Wanda’s Journal

Simple Living (Part 3)

One thing I’ve noticed about most of my Amish friends is that they like to read—both fiction and real-life stories. Many have said that they enjoy reading because it takes them to places they’ve never been able to visit. Reading is also a good way to relax.

I have enjoyed reading ever since I was a child, and now, as an author, I love writing as much as reading. It’s fun to immerse myself into each storyline and become, for a little while, whichever character I’m writing or reading about.

I hope that when you read one of my novels, you will allow yourself to be drawn into the lives of my Amish characters and the Plain communities each of the books are set in. Since I have Amish friends in every community I write about it, I do my best to make sure that my facts are as accurate as possible.

Do you like to read for the enjoyment of learning about new things? Or is reading a way to help you relax and leave your own world behind as you get to know the characters in a book?

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  1. I love reading! It is relaxing, and I am often carried away into the world in which the characters live.


  3. I love to read. For me it is a relaxing moment, I also try to put myself into the setting of the story. About 8 years ago I for Wanda Brunstetter Amish stories, I fell in love with her stories. As I have Amish families living just down the road from me. I want to learn about their way of life , and understand how/ why they live such a plain simple life.
    I also like to read murder mystery, romance, biographies, and travel books.

  4. Dear Wanda,
    Bless you for entering me in your giveaway for,
    “Letters of Wisdom”.
    I too was born early and weighed 3lbs. 6oz.
    I was my mother’s turkey surprise as my birthday was Thanksgiving
    when it was supposed to be in February of the next year.
    As one preemie to another, I will continue to pray for you.

  5. I love all your books and I can’t wait to read the one I just received. All of your books take me to places I would love to visit . Many prayers for you and your family and may God continue to bless you daily .

  6. I enjoy reading for both escape and to learn. Amish novels satisfies both! I’ve learned so much about the Amish through your books and other authors like Amy Clipston, Beth Wiseman, etc. Always fascinating reading about Amish in different communities around the country, Old Order, New Order, Scharzenruber, etc. and learning about their similarities and differences.

  7. I know that lots of Amish love to read many Amish authors including yourself. I look forward to finding books in used bookstores and goodwill stores also and there are many times where there are Amish families looking for books also.we have quite a few Amish families in our London Ontario community and surrounding areas. I exchange books with my sister and my mother enjoyed them so much before she passed last year.thanks so much.

  8. I love both! I read Christian fiction Amish and historical. They always have a happy ending and there is always a message!

  9. I love to read! I have enjoyed your books from the beginning. We lived near the Amish for 21 years and I always enjoyed time spent with them as well as learning about them from your books. I enjoy reading books about different areas of this beautiful country of ours too. Mostly I read to relax. Thank you Wanda for entering me in the giveaway for Letters of Wisdom.

  10. I love reading and learning more about the Amish. Living in Ohio I love going down to Amish country and take in the sites, visit the stores and watch the horse and buggies go by.

  11. I love reading. My mom lives in Missouri and has several amish friends that help her.

  12. I enjoy reading as a way to relax and get lost in another place. I have been reading your books on the Amish for years and love the simpler ways they live life. Prayers and blessings to you and your family.

  13. I love reading books as a way to help me relax and unwind. Learning about the characters families and lives are very enjoyable to me. I especially love Amish fiction and Wanda is my favorite author. I have read many different authors of Amish fiction over the years and find that I am drawn to their easy(ier) way of life. Sometimes I find myself grabbing for my book to read another chapter and see what they are up to throughout my day,.

  14. I read for both enjoyment and learning! It’s so nice to forget about my daily stresses for a little bit and immerse myself in a different world. I’ve been a big reader since I learned how to read! My best memories are going to the library with my mom.

  15. Have read other two books and would do love to read letters of wisdom. Would be more enjoyable having it autigraphed by you.

  16. I love reading your books ❤️
    Robbie Frazier
    1073 county road 140
    New Albany Mississippi 39652

  17. I love reading for pleasure. I can travel to new places and meet new friends without leaving home.

  18. Wanda,

    Thank you so much for your wonderful books. I so enjoy reading them & putting myself in the characters positions. I love the religious guidance & ways that are not worldly.

    Bless you & that wonderful family.

    Please pray for my friend who is battling cancer, cousins husband with big heart problems after valve replacement & my sister-in-law with drug & a newly discovered heart aneurysm. My husband for job stress & stomach issues.

    God Bless you all,

  19. Dear Wanda,
    I always enjoy all your books ! I have always loved to read . There’s something about getting caught up in a book !
    Would love the chance to be in your Letters of Wisdom contest . Thank you .

    Blessings ,
    Susan Duke

  20. I have loved reading since I was a little girl. I remember my school librarian turned me on to the The Boxcar Children and from them on I was hooked on reading. I love to read about the Amish and their simple way of life, sometimes I would just like to get rid of all my English ways so their is no technology to take us away from what is important…like God and our families. But I also realize we don’t have to do that we just need to make priorities in our lives.

  21. I enjoy reading your books too. I agree your books let me see others lives and how they live. Glad to hear your daughter, granddaughter and great granddaughter are all doing better. Thanks for all your books.

  22. Reading is a great way to relax in the evenings before going to bed. Sometimes I get caught up in the book and it’s hard to put it down!

  23. I absolutely love reading your books. The Amish way of life has always intrigued me so I enjoy reading fiction and nonfiction books about them.

  24. I enjoy reading to learn about the Amish and for relaxation. It’s 70 degrees today after a week of high heat. So taking advantage of the nice weather and going for a walk. Then probably do some knitting.

  25. I love all of your books, I read every day and really enjoy reading about the Amish life style. They are very humble people and their simple living really intrigues me. I have a large collection of your books. Keep them coming please!
    Nancy Christian

  26. Wanda, thank you for sharing your struggles with us. Like you, we are going through struggles that seem too hard to bare. God has been faithful and I know He will continue to be faithful. I love reading your books and appreciate your newsletters. God bless! Please enter me I your give away- “Letters of Wisdom”!

  27. Good Morning Wanda,
    I love reading your books, in fact you are one of my favorite authors. My husband & I enjoy going to Holmes county, Ohio and we will be there in Sept. for a few days staying in Sugarcreek. We always travel the back roads to see the Amish farms and stop at the grocery/bulk stores and love hearing the horse buggies go by……so peaceful and calming. God bless you and continued prayers for your Granddaughter and her baby girl.

  28. I guess reading is a little of both reasons for me. I do like to learn new things about lives of others and their beliefs. Your books point out many of areas for us. But I really love to read for enjoyment. I get so relaxed and enjoy reading about the lives and happenings of others. How they make certain decisions, raise their families, etc. Your books just give us a vivid picture of places, and people, and even down to the smells from various locations.
    I really love sitting on my porch in the summer or on a beach chair by the ocean when we go in the fall. Thanks for giving us such great books to enjoy and learn from.

  29. I just love all of your books, so glad that your family is doing so much better. Will still keep all of them in my prayers.

  30. Love to read the amish story’s to see that they struggle with some of the same issues we all do as humans. I long for a simpler life. Thanks for your generosity!

  31. For as long as I can remember I have loved to read. Books truly take me away on a journey into the character’s lives. I absolutely love it and being that I am a librarian, I now get to recommend books to patrons. I love my job!

  32. I would love another signed book, I am slowly starting to read again, I have your family in my prayers everyday. I cannot wait to see a 4 generation photo of you all.
    Take care
    Pam Thomson

  33. I love the simple life of the Amish. It is a great escape from everyday life by reading your books and being engulfed in life of the characters. Sometimes it’s difficult to put the book down. They’re a big source of enjoyment while sitting with my husband in dialysis.

  34. I enjoy reading for both reasons, to learn more about things and for enjoyment. Lately I’ve been reading for enjoyment. I have never ridden in an Amish buggy, but do enjoy the slower pace of being able to notice things that I normally would not notice if I were driving or riding in a car.

  35. Dear Wanda,
    I love your books. Thank you for treating your readers as friends. Blessings to you and your family. Thank you for the offering of a give away.

  36. So happy you’re able to love on your grandbaby. A precious gift for sure. I enjoy reading Amish fiction. It’s very relaxing. God bless!

  37. I love reading about the Amish. One of my girls is having the local Amish build her home starting in August. Love your stories.

  38. I love reading your books and have read most of them, and would like to have a copy of Letters of Wisdom.

  39. Wanda,

    I have been an avid reader since I was 9 and started reading the “Little House on the Prairie” series. I love to be transported to another place and time, and get to “see” what life was like for those people. I have read nearly all of your books and they are so vivid. I can just picture what the characters look like and what life is like through their eyes. More importantly, I can “feel” their emotions as life brings them joy and sometimes tragedy. It is so important for people in such a busy world to just slow down, grab a good book, a delicious coffee, and just sit down in a relaxing place and escape to another world for a bit.

  40. I love your books, indeed they take you to another place. They inspired me so that we are planning a trip to Amish country next year, all the way from europe.

  41. I love to learn and therefore I love to read. Always did. Fond summer memories of walking to the branch library over the fire station in our neighborhood to sign up for the summer reading program & discover new worlds. I love your books Wanda where adventures in reading take us to visit the Amish world.
    Its an escape for me too but always learning something new!

  42. Reading has always been one of my greatest enjoyments. I love to become involved in the lives of fictional characters but reading allows me to visit places that I’ll never physically see and learn new facts that I’ve never known. I enjoy biblical fiction because I always find myself searching my Bible to verify something I’ve read and I often gain a new perspective about God’s Word, historical fiction helps me know more about the past, and Amish fiction allows me to envision a simpler life. Thanks for being one of the authors who give me such wonderful reading opportunities!

  43. Now that we have moved to a Christian retirement community we have access to a large lending library. We both are reading much more and watching TV less. It’s wonderful!!

  44. Wanda, Your Great Granddaughter is so Adorable Their is nothing more Precious than Our Children, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren! Continued Prayers and Blessings To You and Your Family!

  45. My husband & I live not far from Amish country in Ohio & visit often. We have road in an Amish buggy. We bought tickets at the hotel across the street from where he waits to take guests for a ride. The Amish driver’s name was Joe & said his horse was also named Joe. He drove us around several streets & answered a lot of our questions. It was so enjoyable. To relax I love reading Amish books & several other books mainly ocean related. I like to read on my front porch or deck in the summer with my raspberry iced tea. Right now I’m reading your Creektown Discoveries series. Every time we are in Amish country I feel so relaxed. It’s magic.
    Continued prayers to you & family.

  46. I absolutely love reading your novels. I read to relax and escape mostly. I do read with my daughter as well. I love reading with her and she is in high school. I take every opportunity she allows me to spend time with her.

    With lots of love,

  47. I have always loved reading. My granny always told the story that I would be setting the table while reading a book at the same time! Not only reading lots this summer, but am on the Journey Through the Bible this year. Half way through!!! Tomorrow (July 2) one of my granddaughters turns 8. Her birthday was to have been September 12! She weighed 2# 14oz. Today, she is a healthy happy girl, who loves to show pigs on the Swine Circuit and County Fair. Has only been back in the hospital twice in her life and for just a day or two each time, with pneumonia. She is one of God’s true miracles and blessing! So happy to hear your little great grand is doing well.

  48. I love reading for enjoyment, relaxation, and to get lost in a world outside of my own. Always enjoy reading your books!

  49. Oh wait, I sent you an email saying I couldn’t find this, but I just did, here I commented, I would love a free book, even IF I don’t win the contest I most likely will buy this book regardless since I’ve been wanting to read this book for so long

  50. Yes ma’am, reading one of your novels allows me to indulge in some much needed downtime. I love how I can escape into the amish world of simplicity for just a bit.

  51. I like to read both to learn and for enjoyment. I have an Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction – Reading and long experience in teaching reading methods courses for undergraduate and graduate education students. Reading is for both pleasure and information!

  52. I have been an avid reader since I learned to read as a child. I absolutely love your stories about the Amish. Reading relaxes me and allows me to travel to other places for a time. Thank you for sharing your stories with all of us. They’re truly a blessing.

  53. My husband fussed as when I pick up one of your books I can’t put it down. Right now I am reading The Prayer Jars. Giving serious thought about doing this for my children. Thank you

  54. Reading is something I’ve enjoyed since a child! I no longer have as much time to read as I did when I was young, but I still make to read every week. I look forward to seeing your 4 way generation picture in your next newsletter, Wanda!

  55. I enjoy reading about different history people as well as many types of fiction. Amish fiction is one of my favorites, maybe because I grew up in an area of PA where though there were no Amish there were many plain Mennonite churches.

  56. I enjoy reading your books. You have a kind nature that shows in your writing, and it blesses me to read it – plus, you write such relatable stories. Thank you for sharing your gift!

  57. I have read books ever since I was in first grade.I started out reading the Bobbsey Twins series and I have loved reading ever since then.I really enjoy your books and other books about Amish.I think their lifestyle is very interesting.I’m glad your granddaughter and great granddaughter are okay now.Your little great granddaughter is so cute.Enjoy your family visit when they all come.

  58. I like to read to get away from everyday things in life. I read often as I can! As I read I see each scene in my minds eye., as I was right there watching it unfold before my eyes!!! I like to read fictionally and life stories of people. I love reading your books Mrs. Brunstetter!!!

  59. It’s multifaceted for me .I read to continue to learn as well as for relaxation.
    Plus now Im reading out loud to my grandchildren and hope this will instill a love of books and reading aswell.

  60. I love reading for both reasons. I love learning and it relaxes me. I love reading several genres and Amish is one of them. Thanks for the giveaway. Hoping to win one of your books. I have lots of your books but I don’t have this one.

  61. I love to read as it relaxes me. I especially love your novels and Amish living due to the simplicity. It takes me away from the hustle and bustle of every day living. Thank you!

  62. I read for relaxation. I enjoy reading your Amish novels as they have simplistic living styles. I love to read about how the live and their traditions. It takes me away from the hustle and bustle of our everyday lifestyle.

  63. I do read for the enjoyment, but also for relaxation. I love to read and picture in my mind what the author is describing and if I learn something new it is a bonus! I especially love historical fiction based around an actual event.

  64. Your writing takes me into the simple, plain life. I am always pleased with your accomplishments.

  65. I LOVE reading because it does so much for my body, mind and soul. It relaxes me of course. But then it strengthens my mind and creates many adventures. I love the way I feel when I read. 😊

  66. Reading takes me to different places, and lets me experience life in other cultures. I also read for relaxation, and don’t know what I would do without books!

  67. I love learning new facts about the Amish way of living, but I also love the calm feeling you get when you read an Amish book.

  68. I read both to learn things and to escape and get to know the characters in a book. I find reading very relaxing!

  69. I just like to read. Sometimes it’s the catharsis of living someone else’s joys and heartaches in fiction, which may also contain interesting new facts. I also enjoy some non-fiction, articles, and blog posts. My mother read to me and taught me to read when I was very little, so it’s always been part of my life.

  70. I love to read for enjoyment and relaxation. I have been an avid reader since I first started learning to read. I have always seen my mother with a book in her hand, so I guess it just came naturally. Thank you for giving me something entertaining and wholesome to read! I have been been reading your books for years.

  71. I love your books. I love to read for both learning new things and to really get into the world of the characters in the book.