Wanda’s Journal

Use of our Talents

Several years ago my husband and I had a puppet ministry. We traveled around the State of Washington and put on programs for Bible schools, Sunday schools, church camps, and various other functions. In order to add more interest to our programs I learned ventriloquism, and my husband learned how to make twisty balloon creations. Having grown up believing I had no particular talent, it was fun to learn that I not only had a talent in ventriloquism, but I enjoyed doing it, too. I often use my talent of ventriloquism when we visit Amish and English schools.

I also enjoy using my ability to write books for adults and children. I feel blessed when someone who has read one of my books shares with me that something I have written has touched their life in some special way.

God gives each of us talents, and I believe He wants us to use them for Him. The Bible tells us in Colossians 3:17: “And whatsoever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” What are your special talents, and how are you using them for Him?

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One Comment

  1. I enjoyed reading this! I love to see people step out and use their talents for the Lord. I am a speaker at women’s conferences and preach in churches. I use my weird sense of humor to do skits that help drive home a point from the Word of God. It is a good thing to hear many voices and use it for the Kingdom. I’m sure it’s the same type of voices you hear to write your stories. The Lord is so good to give us these talents.