Wanda’s Journal


There’s always a sense of excitement as Christmas draws near. I remember as a child, I was always wondering what gifts I would get for Christmas. I hoped it would be something I wanted, of course, but I knew I should be grateful for whatever I got, as my parents didn’t have a lot of money to spend. One year I got a puppet when I really wanted a baby doll. That was a disappointment, but looking back on it now, I realize that receiving the puppet was what sparked my interest in ventriloquism. Sometimes the gifts we think we don’t want are the very things we need.

In church last Sunday, the pastor talked about gifts–specifically, what gifts can we give God? He suggested a few possibilities: God values our love for Him. He appreciates our obedience, our devotion, and our gratefulness. We can also show our love for Him by giving to others. During these next two weeks, I’ll be thinking about the gift I can give God, as well as to others this Christmas. Is there some special gift you would like to give God or to someone you know who might need a special touch during this blessed Christmas season?

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  1. Wanda,
    I have heard many sermons of late about Christmas and it being God’s gift to us and what we need to be doing to help one another through this time of year but I’ve never hear a sermon preached on what we give back to God. Thank you for reminding me that we do have gifts that we give back and that I daily need to giving them not just at one time of the year! Much love to you and your family!

    1. i have a couison who is sick with a heart problem. that i pray that she would take better care of herself so she would get the strenght to have survey.also i have a friend that i get things for because when she is not working she does not like to leave him for long because he is in bed all the time, ialso give her coupons,

    2. I love reading good Christian books and now with 2 girls they can start reading some of them too _God Bless and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

    3. The greatest gift that is received by all is salvation. Receiving the joy of loving Jesus and to understand that this gift of His grace is for available everyone… it is freely bestowed on us Ephesians 1: 6. We need to do nothing to gain salvation. It has all already been done. Salvation is a gift to be received, not a reward to be earned. If a man tries even a little bit to gain salvation by his own works, he cannot possibly become a Christian. And if by grace, then it is no longer works; otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it is of works, it is no longer grace; otherwise work is no longer work” (Romans 11:6). Christians are saved by grace and trying hard has absolutely nothing to do with it.

  2. God is so amazing. My gift to God is helping others as I have been helped myself. I am so very blessed in my life. Working on being a better person easch day. God is good all the time. :o)


  3. This Christmas I will be thinking of my family and friends who need prayer in their lives with money and housing problems. I have a few who really need this prayer. We were them last year but thankfully we found someone who worked with us and got us into a nice home. I pray that the ones who need a blessing will receive it and enjoy it.

  4. My dad needs a special Christmas this year.. His health has been poor these past few years, and tomorrow he has to have a heart cath done. I appreciate each and every prayer and thought for him. I’m hoping my family and I will make this a Christmas to remember!

  5. I want to be there for two cousins who are losing their mother to cancer, and to let them know I care about them, and love them. That God is their strength along with mine. I believe God doesn’t give us more than we can handle, have been through tough times myself and know that this is true. We can all lean on God through bad and good times.

  6. The special gift that I am giving this year is helping my sister. My sister was laid off from her job 4 months ago and she does not have the money to buy her son christmas so I have bought it for him and given it all to her so that she can give it to him. I would never want him to go without christmas. We are also all going as a family to the Christmas Play at our church on Christmas Eve as my children are in the play this year.

  7. I’m reading the Log Cabin Christmas and I’m falling in love with this book 🙂 I just wish it would snow, so I can sit in my favorite spot by the window and watch the snow fall and read <3

  8. My gift is that everyone remembers the TRUE meaning of Christmas and that they always share that with their children growin up…

  9. The most important thing is that we all be safe. Just in our community we have lost 5 young people in a horrible car accident a week ago. I keep thinking how are these families going to make it through the holidays. Praying everyday not to hear of anymore young people loosing their lives. My gift is the gift of love to my children and their families and pray that everyone is safe.
    Cindy flynn

  10. There are a lot of people in my life who are suffering right now. It may be from loss of a loved one, an unexpected health issue or just going through a rough time in their life right now. If I could give them one gift it would be peace, love, comfort, understanding. I, just like anyone who knows someone going through obstacles or challenges wish I could take it all away from them but I cant. There is only one person who can do that it is God. His will shall be done! So this holiday season I will just pray that they find peace and comfort in their time of need=)

  11. Im going to give the gift of love to Christ as well as to others. I feel thats the greatest gift we can give.

  12. During this rough time in our lives, we need all the blessings we can get. This past year has been rough with medical issues with my husband who is the sole provider for our family. It took us to the path of bankruptcy, federal goverment assistance programs, and friends gifts just to help get us by. We have considered these all as gifts as it has helped us continue in our daily lives. The biggest gift we could recieve is the gift of comfort, knowing that God will help us continually thoughout this process.

  13. I think sometimes it is hard to open up our hearts and homes to others this time of year. I think we get so focussed on our own families that we forget to look beyond our own backyard. Hopefully I can be more open to others this season.

  14. That special gift I can give God this year would be my understanding. We lost my Mother-In-Law totally unexpectedly this past May. She went into the hospital with a very simple issue and it blossomed into more serious problems and eventually lead to her passing at the young age of 65. The last conversation I had with my Mother-In-Law in the hospital was about holding onto our faith and not to ever let it go. I understand that when the Lord decides it is our time to join him in the Kingdom of Heaven, that we must accept it and not question his choices.

  15. My gift to God would be that I would be better at talking to Him in the good times as well as the bad. God is so good to me and sometimes I get so busy working for Him, that I am almost too busy to spend time alone with Him. As far as a person I have 2, my daughter and daughter-in-love are both going through major trials right now and I would love to be able to give them something to make them know how truly special they are, how much I love them and that I know God is going to see them through. Thanks to you for doing this contest. If I win I will be splitting my books between them. Maybe while they are reading they can enjoy a little bit of just relaxing and peace.

  16. Most of my family are not into giving gifts,but if someone were to ask me what I wanted more than anything else it would be that those who haven’t received Him as yet, would receive JESUS as their Lord and Savoir. That they would truly know how wonderful He is.
    Merry Christmas and God bless you, Wanda.

  17. I would like to give God more of my time by reading his word and attending church on a regular basis. We are in need of a new home church and we can’t seem to get motivated to start looking. We had attended our old church for over 15 years on a regular basis and we were heavily involved in church. Then we moved to another state. We thought we found a church but it really didn’t fit us so now we need to start looking again. We are planning to start looking at the beginning of the new year. My gift for 2012 is reading his word everyday and getting involved again in church.

  18. I know God gave us the greatest gift and npthing comes close to it. the greatest gift we can give is time with him everyday also when you felowship with others. I know some familys that are strugling, In the past I have made little gift basket for familys who need just a little help. Its more for the kids in the house, and they dont know who its from. I love when they talk about it and see there face of joy as they guesing who did this. thanks for your giveaway:) love your bookd

  19. this holiday season I spent what little money I had to buy some trinkets for 3 families so they had something to special to open. I know it is not much but the thought of giving is the reason for the season

  20. This is a wonderful entry, it touches my heart to know how God’s hand was on that little gift (puppet) while you were dealing with the disappointment of not getting your doll! It’s hard to imagine the many ways he is guiding us in the smallest daily tasks of our lives. If we could only learn to trust Him totally, the peace we would experience would be amazing! Thank God for Grace, Guidance, and Gifts….. even when they aren’t our heart’s desire! The greatest gift I could receive would be to know what to give to each person I come in contact with. It’s hard to shop for family, but the greatest gift I give may be taking the time to do a simple task for a stranger. I pray that God guides each of us as we go through this most Holy Season! God Bless and thank you for sharing this beautiful experience!

  21. There are so many families struggling this year. A lot of them won’t be able to purchase gifts. But I would like to show them that it isn’t just about gifts. Celebrating Jesus and just being with family is what’s most important!!!

  22. We just recently learned that our youngest daughter, who is 26, is expecting her first child. Although the situation is not ideal, we will make the best of the situation. The best gift I can think to give my daughter is love and support during her pregnancy and thru-out raising her child. Children are a gift from GOD.

  23. My gift to God is to live out Colossians 3:17 which says, “Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.”

  24. This Christmas I’m thankful that my nephew is home from Iraq, and my wish is for ALL servicemen and servicewomen to hurry home, from overseas, safe and sound to the loving arms of their families!!!

  25. I was pregnant and had a miscarriage, I was due on the 10th. I was so excited at the begining of the year to have another baby to spend Christmas with. Its very heart-breaking that he will not be here, but I thank God for the 2 beautiful daughters I already have and this Christmas will be just as good without having another baby with us. I will be so happy and thankful for the girls I have. I will cherish these moments even more because I am so blessed with what God has given me.

  26. We met so many young kids at the Ronald McDonald House in Philidelphia when my daughter was diagnosed with cancer just before her 2nd birthday. So many more at Wills Eye Inst. and Childrens Hospital. My Christmas wish is for God to watch over them and the many Doctors. We were so lucky. Emily has been cancer free since January 2008! So many are not as lucky. This Christmas will be very small with my husband being layed off the first half of the year. But, we have our health! Thank you God!!!

    By the way Wanda! love your books, and reading about places I have been when we were in Pennsylvania for Emilys appointments!!!

  27. What a pleasure it is to be able to share our food and clothes with others.
    We have been blessed abundantly and want to give forward.

  28. In this year following my husband’s death, we have been struggling financially. I welcome the opportunity to give the gift of my friendship. There are times when the gift I can give is just listening or a comforting word or gesture.

  29. I am giving the gift of love for christmas. There are so many people out there that are hurting and doing without. I just hope that i cant help one family this christmas.

  30. Wanda, I want to give Him sooo much, I dwell on Him and think about Him, He is always on my mind….how could He not be. I just want to sit at His feet. I want others to know Him like that too.

  31. Wanda, This year I am giving the gift of sacrifice. Sacrificing time and energy to be in our Chruch’s Christmas play. We’ve rehearsed countless hours, and tonight is the last of four performances. I’ve done no Christmas; shopping, decorating, baking or cards as yet because of the gruelling schedule. But I feel it is all worth it to get God’s message of His Gift to us to those who may accept Him this Christmas.

  32. We have a dear friend who is in the last stages of cancer. Our hearts go out to his family. As this is the first year of our family living miles apart, the joy of seeing them and being together next week as a family makes us value it even more since our friends are hurting so deeply. The gift of Love is so precious. To show someone we care as Christ cared for us. So many people going thru so many different issues at the Holiday Season. We should each be grateful for what we have. God is good.

  33. Thank you for sharing about being grateful for what a person receives for Christmas and truly being thankful for everything. Typically, a person has to have the lastest gadget and forgets the true meaning of Christmas.

  34. Unfortunately, times in our household ave been tough the past few years. No gifts. Which really made me stop and think that the true gift was being able to spend time my family who God has given me. I love the idea of Christmas in July because then we’re not all focused on gift giving and can really concentrate on the true meaning of Christmas. Thanks for the contests. Have a blessed week.

  35. I love Christmas time at my church because then that means it is time to put on our annual Christmas Pageant that I have been planning since the fall. Putting on the pageant with the help of the Sunday School students is my gift to the congregation.

  36. This Christmas I hope that I can give to my family the love I have in my heart for them. It’s been a tough year for our daughters and their families. Our youngest daughter almost died after delivering a beautiful little girl. Our other daughter’s son who has a rare disease had a spinal fusion in October and is still recovering and she is his main caregiver. He is 13. Many others have their problems and I hope I can help all involved. Thank you Wanda for you caring words to your “fans” and for the inspiration you give to all of us. My highlight of the year (after my new granddaughter) was meeting you at the Walnut Creek Flea Market in Ohio.

  37. Recently i have a friend who is divoreced and has 2 teenage daughters, she does’nt make much money to take care of her girls, i heard they did’nt have food in the house and no money to get any… i felt so bad i went and bought 100$ worth of grocerys and took them to her, it made my heart feel good to help her and i know it was what the good Lord would of wanted me to do… I plan to help her out during this Christmas holiday as well, if you know someone that needs help in any sort of way as little as it may be during this Christmas season it would be a blessing to them to help in anyway you can, give a little back as God has given us many blessings! Merry Christmas Friends!

  38. Our God is an AWESOME GOD!!!!! I belong to a volunteer fire company and run as an EMT. So my gift is to continue to care for anyone who is in need of our services. Also to be there for any of my family and friends who may need me.


  40. I recently made a trip from Texas to Ohio for the purpose of being there to witness the adoption of my two newest grandchildren. That was a great Christmas present. My daughter has said since she was just a little girl that she wanted to adopt. So after having 3 children of her own, her dream finally came true. Also as I was driving to Ohio I saw a billboard that said, “If it wasn’t for Christmas, we wouldn’t have Easter”. I think that says it all.
    I love reading your books, once I read the first chapter it is hard to put the book down. Your stories draw me into the characters lives. Thank You.

  41. This year for christmas I would like to start going back to church. My mom and I used to go alot a couple of years ago but then her job changed her schedule to her working sunday evenings starting at 5 she drives about an hour to her job so it is hard for us to get up and go to church when she so desperately needs that sleep to function to do well at work. So I hope we can find a wonderful church close to our town that we can go to that will be drama free and well as safe. This year im going to try and go through clothes that I have and that my sibilings have for their children so that maybe I can come up with something to give to a woman who lost everything to a house fire. Her and her children only have the clothes that they had on their backs and they also have what people have already given to them. But I want to make sure she has alot of what she needs. Her children are at the ages of 5 yrs old, 2 years old, and the baby who isnt even 5 months old. This woman is a very young mother.

  42. I am spending more time in prayer. Physically I am buying some things for our Campus Bible Fellowship missionaries who are making “Welcome gifts” for 130 international students who are arriving at Florida International University in January. We are including tracts and CBF invitations and information for the students.

  43. I love my loving Father and Son. To give the gift of love is wonderful.
    I lost a dear friend this year but I was with her when she said she was going home an angel was waiting
    for her. Her love for me stays with me every day. I know this was a gift from GOD.

  44. I love my heavenly Father with my whole heart. Love is such a great gift.
    I lost a dear friend in this year. I was with her when she looked at me and said
    “I am going home,there’ the angel.” Her love stays with me every day and I
    know it is a gift from GOD.

  45. My special Christmas wish this year is for my father N law. He is in the final stages of dementia and parkinsons. I just want him to have his memory this Christmas so he knows who his kids, and grandkids are. Your books Wanda have helped me alot through this very tough time in our lives. They remind me that we are not going through this alone and I am very very grateful to you for that. Please have a very very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


  47. Wanda, your reflection on gifts has been on my mind lately. My parents are both gone now. I miss those days of childhood. I can only hope that my grand kids will have the same sweet memories of Christmas. I’ve had some physical needs of late, and about a week ago, I got very earnest with God. I told him He could have All of Me. At that time, my physical and mental states made a turn around. Praise God.

  48. I have this saying hanging in my home where I can see it everyday, it says, ” Our life is God’s gift to us, what we do with that life is our gift to God. God Bless and Merry CHRISTmas!!

  49. Wanda, I am so Thankful for what we have, hasn’t been easy for us as there has been many trials going on in our lives but some how with Gods help we are doing ok now. Our children (7 of them) are in need of prayer now. As my husband and I are getting back on our feet the kids need help. So my wish for all of them is to be thankful for what you have and love one another, and give thanks to the Lord.

  50. Wanda, my gift to God is always trying to find ways to make everyone in my life to feel His love, and to show them His love by being there for them, praying with them, or just to be there to lend a hand. I also try to send them Bible Verses or passages of scripture that I know have helped me, and still does help me. 🙂



  53. I am going to give more of my trust to the Lord. Often I try to take care of things that go wrong, hard days, life struggles, etc., on my own. If only I would pray and give it to God, I think that things would go better. Would my problems go away, not unless God wanted them to, but I know that I would feel him lead me in the direction He wants me to go in, and that is what is really important. If I go where He leads, I am in His will, and there is no better or more safe place for me to be.

  54. Hello Wanda, my name is Jerryca and I live with my mother, three brothers, one sister and her two children. We don’t have a lot of money but we have God his son Jesus and a lot of love and respect 4 everyone and everything we have I didn’t pick my mother at birth but I would have and I thank God everyday 4 her my mother has been sick a lot over the past few years the truth is my oldest sister poisoned our mother with insulin and our mother suffered what the doctor called a insulin stroke God and Jesus has healed my mother a lot of the years I remember her not even being able to get out of bed much but God pulled her out of that bed and back on her feet she still can’t drive a long ways and still gets dizzy now and again from what happened I’m sure and if I could have one thing this Christmas it would be my mothers healing 100% but God already knows that I pray everynight asking him its a big world and I’m sure as so as he heals the ones more in need he will be healing my mother 100% too but until then I hope everyone who reads this prays with me. I try to give to God by following his laws Jesus said to love one another as he has loved us sometimes thats not easy like our sister who done this bad thing to our mother she doesn’t live here and I don’t hate her I just wish she wouldn’t have got into an acult and poisoning our mother like that its been a long road but I know first hand God his son Jesus and the Angles have been on it 7/24 with us and will be until we all pass from this life into the next one I just want my family to be able to enjoy this life like we did before all this happened. Thats my Christmas wish I would work three jobs to buy it but there is no price tug on it only prayers and tears will bring this gift. God Bless you 4hearing my need.

  55. I believe my gift to God will be my heart. I was saved when I was 12 yrs. old when my sister came home from college and told me about Jesus. I received the gift of salvation and gave the gift of my heart to the Lord that day. He has been with me thru the loss of my parents, my siblings and I would not want to go on another day without Him. I pray His peace and love to all who claim Him as their Saviour. God Bless all and Merry Christmas to all.

  56. I would love to be able to spread the gift of Christmas joy. Not in physical gifts, but to get other to know and love and accept Jesus as their Lor and Savior!

  57. My gift to God is to love and care for the cats who share our home. From our 20 year old deaf cat with the demanding meow…to the three brothers we took in when a stray mother cat gave birth in our backyard a few years ago. God’s love shines in their eyes and through their purrs.

  58. Thank You God for your gift of our Precious Jesus. I am so thankful and I want to show God’s love by giving. My husband & I help a single mom every year at Thanksgiving and Christmas by getting a Wal-mart gift card so that she has extra to be able to purchase their turkey and trimmings or to get whatever they may need. I think we are put on this earth to help others along the way. That is how Jesus lived when He was here so we should use His example.
    Also, just want to say I love your books. You are my favorite author. I have an Aunt that has been gone 3 years now and she is the one who introduced me to you. I thank God for her.

  59. Last weekend I went caroling at a local Nursing Home with my daughter’s Girl Scout Troop. It was very touching to see the residents singing along with them as well as their In Loving Memory of Dove ornaments on a Christmas tree.

  60. Isn’t it amazing that the gifts we’re all talking about don’t cost a dime????

    I think I would like to give everyone I come across the gift of “the benefit of the doubt”, as well as compassion.

    Sometimes it’s too easy to get caught up in the “me-isms” of life — and too easy to overlook others how might be suffering.

  61. Wanda,
    I have read all of your books (I think) and loved each of them. I love the simple life of the Amish and this year for Christmas I only want one thing and that is to be able to have my husband home for Christmas. He works out of state in Alaska and of course I live in Arkansas. I love the Lord and I give the gift of love to Him as well as all those I meet. I have a website where I give away Christian Books. It is my way of giving back . I have been truly Blessed over the years. God Bless you Wanda and your family this year. Love and butterfly hugs 🙂

  62. Thanks for the reminder that we need to give back to God. I strive to do a better job of this everyday. I fail a lot more than I succeed but I am thankful for Gods grace.My husband and I do not have any kids but we are adopting a baby that is due to be born in Feb. We love to buy gifts for children that will not get much for Christmas. We love to buy gifts for children. We hope to pass this tradition on to our own child. Thank you for your wonderful books. I love reading them.

  63. Wanda,
    The gift I want to give to our troops and their families is that they get to spend the holidays together. They risk their lives everyday for us and it must be hard being away from family and home for so long. I have a cousin serving overseas right now, and his wife and kids I know really miss him as for the rest of the family. Gatherings aren’t the same without him and I know he looks forward to spending time with his family.

    Have a Merry Christmas! 🙂


  64. My wish this year is very simple, to give my sister joy during the Christmas season. She lost her husband this past August & I know this first Christmas will be so difficult. I hope I can show her how much she means to me and how much I love and treasure her. I hope that knowledge helps her experience joy during this Christmas and the coming year.

  65. I love the fact that God, The Father, gave us a gift of his son, Jesus Christ. While we are going through some money problems right now, my husband lost his job of 19 1/2 years, we know that God is with us. We strive to think of others as Jesus would want us to. We don’t want any material gifts for ourselves this year, but hope to be Jesus to a few people we feel God has selected for us to show them the love of Jesus. There is truly Joy in giving!

  66. I am thankful that my mother in law received her special gift this year. We thought last Christmas would be our last Christmas with her. She was diagnosed with stage four uterine cancer. She is now cancer free. My brother in law received God’s gift of salvation and the special gift I wish to share is that same gift of salvation with his wife. God has answered many prayers this year and we are truely grateful.
    Shannon Wiebe

  67. One thing I love to do at Christmas is to sign and decorate Christmas cards for patients in the hospital and in nursing homes. There are a lot of people that don’t really have any visitors, and handing out cards to nursing home patients during their lunch meal was so awesome! Also, a friend of mine sponsors unfortunate kids at Christmas and people volunteer to buy a gift for 1 kid. This year she has 29 kids she is helping out! It’s amazing the way God works in people’s lives. Christmas is the time of giving, but also a time to celebrate God!

  68. Wanda,

    I love each one of your books that i have read they are wonderful. You have a special gift from God. i never thought to give a gift to God for Christmas but this year i will!!!! Thanks so much for all that you do for God and us!

  69. I so believe that this is true sometimes we do receive gifts that we didnt want but most times we dont realize that it is so the thought and presentation that the person went through to get the gift for us. The greatest gifts I have received are my three precious chilldren. I so love them .
    Merry Christmas.

  70. We need to remember the true meaning of Christmas. I try and cut back on gifts for the children so they know its not all about gift. I encourage them to help do something nice for someone without them asking. I try and help and do for people all year long not just at Christmas. There are lots of people hurting financially right now. If I have I give some of what I got. We need to stick together and help each other out in times of need. You never know you might be the next needy one.

  71. wanda, you are so gifted in your wording of things! I just love reading your devotionals! As a child, I’m sure I received a few gifts which were not wanted – but I just had to remember God’s gift to us – I’m sure He didn’t like that either. But He loves us ever so much! I am very excited for this Christmas season. Jesus is the reason!
    love and prayers!

  72. To be honest I have been very blessed this year. I have had to watch others struggle finanically, emotionally, and physically. I have tried very hard to be a great parent or friend to each and everyone of them. I would like to give a special gift to God this year by going to church more often so that I can hear his word. Really, the more I think about it, I think this is another gift for me. Thank you Lord for all you do! Please continue to bless others and help them when needed.

  73. I love the the Christmas holiday. I can reflect on the past year and hope for a new one. It is Jesus’ birthday and we celebrate that. I am a giver. I enjoy helping others out when they don’t have anything. As a tradition for my kids, we make something to give to someone less fortunate. My children are grown now and we still do this as a family on a weekend day. I am not want one for receiving but I do love to give. Merry Chirstmas eveyone! Be safe and have a great Christmas!!!!

  74. I love to worship God. To give Him my whole heart fully in Worship. That is the one gift I want to give God. For others, I want to be there to pray and help anyone in need. Our family is in full time ministry, so much of my life is about service to others. However, I am sure there is more that we could do.

  75. Each year, I usually try to pick an “angel” to give a special present to off of a tree for one of our local charities. This year I think I am also going to give a special present randomly to one of our neighbors. I would much rather give gifts than receive them!!!

  76. I also grew up in a family where we were not blessed with lots of money, but we were blessed with each other, a love for God and a desire to help others.My parents taught us that it was better to give than receive and for that I am eternally grateful! I wish for the world to know the true meaning of Peace and to truly know God.Without God we know no peace in our life.

  77. I’m thankful God gave us a gift of his Son on Christmas Day.
    I’d like to give Love to others .
    Jesus Is The Reason For The Season.
    Merry Christmas.
    Carolyn Jefferson

  78. I am so thankful that the Lord blessed you with the ability to be a wonderful writer who has the ability to make anyone who reads their books feel like they are part of the story………Keep writing and we will keep reading.

  79. I am so thankful that the Lord blessed you with the ability to be a wonderful writer who has the ability to make anyone who reads your books feel like they are part of the story………Keep writing and we will keep reading. I wrote my comment in the wrong place. I have been recovering from a broken foot. I broke the foot last February and had surgery in October. I have been in an orthopedic rehab. I was sure that I hadn’t been blessed to be with older people. The Lord has shown me since being here that He is in control……..I have been blessed by 4 old folks since I have been here. If we let go and let God, all things will work to His good……

  80. My gift to our Awesome God this year will be attending our church on a more regular basis, reading more of the bible and trying to give back to all of those who are giving to us this year for Christmas. We have become so very blessed these past couple weeks. We have been struggling for really the whole year but hit rock bottom was my husband got sick in August and was out of work for 3 moths. We have 3 children and was very low on food and got behind on bills and such. Worried about Christmas, I talkled about things to our Pastor. Feeling so embarrassed and ashamed of what we are going through I had to let it out and our Pastor was there to listen. A friend from our church contacted me and said the decons and deconnesses would like to help with Christmas and our givning us a gift card for WalMart. Also, paying our landlord to help us out with back rent. Ontop of that they provided us with a dinner for Thanksgiving and are goin to for Christmas. It isn’t only the material things they are giving us that I am grateful for but also their prayers and love and concern for our family. I have to thank God for the blessing he has brought our way at this specail time of the year. I am so very grateful to those who care enough to help and I feel extremely blessed this year. Thank you Wanda for your aswesome writing ability, I love all of your books and would certainly enjoy more from.

    Wishing you and your family a very blessed and Merry Christmas!!!


  81. I just love reading your books and now your journal. The gift that I want to give God is me being obedient to Him. That is hard, but I keep working on it everyday.

  82. My gift to God is to have a deeper relationship with Him this coming year. The closer we get to Him, the more we are able to share his love and compassion with others.
    Wishing everyone a Blessed Christmas and a Christ centered New Year.

  83. As an “encourager” I desire to bring a smile, a kind word to my dad and the other in the alzheimer’s unit at the nursing home in which he resides. I bring my lunch on Fridays and eat at my dad’s table with other residents. I also appreciate and encourage the staff who indeed has their work cut out for them 24/7 with the residents.

  84. It seems everyday I hear of another person or family in need. Maybe it’s a health concern or loss of home. Our family has helped where we can financially and I will continue to pray for all of those on my prayer list. Prayer is the best gift of all because God can do so much more than any of us ever could.

  85. My gift to god is offering him the same patience and kindness that he has given me. I also want to share my kindness by letting God know I care about others that is why during this time of year I give to those who need help I donate food, clothing, and toys for the homeless. My biggest present for God is letting him know that I love him and that me and my family remember his birthdy. I have raised my kids to appriciate the little things, and keep others in their thoughts. God Bless:)

  86. Our family has always loved helping others during the holidays. Taking a name from the
    county and doing something special for them. It is better to give then recieve….

  87. I enjoy reading your books. I live in amish country in Indiana the family down the road from me are good friends

  88. Thank you for reminding me today about giving. I always say Im a giving person and I am to others. But I dont think I always give to God. I should always give my love freely to HIM as HE has freely given it to us.

  89. This Christmas is a special Christmas to me because it is on a Sunday. This year our church is having a birthday party for Jesus instead of the usual Christmas party. Liberty Baptist Mission was started a little over two years. We purchased a church building that was built in 1885. It had not been in use for several years. It appeared that the church congregation had just walked out and left all the possessions still in place. In reality, all the members had died except one lady. There were pews that were donated to the church back in 1900. We gutted the old building and updated it with electricity, air conditioning, heat etc. The old pews are now the window frames, the door frames, and the platform area of the remodeled church. This year instead of exchanging gifts among each other, each family is going to give a special monetary gift to Jesus to help in the further construction that is needed at the church. Every service in the little white country church is such a blessing. Just imagine how many Christmases have been celebrated in that little church. Jesus’ birthday is the reason we have Christmas but sadly to say everyone else gets gifts instead of Him. We go to everyone’s house to celebrate their birthday. This year we get to go celebrate Jesus’ birthday at His house on His birthday!

  90. Every year I try to plan family events and time together at Christmas. The presents are fun but they don’t seem to make the season any more exciting than just the traditions we do as a family each year. Our home made stockings and the silly gifts inside, making and decorating cookies and candies together, homemade cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning and watching old classic movies . . exchanging gifts of treats with the neighbors before heading out to Christmas Eve services at church and then of course the beauty and joy of that special church service. That is what Christmas should be. As for my most important gift to give this year is spending more time with God,and listening to His direction for my life and getting more involved at our new church home.
    I really enjoy your books Wanda, (I have quite the collection) and find inspiration and good thoughts about how i could learn and try to be a better Christian. Thank you for your work. Merry Christmas

  91. Mine might be a bit different but I want to give God a real big Thank You for our 6 children 15 grand children and 1 Great Grand son . Who are here because God gave me my life on a long ago Christmas & kept me and mom living after a long and difficult birth . What more can I give HIM other then pray for many lost souls that are on my mind so often .

  92. I want to give God me this christmas. Since my mom died a year and a half ago I have wondered away from him but I want to go to church more and study and pray and get back in fellowship with him. I am also going to be helping my neices and nephew this christmas their mom and dad don’t have the money to get them hardly anything for christmas.

  93. There are many things going on with me this Christmas. Many family members and friends have sickness. I am praying for all of them. Dec is always a hard time for me since my mom went to be with God Dec 19, 1997. I still miss her. I try to be there for other elderly people I know especially a special neighbor. Wanda, I love reading your books and I would be pleased with any set you would send, as I would pass hem on to my wonderful granddaughter. She also loves reading your books. merry Christmas.

  94. I enjoy reading your books and look forward to reading more during my time off from work this holiday season. I try to give and help others during the entire year not just waiting to do so during the holiday season. There are many people who are ill and out of work. I believe if you help others – good things will happen to you. I feel extremely blessed. May you have a blessed holiday.


  95. With all the things to do this time of year, I’d like to slow my pace down and give the Lord His deserved time and give His Word some extra attention. I’d also like to try to put a smile on someone’s face each day by giving an extra hug, by saying a kind word, or by doing a kind deed.

  96. Wanda, my gift this year would be a prayer of protection for those who have left their families behind to serve America and her country. A prayer of encouragement to the families who have lost a loved one fighting for my freedom. And to being the love of Jesus Christ to those who have no hope insight.

  97. My gift is to continue to stand by my best friend who is fighting breast cancer and to praise God for giving her such strength.

  98. I want to be a good example to my children and grand-children and show the love of God to them and all who see me. Through Gods Grace I will. Merry Christmas to you and please continue writing. I think I have read almost all of your books except the last couple. I continue to read them.

  99. Wanda,
    Thanks for doing this as part of your journal!!
    My gift to God is to love others unconditionally as He loves us. Sometimes we unintentionally judge/see others based on appearances. God created us equally. I want to see people’s heart. I want to have a heart like our Lord. I want to ALWAYS love unconditionally.

  100. As a daughter of a minister , I have to say I have the most AMAZING Parents walking this earth.
    I Thank the LORD for giving them to me , and for them being so strong in JESUS that my siblings and I were raised in church .
    I will continue to pass along that same gift to my children , neighbors etc .
    There is not one person who doesn’t not need JESUS , they just need to know he is there, and has ALWAYS Been there . LEANING ON JESUS is the only way we have made it thru the loss of a child , my father and brother both having bypass surgery and my mom just a year ago was diagnosed with breast cancer …….. Dec 9,2011 my Mom had her mammogram 1 year from the day she was diagnosed with the breast cancer and she is FINE PRAISE THE LORD
    When the Prayers go up the Blessings come down !

  101. I desire to show kindness to everyone, even those who are hard-hearted. I know God loves everyone, and I hope to reflect his love. Merry Christmas!


  103. I was taught as a child that any gift no matter what it’s the thought that counts. I still believe that today. Recently a very good friend of mine passed away from cancer and the greatest gift ever was his friendship.

    Another special gift I treasure is the soldier I adopted. Sending him thoughts, blessing and care packages. It is wonderful to know that you’re doing something good for someone else. That’s a priceless gift.

    God bless!

  104. I like your journal entry. It’s something to pause and give some serious thought. It’s easy to get caught up in giving gifts to family & friends, but what gift can I give to God this Christmas? I want to give Him my praise, my thanks, my love, my time. Thanks for writing this article in your journal, for it’s given me time to think about what I can give back to the One who is the reason for the season.

  105. The best gift for me is watching my kids and grandkids opening their gifts and seeing their faces light up..

  106. The gift I want to give is to always be a caring friend. My prayer is that we celebrate the true meaning of Christmas!

  107. Thanks Wanda for aal your great books and for reminding us to give God something this Christmas.I want to give God more of my time…by spending more time in His word,in prayer and in helping others.I ask everyone that reads this to please pray for my children that doesn’t know the Lord as their Savior,this would be the greatest gift that they would ever receive.Thanks…..

  108. My gift from god is for me to spread the Christmas Spirit and meaning to everyone I meet. Christmas is the time you spent with family and friends..Its about remember and sharing the birth of Jesus. To me Christmas is the bested time of year..Its the time when you see everyone get together even when they have differences. My wish to everyone is to have a very healthy life and enjoy life to the fullest..I wish that everyone at Christmas time is with friends and family..Don’t want anyone to go hungry or cold..

    Your book the Log Cabin Christmas will be a book that I will always remember…Thanks for the experience…Merry Christmas to you and your family..

  109. I am trying to teach my children the true meaning of Christmas. I do not have a lot of money, but they see me as an example giving of my time, year round to those in need, and hopefully someday they will realize that it is not about receiving, but it is about giving. The feeling we can get from doing good deeds for others is the best gift you can give yourself. I love your books so much!

  110. Myself and my children’s gift to God this year is we are going to have a Happy Jesus birthday party with some of their friends and be grateful for all of God’s blessings in our lives.

  111. One small gift that I want to give is to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and not a Happy Holiday so that everyone will see that Christ is still the reason for the season. Merry Christmas to all.

  112. A special point hit me as I was reading your article. You said “God appreciates our obedience.” Although I have those thoughts toward my children’s obedience, I had never put them with my relationship with my Savior. Win a book or not, I have already won something for eternity. Thanks for using your talent for God.

  113. It’s funny how our perspective on gifts changes as we get older. I direct our kid’s Christmas program at church, and this has become one of my most favorite parts of Christmas. My heart overflows with joy as they do their parts, and watch for those huge smiles as they see their parents, grandparents and family in the crowd. So very thankful for all that God has done for my family and for blessing me with these wonderful kids He has placed in my life. Merry Christmas everyone.

  114. I did not relize as a child how special Christmas was. I was an only child so my mom did everything she could to have it very special. As I got older and relized how she had done without for me it made me relize just how wonderful she was. God was very special for he did with out his son so we could all have our sins coverd by him. It is such a wonderful feeling when we do for others . The only thing wrong is we should be doing it all year and not just at Christmas! Merry Chirstmas to all

  115. Wanda,

    I want to try to be a more patient and understanding person and the give back to God by doing
    this. To help out my fellowman whenever I can. Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and
    enjoys their family and friends. Thank you for your wonderful books.

  116. I will try to be more patient in following God’s commandments and listening to others that
    I might help them with understanding.

  117. Wanda, thanks for being such a great influence to me as well as, the younger generations. Me and my daughter both enjoy reading the gifts that God has given to you.

  118. I always love this time of year. I feel as if Christmas should be practiced every day but this time of year people seem to understand it more fully. I love to give my time to charities such as Toys for Tots and the Salvation Army. I believe that the more you give the more you receive. I love to smile at perfect strangers because you never know if one will make the biggest difference in someone’s good day or bad day. Love to all. Merry Christmas!!

  119. I am trying to teach my grandaughter Katie Ann that Christmas is more than about just the presents that Santa brings. Every year we bake a Happy Birthday Jesus cake and while we are baking the cake we talk about the birth of Jesus. Katie looks forward to the cake every year…

  120. Wanda,

    The best gift I ever received shortly after Christmas 2009 was a second chance at life. That August I was diagonosed with Esophageal Cancer. It was stage III, through prayer and the grace of God-the surgery was a success and I am still cancer free. Everyday I thank God for his blessings and at this time of year I am especially thankful for his blessings that I am here to love my children, grandchildren, and friends. Everyday I pray for those who are in need and those who are battling their own demons and illnesses. My gift to God would be to always remember how blessed I am even when times are rough and money is tight. Because the true meaning of Christmas is not the material things, but the blessings that we receive everyday.

  121. My gift I think this year would be to just try and be a better christian. I do alot of volunteer work but do not take enough time to read his word eventhough I go to church every week I still need to soak myself in his teachings. I have many stresses financially this time of year and always fret about not ever having enough money to bless others. I need to show people what the real reason for the season is. God Bless you Wanda for your wonderful writings that you bring us when I read your books it takes me away to a place full of serenity which is what I also need at times.

  122. This year God blessed us with our first child. I will be praying for special gifts I can use to help raise her to be a Christ follower and to be a humble child of God with a servants heart. Thank you for such great books you have a wonder gift! There is nothing like picking up a good book and getting carried off in your mind to another place for a brief while!

  123. I find myself aking what gift can i give to GOD, my answer would be my whole heart. I often give my problems to the lord but at the same time I keep some of my problem and worries to myself. I have allso started to witness for the Lord. for me thiswas hard at first but now it has become so much easier. i pray everyone has a wonderful CHRISTmas and a blessed 2012.

  124. I would like to be able to help so many people around the world,and I will if Im ever able to. But my gift to God would be more of Him and less of me…and to win people’s souls to Him. Thats whats most important to me, is to have as many people as I know and come into contact with to know Christ and what there is beyond this life. Also growing up we had very little ourselves and were grateful for what we did get and with my birthday being Christmas day it was hard on my parents Im sure to come up with 2 gifts so that I felt special that day also…as I got older though what really meant alot to me was that I shared a birthday with Christ. And today that still stands true.

  125. A recent article by Max Lucado has both my husband and myself rethinking Christmas. To sum it up Mr. Lucado suggests that we cancel Christmas, with all it’s hype and, instead, let us celebrate the birth of our Lord. And, isn’t that the real gift?

  126. December 14, 2011 at 3:55pm
    A very good reminder to always be thankful of what God has and is doing for us at all times.
    I have a step-grandson that has had some very bad things happen with his wife & children about 5 months ago. through this he has come to know the Lord. I pray that he can have some peace over the out come of this and soon.

  127. I think that the gift I should give to God is to make every attempt to draw closer to Him and to glorify Him in everything that I do and say. I would love to be able to help people everywhere with food, clothing, etc whatever the need. But, my finances do not allow me to do much, so I hope my love and prayers are enough. God Bless You!

    Michelle Spradley

  128. I would love to share your books with others to read & enjoy. I get your books to read from the library because I can’t afford to buy them. I have nieces that would enjoy reading them & women in my Church Family too. 🙂 I want to be a good witness for God always. He has given me sooooo much & answered so many prayers through the years. Have a Merry Christmas, Wanda!!

  129. I came from a family of eight and so we only got two presents a year.And one of them was homemade.We were very thankful for what we did get!

  130. I know that the true meaning of christmas is completely lost to most people these days and that is very sad. Sure, everyone loves receiving gifts, but that isn’t what Christmas is about. I keep hoping that one one day it might sink in, but until then, as long as I keep the true spirit of Christmas in my heart, then that is all that matters for now.

  131. I have been thinking for a while about what I wanted to say. It is really hard to express what I am feeling in my heart. I do know this that God is with me every step I take. At one point in my life I lost my faith, but then I relized that I was just confused. I started reading your books and they put me into a “happy place”. They made me relize how special each of us are, and the love and strenght that God gives us everyday. Some days it may not be what you what but he is always there. Through your books and some of my Amish friends I understand and appreciate life. I just always remember that I can do anything and get through anything with God’s strength and love.

  132. I think a good gift is to give Bibles annomysly to people in the church who might need one, or a relative or friend who is in need of a Bible or needs a Bible replaced. I can remember when my children and grandchildren got Bibles from Bible school or at Christmas how happy they were, and since it is the word of God the giver does not need to be praised for the giving of the gift.

  133. i would like god to make my friend from childhood better he was in a horrible car accident and is doing a little better but we still r not sure how things will turn out. But his girlfriend was also in the car with him and they found out that she was pregnant when they took her to the hospital. So i would like who ever reads this to please keep them in your prayers Thanks!!! and everyone have a merry christmas

  134. I want God to give my middle sister Linda comfort she is n a nursing home recovering from a broken hip and has been there since before Thanksgiving and she is super depressed.

  135. LOVE LOVE LOVE your books Wanda!!!! The gift I would like to give is to my boys and husband. I would like to give them the gift of patience….not their patience but my patience. I need to learn to be more patient at times with them and God. Help me Lord to increase my patience daily.

  136. Hi Wanda,

    I would like to be a good friend to my daughters best friends Mom. Her fiance committed suicide right before Thanksgiving of this year leaving her devastated. They had just moved into our addition a few months earlier and were preparing for their first holidays in the new house.
    Thank you and Merry Christmas to all

  137. Thank you for reminding us Who deserves our most thoughtful and precious gift in this season!
    One way of giving to Him is to remember those who are missing special loved ones around their table this year, some for the first time.
    Perhaps a widow, a parent who buried a child this year, or a family with a deployed parent serving our country overseas. A kind word, a thoughtful phone call or maybe just a hug goes a long way to making their life brighter and letting them know they are not alone.

  138. We are Grandparents Raising Grandchildren and live in New Zealand. Both of our girls just adore reading about the Amish life and wish we had some communities like this here. To learn of their simple life, their love for each other and love for the Lord is so wonderful.

    We are trying to raise our two girls in the way of the Amish – good old fashioned values, with love and guidence and good examples.
    Keep up the good work Wanda is spreading the ways of the Amish so that we may all follow their example of living a pure but simple life.

    Merry Christmas, God’s love to all.

  139. Hi Wanda, Please keep the good books coming. I have read quite a few of your books and I have my own little library of your books. I crochet afghans and I give them to people that is in the nursing homes or I donate them to a church and they pass them out to the sick in he church. I try to treat everyone like I like to be treated. I have visited Lancaster quite a few times and I really enjoyed riding down the Amish roads. I give my gifts of afghans all year long not just at Christmas. Christmas is to celebrate the birth of our Christ not to think of gifts. Thanks you for the good reading . I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

  140. I need a Christmas miracle for my husband. He has walked away from the church, his faith and Christmas in general. Its like living with scrooge but worse as all he does is make negative comments about the children’s and mine Christmas preparations.

  141. I would like to share a gift with my daughter. I wish God would soften her heart and words toward others. I’ve prayed for this for a long time. She is so rigid and unforgiving of any and all things from everything in the past. She has held grudges for over 25 years now.

  142. I work at a christian based transitional home for women who are trying to start their lives over after prison, jail or rehab. My gift would be to show these women love, kindness and compassion, and to hopefully help them build a relationship with God. Merry Christmas.

  143. I remember one lent as it started my daughter at the time was about 7 years old. She came to me and asked me what lent was all about and when I told her you give something up you really like for Jesus for 40 day as He gave his life for you.. Her reply to me was “mommy I want to give myself to Jesus, every night I am going to give up 30 minuets of my play time to spend it reading the bible and spending time with God.. My little give taught me a huge lesson that day.. wow that is what God really wants from us. He wants us to spend time in the word so we can hear His call on our lives..

  144. Merry Christmas!
    This Christmas we are trying harder to have a Christ centered Christmas. We cut way back on buying worldly goods and remembering the greatest gift we received instead and how to share it.Thanks for the great books that share many great lessons and how we should apply the simple things into our daily lives to help others and ourselves. Have a blessed holiday.

  145. Wanda,
    My special gift this year is my husband and I are adopting a little girl from Bulgaria. We are very excited! LOVE LOVE LOVE your books!!! Keep them coming!! May you have a Blessed Christmas!

  146. Hi Wanda. Just a quick note to say by biggest gifts that God has given me are my 3 children. They are true blessings to my life. My middle son is 17 years old has is being treated for clinical CMT disease. It is a form of muscular dystrophy that affects the nerves that control the muscles. He continues to have dreams in music and is currently on the drumline playing cymbals. He wears 2 types of leg braces 24/7. My children are my gifts from God.
    I love to sit and read your books and escape reality. Thanks
    Angie seames

  147. i know someone who just survived a horrific motorcycle accident 2 months ago. this week during a cardiac exam they discovered he has a whole in his heart. God’s peace, comfort and healing is the gift I would like Christ to give him.

  148. I love reading your books. They are an inspiration for me to live life to the fullest and be the best that I can be. I am helping my son raise his daughter and the challenges that includes. I am reminded daily to not take anything for granted and to thank the Lord above for my blessings. my best gift I ever received was my granddaughter 7 years ago.

  149. Good thoughts to ponder Wanda. We all do have gifts to use for His glory and honor. I will give head to your words. Have a blessed Christmas in honor of Jesus who loves us and gave us the best give anyone can ever get.

  150. I love your books. The first Amish Fiction book I read was one of yours, about 9 years ago. I have been interested ever since. Merry Christmas.

  151. I would like to have peace for my Daughter and son in law and family this Christmas, as son in law will be home from Afghanistan after being injured and in a hospital for the last 3 months and at least 20 surgeries and more to come. I pray to God that things will go good.

  152. Thank you Wanda. Your insight carries a lot of wisdom. God blesses us with gifts so that we can give back. What a concept – looking forward to understanding it better with each passing year.

  153. I have been pondering this very question over the past several weeks. Isn’t it amazing how God puts things into our minds & hearts and then perfectly aligns the pieces? I think the gift that I am being led to give to God this Christmas season and throughout 2012 is my time. I think that I am caught up in too many things that aren’t where God would have me spend my time. I don’t spend as much time studying God’s word as I need to. I don’t spend as much time praying as I need to. I don’t spend my days doing God’s will as much as I need to. I have filled my time with things that have little to no meaning, substance when I should be filling my time with God’s word & His will. My gift to God (and ultimately myself) is to immerse myself in the Bible, in prayer, and in service.

  154. like the saying goes its better to give then to recieve that ia so true when you do for someone else it makes you smile and feel good that you can give a smile to another and you have given a gift to god for the fact god is giving all the time and when you help him to make someone elses day it makes him happy i work at a self help center for mental challenged and physically chanenged and when i great them with a smile and serve them with food and talk to them they smile all day and feel they can complised anything they can i suffer from depressen so when i can help someone it make me feel great thanks for all your books they make me gratfull for all the things i do have

  155. This Christmas I would like to give my ALL to Jesus! That’s ALL He really wants 😉 …just a heart-gift! The very best gift I can give my Saviour is my heart! He can use my ALL, even though it seems so smALL! Just like the widow who gave her ALL!

  156. I loved reading your couple paragraps on gifts as much as I enjoy your books. I try so hard to give my heart to God everyday, sometimes we get caught up in the commercialism of the holiday and our minds slip. My daughter gave her sister a kidney and saved her life, now that is truely a gift. I’m sure God inspired this event. She is doing well again. Have a very Merry Christmas!!!!! Lela Starkey

  157. i trust that i have not already commented on this. This year i filled 4 shoes boxes for Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child, and bought gifts/clothes for two darling girls on the Angel Tree. i plan on making a batch of homemade egg noodles (angel hair style) for an elderly friend who is having her family for Christmas. Besides that, i hope to spread JOY where ever i go. Thanks for the chance to win your novels.

  158. My mom loved your Amish books I lost her 2 years ago in September can’t pick up one of your books without thinking of her. Id love to be able to help many family member who are in severe financial trouble including my son who had a bad motorcycle accident in June.He lost his job and has many bills from accident including a Flight For Life helicopter trip to Milwaukee he had no insurance.I’ve been praying for money to help.

  159. I want to show my aunt and uncle the true meaning of Christmas this year. Want to be able to show them that it isn’t about the lights, presents or Santa Claus. Praise God that He died on the cross to save me from my sins!

  160. My gift I would love to share with this Christmas season it the gift of knowing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior! What a truely wonderful gift.

    God Bless,

  161. Hi Wanda!

    This Christmas, my gift to God is given through the work in my church. Singing Christmas hymns in our choir, and helping the small kids act out the Christmas story is a great way for me, and everyone in our church, to show our praises to God.

    And as for special people, well, there are so many young families in our church, with little kids crawling around everywhere! So whenever I’m free, I love to help them out by watching the kids while the parents head out to do some much-needed errands, or even just so moms can have a nap! It’s especially important this Christmas because so many of our church family kids have come down with the chicken pox! So those poor moms need all the help they can get!


  162. This year, my husband and I are helping a gentleman get back up on his feet after losing his house and job. It’s not something I would have expected to be doing at this time of year, but we will help as long as God leads.

  163. I LOVE your books. I used to never read until I started reading your books about the Amish people. I have such a love for them because of your books.

  164. As a child my parents weren’t rich, but they always made sure we had the most memorable Christmases when it came to Christmas morning, My mom would be so excited that she would wake up at 5 AM turn on all the Christmas lights and play the music real loud until my sister and I woke up. I cherish those mornings as if they were priceless gold.

    I never had children of my own, but there’s something so special when I see a childs eyes light up when they see the lights, hear the music, and make the list for Santa. This year I’m doing all that I can to make sure that children who are less fortunate have a memorable Christmas through our church. My husband and I willalso be serving a free Christmas dinner at our church for those who have no family and/or able to provide a Christmas dinner for their families.

    All I want for Christmas is the opportunity to give and to make a special memory for someone else, like my parents did for us.

  165. Growing up the only girl with two other brothers, I had their hand-me-down clothes when I was little. For Christmas when I got a little older, I picked out nice used clothes from one of my best girlfriends and got them for Christmas. As a teenager, my mom worked sometimes 22 hours a day to afford me my dearest wish since I was a 2 year old-my very own pony, and later to send me to a private school.
    I always knew that my hertiage included a great grandmother form County Cork, Ireland, Wales, Scottish, and French lineage. However, later I learned that I am also 1/16 Native American. Growing up, in school, hearing the storeis of how the Native Americans were treated by the English settlers, and by doing research on my own, I feel a pull to give to charity to help them. There have aslways been social injustices in the world, but in these great states, the tribes of North America deserve so much more than what little our goverment gives them today, considering the atrocias events of the past, including wiping out all of the Nez Perce horses-which today are the appaloosas. We give to St. Joseph Indian School to help the children learn about their heritage.
    My homeschooled daughter and I have collected almost every adult Amish book you have written and read and discussed them. We even met and continue a friendship with an Amish-Mennonite family,visiting and writing them! I hope to continue that tradition with my next daughter.

  166. I was raised by a single mother who worked 3 jobs at any one time. There wasn’t a lot of money to go round, yet looking back at it now, those Christmases were some of my happiest.
    Now I work in a law firm where we are all fortunate to make decent salaries. To find the real meaning of Christmas you have to get in the elevator and leave the upper floors behind. Down on the street-that’s where Christmas lives. You spill out the door of the high-rise office building and into the masses where you are just one of many. No one knows where you work, and that you always know where your next meal is coming from. In the faces of everyone you pass lies Christmas. Happy faces carrying packages full of gifts to be given with love, homeless faces who would give anything for a bag full of hope, pierced and inked teens with hungry souls, older faces who feel lost in the crowd, faces from other lands yearning for a friendly smile. We are all walking toward something. I ask God to please show me one-just one I can help, here and now. Thanks God, that was fast. It was the best money I ever spent. A homeless lady had lunch today. I knew I had dinner waiting for me later at home so skipping lunch was no sacrifice. Food is the most basic human need and it kills to know that so many suffer from lack in this way. God, like Santa, welcomes helpers. Go for a walk and find Christmas-even in July.

  167. Wanda, I would like to give the gift of being thankful, not only during the Christmas season, but every day of our lives. What would our life really be like if we woke up each day and only had the people in our lives that we had thanked God for. So this Christmas season I want to work on being more grateful to all the Blessings God has given me! Merry Christmas, Judy Gobble

  168. Lately it seems like everyday I am hearing about someone else who is going thru some kind of difficulty or another. So this Christmas I am trying to help as many people as I can. For a few that has meant doing something as simple as LISTENING to them talk about whatever it is they are going through.

  169. We have always taught our children that giving is so much better than receiving. We help with the food boxes for those leas fortunate that might not have food. And we pick a child from and shel tree and it feels so wonderful just to be a part of that. God bless you and Merry Christmas.
    Please enter me in your contest.

  170. After my Dad’s passing 3 months ago, my mother who has advance Alzheimer’s fell and broke her hip and elbow. She has been in a re-hab/nursing facility since October 20th. She will be going back home to stay on Tuesday afternoon. I live in another state and work in retail so I will not be there for Christmas. There is still much joy for Christmas. My Dad will be spending it with God this year and watching over my Mom. I’ve made many great friends this past year who have held me up in these trying times. I even had the pleasure of having dinner with Wanda and her husband in an Amish home in Holmes county. Even in the darkness God is good.

  171. I give the gift of my time and attention and, of course, my love to my granddaughter. She is an only child in a single parent home. I have been a strong influence in her life from the very beginning. I try very hard to make special memories for her. I back the memories up with pictures and a journal so that when I am no longer around she will still know how much she was and is loved.

  172. I have thought about this question many times. I always feel like a gift from me would not be good enough for God. Then I need to remember that God loves us and it doesn’t matter what we give Him, He will always accept what we give. Knowing that has helped me. I know that it is a wonderful gift to show Him love!! I think that would be my guft to Him and to others.

  173. I have spent the last two months giving to others, that is my way to give my love to God.
    I run the benevolence area in our small church and find families through Social Services
    to give food or gifts too. To show God’s love to others is the best gift I can give God.

  174. My Christmas wish is….being thankful for a loving God whom is always there for me,,,,,,,,I couldn’t make it each day without my special time of prayer with God…….and just wanted to comment how excited I was to find Wanda’s site on the internet…I have read so many of her books over the years…a wonderful writer……babyruthmac16@yahoo.com

  175. Wanda i do want to say without God i wouldnt have made it through the last month it has been very trying time for me When I think I am completely alone i can feel him with me to hold me up i owe God everything I hope he can touch someone’s heart as he has mine I know alot of people go through struggles he can help You are a wonderful writer i enjoy your books each time a new one comes out God Bless and Merry Christmas to you and your family<3

  176. I love your books. My sister asked for a book to read the other day and i let her read one of your books. She is now hooked.
    My husbands grandmother is 97 and is having alot of health issues. My wish for this Christmas is that she have a great Christmas with family and friends.
    This will probably be her last Christmas.
    Merry Christmas and God Bless.

  177. I want to first of all say that I pray God truely blesses you and your family this Christmas. I have one lady in particular in mind this Christmas. She is only 24 she has just undergone her third or fourth surgery for her kidney dialysis. They have already done 2 kidney transplants and both were successful, but her disease has killed these kidneys too. The organ donor list will not allow for her to be accepted for any more transplants. She is basically living on borrowed time. I think of her often and wonder how hard it would be to handle a disease as such and know that all of your options have been reached. Please pray for this family.

  178. my Christmas wish is i would like to help spread Gods love all over the people i meet.My two aunts are sick with cancer,And you know that is bad any time you hear about this.But God wants us to put on a smile when we she others on the street,Because they maybe going though something worse.God wants us to give our love,just as he gives his love..i don’t have a lot of money this year for Christmas But i got love and Thats a lot more than money.Sometimes i think we get caught up in the hoilday rush and forget the real meaning of Christmas.thank you so much for your books,the are enjoyable.Shrvir5@aol.com

  179. I can only presume that your Rachel Yoder is modeled after the young Amish woman who was shot and killed this weekend… I am so very, very sorry for her family and loved ones. What a terrible cruelty and I am glad that your books immortalize a delightful Rachel Yoder for generations to come.

  180. I don’t know what I would like to give god? But I have a cousin that I would like to give her the gift of the lord! She doesn’t believe in God! And she is misarible! I just pray that some day she might come to know God!

  181. I always like to get my students involved in helping others during the holiday and all year long. They love making those no sew blankets for people down at the mission house. They always come up with a cute greeting to put with them like, “Knotted with love”. It warms my heart heart to see them so excited about doing something nice for others. I have started doing this same kind of thing with my 4 year old son. He picks out gifts to donate to Toys 4 Tots. Next year we are going to let him earn money to go towards the cause.

    I really enjoy reading your books! God Bless and Merry Christmas!!!

  182. I love the Christmas season. I try to remember it is Jesus’ birthday and honor him. It is a time to enjoy family and friends and spend time together. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas.

  183. One of the greatest gifts is time. So this Christmas season my gift is taking time to show someone I care. I am taking 30 mimutes to an Hour and visiting with the elderly, nursing home and family who is ill. I sat with them and I am in no hurry to leave. We just tlak and visit and on my what I have learned from thei time. Time goes by too fast and at times I have stayed longer. This has blessed me more than any gift I could receive. Take time to smell the roses before you know it …it will be gone.
    Connie Elrod

  184. There is a woman in my church who doesn’t have any relatives around, and she is very lonely. She was raising her grandson for a while until he went to live with his dad and future stepmom in Georgia. I would love to just be a friend to her, and let her know she isn’t alone. I believe that God has called us to be friends to the friendless and lonely, and I would like to give that gift this Christmas.

  185. Dear Wanda,
    This is my favorite holiday. That is because of the meaning. There is no way I could give to God all that He has given to me. So many blessings above any number I could count. I want to be more obedient to Him and listen more carefully to what He is trying to say to me. To always be kind and generous to those less fortunate. I am so happy that even though it breaks so easily, God gave me a heart for others. I have tried to give that back to my children and grandchildren. Sometimes it only takes a smile to help someone feel better. I thank God for you. That you used the ability He gave you to write wonderful Christian books for us to enjoy. You are a most talented author and I enjoy your books. I devour them. I can’t see well enough to read even the large print at times but I get them on audio when available. I read them more than once and enjoy them the second time around as much as the first. I pray that you and your family have a year full of blessings. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and yours! Donna

  186. On December 27, 2009, my family of 7 lost everything we had to a massive fire. We had no insurance. Even in the midst of such pain and devastation, the light of Jesus was kept alive as others blessed into our lives on a daily basis, loving us and helping us recover. I understand the value of the gifts of the heart, the things money can’t buy, and how important it is to love others as Jesus loves us. There are so many broken, hurting, devastated people all around us who need that love. They need to feel special to someone. We still have a long way to go, but God’s love and God’s people have gotten us this far, and I want to pay that forward and bless into the lives of others as often as I can. God bless you all through Christmas and all the year through!

  187. I have read other Amish writers in the past….I have just been introduced to you….Loved reading your Journal and can’twait to read your books! God has truely blessed me in my life and I am so thankful to Him! Merry Christmas!

  188. Hi Wanda – One of the things I’d like to do as one of God’s beloved is to be more thoughtful of others throughout the year, not just frantically thinking of nice things to do at Christmas-time. When I say thoughtful, I mean to pay more attention to the things they say, and listen better for ways to meet unspoken needs throughout the year. My husband is a great model for this.

    Thanks for your wonderful stories – keep ’em coming…..and Prayers going for the Amish community that lost the little girl in the hunting accident.

    Merry Christmas and God’s blessings on you, your family and all of your readers!!!!

    Love Georgie

  189. Wanda- I ABSOLUTELY love your books and being from Easton Pennsylvania, I really enjoyed the Lehigh Canal series and take my children down to the canal boat ride each summer. This year it was neat to think of your books and what it might have been like in the past!
    As for a gift from God this season or for others I would have to say the Christmas spirit for my husband. He has has a rough year with my stepson and it has just taken its toll on him and his spirit and faith and especially at this time of year. My prayers each night are to give him the gift of the Christmas spirit that may make him feel more positive and give him his faith back. Tonight we were sitting at my son’s christmas concert and happened to sit next to someone that might have been our answer and I just hope that this is the christmas gift we were hoping for.
    Thanks for all of your books and keep on writing, I would miss the books as my companions and strength!

  190. I would like to give my parents a very special gift. Some peace and comforting. My 23 year old sister just passed away in April. It was a drug OD, a problem she had been battling for years. She had tried rehab, was going to church, and reading her Bible daily, but she just could not overcome. This will be our first Christmas without her, and I just wish to give my parents some comfort. This will be hard for them..

  191. I would like to thank God for speaking to me and encouraging me by providing strength, courage and the right words when I resinged from my job. I truly belive God knew it was time. I would like to give my family the present of encouragement and a present of strength as we all battle our personal problems but encourage others through there troubles.