Wanda’s Journal

The Blessing of Friendship

A few weeks ago, some of our Amish friends, who had been traveling, stopped by our home for a visit. Traveling in their driver’s van, there were four Amish couples, plus their driver and his wife. Soon after they arrived, my husband fired up the barbecue grill and we shared a meal on our patio with these dear friends from Indiana. Afterwards, we gathered in our family room and had a wonderful time of singing, with the accompaniment of my husband’s guitar and our Amish friend’s harmonica. I even did a short routine with my ventriloquist figure, Randy Right.

In a few days we will be visiting several of our Amish friends in their Indiana homes. Most of those visits will involve a meal, as well as singing and fellowshipping with one another. It’s always a pleasure to spend time with friends, when we can share prayer requests and get caught up on one another’s lives.

Have you enjoyed the company of a friend recently? If so, did you gather for a meal, talk on the phone or do some fun activity together?

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  1. I don’t get to see my friends in person very often, but we talk almost daily on the phone. It seems I have one friend I go to for more spiritual issues, such as discussing scripture passages or to ask for prayer, and one who I discuss recipes and the best place to buy groceries! I wonder if everyone has friends who fit in certain categories? Interestingly, the one who discusses recipes is my Sunday School teacher and the other is a dear, longtime friend, who knows my heart and struggles. Friends are so important and now we can reach out to them in so many different ways.

  2. I am looking forward to seeing a friend, Jennifer. Although we don’t see each other often, we can pick up where we left off each time! That is a great friendship!

  3. I have special friend who I go to thrift stores and flea markets with. She is quite so I do a lot of talking. We attend the same church and Sunday school class. We have so much fun together. I know God put her in my life for a reason so I will forever cherish our friendship. Prayer is very important to us both. Thank you for your gift of writing and sharing your love for the Lord.

  4. I enjoy reading about your adventures and visits with your Amish Friends. I find it heartwarming to see that folks still visit as they did in years past.

    We have recently had a weekend camping trip with our daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren. Our sons-in-law had his parents come to the campsite for a visit and meal the first night we spent at the lake. It was a very enjoyable time of food, fun, & fellowship.

    When we are with our friends and family, we sing, play guitars, laugh, talk, and have so much fun. We will discuss and exchange ideas for crafting at home as well in our Sunday School Classes. We will exchange recipes, and try new recipes out on each other. I love being with friends and family, it seems to keep me young.

  5. My aunt and uncle were visiting Ohio from Texas this week. I haven’t seen them in 2 years, but we stay in touch with texts and phone calls. We got together for dinner the other night. It was so nice to catch up and visit with them and my cousins. Its been awhile since we have all have been together. We all used to get together on Sundays, when we were kids, at my grandmother’s house for dinner. Those were good times. The older we get, the dinners don’t happen as much. So this get together was special. Its always a special time catching up with friends and family❤

  6. I caught up by phone with my cousin who feels more like a Sister to me. She’s recently had some health problems & feeling down. We talked a long time. I pray every day for her. Sure wish we were closer to spend more time together.

  7. This is the first journal entry I’ve read although I have read some of your books. It sounds like y’all had an enjoyable get-together. Friends like those are treasures to have. I’d like to have more gatherings such as you described.

  8. My adult daughters are my best friends. We took a trip recently to some historical sites and had the best time ever. We shared about The Lord and laughed until our bellies hurt. God is so good to me. Having my girls as my best friends is a huge blessing to me.

  9. Friends can be just as close as family. Did you ever experience an instant bonding with a new -be-a-close-friend? I have. It’s not often but when you connect with someone it is very special. Sharing the same faith is vital to have closeness. Having many things in common helps too.

  10. I enjoyed the company of 4 wonderful friends just this last week. We call ourselves the” Lunch Bunch” and we meet once a week for lunch, just to talk , eat and enjoy each other’s company. We talk and laugh and sometimes cry. We are each other’s support systems and I am SO blessed to call these women my friends! They encourage and inspire me so much! I don’t know what I ‘d do without them!

  11. I had an unfortunate fall in the grocery store on Aug. 25, resulting in a fractured hip, followed by hip replacement surgery. Our friends were there immediately with calls, prayers, visits and meals. What a blessing it was to me and my husband! They were the hands and feet of Jesus ministering to me in my need!

  12. I enjoy meeting up with my friends at our Monday weekly Bible Study. We get to share prayer request, catch up on what’s going on in our families, & share the word of God and we study his word together.
    I so enjoy all your books. I’ve read all of them and they have inspired me to travel to all the places where your stories take place. I love the Amish and their way of life (simple). We’ve got to enjoy a lunch, picnic, or dinner in some of their homes and we so enjoyed it. Thanks for all the books you have written. They are so inspiring and you are my favorite Author. Looking forward to reading Sisters By The Sea. Cynthia Fauscett

  13. We have four children and three of their birthdays are in the summer, so we tend to invite our closest friends to celebrate with us on those three special occasions. Just last week, to celebrate our 8-year old’s birthday, we met up with our friends again, this time at a trampoline park and had a good time of fellowship while the kids wore themselves out jumping around :-).

  14. The Prayer Jar series is one of my favorite and I am looking forward to the devotionals based on the series. Thank you.

  15. O have many good friends across the USA, that I have met and remained friends with for many years. The BEST part about our friendships are being able to call me anytime for prayer. Sometimes, we have a Bible Devotionals and prayer thru Facetime. These times together always brings Blessings to all. What a rejoicing time together.

  16. I have a special best (life-long) friend. She and I get together monthly for girl’s night and every year we have girl’s weekend. Many years we go to Holmes County Ohio, stay in/around Berlin and visit many Amish places and spend our evenings making crafts. We have such a friendship that we can do anything or nothing and still have the best time together.
    Michelle Ferrell

  17. I have a cousin who is a lot like a friend and an aunt (as she is quite a bit older than me). Since she lives on the other side of the country, we can only talk on the phone. It’s really nice when we do get the chance to talk as we catch up on what’s been going on in each others lives. She seems to get me when a lot of others in our family don’t. I love her for that and more!

  18. I have been able to get together with one of my friends recently. It’s a blessing anytime to get together with, chat on the phone with or even chat over Facebook with a friend who is supportive and encouraging. I’m so thankful to God for the friendships that I have. I don’t know what I would do without them!

  19. Last week, a few friends from my church got together to spend the day together and just have fun. We watched a movie, grilled and just enjoyed one another’s company. Getting together with friends can be very encouraging, especially if those friends can encourage you in your walk with the Lord.

  20. Some of my dearest friends are part of a book club that I participate in. There are only 4 members plus our leader so this makes for a very cohesive(and at times opinionated) group. The leader and I are the youngest(in our 60’s) so each age group brings in wisdom from their life experiences. At times we share a snack or meal but more often we share tidbits of knowledge and life experiences as it relates to the assigned book. I have come to treasure these friendships and truly look forward to sessions each month. Thans for your wonderful writings. Sheri G.

  21. All my friends are online and live far away so I just talk to them through FB or email. Sounds like a wonderful time.

  22. I am looking forward to visiting with my friends when they come through Georgia. We have not seen each other in two years.

  23. What is the best way to connect with the Amish? From reading your books I would love to connect with them. I would love to have some Amish friends .

  24. Our church is celebrating it’s centennial year….100 years in existence!! St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Ferndale, Michigan. We had a neighborhood open house. It was so nice talking to neighbors and some former members. It was nice catching up with them.

  25. Wanda, I have a friend that has cancer. When I visit we enjoy each other’s company as he’s very weak. Yesterday he enjoyed home cooked Lima beans and hocks. It was a joy to see him enjoying those beans. We always talked on the phone at night and tell each other goodnight and I love you.
    Prayers are needed for him and family.

  26. Yes, I did. Recently, I spent some time with a good friend in her home. We ate lunch, watched a good movie, and went swimming. Then, we went for a walk in nature. We had some good fellowship. We talked, laughed and prayed with each other. I find that spending time with people that I care for is a balm for my soul.

  27. Wanda,
    I find your books very informative on the Amish life. I have deep respect for the Amish people and how they have been able to keep their way of life and the closeness of family. While reading your books I find peace after a busy day.

  28. These books are written very good. I enjoy them very much. I love how they keep the reader’s attention. I have several books. Looking forward to new ones. My mother enjoys them also and has her own collection. I would love to share these with her.