Wanda’s Journal

Simple Living (Part 6)

The Amish take part in many volunteer activities. In Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, many Amish men belong to the volunteer fire department. Many Amish women make quilts and other items to sell at benefit auctions which help people in other parts of the world, like Haiti. After the terrible hurricane that struck Louisiana several years ago, some of our Amish friends went there to help rebuild. Part of simple living is helping others, so why not devote more time to volunteer activities that involve helping people in need?

Is there anything you’ve done for someone in need recently?

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  1. I was a Cuddler volunteer in the NICU at my local hospital before the pandemic but they discontinued the program. I am in contact with the hospital to get the program restarted. Babies need human contact and the nurses are too busy to just sit and hold them.

  2. I volunteered for a long time in our hospital cancer infusion clinic. Loved being there with these patients and offering them love and hope.Now my caregiving is for my husband.
    Pleased to know your arm is doing much better. God Bless
    Love your books.

  3. I always enjoy reading you and the amount of information you offer about Amish and how they live and contribute to the communities.
    Your books always leave me wishing I grew up Amish. I was raised in the country but we did have a few basic “luxuries” a car, electric and b&w TV.
    Thank you for always taking me on a relaxing and enjoyable read.

  4. What they do is so fulfilling and our world would be so much better off if we put down the electronics and focused on others.

  5. I recently solicited business to get donations we could raffle at a spaghetti dinner for my friend who is going through a rough patch with her MDS cancer treatment. She is not able to work like before, she has bills, house expense’s, food & pets to care for. Not counting travel to & from appointments or gas. The event brought her over $4,000. I was so happy to help her in some way wished I could do more. I always say we need to walk in the other persons shoes.

    1. I volunteer in our church’s 5th-6th grade kids ministry and it’s so amazing being able to talk to the kids and to be able help them and pray with them about their problems with friends,school,etc all while having so much fun and learning about God every weekend.

  6. I work at an optometry clinic, which is no longer and independently owned clinc. It is part of a corporation. Our patients always need help with their vision. Sometimes the corporate world and clinic world disagree on how to handle certain situations. I will always try to put the patient and their needs first! Regardless of what my bosses say or “recommend”. It’s very frustrating, and sad, that the corporation world preaches patient first, but that is not true at all, it is the bottom line for many clinics and hospitals. This is just one way I try to help someone in need. It is not volunteering but is my daily life.

  7. Yes, I have my daughter and grandchildren back with me because of a very bad situation that they found themselves in. Now my grandchildren are thriving and happy.

  8. I love how the Amish help others. We like to attend our local spring Amish auction each year.
    I help my elderly parents out.

  9. This past weekend, our family was involved in buying food, clothes and diapers for single mothers in our community. It is always a joy to give!

  10. Thank you so much for sharing your simple lifestyle with so many people. I am always blessed and feel peaceful after reading your books

  11. My husband enjoys taking off work for a week in the winter to volunteer with Brethren Disaster Ministries to help rebuild houses for victims in flooded or tornado damaged areas that are wanting to get back into their homes. He takes our teenage sons as they get old enough.

  12. I have made many fleece blankets and donated them to various places – hospitals, fire departments for when they are needed. I donate all sorts of items including clothing, shoes, household misc, and just about anything to our church which goes to the Orphan Grain Train.

  13. I always enjoy reading all your emails. I have been visiting Amish in Lancaster Pa for the last 45 years. I respect them completely. Over the last 4 years I have volunteered at a local Soup Kitchen there I have found how Blessed I am. Thank you for your emails. Look forward to them God Bless you

  14. I helped a friend with she was pregnant I made meals and helped clean house for her. She was high risk and was hard to keep doing everything. I am so glad that you are healing.

    Thank you

  15. I love to read your posts there so inspiring. And I really love your books. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  16. Our church is part of an association that has a relief team. We are looking to send a team to clean up after Hurricane Helene.

  17. That is one thing I admire about the Amish, how they pull together to help each other out. I crochet and along with 2 other ladies we made 30 scarves and sent them to a mission in Toc, Alaska.
    I really enjoy reading your books and can’t wait until the next one comes out each time.

  18. I saw a group of Amish young men and women going along the roads, cleaning up trash this past weekend. It seems that service is something they take very seriously! You never know what an impact you might be making on someone’s life by volunteering your time. For many years I was a 4H Leader for a sewing group. This was really a sacrifice of love for me, because I’m not very good at sewing, and felt very ill equipped to serve in this capacity, but I tried my best! More recently, I have volunteered by serving meals to sports teams at our local high school.

  19. I do volunteer at our local fire department. But like you said we could always use more willing people. We had a man fall off the front of his pontoon boat and rebroke his hip he was in the water for about 2hrs before someone found him then called 911 for us it was one of the colder nights but we got him out of the water by going In and lifting him out with the stoxs basket. He’s doing good today.

  20. We have an older neighbor next door who just lost her mother who lived with her. We check on her often, my daughter takes her garbage to the curb each week and brings it back. I give her rides or buy her things when l’m going to the store. I also send cards t many people every week to help brighten their day and help them make it through their lives.

  21. I am very appreciative of your writing and your sharing with everyone the Amish lifestyle. We should all be as kind and helpful.

  22. I am in charge of our Vacation Bible School food service. We are in a rural area of Missouri with many needy families. We have a wonderful Bible School program and we feed the children a full dinner each night. Of course we include delicious cookies and snacks. We also have a community dinner each fall and the proceeds go to buying meals and Christmas gifts for families in need. We try to give the families not only food, but paper products and cleaning supplies.

  23. There are so many in need right now. It is wonderful that communities come together to help each other

  24. I love drinking different hot teas in the cooler months. Many times I’m able to hear the birds singing outside. Yesterday as I was checking some of the plants n our garden, I enjoyed seeing the birds eating the sunflower seeds from the ones that grew this year.

  25. Yes, my father had hurt his back doing yard work . I flew home from Texas to stay for a month with him and my mom to help take care of things around the house.

  26. Fall is my favorite season. We love several different kinds of pumpkin treats-I tend to bake more during the fall and Christmas season even though I love to bake year round! Our daughter attended Pensacola Christian College and while she was there I would send her fall pictures from home since she really didn’t get to see fall for four years!

  27. My husband and I are firm believers in tithing to our church and we’ve found that we can never out-give the Lord. We also try to give to others in need and even if we can’t do something involving physical activity, we can set aside a little extra to help in other ways. And, we can always pray.

  28. I try and take time to listen when someone needs me too. I have been taking food boxes to families that have children that seems to be the best thing I can do right now. I teach adult Sunday School and do my best to carry out what the lessons demonstrate. I fall very short in what I can accomplish, but I continue to try everyday to pray and see where I’m being led to go.

  29. Wanda,
    I was unaware that the Amish give so generously to causes. I’m very glad to know that. They are the best workers anywhere!
    I love knowing that they support Haitian people. My heart goes out to them. I support several Haitian children through Compassion International.
    Thank you for sharing!

    Charlotte S

  30. That sounds like a lot of fun
    Before I found a book of yours (the prayer jar) I had only heard of the word Amish, I had no idea what the actual meaning was etc, I have no access to an Amish community nor do I think I could live without technology to be honest but I do love all the themes in your books

    1. That sounds bad, obviously not fun that people are in need, but making quilts and things is good fun, especially if you are doing it for a good cause.

  31. I belong to a crafting group of seniors. We knit and crochet items to donate to 5 different organizations. Sometimes we get yarn donations but some of use our own yarn. I do because I have more yarn than I can use.

  32. I have a special friend who has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s and I volunteer to help in the church kitchen, of which she was a huge part of. I visit, text her to let her know I care and pray for her. I made sure to get her to a baby shower for a young couple in our church. Always see what I can get for her. God is amazing and I believe in miracles. I’m glad you are healing well. My prayers are for you each day. God Bless you

  33. I’m crocheting bowl cozies for a food charity that goes along with others making pottery bowls. It will go through a food bank supplying for those in need.

  34. Thank you for sharing with us!!! I really need to do more for people, but I love helping Senior adults in lots of ways!!!

  35. Thank you for always sharing!!! I love working and helping with Senior Adults. I really need to do more. You have encouraged me to do so.

  36. I am a member of Soldier’s Angels, which helps support our troops by sending cards and gifts to soldiers, veterans, and/or family members of soldiers and veterans.

  37. I try to help the elderly in my town. Explaining how to get assistance or help with a particular need and last week helping an elderly woman register to vote. She was so afraid she wouldn’t be able to vote.
    Your Journal entries are inspirational. Thank you

  38. I have always admired the Amish way of life. We were able to visit Lancaster County, PA many years ago while visiting relatives in Maryland, and enjoyed it so much. We saw men putting a roof on a huge barn on the way up to visit friends and they were finished by the time we came back the following day. We stopped at a roadside stand and bought a shoefly pie from a young Amish girl and asked if she made it. She simply said, neighbor lady did. They keep their conversation simple as well as their lifestyle. Not a lot of idle words to answer for as the Bible says. We were not able to have a garden this year and I really missed the fresh vegetables and canning them. A late frost got our blueberries and pears so none of them either. Maybe next year. God is still good.

  39. I organize meals for people who are coming home from the hospital or having chemo treatments and cannot cook for themselves. I am always way more blessed than the person on the receiving end.

  40. I am on a team at church that brings meals to new mothers. You get to help families and always get a peek at the new arrival!

  41. Our next door neighbor has advanced breast cancer. We’re providing a meal a week for her family of 5 and praying with them for God’s healing touch. They are such an encouragement to our neighborhood and wonderful Christian family, even tho going thru this trial.

  42. I have belonged to several charitable organizations throughout my life, and even served as a PTA president for two years. At this time in my life, I am happy to offer a helping hand at family or community events where needed. I also enjoy sharing books with the residents at my mother-in-law’s senior living facility. You are never too old to enjoy a good book!

  43. We can learn a lot about community and helping others from the Amish. My church has a motto, “We do life together.” We try to do what Paul wrote in Galatians 6:2 “Bear one another’s burdens.”

  44. Wanda, volunteering comes in many forms. For many years I have volunteered my time to a local Boy Scout troup, but recently, I have been seeking more opportunities to volunteer- since I am getting older and my interests are changing. As for whether I have recently helped someone in need, back in May, my younger sister had knee surgery and I went back up to Cheektowaga, New York, to help not only her, but be there for my Mom, too. Lending a helping hand is what is needed and I will find a new chance to lend my skills soon.

  45. I, too, love walking through the fall leaves. Also, going on road trips, near and far, to look at all the fall colors. Every week we take out and bring in the neighbors garbage can. Take soup and meals to folks who are recuperating. In the next two days I will take soup to two different sisters. One fell and broke her hip and had surgery. The other sister had routine surgery to replace a defective hip. I enjoy bringing cheer to others.

  46. Last week I gathered and donated supplies and clothing to the local homeless shelter to help with the outreach programs of providing clothing and meals to individuals in need. I try to do this monthly to help support the programs the shelter offers and to help make my community a better place.

  47. I always enjoy reading your Amish books,Wanda. Your stories seems so real life like, like we’re right there with them. I also prayed for the healing of your arm. God bless you, Sherry Duvall

  48. They have a blessing box in town and I have given food many times. Been a time where I needed help so glad to give.

  49. I love reading your journal, I wish more people would have a helping hand insted of just setting back. There is a lady in our church that is always canning, getting extra food when she calls I go and pick it up and help give it to people in need of it. If a person’s life reflects God in their life then this Lady has definitely got the love of God in her. She will never know how much she is loved and respecter she has tought me so much.

  50. When a family was having a financial situation, I made sure I had a meal for them and did whatever was needed that week. I still help out as needed.

  51. I went through clothes and donated them plus I took food to a food box in my city for people to come get what them need.

  52. I enjoy sending cards in the mail to people. It’s a lost thing that most people don’t do anymore. I enjoy encouraging people and helping put a smile on their face.

  53. I used to do a lot of gardening, but not so much anymore. I find it easier to buy things for the two of us now.
    I absolutely love reading your books! I find it hard to put the book down once I start reading!

    So happy to hear that your arm is doing better!

  54. Hurricane Helene has left devastation everywhere. My son Logan attends Emory and Henry University in Emory, Va. That area is demolished. I am working with him to get supplies to people in need.

  55. I live in Tennessee , about 3 hrs from the damage of Hurricane Helene that hit here GA, NC, SC,FL,VA, it’s so amazing how many people have came together to help .

  56. We had a student at my children’s school who has experienced some really difficult things in life and had to choose to abandon her only “stability” due to unsafe conditions there. So many people jumped in to help create a new stable life for her in which she would be protected and safe while dealing with the fallout of choosing to leave the conditions she needed to. A group of us pooled our money together in order to purchase her a reliable vehicle to help her get to and from school and work. Also, Our church will be sending money this month that will most likely be earmarked for those who have been affected by Hurricane Helene. This is also our World Missions Drive month where we send money to our partner churches in Africa. We will also be starting a collection drive for our soldiers stationed overseas at my children’s school.

  57. Our church makes quilts to send to overseas missionaries. The missionaries give them to the lost one at a time and share the Gospel with them. This gives them a way to be accepted into their homes.

  58. I am a volunteer guardian advocate. I visit monthly . This is a non profit organization. I love reading your books. I am so glad your arm is better!

  59. With the 2 hurricanes hitting Florida, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and North Carolina recently, many volunteers will be needed to help these people get back on their feet. I help organize the CROP Walk for Church World Service in my area. The money goes internationally, nationally and locally for disasters. Part also goes to the 2 food banks in our area. I know they are currently in North Carolina assisting. As I do Mission & Service at my church, we do several projects each year to help those in need. We are currently collecting socks for “Socktober.” We collect food for our local food pantry. In my younger days, I was deployed with the Red Cross to Katrina and Irene to help clients issuing checks. I am always looking for new ideas to help those in need.

  60. We have a local store that is ran by Amish & Mennonites. I love this store. Unfortunately, 2 young ladies from the store, 1 Amish, 1 Mennonite were involved in a very bad accident. The 1 young lady is okay, and returned to her home in Illinois. Sadly, the other is still in hospital, and has been since August 1st. They have hospital bills galore, so their Community is holding a Benefit Dinner/Auction tomorrow evening for them. I love attending these type of things to help others! ❤️
    My heart breaks for both of these young ladies. They are in their late teens. I don’t recall their injuries, simply because whenever I spoje with one of the ladies at the store, I was shell-shocked that it was 2 of their workers. (Only because of where the accident happened is why I wasn’t sure they worked at this store😪)
    I’ve kept them in my prayers, as well as their fellow workers, and their respective communities. It’s just heartbreaking hearing these type of things. It’s bad enough hearing buggy accidents let alone car accidents.
    But, I ALWAYS, support these types of benefits, every chance I get.

  61. I love to volunteer my time. I am an active member of our Churches food pantry, I love being able to help feed the souls along with their tummy. I also volunteered within my community.

  62. I think we should all help our neighbors and fellow man when we can. Kindness goes a long way. We all should take notes n help more like the Amish. And help our communities even if it doesn’t involve money.

  63. It is a blessing to visit with older home bound people of our church. Through visiting recently with my 97 year old friend we discovered we not only share the same birth date, but we both worked at the same Christian bookstore, many years ago, at different times. We were both part time help so we never worked on the same days. My dear friend is a wonderful Christian witness and shares many life experiences with me. What a blessing this is for me to be able to visit with these dear ones.