Wanda’s Journal

Love Beyond Measure

I recently heard a saying that really touched my heart: “The very best we can give each other is love.” In my devotional book, “A Celebration of the Simple Life,” I mention that people who seek the good of others have an attitude that pleases God. God’s Word commands us to love one another and to love Him with our heart, soul, and mind. Can you imagine how different our world would be if everyone loved God and their fellow humans?

Some time ago I wrote a poem about love that I call, “Loving Attitude.” The first verse goes like this:
Let no bad thoughts toward anyone stay in your mind.
Observe the Golden Rule and to others be kind.
Vow to treat those you meet as you want them to treat you.
Emphasize a caring attitude in all that you do.

Is there something special you can do for someone you love today? What are some ways you can show love to others?

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    1. I would love to win one of your books, I am a HUGE fan of yours. Right now I am reading the Kentucky Brothers Series! You are a gifted writer, blessed by God!

  1. We can show love in many different ways. Today I choose to be kind, and share a smile with everyone I meet!

  2. I have chosen to show love to a loved one by forgiving them. Only the ones we love have the capability to hurt us emotionally, beyond measure…but when they are fully repentant, and come to us seeking our forgiveness, we can only do what Jesus has done…forgive.

  3. I also think the world would be a much better place if we all God with all of our hearts and treated others with the same love, respect, and dignity that we want others to treat us with. I am baffled more and more each day by God’s love and I try to live that love to other’s so that I can show them Jesus.

  4. I am truely blessed in my life showing love to my children and grandchildren but also teaching the kids at church ….. may god bless you real good :o)


  6. I try to find the good in everyone I have talked about this with a Amish friend Your poem is also inspiring Keep up the good work Love your books. God bless

  7. Just sharing a smile with someone you don’t know will brighten their day. As far as our loved ones go…always remember to be kind, helpful and caring. It’s usually our loved ones that we take for granted. Some people are scared of giving hugs and saying ‘I love you!’ They want to, but something holds them back…..Just do it. Quit thinking about it and do it! Because tomorrow may be too late……. angadair@nwcable.net

  8. Showing love can be done if many different ways, as a mom and foster mom, I’ve found that each child needs to be loved in different ways. One of the best ways I’ve found though is by putting down what ever I’m doing and listen to my kids.

  9. You can show love to others by always remembering the “golden rule”…”do unto others as you would have done unto you”! We all wish to be treated with love and kindness and we would do well to remember to treat those that we love and care for the same as we would like to be treated. And remember to always share a smile…we never know what others are going through! God blesses us each day, it is kind to share that blessing with those we love and those we meet…pay it forward.

    God bless you!

  10. Loving someone is different for each person and God’s greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself….if your like me you think of yourself all the time. Your needs, wants, etc. However loving someone can be simply being there, helping them out, visit with coffee or tea, help someone with no strings attached! To me that is how I love and aspire to love each person I come unto contact with… ioften fail but that is where God can do the rest in even my small advances

  11. It is often so easy to seek the worst of others and then be discouraged when you find it! I like your phrase “seek the good of others”. Isn’t that what the Lord is doing? He is seeking our best. Hallelujah!

    Thank you so much for the reminder.

  12. Stricking up a friendly conversation with shoppers a work , seems to make them happier. I guess that I always go out of my way to make everyone I see feel a little briter.

  13. Feb. 6, 2012 Love your family each day. There is no way to catch up tomorrow on things not done today. No one ever gets tired of hearing “I Love You” so say it often.

  14. I am truly blessed. Although I have no children, God has blessed me with 15 nieces and nephews, and (AS OF TODAY AT 11:15) 3 GREAT-NIECES and 4 GREAT- NEPHEWS, who all call me Nanny and show me as much love as any children could.

  15. Sharing a smile is a great way to let God’s love shine through you. Set an example, I try to do this every day. Somedays it might be harder than others, but then I remember, God gave the ultimate sacrifice in His son, it won’t hurt us to smile at someone even when we don’t feel it in side. Most of the time, once you smile, you realize it’s not so bad after all. Amen!

  16. Today was my husband and I’s second wedding anniversary. In the past two years, we have had a daughter together – she is now 13 months) and had a lot of good times together. He has also been to 5 drug treatment facilities. This is not the road that I had planned
    to be on, in our first few years of marriage, however, 2 years ago today I promised to love him forever, and I will. I know God has mighty plans for myself, my husband, and our family as a whole, and while there has been much pain over the past few years, he has blessed us abundantly. We are currently unable to live together, but my prayer is for our family to one day be whole.

    I love my husband, and others, because He first loved me.

    1. I am praying for your family. I admire you and the fact that you respect your wedding vows. So many others would have bowed out by now and given up. I pray that your family will be restored and under one roof very soon. God Bless You †

  17. My grandaughter Katie says it best, the other day she told me ….I know you love me Grandma and I asked her how she knows and she said because you spend time with me and read to me and then she told me “I love you Grandma to the moon an back….I love that little girl so very much. Katie is only 7…..and she gets IT…..

  18. I made a new friend tonight at Weight Watchers — probably what would seem like an unlikely friendship to others, because we come from two different cultures that don’t always mix. I don’t reach out very easily to others, because I’m pretty reserved (some might say painfully shy!), but I’m glad that I took the time to get to know her. And it’s good to support each other through the highs, and sometimes lows, of our weight loss journey. Showing love to another person can be as simple as reaching out to them with a few words of encouragement, or just a listening ear. And knowing that you’re pleasing God in the bargain is like icing on the cake!

  19. A kind word a smile a helping hand a simple word of thanks goes so far in making someones day and showing the love that is needed. It helps so many people feel loved happy and needed. I tyr to do this everyday….

  20. SayIng a kind word, helping without being asked, giving someone a hug or a smile. We love because he first loved us!

  21. Working with the public on a daily basis, I try to give each person that enters our door a welcoming smile and a “Good Morning! How are you?” I tell each one that I assist that if they need anything all they have to do is holler. I everyone to feel as welcome there as they are in my home.

  22. I think your right Wanda be kind to others is the way of life I’m happy to see more people out there like me you don’t see that now a days like helping an old lady across the street or giving money to homeless I try my best to help others and it makes me feel good knowing I’m not crazy for helping people in need.

  23. Sometimes just knowing that a friend, a loved one, or a family member only needs one thing from you, ears to listen….I try to always listen..sometimes not with my ears, but with my heart!!!

  24. I show the love of God to the ones I don’t know with a friendly smile and saying hi. I enjoy showing to kids at church by leading the kids choir and teaching a Sunday school class. Also by being a youth leader to our teen group.

  25. Doing something or being there for someone out of the love in your heart for God and not expecting something back in return is a wonderful way of showing others love. God Bless >

  26. I can show love to others by being there and listening. It amazes me how often I hear but I don’t really listen. When you really care for someone you care about what they have to say. Thanks for sharing part of your poem. 🙂

  27. On my way to work today, I heard a sermon on the radio about this same message. When I got home, my neighbor, who is 85yrs young, had fallen in his yard. I immediately ran over to try and help him up. He was more concerned about me and trying not to hurt me as I was helping him up. God’s love is all around us, and we are to do what he created us for; to praise Him, and to love Him and others.

  28. We can show love to others by simply treating them as we ourselves would like to be treated. Be understanding, supportive and show forgiveness. And also taking the time to do something for someone in need is a wonderful way to show love towards others.

  29. A smile goes a long way with people. It could make someone who is upset feel much better after seeing that everything will be better. A hug makes a big impression to anyone. Sometimes people need a hug because they are sad or stressed out. Just a good deed is a great way to show love to someone. When a person goes out of there way, leaves an unforgettable impression to the person you help. That person will never forget what you did for them.

  30. I think you can do little things all day, every day to show your love to your family, and if you’re having a bad day and are grumpy, let them know that it’s not them you’re mad at, it’s yourself. And always be willing to forgive mistakes and/or accidents that happen.

  31. I share love by being kind to others, and showing others respect and honesty. Many times when in the store I move back in line just so the person ahead of me with less items can go first. I also show love by giving as much as I can to others. This may be me donating my time, helping in a can food drive, or giving to the shelter what I do not need.

  32. I enjoy your books so much. When I’m reading one, I lose myself into a different time and place……..I can leave behind my daily stresses and fast paced life. They make me long for simpler times!

  33. I try to show love by doing little things to help out. For example, my husband likes to cook, but doesn’t like to chop up all the veggies, so we have a joke that I am his sous chef, and I do all the chopping for him. If there are other things he doesn’t like to do and I don’t mind then I’ll do them for him and he does the same for me.
    I’d love to win autographed copies of your books Wanda. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

  34. I try to show my love to others thru my decorative painting and enjoy the happiness they show when they receive something I make especially for them.

    1. My address is Jessie Berkebile 12199 79th Avenue Seminole, Fl. 33772. 727-397-5845. Hi Wanda, Let me know if you are signing any books in our area this year. Would love to see you again.

  35. I would love to reach out to a past friend who unfriended me a few months ago. I pray for her daily, that God will open her heart to me and renew our relationship.

    One way that I reach out to others is offering a smile to everyone I meet, just passing through the store, or wherever I might be. A smile given receives one in return.

  36. I really needed to hear this today!I have been having family struggles and reading this has made how much I fall behind on this scripture.Thanks Wanda for your encouraging words 🙂

  37. You have a wonderful gift. I always enjoy your books. I’ve bookmarked your blog and look forward to future words of encouragement. Blessings.

  38. Wow…….so true…we should all love beyond measure……..show others you love and care for them because after they are gone its a little to late……Wanda’s wonderful books set such sweet memories of love, caring and family…examples that we all should have and strive for in real life….thank you Wanda for such heart=warming stories………babyruthmac16@yahoo.com

  39. So many things would be different if more people could forgive and forget . Show love and kindness to all those they pass as they go about their day in work and play . A smile and word of kindness to those that serve us food at a restaurant or check out at the store . We don’t know what their going through , a child or parent very sick or dieing . A smile , kind word just might help a bit or change a life .

  40. I try to see the good in everyone and smile at those around me. Sometimes a smile can make all the difference for that person and it amazing to see them smile back at you. I try to treat others the way I would like to be treated. Thanks for a chance to win an autographed copy of your book. I love your books! Blessings, Tina

  41. I always try to say a kind word, smile, hold a door for someone, just be pleasant to the people I meet during my day. I firmly believe that if you are pleasant, other people will be too.

  42. Today has been a more trying day than most for me and to read this post really inspired me to let my children know how much I love them and they mean to me, even if at times I am not fully showing it.
    We then went over what we are grateful for today….To hear my son tell me he is grateful for his lovely momma and his little family made my heart melt and realize that they need to know they are appreciated just like we do as an adult!

  43. I think we so often complain about things and rarely praise. I was recently in a Subway and there was only one sandwich artist working. She was obviously very busy but greeted us right away and then apologized when she took our order. She was so patient and smiley through out the entire time. I have been wanting to call the manager to tell him/her what a good employee they have. I think I needed this gentle reminder!

  44. I’ve seen so much pain in my friends lately that I became overwhelmed with the need to take it to God. I went to him in prayer, cried, read my Bible, and lifted those names and situations up. My heart overflows for others who are struggling. Laying it all at the feet of Jesus is the best thing I know how to do for them.

  45. There are many ways to show love. Seeing each other and through the eyes of Christ,through someone who was willing to sacrifice Himself for us. Seeing each other this way makes us more willing to forgive and less likely to take or offer offense. It helps us see the intentions and motives of eachother and give each other the benefit of the doubt. That is how you show love. When the heart and attitude are right the appropriate actions come naturally.
    Shannon Wiebe

  46. It is amazing when I see someone in a store, the post office, etc. who looks so sad and lonely, and when I smile and simply say, “I love your sweater”, or something else their face lights up! In that moment they transform into a whole new person. I try to do that every chance I get. I love God so much and it amazes me that He sent His Son to die for my soul! Our pastor always says, “We need Him, but He wants us!” I love that! †

  47. I try and do simple nice things for everyone, and sometimes when I do that person asks why? It always shocks me that just doing something nice, people think you want something in return. I tell them, imagine if we all did one nice thing today! Like open a door for someone, or give someone some money that they need! If we all did something that someone needed that day, imagine how great ALL our days would be! Sometimes I need some change for a parking meter, if someone just came up and just gave it to you, and you kept it going…life would be awesome! To me that is love. And I try to make it my mission to do something nice for a stranger everytime I leave the house!

  48. It feels so good just to stop and say a prayer. Then take a deep breath …. then everthings feels so much better.

  49. I try to do one simple thing for someone I don’t know. Imagine if everyone today just did one nice thing, how awesome would your day be? I think that is love, and it would be such an awesome place to live!

  50. I think the biggest way to show kindness is by simply recognizing the other person’s existence. A hello., a smile , a nod of the head, they all let someone know their existence is valued.

  51. I’ve been really blessed by the books you write. It is very refreshing to read of a simpler life. We get so caught up in our chaos, that we forget that we need people and relationships in our lives!!

  52. best way i found when slowing kinds is when some one is at the end of there rope just been there helping them and talking to them cook a meal for a family in need our babbysit for a new mom walk a dog for elder man our women that can’t get out in the snow clean there walk way off in the winter time our just stop buy say hello to them our buy for some one gas our food when u are in line just say hello to some one u not know i just what to let u know what i have done for kind;s over the years there simple thing but mean alot to othere’s god bless u

  53. I have just recently lost my mother but one of the most precious memories I have of her is the way she showed her love to her friends & family. Her way of showing her love was a simple phone call. She always had a way of knowing when one of her friends was in need. I have vowed to my self that when a friend or family members pops into my head to take it as a hint that I need to call that person. I have only been doing this a short time but I am amazed what a difference it has made to my friends & family. Many have told me when I called that they were in need of hearing a friendly voice. In today world we are so wrapped up in the technology that we sometimes forget about the personal touch.

  54. I’m a stay at home mom to my two children. Ages two and three months. How can you not show love to those two wonderful babies!!! They get many many hugs and kisses everyday!!! My, has God has blessed me with so much!!!

    1. We are in a small bible group because our church is large. We love all the people but you don’t get to meet everyone in the church. But regarless of what problems they have you love them anyway. Love goes a long ways. With the Lord’s love you grow to love any color,age,or religion. Our Lord has blessed us with so much love.

  55. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. Anyone that truly loves another like God loved us will never feel alone.

  56. We’re trying to remodel our bathroom (discovered the leak this morning, had to rip out the cabinet, tweek off the pipe, all that).. Last night our breaks went in the car. Thankfully we made it home in one peice, but everything going on required hubby to stay home from work, so missed wages, ect. Thru these high stress situations, we’re being patient with one another, and making sure we are helpful (which is love). I have faith this will all be fixed soon (car is just about done thank goodness, next is to go pick out a sink and what not from the home improvement store)..

    I just thank god that we were able to stop the car last night NOT by accident, but by gently coasting. God was looking out for our family. It could have been alot worse. Thankfully my 2 children are safe and sound. Thank God for that.

  57. I just now found you website and really liked what you shared. I enjoy being kind to strangers and talking to them when I am out and about. Sometimes it’s easier being kind to people you don’t know than to some of your family members that continually hurt you. I need to continually ask God to heip me forgive as I want to be forgiven. I am so blessed to have a wonderful husband who loves me for who I am and 2 wonderful children and a delightful daughter-in-law. I have just discovered your books this past summer and love to get lost in the stories. I enjoy going into the story and imagining the countyside, the food and being inside the characters homes and lives. You have such a gift and I thank God and you for sharing it with others. God bless you!

  58. Small acts of kindness can go a long way….it can be a simple gesture like asking an elderly person how they are doing today or going out of your way to open a door for someelse else. Think of one single act of kindness every day!

  59. Pay it forward at a fast food drive thru and pay for the person in the car behind you and leave a tract from your church for them.

  60. First of all I love your books too, they are an inspirational and comforting to me also. I am sure glad that I found your newest contest so that I could enter it. Your journal entry, “Love Beyond Measure, really hit home this week. Especially this one, Observe the Golden Rule and be kind to others. I always try to do to this to new people I meet, family members, friends, ect… and so forth. Sometimes it is our own close family members that pulls us in the wrong direction or puts us down because they might see that one has more than the other or in other words they might be jealous of what you have, which by all means is mean and selfish. I personality think my sister is so jealous of me that it hurts me. My sister can’t work because she has back problems and a few other things but her husband works to provide for them. The one major problem my sister faces today and everyday is that she doesn’t manage her family’s income and comes calling to me to help her out but I just can’t do this any more because for one it was so hard to get the money back that I had lent her a week ago. Another reason is that I have just recently lost my job so money is very tight right now for my own family so this cuts out helping her with her money issues. I just know in a few weeks she will be asking for help again and this time i have to be strong enough to let her know that I can’t help her through this any more. I think it makes her mad to have to pay me back the money she had got form me to begin with. I am sorry just venting some I guess, it helps to get it out in the open and maybe someone else might be going through the same thing too in the mist of being family.

    Observe the Golden Rule and be kind to others. This is such a strong statement to follow at times but I agree if we all did this to everyone we meet it would be awesome and great improvement as society as a whole. I always try to be nice, go out of my way to help someone just like the other day i was shopping at the Dollar Store and i just happen to look up and their was my neighbor and sometimes she helps me out by taking me places where i need to go at times. Sometimes she will take gas money but sometimes she will not, well she was buying some coffee and she had asked me if I had needed a ride home, well I said yea sure I will take the ride home then she had to go to her van to get the money for her coffee and then she came back in to find me well I was getting some stuff that I myself was out of so I just said I would pay for coffee along with the stuff that I was getting there too. She was so thankful for that, I know because she has a hard time making it on her monthly check each month. She is wield at times but who isn’t. She also will out of her way to help me too if she can.

    I try to always let my family know that I love them and I will go out of my way to help make them happy. Either it’s by having a hot supper fixed for them sometimes it’s by folding up their laundry and putting it away for them. I always try to do something nice for them.

  61. One way we can show love to others is by simply listening to others hurts and offering an encouraging word to those who need uplifted. Just by letting someone know we are there for them and love them can make a difference in their life.

  62. I’ve been working on putting others before myself and letting go of the small things we tend to get hung up on.

  63. LOVE LOVE LOVE your books!!! Can not put them down!! Keep them coming please~you are doing great! THANK YOU!!!!!!

  64. Love unconditionally!!! Be there when needed and do not judge.. I help people when needed and ask nothing in return and expect nothing…
    Love your books, hard to put one down..

  65. Just a simple smile can go along way! I try to do this everyday to everyone I meet because a smile is contagious and will spread happiness!


  66. There is too much ‘world’ in God’s people today, that they can’t hear the still small voice of the Holy Spirit.

    Having lived around the Amish in Northwestern Pennsylvania for many years, I know that our spiritual beliefs are some different. My husband had the opportunity to talk with an influential Amish man one time. Though they still disagree on a few things, they parted as friends.

    The Amish have skills that have become lost to the general public, which would be well to consider. I do appreciate their crafts and living simply. Just read your book The White Christmas Pie, and I couldn’t put it down. It transported me to that place to witness the stories of the Hendersons and Yoders. The conviction about pride and bitterness which were related are serious lessons to be considered for so many. May I say, Thank You, Mrs. Brunstetter!

  67. I think that the best way to show love to others is to listen without condemning what the other person says. Sometimes my daughter calls me at lunch when she is having a bad day at work to “vent”. I hope that my being willing to listen to her helps make things better.

  68. My little boy is extremely sick today…it makes me so sad. I love him with all my heart and try my “mommy’s best” to take care of the little one God gave me!~ I love your books…they always bring a smile to my Heart!
    ~Lisa Cantrell

  69. I try and have a good attitude at home and work. Some days it is more of a struggle than others. It takes way less energy to have a positive attitude than constantly finding things to be negative about!

  70. It’s loving everything about your spouse even when they wake you up with snoring as it happens with me on numerous occasions. I can sit their grumbling about it and keep him awake so I either pray to give me sleep or get up for a while to let my husband sleep who is often awake from pain during the night or stays awake until I fall asleep because of his snoring. Love is making little sacrifices for the one you love and making sure they are comfortable.

  71. I have a sign over my kitchen doorway that says “do unto others as you would have others do unto you”. I taught my kids this and always use this saying in my life as a nurse and in my charity helping babies and parents. A very small gesture of love can go a long way. I am using Gods gift to me to crochet much needed items for babies in need to bring comfort to their parents. Every stitch i make is made with love!

  72. Last night in our church College and Career group, our message was on love and marriage. We talked about how a man and woman’s marriage should be a symbol of God’s love for His church. A local radio station here in Nova Scotia is actually giving away a free DIVORCE for Valentine’s Day this year, it just goes to show how the world’s view of love is so different from that of a Christian. I think to show our love to our spouse, or significant other, we can stay faithful, just like God is always faithful to us.

  73. I love your books and they are helping me in a lot of ways to become a better person. The things I used to just ignore now I ask if someone needs help or offer to listen if they need to talk. God is Awesome and he is helping me with so many things right now that it is hard to write them all down. Thank you Wanda. Through your books you have helped me more than you know 🙂

  74. I am one of the rare ‘MEN” that loves to read Amish novels. Wanda’s stories are sooooo great! I can take my mind off my problems and I can imagine being one of the characters in her books. Yes, love is not love unless it is unconditional. Love is patient, love is kind. The Creator of all mankind taught us in 1st Corinthians 13 what love is all about. Always putting others first and always wanting others to be happy! We MUST love w/ God’s love or we will fall short of the best kind of love for others. Thanks for reading this!

  75. My being there to offer love & support for family and friends when needed. Love all your books. They just don’t come out fast enough!!

  76. Before the summer of 2012 arrives I will have read all the series you’ve written: Indiana Cousins; Brides of Lehigh Canal; Daughters of Lancaster County; Brides of Lancaster County; Sisters of Holmes County; Brides of Webster Counth; and at Christmas 2011 read Log Cabin Christmas. Thank you so much for coming into my life with your wonderful books. May God continue to bless you in your writing.

  77. I am a Chaplain with the fire service and I go onto scenes where people have lost their homes and belongings or even a loved one or pets. I give them encouragement, help locate family members and agencies that will help. I also go on car accidents to help give first aid and comfort those who need it.. I work with the patients as well as firefighters. I love helping people. A kind word or a hug goes a long way in letting people know they are not alone.
    I love reading your books, I get them from the library and I can’t put it down. I get inspiration from reading these books, and sometimes the book addresses what I might be going through at that time. Thank you!

    KAREN khsmith97217@yahoo.com

  79. I so enjoy the gentle wisdom that comes through your stories. They help me focus on the things I love about my friends and overlook the little things that annoy sometimes. Would love to win these signed copies of your books. Thanks!

  80. Taking a little extra time to help somone in need as maybe someone needing help reaching something on shelf in a store or just something as simple as holding a door
    Open for someone. Wanda I have always enjoyed reading your novels and visiting your website. May God Bless you for many more years to come.

  81. I love reading your books. They are relaxing, enlightening, lifting and just fun. Even books that have very sad occurrences in them which bring tears to my eyes are done so well. I hope to win but best of luck to everyone!

  82. I have always said that respect is a two-way street, you get what you give. If you want respect & kidness you have to give it. Lately i am finding that hard to do but i remind myself daily….sometimes hourly! Thank you so much for your loving books..they do bring peace to my heart!!!

  83. Wanda I absolutely Love your books. I buy them and read them quickly, then donate them to the library where I work. I sure wish you could come to our Library for a book signing. Keep on writing!!and Thanks!!

  84. I agree that a simple smile can brighten anyone’s day, including my own. I am conscience of what others do for me and always remember to say thanks for their efforts and/or generosity. I enjoy doing whatever I can for family and friends to show my love and support and know they will always be there for me also.
    I have been intrigued by the Amish for quite some time and always look forward to your next book. Keep on writing!!

  85. The way I show love has been greatly influenced by your novels about the Amish. I taught myself how to can jams, and now I always have a bunch of differrnt variaties of them. When I know that someone I know is ill, sad, lonely or just in need of some love, I make up a basket of my jams, put in a little bible verse and give it to them. I have alot of widows that live next to me and I always enjoy stopping by with my jams and talking to them. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of stopping by and talking with someone that can make their day. Thank you for reading this and God bless !

  86. my husband does simple things everyday to let me know that he loves me. he surprised by cleaning my oven while i was gone to the quilt guild, he will empty the dishwasher when i least expect it.so i don’t need expensive gifts ,i love the every day gifts

  87. Today at church was so very uplifting… preacher said to say hello to those around you and introduce yourself because we are all “God’s Family”…. and then we sang “Lean on Me”… so VERY touching and uplifting!! It is true – we really do need one another – so reach out with LOVE and be there for one another with even the smallest kind word or deed. Imagine for a moment what a wonderful world it could and would be!!

  88. I am showing love to my family by spending the day with them. We have been so busy with basketball season, my kids both playing and my husband & I helping with the kids sports program. My kids have been so good about us being so busy the last three months, so we are enjoying a nice quiet day together at home, until my daughter’s basketball this afternoon, that is. But we are spending it as a family & showing our love for each other and just enjoying the day together.

  89. Todays lesson at church for my kids was about the love God has for us. I tried to make it a point to the kids to love like Gods loves them. Enjoy your books and you blogs.

  90. Wanda, I would be honored to win your books. You are one of my favorite authors, and I first “found” you on the racks placed in the Amish Restaurants in Tusc and Holmes County Ohio. I was born and raised there. I loved knowing that anything I picked from those racks would be a good read, not immoral, not filled with language and scenarios that went against everything I believed in. You have never let me down. Now that I live in the west, one of the things I most miss are my friends and neighbors back home. Each time I read one of your books, it takes me back there. Thank you.

  91. Love brings joy unlike any other experience life can hand us. Without love what do you have to live for each day? Good luck to everyone! And thank you Mrs. Wanda for all your inspirational work that has touch my life and my heart. Just being able to have the opportunity to win one of your books gives me hope and encouragement to fulfill and further enrich my faith and belief in God. May god continue to bless you and your family.

  92. I like to treat others the way I want to be treated!! I smile as much as I can and try to be upbeat and helpful any way I can.

  93. Wanda,
    I love your books. I have read everyone that I could get my hands on. When I see you have written and new one I want to get it so that I can read it. I love to read about the Amish. Enjoy your books they are awesome. I would love to be able to win one of your books. Your are one of my favorite authors. God bless you.

  94. Write a letter of encouragement to someone who could use a pick me up. People love to know that someone is thinking of them. It will definitely brighten someone’s day.

  95. Wanda – I started reading your books about 6 years ago and it opened my curiosity to the Amish people. Since that time, we have made yearly trips to Holmes county. Being Amish isn’t for everyone, but they certainly stand on faith and family. I read your books as soon as they come out – I’m all caught up now. Ready for another read!
    I have even bought Amish cookbooks and made many of their “homespun receipes”. There’s nothing like homemade food to share the love! Thank you for sharing!

  96. I love taking care of other people. My husband has been sick and I have been watching over him plus the last five years I have taken care of all of my stepdads medical needs. The best way to show love is to be there and do what makes people comfortable. I work in retail/grocery store and help alot of elderly when they need it. I have met alot of new friends because they appreciate the help. Everyone should take the time to help others!
    I love all of your books, you are a very talented writer! Have a great day!

  97. Someone that I love very much is “going through something” right now…and to show my love I can be patient, pray for them, and be understanding. We all have mountain tops and valleys in life…we should walk with our loved ones through both!

  98. I have always enjoyed reading what God has laid on your heart! You have not only blessed me, but you are blessing my children through your stories.
    I could go on and on about how to love and show love. From the simple way of showing one that you care, to the open way you say I love you! Trying to teach my kids that the things they say and what they do can either show someone you care about them or show that you don’t. We need to show love in everything we do.

  99. Hi Wanda, thank you for sharing your talents in your writing. Your books are so good, I have a hard time putting them down. I especially love the Amish books. You’re a very gifted writer and you write from the heart. God bless you. Carol

  100. Thank you so much for sharing your gift of writing. I love reading all your work, especially your Amish books. God bless, Carol

  101. I show my husband every day how much I love him by fixing his breakfast and fixing his lunch for work. We can show others our love by simply being there not only in their time of need, but all the time. Sometimes all one needs is a smile or a “Hello”. We can take time out of our busy lives to at least do this to show love to our fellow man. As a Christian, our love should shine through each and every day.

  102. I work at the local hospital and no matter how bad I feel ,,I put on the happy face and go in smiling and hope and pray I make it a better day for the patient….cause their day has to be worse then mine and I want to make it better. Wanda I love your books and have read most of them and hope to finish the ones that I haven’t had the chance too.

  103. We smock baby daygowns for the sickest babies at the VCU NIC-U. For some parents, it is the only tangible memory they have of holding their baby. The pain they must feel…

  104. Ironically, lately I’ve been showing my love to my four year old daughter by disciplining her. It is SO hard at times.!

    I would LOVE to win won of your books…I’m new on the Brunstetter train and have read the Kentucky Brothers series and am now in the Lancaster series. I’m SO close to flipping to the end to find out about Zach, but so far I’ve remained disciplined (ah, that again!) 😉

  105. Hi Wanda,

    I love reading stories about the Amish. I met a few of the people in Kalona, Ia. Our friend lives there. We are from Iowa but we live in Florida now. Wish our lives were more simple like the Amish. Maybe on the new earth-it will be. Love, laughter and JOY! I can’t wait. When will you come to Florida? When I goto the beach by the ocean-it seems I hear God better there in the peacefulness.

  106. To show your love to someone is putting ther need first befor yours. Like is says in 1 Corinthians 13 being patient kind protect isn’t self seeking. You trust. And more its hard to do all these things so u have to trust and pray to God for help. You need to know the person you are showing love too we all don’t have the same love language. Love is a action u choose to do or not to. I choose to love my husben and work on it ever day! Some days are easer then others but I make the chose not to give up:) I leave bible verses in his lunch I make with notes:) tell him thank you for all he does for our family:) thanks

  107. I try to be kind and not hold a grudge against others. I had a very dear neighbor who is gone now
    but she always said it was a sin to hold a grudge. So when I think ill of someone I always hear her telling me this and I try to be more understanding.

  108. Wanda, your writing has given me hours of enjoyment! I’ve learned so much about the faith and love of the Amish community. I try to be helpful and loving to my family and friends. Currently, I am walking three days a week with an elderly friend as part of her therapy after back surgery.

  109. A heartfelt smile makes the world a happier place. I like people, all kinds of people, and it’s a very natural thing for me to smile at others, or even exchange a comment or two. It’s amazing how someone responds to a warm smile and a kind word, and it takes so little effort.