Wanda’s Journal

Perfect Peace

There’s still time to enter my Lose Your Heart in the Amish Life Contest. You have a chance to win a beautiful, Amish-made, quilted wall-hanging if you submit your entry by midnight on Friday, April 22nd.

Whenever I’m in Amish Country I feel a sense of peace. There’s something about the Amish people’s simple way of life that makes me feel relaxed and content. When I hear the steady clip-clop of a horse’s hooves as it pulls an Amish buggy along, I find it to be soothing, just like the gentle tick-tock of a clock. Sitting on one of our Amish friend’s porch, enjoying a glass of iced tea, looking out across their pasture at the horse’s grazing, always makes me feel peaceful and closer to God.

In our busy world we often get so caught up in doing and going that we don’t take time to relax and allow ourselves an opportunity to experience peaceful feelings. For some, like me, it might be a walk on the beach, enjoying a tall glass of iced tea, or a friendly visit with friends on their porch. What makes you feel relaxed and peaceful? What makes you feel closer to God?

Make a list of the things that give you a sense of peace. This week, as you take a few minutes out to relax, keep your mind on God, and receive His promise of perfect peace. That’s what I plan to do.

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  1. I know what you mean, when you go to the Amish community there is a since of peace. I very much enjoy spending time with them, as one of our good friend is Amish. (Indiana) and have visited them a couple of times. I was raised in a christian home and we had the up bringing of the amish. We now live our busy lives and have forgotten the simplier ways of life, and not to our advantage. My husband and I have really looked back and decided to simply our lives and go back to the way we were brought up. We have had our ups and down (just like the amish do) but ours is brought on by money, material things, thinking that it would make us happy, But we were really longing for the closness and family times. So we’ve been turning off the tv and gardening together, walking together and enjoying each others company. Money does not buy happiness ! So as I post this, we are really enjoying our family.

    1. I agree with you, Barb. I always look foward to spending time with our family. I also enjoy taking walks with my husband, and whenever I can, it’s fun to be outside in the garden, too.

  2. being at the beach is where I love to be…it seems with each sound of the wave….I can feel Him whisper…and there is peace. Time ceases, the world falls away and it’s just a matter of being still and knowing He is God. but for the times I can’t see a beach, my porch swing and the breeze blowing through my hair….well it’s still a place of peace and serenity. thanks for asking that question.

    1. You’re so right about the feeling of peace that comes from being on the beach, Virginia. I love to hear the sound of the waves crashing against the shore, and it’s always fun to look for shells, driftwood, and beach agates. God created many simple, yet beautiful, things for our enjoyment. We just need to take the time to enjoy them.

  3. I just love these books …when i get upset or discourage i pick one of these books and i read …i get lost in them,its just like if iam right in there with them …keep writing i really enjoy them ….some day i would like to meet a Amish family …they are so loving and take time to help others….I just finish reading A Cousin’s Prayer i would love to come closer to God let him help me …thanks for the beautiful books

    1. Prayer and Bible reading always help me feel closer to God, and I also feel His presence when I’m enjoying nature.

  4. I have read several of your books and really enjoy them. The latest I read was the Indiana Counsins Trilogy. The problen is I tried the Amish Friendship Starter and twice now it molted on me and I wonder if there is something I’m doing wrong. I’d appricate any help.

    1. I’m not sure why the starter would go bad. I know my daughter has made it several times, so I’ll ask her about it the next time we talk.

  5. Growing up on a small farm in North West Montana I can see some of my childhood in each of your books. The Blessings of growing up in a small community with cousins, Aunts & Uncles, Grandparents & Great Grandparents. Learning to embroider, crochet, cook, bake, garden, horses, chickens, cows, pigs, all the things I long for today. Sitting in the Lord’s beauty in Prayer is one of the many ways I relax in His Peace. Another is cooking & baking for friends, quiet walks with my Bestest Buddy down in Idaho is yet another. For me Peace comes in the simple and quiet Blessings the Lord has given me over the years. There is nothing better than His Peace!

    Loved the book Journey! Read it this past week, was home with a URI. So enjoy reading & each of your books has brought me many quiet hours of reading enjoyment.

    1. There’s something about being in the country that is relaxing and peaceful, too. Makes me wish I was there right now. 🙂

    1. That sounds good to me, too, Sherry. Love to sit by the small ponds in our yard and listen to and watch the birds.

  6. Please pray for my friend Penny who is undergoing treatments for cancer.
    Please pray for the people affected by the Hurricane, Ian.
    Please pray for our Nation and especially for our churches and our leaders.
    Thank you for your stories which bring me closer to my Lord.
    Thank you.