Wanda’s Journal

A Merry Heart

I woke up the other morning feel tired and out-of-sorts. I’d worked too many hours the day before, had slept wrong on my neck, and had a headache besides. How was going to get any sensible writing done? I hoped I wasn’t going to be grumpy all day.

Then I opened my e-mail box and found a message from one of my readers that ended with the verse of scripture: “A Merry heart is good medicine.” Proverbs 17:22. That particular verse is one of my favorites, and I was thankful for the reminder to put on a happy face and look for something to laugh, or at least smile, about.

I know my Amish friends enjoy humor, because every time my husband and I have been invited to an Amish home for supper, we’ve enjoyed the light banter, joke telling, and laughter that accompanied the meal.

What brings a smile to your face or causes you to laugh? A joyful heart is pleasing to the Lord, and it’s an added benefit to know that it’s good medicine for us, too. My prayer for today is that, despite fatigue or pain, I’ll be reminded to look at the brighter side of life and thank God for the gift of laughter.

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  1. Hi Wanda, thank you for your journal entry today, it brought a smile to my morning :). I have a household of all boys, and fortunately they bring lots of smiles and laughter to my day with their goofiness :). I love your Amish novels :).

  2. Hi, Wanda!

    Your books bring me such joy. I’m looking forward to new Amish stories. If you ever get to Canby, Oregon, or even Portland, it would be such an honor to meet you. Hope you have a lovely Monday.

  3. I love it when God know what you need:) that verse when you need it.
    My kids playing and talking always brings a smile to my face: anf warmes mt heart 🙂
    Just seeing them always remindes me of Gods love for us and how much he has blessed me.

  4. I need to be reminded of that many times. I stand up with the wrong foot and then I’m grumpy all day. I forget to look at the wonders around me. Thank you Wanda for that journal entry. It lifted my heart!

    May God Bless You!

  5. We serve such an awesome God. No matter how we feel when we get up He invites us to be by His side. “Come let us reason together,” says the Lord. Isaiah 1:18 How amazing He is, what Love for us.

  6. Wanda, your writing has done so much to encourage my faith and bring me knowledge about the Amish. I have a Mennonite friend whom I’ve been writing 7 years and I find myself very drawn to them. The more fiction I read of yours the more I want to know more. I live near an Amish community that is in Milroy, Indiana. I live just a few miles away. I have been so intrigued by it all I am learning Pennsylvania Dutch-thanks to your books as well. I am a born again Christian and I also have a very hard life. I have a rare nuerological disease called Recurrent Transverse Myelitis which acts like MS in my spinal cord. I have a lot of damage there and so I have a lot of pain. I can walk right now. I have been back and forth with that over the years. I just recently got diagnosed with MS as well so it is important that I surroiund myself with things that are of the Lord. Thank-you so much for your gift and sharing it with the world. I know that Christ will say to you well done good and faithful servant.