers.

I remember once when I was a child and a Sunday school teacher told the class that even though some of our prayers may not be answered in the way we would like, God answers all prayers, according to His will. Sometimes He says yes. Sometimes He says no. Sometimes we just have to wait.

In I Thessalonians 5:17 we are told to pray without ceasing. We should never quit praying, because there is power in prayer. Every time we pray, God hears. When we see Him answering prayers and meeting our needs, our faith is strengthened. Is there someone you should be praying for today? Have you thanked God in advance for answering your prayers?

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  1. Yes, it is so true that prayer is so vitally essential for the child of God. Being in the attitude of prayer all day long and even through the night is “praying without ceasing.” Being in the attitude of prayer is being ready at any time or any place to offer up a prayer for others and situations. God never tires of our devotion to Him and ‘planting others’ before the throne of Grace.

  2. I had a wonderful experience with a delivery man today!!!! He started talking about his daughter with special needs, her name is Cheyenne. public schools didn’t work, he hates what meds do to her, he is a good dad. told him I would pray for Cheyenne….God can totally do awesome things through this girl and her family.

  3. I learned this past week, especially, that Praying comes as naturally, as breathing. Our new born grand daughter was admitted to the hospital last Wednesday, and FINALLY, was released today. She just turned 3 weeks old on Saturday, and being born almost 3 weeks early, her short life has been pretty rocky!!! So not a day went by that I wasn’t saying a prayer, a quiet moment-I was saying a prayer, driving down the road-I was saying a prayer..there IS power in Prayer!!!!

  4. My most constant prayer these days are that my daughter-in-law and my daughter would get through their pregnancies safely and deliver healthy babies. These will be our first grand children. We rejoice for both, but especially our daughter (who is 3 years older than her brother) and has been dealing with infertility for 3 years before they were successful in achieving this pregnancy. This is truly an answer to prayer.

  5. So much to pray about! So many that I know have cancer…we ourselves lost 8 people (family members) in 13 months. What I’m so thankful for is that in my darkest nights, when I can’t pray, He understands my groanings!

  6. Your recent entry is very inspiring. Being able to pray at any time during the day really is a blessing. God bless you and Richard. Also thank you for sharing your anniversary trip pictures. They are beautiful.


  7. I was just thinking about this same verse yesterday. For the first time in some years (we will say).. I had the chance to teach kindergarten and first graders.. Oh what joy!!! I asked them about their needs, their prayer request… what tender little hearts… I had a chance to talk to them about praying for or about them… Thanks

  8. Prayer indeed is a very powerful tool that we have to use any time we need or want to. Prayer is a building block for us to stand on when we talk to God. Praying for others is so important. God does hear our prayers and responds to them in His timing. He hears all our prayers and I am thankful for such a loving Father.

  9. I’ve been told that all my life as well Wanda. God will answer prayers in HIS time and HIS way and we may not like the answer he provides to us. Thank you for your writing. You was my first Amish fiction writer!! I pray that God continue to bless you with your writing and your husband for the beautiful photos he takes!

  10. I agree, we must keep on praying. My former students often ask me to pray for them, and thus my prayer list becomes longer. Thank you for the reminder, Wanda.

  11. Like you my list is continuing to grow where prayer exist. I, too am grateful for prayer and the ability to pray whenever and wherever I am am or need too. I consider it a honor to pray for others, and usually they are the ones on my list, although lately we (hubby and I) have been going through a major season of change and so my prayers have been directed more along those lines. I know God has a plan and we want his will in this.

  12. Enjoyed your blog today , to think that we can pray at anytime or any place. What a comforting thought. Thanks.

  13. It is such a wonderful blessing to know that you can pray any time of the day and He will always hear you. I find myself praying so often during the day when things just pop into my head. Whether I am praying about certian issues that I am dealing with or about people that I encounter, I know that He is always listening. Sometimes I feel as if I am praying too much or about things that are not important, but then I remember that we are to pray without ceasing. Thank you for reminding all of us!

  14. Thanks for the reminders. I have been reminded more recently to pray without ceasing as a friend has gone to the mission field for a year! With her and the people she works with on my mind, it reminds me to be thankful for all that I have as well as lift her up in prayer.

  15. Pray without ceasing says the lord. We have a family member that is an atheist. Our children ask when will god answer our prayers. Pray without ceasing says the lord!

  16. I think praying anytime of the day is a blessing. I think prayers do work too. I had people pray for me when I was really sick. And I have been cancer free now for 14 years!

  17. What a wonderful gift we are given to be able to pray at any time and know our Heavenly Father hears us. Without prayer I don’t know where my life would be. God knows what I need when I need it and when I ask him in Prayer or Praise him for prayers answered I have absolute joy in my heart.

  18. This week, we are praying without ceasing for a precious baby, Peyton, from our church. This sweet baby has a tumor on her liver, and will begin her 3rd round of chemo tonight. Through it all, she’s a sweet, happy baby. Prayers for her parents & grandparents.
    Also keeping my daughters in prayer.
    Thank-you, Wanda!!

  19. I pray each day, but I know I need to pray for our President more and our government. So many times we all pray for our own special needs and we should be so many times we forget about those running our government and then we wonder why things are so wrong. We as Christians should all try to remember on a daily basis to pray for those in charge of our Governments and schools and expecially the President, to follow Gods will. Also, we, my family and I, always thank God for his mercy and providing for us each day. We try to get our children to thank God each day for things He has given them.

  20. I pray for my family for there salvation every day. I agree we should pray without ceasing all day every day.

  21. There is so much sickness and sadness in our world….always someone that is need of our prayers. So thankful that we have a God that listens anytime when we call on him. We can always cast our cares and burdens on him. He will always answer. God Bless.

  22. There seems to always be someone special that is in need of prayer every day. There is a man with brain cancer and cancer in both lungs that needs prayer along with his family as he is in end stage. I know from personal experience that it is really hard on the family. My Mom died 24 1/2 yrs. ago with cancer. It is not an easy road, but God did not promise us all good days. We must lean on Him and trust that He will see us through. I thank God every day for His blessings. I have CML that has been non-detectable for about 3 yrs. now because God gave man the wisdom to make a daily medication that keeps the leukemia from rearing it’s ugly head. Thank You Jesus for my health and my Gleevec.

  23. I am thankful for the opportunity to pray anytime I may need or want to. I would pray today for those without a job that soon their luck will change.

  24. The Lord seems to be talking to me about prayer lately, and this ties in perfectly with it. What a blessing to read this. Thank you!

  25. I talk to God often but I have found recently, that I need to thank Him more often. When I am being thankful for Him and the things He has does, it changes the way I look at everything else. My thankfullness makes God more real and intimate to me. Seeing God in a variety of ways throughout the day helps me share Him with my family as well.

  26. Thank you Wanda God just answered a prayer for my sister and I am so very thankfully for that. Love that all we need do is ask and he will answer. Sometimes I think that all we ever do is ask, ask, ask…but God wants us to do that.. Love that too.

  27. Prayer is the only way to life’s answer’s….God hears us…pray like there is no tomorrow………and yes God answers prayer’s…just be patient…he loves all of his children

  28. i pray every day morning and night in between when i need to our some thing fall’s in my heart to pray i pray for family friend’s and i pray for ppl that i never might i always thank the lord for what i have and other’s are blessed with wait they need right now we were hit with a big snow strom over sunday and sunday night our power is out and i guess the lord say fit that we didn’t need it right now they say sunday the 26 is when they might get to use there are 10 house on our road we are using a genarator right now keep me in your’s all prays god bless

  29. I got on my facebook page today and there were more statuses for prayer requests than I have ever seen at once. They weren’t related to each others requests and some of them came from people who are non-believers. God answers prayers and the support we give each other through praying strengthens our relationships. Thank you for your Godly books and for sharing your wit and wisdom!

  30. each day I pray for God’s loving strength and to wrap His arms around all I love and those needing His guidance.

  31. Our sermon on Sunday morning was about Praying for each others needs.
    God hears and does answer our Prayers.

  32. I pray for my daughter and my grandson’s. She is going through a rough time right now. I tell her to pray let god work in her life.

  33. I.m very much in need of your prayers. I have took care of my mother for 2 1/2 years, she has
    alzheimers. Now I need guardianship to protect my mom. Please pray for us ! I have friends, doctors
    to say {I, took good care of her}, which I have. Please pray for Gods will! The court hearing is
    March 5th. Please pray for me to stay strong! I truly beg your prayers! God Bless!

  34. I pray everyday and include people I do not know. I also pray daily for world peace. I am a firm beleiver that everything that happens happens for a reason even if we wonder why

  35. At this time in our history, we must all pray for our country without ceasing. What happens in America will affect everyone including the Amish.

  36. I pray everyday for my dear friend who has been fighting cancer for a year. She had bee cancer free for almost 10 years then boom its back! This cancer is very aggressive and has taken everything out of her but her will to fight it. I know shes praying as well.

  37. Prayers are so important. Right now I say extra prayers for my mom, who has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and faces surgery soon. I know God hears our prayers and answers them.

  38. I too have a long prayer list. Besides praying for unsaved, sick, shut-ins, elderly, widows, and those grieving loss of loved ones, especially widows. I pray through the church family directory once a week, and have other church families I lift up by name different days..Past Pastors and present ministers, ministries and missionaries. and favorite authors, which means you as well as others.

  39. Wanda, thank you for sharing regarding your prayer life. I joined Amish Living a few years ago, and last summer discovered that they had a prayer request group. I joined, and my prayer life has been so enriched over the past several months. It is a blessing to pray for others’ needs, and to know that others care and pray for whatever needs I may have. If we keep God foremost in our lives then prayer comes naturally. I can’t remember where I read it, but I learned that the best format for praying is 1) Praise God, 2) Thank God, 3) Confess sins & ask forgiveness, 4) Ask for needs. I like to end my prayers praising God. Thank you for another opportunity to win your wonderful books.

  40. I just entered to win this book along with two others on Christian book. So amazed to find it on my facebook too. I’ll email you as soon as I get to my email.
    God Bless.

  41. I love your post. Prayer is something i forget to do at times, but i know God is always with me and in my heart.

  42. I pray for family and friends each day as well as guidance and wisdom for myself. Reading your novels, Wanda, whose characters show such faith and strong prayer lives, strengthens my resolve to have a strong prayer life.

  43. Our message on Sunday was Prayer and be stedfast. There is so much answer in prayer. I pray and also say praises in prayer. Without the Lord and prayer we have nothing. Wanda your books are so inspirational. We can’t hardly wait for the next one to come out.

  44. Prayer indeed is a very powerful tool I was 5 or 6 year old when I remember my mother reading the bible and telling me god is my father and jesus is my brother as I grow up I learn more and more everyday and I steal learning but if I know one thing it is parying. god want you to need him some people think twice before they pary woundering is this to much. It’s never to much or never to late to pary god hears our parys.

  45. Wanda, the list does get longer and longer, but you know what? There are many many things and people that you love enough to pray about them. People in passing during the day, whatever. It shows how much you appreciate and love.

  46. After reading your entry I’m reminded of a song that goes something like this:
    There’s power in prayer….power to spare
    All that we’ll ever need is waiting right there
    A few words, a child’s faith
    And it’s goodbye despair
    Oh there’s power, so much power
    There’s power in prayer

    God is good & it’s good to know we can always go to Him in prayer!

  47. You are right Wanda god dose hear our prayers me and my family and firend go through good times and bad times but we have God and Juses and some times our prayers may not be answered in the way we would like but in the end we know it was for the best. my sister had a miscarriage It was horrible every one was sooo happy she was going to have a baby but I told her it was God’s will and the baby is in heaven and I paryed to God for her. And not to long after that she was pregnant again and she has a beautiful baby boy he is 8 lbs. 20 inches a week old now and we thank god everyday for him.

  48. I was just thinking about this! Literately, two minutes ago. I pray all the time for guidance on decisions for my life and to seek out happiness. Things are finally turning around. Patience is key!

  49. Each morning, I take time to lock myself in my prayer closet and go through a lond list on a legal pad of praises, prayer needs and requests.
    Throughout the day, it only takes seconds to send a message to God, the line is never busy and I’m never on hold, it is such a grand blessing to know He is there, no matter what, no matter when.

  50. Great post! We tend to forget that prayer is supposed to be a continual dialogue throught the day – not just presenting our requests, but praising Him for all our many blessings, and for Him being who He is.

  51. I try to remember the promises in God’s word when I pray, and thank Him ahead of time for honoring His word. I believe thanking Him in advance of seeing the answer coupled with waiting without fear, demonstrates to the Father that I love and trust Him and that my faith is settled squarely on Him. God is so very good!

  52. Wow, Wanda, how timely. I’ve just been talking to my sister about this very thing. Praying without ceasing and thanking God (trusting Him) for the answer.

    I would love to win books to read and share.

    God bless!

  53. God answered a prayer of my heart yesterday–and I’m so excited! And He did it in such a way that I KNEW it was of Him!

  54. Wanda, I find myself praying (in my mind) almost constantly. I read about folks asking for prayer here on FB and pray immediately for them, then see the next one, then a family member or a friend will come to mind and I pray for them then and there. It is amazing to me how the Lord brings folks to mind, over and over throughtout the day. Even better is seeing answers to many prayers. God never ceases to amaze me with His answers, though they are not always the ones that I asked for, they are always the RIGHT ones. Blessings. Trish

  55. There is so much power in prayer!!! I am so thankful that our Heavenly Father knows our hearts and prayers when we are unable to pray at times.

  56. I honestly find myself praying with most every breath I take except when I’m talking to a human being. It takes a life filled with prayer to live in this sinful world.
    Thanks for the books you write. They are wonderful!

  57. Lately I have been praying everyday asking the Lord to give my daughter a job. She just graduated nursing school and is having a hard time finding a job. At times, it seems like I am asking him for a lot and not really thinking him for the blessings he has already given me.

  58. What a great read for me today. Our friend lost her husband this week, the answer to our prayers was No, it was not meant for him to be healed. What a good reminder for me that God was hearing our prayers.

  59. I find myself praying for my husbands health with almost every breath.We have been married for 12 yrs and he has been very ill the whole 12 yrs 🙁 I pray the Good Lord will restore his health!Thanks for the reminder to thank the Good Lord for answering my prayers before hand 🙂

  60. I always begin my prayers with Matthew Chapter 6 verses 9-13. I pray for others before myself.

    Have a Blessed week.

  61. Thank you, Wanda, for reminding us of the power of prayer. How many situations go unaswered because we forgot to pray about them. Blessings, Judy Gobble

  62. The power of prayer is amazing. My mother had surgery to remove cancer a year ago, and when she went for a check-up the doctor found something. He sent her for a CT scan. We’ve had to wait a week for the results. And in the meantime, the only thing that made me feel less helpless was praying, asking others to pray, and just giving it over to Him. She found out Thursday that she is cancer-free, PRAISE GOD.

  63. Thanks for reminding me about the power of prayer. Their have been So So many of my prayers have been filled over the years. Some were no, some were yes, and others its a working process but Gods sees what would benefit us and what wouldn’t. I am so thankful for all the things I do have in my life. Thanks for reminding us to pray and to be thankful for our answered and unanswered prayers. God is the higher power he know what is best for each and every one of us.

  64. I pray everyday and I am so glad I can. I pray for my family, friends and neighbors and anyone I think needs prayers. I am so glad that I can pray, especially at night as I have trouble sleeping and before I know it I can go back to sleep. We are so lucky to have the freedoms that we do.

  65. Prayer goes along way! A prayer can help u heal after a tragedy after losing loved ones. Prayersa are not always anwser right away. Be patient! Love & prayers to all!

  66. I do not know how people live without prayer. I find myself praying all throughout the day. My life would not be complete with the Lord to talk to. If I did not have him to talk to I would be lost and cannot imagine the feeling of loneliness people must feel who do not know Him.