Wanda’s Journal

Family Ties

Since my husband and I travel a lot, we always try to plan our trips so that we don’t miss out on special family events, because our children and grandchildren are very important to us.

I’ve noticed that our Amish friends have a very special bond to their family members, too. I have seen a deep respect between parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins. I believe that as we follow God’s teachings, our first priority is to Him, and second, to love and serve our family.

How sad that some people treat strangers with more kindness and respect than their own families. The richest legacy we can leave our children and grandchildren is a Christian example. Is there something special you can do for a family member today? When was the last time you told someone in your family how much you love and appreciate them?

Heavenly Father: Thank You for my husband, children, and grandchildren, whom I love and appreciate so much. Help me remember to tell them often that I love them. Amen.

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  1. I agree Wanda. so many times I have seen people treat strangers better then there own family member’s. It is so sad that this happens.

  2. Well, having just spoken to my Mom, (celebrating her 90th today) I can honestly say I have told all of those within my family how much I love & care for them. I am md., w/2 great K~9 gals; never had kids, but have tons of kids through my family and good friends.
    My DH, Jeff, never leaves this house w/o a “bye, have a good day, I love you”, from my lips; we also end our phone conversations the same way: I LOVE YOU! We hd already gotten into that habit, way before
    The Murrah building in OKC was bombed, and then we had the horrible 911 incident!!! So after that, it just became much more important for both of us to make the other understand our feelings! This is my 2nd marriage, and there is really NO comparison to the ex!!!!! This man really does love me, without restrictions, conditions, no questions asked!!!! I love him the same way!!!!!!! Look out, Sept. 17, here we come, celebrating our 17th year!!!!!!!!!
    Love your books, cannot wait till the next one comes out, from whatever series I am reading at the time!
    Am so very grateful they are available in the large print version!!! Thank you, Wanda, for giving us an insight and in~depth look into the Amish family, community, and way of life!!!! Sorry, this one sort of got away from me LOL!!!!!!!

  3. I think you are so right Wanda. I think some people do treat strangers better and with more respect than their own families. God is number 1 in our lives , my husband is next, following my children, and other relatives–parents, grandparents , aunts and uncle. It is so easy, however, to take them for granted. I truly believe the richest legacy we can leave our children and (grandchildren), and other family members is a Christian example…being a good role model and sharing GOD’S word with them. I am so thankful for Jesus , my redeemer, my husband, my children, my parents and in-laws, my aunts and uncles and other relatives. They are a blessing in my life.

    1. I love the way the Amish are so close to each other and help each when in these time and day people are always in a hurry to get some wear and they don’t think about the next person.

  4. I agree with all that mentioned about family members treat outsiders better than own family members. Some feel they owe them that kindness more because of they recived something from them. To me thats wrong. Amish treat all with kindness cause Gods Word says to and they obey. We can learn that lesson from them if we get into Gods Word like they do every day. I feel that God wasnt being removed from schools and this saying thats going around dont want to offend anyone. This saying is changeing alot of people and with God not being mentioned no one will know love and His teachings will be gone.

  5. Oh i agree family come first we were brought up that way, but sadly as my family gets bigger and older it has fallen threw the crackes or it is taken the other way and taken advatage of. We did everything with our family growing up and i have great memories I want to share the same memories with my kids. we work hard with our family relationships. One thing i love about reading the amish books is Family, the world has taken it away from us and telling use that it is your self first, then others who can help you next, I makes me so sad. I am glad you make sure your family comes first:)

  6. I agree wholeheartedly! It reminds me of the saying, you can pick your friends but not your family. It seems likely that we often treat our families poorly because we are with them more and we know that they will forgive us. It is a wonderful reminder to treat everyone with the respect you would want. The golden rule taught in elementary school!
    My family is so important to me, immediate and extended. We have many fun traditions that I hope to one day do with my grandchildren. Even as our family continues to grow, we make efforts to get together for family picnics, cookie exchanges, etc. There’s nothing better than just being with family.

  7. Wanda,

    God Bless you and your family. They are so blessed having you as a Christian example as are we your readers. I cherish your writing and thank you for the inspiration and encourager you are through your books. It was a privilege meeting you at a book signing.

    God is indeed first in my life and after that family. God has blessed me with a wonderful family of which I am very thankful.


  8. Hello Wanda…I just want to say thank you for the wondeerful stories you write..I really enjoy them..Thank you so much

  9. Hello Wanda,
    I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your books! I look forward to every new book that you write and I just love the books that are series. I get so involved with the story line I feel like I am a part of the family! Your books help me pass all of the hours I spend alone due to a disability. Since I cannot get out and about by myself I spend many hours reading. Your books have provided me many great hours enjoying the great stories in your books. Family, faith, loyalty and trust of one another are the wonderful traits that keep all of your characters so interesting and how they deal with daily struggles and when their faith is tested, how they deal with that test is just the most heart warming thing to read. I wish our family was closer, I pray every day for us to be closer. Distance separates us and makes it hard for all of us to be together. My one cousin and I recently re-connected after many years and it has been wonderful! Again, thank you for your wondeful books and I only wish I could write something that would be half as inspiring as all of your books. I really enjoy each and every one of your books! Thank you so much

  10. Hello Wanda, just want to tell you how much I appreciate your books. I used to live in a community where we had a lot of neighbors who were Mennonite and some were Amish, we loved them and had community lunches with them. Family is so important, I came from a large family 9 children, Momma and Daddy. We lived on the farm and raised all of our vegetables and meats. This past November we had a family reunion for the first time since Momma died which has been 10 years ago in June, we had over 120 family members, it was so much fun to see Neices and Nephews and their children whom we don’t get to see very often. I have 2 Daughters and 1 Grand-Daughter and 6 Grand-Sons, I pass all of your books on to my Daughters, then Sisters and Neices. Your books are a source of encouragement and inspiration to me, keep up the good work.

  11. I would like to say I have just read your new book and it was very good. I can’t weight tell September for the next one. Keep up the good work.