Wanda’s Journal

My Grandmother’s Quilt

My fascination with quilts began when my mother gave me the old patchwork quilt her mother had made over 85 years ago. Since my maternal grandmother died 6 years before I was born, I never got to meet her. The only link I had to my grandmother was the patchwork quilt.
As a young girl, I would sit on my mother’s bed and study the quilt. I loved touching the oddly shaped velveteen patches, scattered among the colorful cotton and wool pieces of material.
My mother told me that each patch represented a piece of clothing someone in her family had worn. I used to imagine myself sitting on my grandmother’s lap, with the quilt draped over us. What would she have said to me? How would her hugs have felt?
When my daughter got married, I passed my grandmother’s quilt on to her, and someday she’ll pass it on to one of her daughters. Although none of us has had the privilege of meeting Grandma Thiel, her legacy lives on through her beautiful patchwork quilt.
My love for quilts is evident throughout our home. I have several full-sized Amish quilts, as well as some quilted wall hangings, pillows, table runners, and potholders. Whenever I look at any of these quilted items, I think about the labor of love that went into making them, and it gives me a sense of joy and peace.
I’ve mentioned quilts in several of my books. It’s my hope that after reading one of my quilt-themed novels, my readers will not only gain a better understanding of the Amish way of life, but will realize the effort that goes into the making of a treasured Amish quilt.
Have you been given a family heirloom? What special meaning does it hold for you?

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  1. One special heirloom of mine is a quilt made by my mother many years ago. There were six of us girls, and one spoiled boy?Mother took peaces of each of our outgrown clothes and sewed the peaces into the most beautiful quilt. All of my sisters & my brother are gone now, But this quilt makes me feel not quite so lonely for them.

  2. I remember eating Peaches out of these green color dishes at my grandmothers house as a little girl. She also passed away before I was 5 years old.
    When I grew up I ran across them at my mothers house in the basement and asked her for them when I got married. She explained they were only a set of 4 and it turn out they were depression glassware. I still have them and I used to go to show to look for more pieces and found out they were readily available. A few years later they found new pieces of goblets that were rare and very expensive. I don’t have them displayed but always remember being with my grandmother even though I was very young. When I got married that same house was available for rent because it was in the family. So my husband and I were able to lived there for 6 years of our marriage before we bought our first home which we called our Butterscotch Castle.

    1. I have depression glass creamer and sugar bowl it was given to me by a dear neighbor of mine. I cherish it. It was her Aunts give to her mother.

  3. I have the pink depression glassware that my mom gave me. She got it at the time of our immigration from Germany to Minnesota. It was given to her as a “welcome to America” shower. When I go antiquing on several trips to Minnesota, I find it, but it’s always quite pricey.

  4. Yes I have several family heirlooms. From my family and my husband’s. I had a very old refrigerator that was my husband’s mother’s when she first married. Than she passed it on to her brother in law , who was a family doctor. The old time type of doctor before the cost of medicine spiraled . At that time , and there won’t be many that remember this, but instead of writing prescriptions for certain medications the doctors used to keep on hand a supply of medicines to hand out to their patients. Dr. Reitz would keep his medicine in that old fridge to keep it cold. After he retired in the early eighties he asked my husband if he would like anything from his office for a keep sake. My husband requested the old refrigerator and it set for years in out home still working. After we sold our home it was passed on to out daughter who treasures it today as much as we did.

  5. My Paternal grandmother always made quilts. One in particular I will never forget is the quilt she made from my grandfather’s old blue jeans. But my favorite heirloom is my mother’s bible. We were never allowed to touch the Bible when we were growing up. My mother passed 5 years ago, just a few days before Christmas. My brother made a cedar box to place the Bible. We discovered so many interesting facts from within the Bible about our family history. Now the Bible is mine and placed in my cedar hope chest with Grandma’s quilt. They will be passed on to the future generations in our family.

  6. My grandmother gave all her grandchildren quilts made or quilted by my great grandmother. I love mine but got jealous when I found out my cousin got the one I really wanted. My grandmother used to cover me with it when I spent the night. Many ladies, neighbors and friends of my great grandmother made quilted squares and signed and embroidered their names in their square. Then my great grandmother quilted it.

  7. When my grandma died, I received one of her quilts that she had made years before. That was all I had besides memories of her. The quilt is now very old and tattered , beyond repair, but I still keep it packed away. Every so often I take it out and remember all the good times at grandma’s. Saturdays were for shopping in the morning and baking in the afternoon. I spent a lot of time at grandma’s house. She was like a second mother. I miss her but I still have her quilt. It had been made with lots of loving little stitches.

  8. My Grandmother has quilted for years and years. She has made each of her grandchildren quilts and several other miscellaneous blankets over the years. I have more, because I am the eldest grandchild, I suppose. My favorite, is, a crazy patchwork quilt. It has big squares with different scenes on it. It was made when I was very young and has been mended many times. My second favorite one is a horse quilt that sits at the end of my husband’s and I’s bed. I suppose our family heirlooms will be our grandmothers’ quilts. She will be remembered for sure for amazing quilting abilities. My mother and I have tried to replicate her sewing abilities, however, my mom’s talent only as reaching as a seamstress for my sisters and I and myself for embroidery. I think, personally, that fiber arts, books, and wood items, are some of the best heirlooms to leave behind. These items can last decades if well-preserved compared to other items, in my opinion.

  9. When I was a very little girl, the elderly lady that lived next door had a little plastic church that played SILENT NIGHT. As the doors opened there was a picture of Mary holding Baby Jesus. She told me that if I knelt down & prayed ,God would answer my prayers AND leave me a piece of candy! I went there every day. Many years later when I was a grown woman, I visited her. By now she was a little frail lady in her late 80’s. I told her that it had been a very special part of my life. She smiled & walked into her bedroom. She came back into the kitchen holding the little church & gave it to me. I still have it. I’ve told my children & now my grandchildren about the little church. It was 62 years ago when I first met that wonderful lady .

  10. I have been given a few quilts made by my Mother, that I will pass down to my son. To me they mean that my son and I will forever be held in her hugs and comforted by her! My Mother and I are both quilters and do at least one quilt retreat a year for some quilting, and girl time together. I feel very blessed that I am able to learn and share our quilting together with my Mom, because I know she won’t be here forever and cherish the time we can spend together.

  11. My daughter started university in the fall, it has been a time of adjusting for both her and I. She has begun to take an interest in learning the art of quilting. one of her beloved pets had passed away so she designed a quilt top with pictures of her pet as a memorial. She has the top finished which turned out beautiful for her first try and just has to get the backing to finish. I have over the years tried to pass on the skills that were shared when me while I was growing up, knitting, crocheting, sewing,, cooking and baking just tomname a few. I hope in years to come she will pass on the memories and heirlooms she created on to her family. The simple things I. Life make the lasting memories for years to come.

  12. I would love to have an Amish quilt someday. Need to save up. I live in an area in Michigan where there is an Amish Community and I love to go to their grocery stores and roadside stands. Our 2 main roads have buggy lanes. We also have hitching posts at our downtown businesses and our Walmart. Your books are awesome and I have all of them except the cookbooks. I have tried another author and it was harder to get into the book.

  13. Dear Wanda,

    I have enjoyed reading your books and most of all the ones that speck of quilts. I have made quilts for years. My first quilt I made was for my mother when I was in High School. Since then I have made several. I’ve made them for my children and my grandchildren. My grandmother on my mother’s side passed away before my parents were married, so I just heard about her quilts. My grandmother on my father’s side, I saw her quilts and enjoyed looking at them like you. I never was able to visit my grandmother since she lived in Ohio and we moved to Missouri. I agree that quilts are a wonderful thing. In college I talked, my Art Professor into letting me make a quilt as my semester project. I told him that quilts are a piece of art work and no two are alike. I made an A for the semester. I have several quilts to pass on to my children and grandchildren. Quilts are very dear to my heart.

    Have a Blessed and Wonderful New Year,

  14. Quilts are amazing! I don’t have the patience to learn, but I do have several family heirloom pieces in my home .. my sister in law quilts and has made me a few pieces which I treasure. I think displaying quilts in your home is what brings in the warmth. I love your books Wanda and have always had a fascination with the Amish way of life.
    Thank you for for bringing their lives into ours!

  15. I may not have a quilt that is my treasure, but I have a large crocheted one that is a bed topper. My Grandma made it for me. Not only me but she made one for all her seven grandchildren. Her name was Phyliss Lagervall a Swedish lady who taught me to crochet among many other things. In my will it will be passed on to one of my granddaughter as a true treasure.

  16. I never learned to quilt….even though I do sew. I have saved many a square….hoping to join them…..someday. I do a lot of sewing, and will incorporate some of my special scraps into the stuffed animal I may be making. I love needlework…mainly crocheting and have made lots of granny square afghans over the years. Sewing and crocheting calms me…..I can crochet without looking…the double crochet granny square is so very simple. One day I will attempt quilt…I do have one started with fun squares my granddaughter picked out. I will visit again. The few things my sisters and I kept from Mom and Dad’s house…..there were 3 of us girls….we found 3 pennies in Mom’s wallet, 3 pipes of Dad’s, 3 pens (which were dried up), 3 crab cakes in the freezer, and 3 quarters on Mom’s bureau. We laughed ourselves silly…..It is a very sweet memory.

  17. I had a quilt passed down to me from when I was a little girl. We still have it. I also have had two quilts made by an Amish family. We have two daughters who will get them snd they will then pass them down to their daughters.
    I am very fascinated by how much work goes into making an Amish quilt. Very impressed.
    I read all your books and love every one of them

  18. I love quilts. I was given one for a wedding gift (47 years ago) from my cousin’s grandmother (Mrs.Baverstock), whom I adopted as my grandmother as well. I still have the quilt, although it is not in use as it has years of wear. It graced both of my daughters beds when they were young. I love reading your stories and would be blessed to receive your book.

  19. Wanda
    A very happy new year to you and your family.
    I love quilts myself. For ten years I lived in Hiram Ohio right on the edge of Amish country it always pleased me on wash day to see the beautiful quilts on the clothes lines. So my neighbor decided she would make one for me. Such fun choosing pattern and fabric and then actual final quilting was done by an Amish women Sarah. It is beautiful but most importantly I feel the love that was put into making it. I miss my neighbor but think and say a prayer of thanks for her ever time I walk past my bed with the beautiful quilt on it.

  20. I have my mom’s doll when she was a child. She went to heaven this past July and I cherish this heirloom very much. Every time I look at her doll, it brings back lots of wonderful memories of my mom.

  21. I don’t have an heirloom, but I do have my first Amish made quilt, that i just love. I love Amish quilts and often wonder of all the love that went into it.

  22. I do quilting and I hope someday one of mine will be considered an heirloom. God bless you for writing these wonderful stories. I try to read them all.

  23. The only heirloom I have is from my mom, a cross stitched baby blanket, which was in my crib. When my daughter was born, it was also in her crib. I plan on passing it down to her when she as a little one of her own. It is something we will always treasure.

  24. I dont have any family heirlooms, When my mom passed her husband got rid of everything. It was very upsetting to learn that

  25. We have two quilts my mother-in-law’s (Alice) mother and grandmother made…. I’m 65 so we know they are old! They are precious to me. I remember the evening our power went out when Alice was living with us so we covered her with the quilts to keep her warm. Then there were the quilted squares my friend gave me that her mother-in-law quilted. I had them in a bag for 20 years. We had a gal in our Bible study who loved to quilt and offered to make a quilt for me from them…. queen size! I love this one and it’s on my bed and keeps me warm during our cold nights in NY. Precious memories.

  26. There was a widow lady in our neighborhood that made quilts to supplement her income. I had her to make a quilt made from cloth scraps of clothing my grandmother and mother-in-law made for me.. It is not a fancy quilt with fancy quilting, but a practical quilt with hand quilting with many memories. It is over 50 years old. Because I like quilts so much, I made several quilts some time ago, including a special quilt for each of my daughters. I still have a quilting frame my husband designed and made for me. I probably will not make any more quilts but I treasure the ones I own.

  27. I have a quilt that a friend of mine made..I love quilts. I started quilting but never really got into it. I read all your books. I live near Middlefield ,Ohio. We have Amish living near us now. I love their way of life.

  28. My father was a terrific cook. He cooked for officers in World War II. After he passed away at the age of 93, I received his recipes. Not only are they delicious, but what makes them so special are they were handwritten by him. I can still remember him, stories he told, and advice he had given over the years every time I cook something from a recipe he created himself.

  29. My Grandmother left me her crotchet pieces. When she would visit she taught how make a chain stitch and I would use all the yarn then unravel all the chain stitches and start over. Again and again. Fun times with my Grandmothers drinking small bottle cokes, orange slices and circus peanuts! Great times…

  30. Although sewing exquisite works like this is something that I never learned to do, I certainly appreciate the work others do in quilts and blankets. They are beautiful. Cooking, however, is something I thoroughly enjoy; I learned from both my father and uncle, as it seems to have come from their side of the family. It is what I keep close to my heart. I remember all of the times I spent watching my father cook while growing up in our home (my mother cooked as well, just not with the excitement and humor my dad) and learning tricks from my uncle (dad’s brother) when I would visit their home in the summers. It’s those memories I treasure. It’s also this gift that I most enjoy sharing with others when they visit or are in need.

  31. Your books always take me away from reality and to a place of peace and solitude. I do quilt and love to do it, although I don’t have as much time to dedicate to it as I would like. I find myself going back towards self sufficiency by canning, gardening, quilting, crocheting/knitting and making our food from scratch. I think it is important to find ourselves and live how we were meant to live, not by how the man says we should.
    I was given my Grandfathers “money box” and my grandma’s embroidered “Home Sweet Home”, that I had framed and it hangs in my living room. They mean so much to me!!

  32. Some of my favorite “heirlooms” passed down to me from my mother have been kitchen tools. Most people would not see them as valuable, but I treasure them. When I taught third grade, I used some of them in teaching about simple machines. For instance, the hand-held mixer of which one turns the handle to operate the gears below that control the mixing blades made an obvious pair of gears working together. These kitchen tools remind me of working with Mother in meal preparation and of enjoying meals together with my family.

  33. I have always loved your books. I have been reading them since I was a teenager. For family heirlooms, I have many from both sides of my family, jewelry, christmas things, kitchen plates and more. Family pictures, etc. Very proud of all 🙂

  34. I use to quilt all the time and then stopped. I have to get back into it soon because we have a baby in the family coming and I want to make it a quilt.

  35. My Grandma made baby quilts and Wedding quilts. As My Grandma was making Mine She passed away so My Aunt took over. On My Husband and I’s 5th Wedding Anniversary We got it in the mail. I call it a labor of love. I wish I My Grandma would have taught Me how to do quilts.

  36. My daughter has a quilt that her Grandmother made. We found it in a closet when we were cleaning out the house after her Grandfather passed away. It was never used until she put it on her bed. Unfortunately both had passed away before she was born.

  37. I have a quilt that my grandma made for me when I was a little kid. It’s in amazingly good shape. I was keeping it in my cedar chest but I took it out recently and put it on the bed because it’s too special to keep put away.

  38. I wish I knew how to quilt. My grandmother spent hours quilting as I played under it. I have one that she made me . I love it. When I married my aunt gave me one and my husband has one from his grandmother. Its nothing like them. They are special.

  39. I have a crocheted bedspread that belonged to my great grandmother. I remember it being on her bed and always poked my fingers through the open holes. This bedspread then belonged to my grandmother, my mother and now me. It is very heavy because it is made with a heavy cotton thread. I have so many fond memories of my great grandma, grandma and my mom when I look at that bedspread. I never see anything like it today.

  40. My favorite memory as a child is holding onto the foot of my grandmother’s high poster bed & jumping up & down while singing “Chicky Chicky Chino sitting on a fence trying to make a dollar out of fifteen cents.” I now have that high poster bed in my home & it has a worn place in one of the posts from my small child size hands. I love that old bed dearly.

  41. When my father passed away the task of cleaning out the house fell on my brother since I live out of state. He sent me a bright yellow Fiestaware pitcher that I remember using as a child. I put it on display in my kitchen and every time I look upon it I smile. It brings back such good childhood memories.

  42. I have a baby quilt my Step-dad’s mother made. She had told me that she only made quilts for the firstborn child of her children and grandchildren. I didn’t fit in any category with her. After my son was born, she gave me a gift. When I opened it was a baby quilt! I never questioned her what had changed her mind. To this day, I cherish it.

  43. I too have a quilt that was made by my grandmother, who passed when my father was only 8 years old. It is a red-work sun bonnet sue quilt. When my we kids were sick, it was always one of the blankets that we would cuddle up with. I loved to trace all the little girls with my finger. After I married, my mother-in-law, who was a quilter, told me what the pattern was called and the reason it was all done in red. We still have that quilt, even though it is worn beyond repair. Another memories of quilts I have was when my mother-in-law passed, her quilts were hung all throughout the small country church where her service was held,every pew, every windowsill, and every balcony was draped in beautiful colors from the quilts that she had made.

  44. Both my Mom and Grandmother are gone now but I have several of the quilts they made.

    I use them on my beds during the colder months. It’s ikebthey have me wrapped in their arms stil yet.

    Love my quilts and will cherish them forever.

  45. My heirloom is not a quilt but it’s a curio that was my mothers and inside are little things of my mother and fathers parents. Also their is special things my father gave to my mother. Since my mother passed I got the curio cabinet and now I am adding things special to me from my husband. So when I pass then it will be given to my daughters and they can enjoy and add on

  46. I loved reading your story about your Grandmother’s quilt! I think quilts are beautiful and I wish I could learn to make quilts as well as crochet, knit, and sew. I never learned how to do those things when I was younger and I wish I would have. My grandmother didn’t make quilts but she knitted and crocheted. She make several afghans which I still have today. I gave them to my children to keep as a keepsake from their great grandma.

  47. I have several old pieces of glassware that was my grandmothers’ and great-grandmothers. I have already passed some of them on to my daughter and the rest will be passed on to my son. However, one of the greatest gifts I’ve been given was from my great-grandmother Meckstroth. She taught me how to quilt. I have the material to make my 2 granddaughters each a quilt. I will never forget those days I spent quilting with Grandma. It was the greatest thing I learned while growing up.

  48. I never got any family heirlooms. But when my grandmother passed away I got some of her pjs and I used those pjs and made a pillow out of them. Those mean more to me than anything. I know my grandmother is always with me.

  49. My treasures are several pans and bowls that my grandma used. She taught me to cook and bake things in the ones I have. Every time I use them, clean them, or see them in my cupboards, I have such happy memories off us being in her kitchen.

  50. Reading your journal on quilts brought to mind the quilts my mother made for each of her daughters.
    Mom made me a sunbonnet Sue and Sam quilt not sure how she came up with the name. Now at the age of 73 years the time is right for I my 52 year old daughter in Florida to have her grandmother’s handmade quilt.. When I visit my daughter in Florida I enjoy seeing it hanging on a quilt rod in her bedroom wall. Looking at the quilt and all the hand sewn needle work I feel and see the love Mom put in the quilt and although she is in her Heavenly Home with my Dad her memory and love live on. The Amish culture is close to my heart as I just enjoy reading all your books with anticipation for your new one to be published.

  51. I call myself a quilter-want-to-be. I have made several wall hangings and baby quilts. I do very much going to quilts show and seeing the quilts that my friends in my quilt group does. They are so beautiful and I can appreciate all the work and love that go into each and every one.

  52. My great grandmothers quilt. My dad was raised by his grandmother because his mom was a single mother and worked. He adore his grandmother. I never knew her but his kind words of her reflect the person she was. She always cared about making sure he was clean and good on the table. His grandmother took care of him after he was diagnosed with Rickets because his mom could not afford milk. He grew to a great person , dad and grandfather. Caring and kind, like her. She made a beautiful quilt of flowers and he cherished that one belonging of hers. He gave me that quilt before he passed and I display it on a wall quilt rack in my dining room so I can see it everyday. It’s very special to be and a reminder be kind to everyone. I do a little quilting self taught but would love to hand quilt like her.

  53. My mom is a quilter and has made all of the great grandchildren a beautiful quilt as well as the grandchildren. What a special treat for them. She loves Amish quilts and Shipshewana as well. She tries to get there every year if possible!

  54. I enjoyed reading Wanda’s journal entry about quilts and the replys. Although, I don’t have any heirloom quilts from my grandmothers I do have wonderful memories of time spent at my grandma Dieterich’s house. My grandma showed me true unconditional love! I have such precious memories of spending the night and seeing her bible on the table by her chair. ?

  55. I have two very old pitchers that were passed down to my grandmother from her in-laws. My daughter will get them when I am no longer here.

  56. Wanda, I love to piece and quilt and I really enjoyed doing this with my mother. I think of her everyday but I really think of her when I work on a quilt. She taught me how to quilt and she talked of how her mother taught her. I have several quilts that she did and they are so special to me. I really enjoy reading your books about the Amish and their simple life. Looking forward to the release of your next book.

  57. I have several plates and dishes that were my Grandmother’s.
    The photos of the quilts are awesome-all of that work definitely conveys love.

  58. I don’t have any heirlooms. I’ve tried to crochet afghans for my children even baby afghans but my children really didn’t appreciate any of them! So sad! I would of loved to receive anything from my family!
    We were raised by my grandparents. But with me being the youngest everything was gone!
    But it’s ok!
    What I have that is so special comes from my Lord God!!!
    Passing all this down is what is really special!!!
    But reading all these special heirlooms would of been awesome to pass down to a grandchild too!!!
    God bless you all in this New Year!!!

  59. I have a quilt from my grat grate grandmother and anothe one from my grate grandmother. Then I have one that my mother and my grandmother made . All three all so very special to me, I just took the two oldest ones too my Amish friends toe have them fixed as over the years the wear was starting to show. I can imagine my grandma and grate grand ma wearing thrive dresses then cutting them apart to make the quilts for warm winter nights. I will always hold them close to my heart.

  60. I have a quilt that my mother had made for my wedding shower 31 years ago. She has been gone for 12 years now but the quilt remains intact after 31 years of marriage!

  61. I have a quilt that my grandmother (76 years old) made for me, I used and love this quilt. It has been used so much that several of the patches are worn out, so now the quilt is just to look at and enjoy.
    The quilt was all hand made, and was one of the last she made with hand carded wool.

    So Wanda, I can understand your love of the quilt your grandmother and family made.

  62. My grandmother was not Amish as far as I can tell, even though she reminded me of the Amish in several ways in her life from her garden and cooking to her quilts. We would give her clothes that the children in our family had outgrown or worn out and give them to my grandmother for her quilts, but a lot of times she would fix them and send them back. There are pieces of material I see in some of her quilts that do bring back memories. Thank you for bringing these memories back to me through some of your novels. Others remind me of how God is definitely in control of our lives as long as we Allow Him to be, which helps us to accept what comes knowing God has a plan! Thank you Wanda!

  63. While I don’t quilt myself I’ve always loved quilts and have several my grandmother made for me and a lovely embroidered one that my aunt made me… I love them dearly. I even have ragged one that my great grandmother made for me has a baby blanket..

  64. I don’t have any heirlooms but before my father died he gave me a set of dolls. When he bought these dolls back in the 1980’s I always said I wanted them. I want to pass them down to my granddaughter one day. I live in Ohio so I can always get a quilt now. I do like going into the shops and looking at them they are beautiful.

  65. I love quilts. I was given one from my grandmother. Although my grandmother wasn’t Amish, she love to do quilting. I would love to be able to make one one day if I can. I grew up in my grandmothers one room shanty. It was great living there with her and the food she cooked was great. There was no indoor bathroom, we had an outhouse, but my grandmother kept a great big pot for us to use at night if we needed to go to the bathroom during the night. We had a cotton field where we picked cotton when it was ready. I love reading and I collect cookbooks cause I love to cook. I love your books, I sit and read them under my quilt and I love it. I love the Amish and sometime wish I could live the life they do. I love my memories of growing up too. I know that God is in control of our live as long as we let him. And it does help us accept what is to come knowing that our God does have a plan. Thank you very much Wanda.

  66. I was given an old treadle table. My husbands Grandmother loved to sew and quilt, when here old treadle machine broke they turned it into a small table to sit beside her chair.

  67. My Mama and Daddy left a lot of depression glass that my Dad’s mother had. Never met her as she died when he was a teenager. Mama hung on to the glassware alwaysnkeeping it packed away and we couldn’t use it. Recently due to downsizing & both parents have passed, I’ve tried to sell it. I realize children have no interest in these items, so I figure IRS time for someone else to enjoy and I’ll just get a little extra profit. Sad, but sometimes we have to downsize. After an unplanned move over 7 years ago and a lot of heartbreak, I had to “let go” of special items. I found In those times, it wasn’t then”stuff” I owned that was important, it was the people and family in my life. Things are important and we cherish them, but they’re not family!!!

  68. My grandmother gave me a childs tea set that she was given as a young girl. She was the eldest of 12 children and always helped with the younger children. I still have it and treasure it. It will someday go to my oldest girl and then on to the oldest grandaughter. I had a special little wall cabinet made for it by a friend, It has plate slots etc. I am 77 years old and my grandmother has been gone for a long time.

  69. My grandma use to make the double wedding ring quilt for family who got married. I didn’t get one since I didn’t give her enough notice she said. Someday I’d like to make my own and for my children.

  70. I have a square shaped patchwork quilt that has tie knots in the patch work that my paternal grandmother made for me. I now have three children of my own and haven’t decides which one gets the quilt handed down to them. I am lucky enough to have known my grandma and watch her do her quilting and her crocheting. I also have a beautiful set of pillowcases and table runners that have never been used that she crocheted on. They are and has been put away for one of my children. Possibility in my daughters hope chest. It’s been 15 years since she has passed but I have those memories of her and have started making my own quilts for my children. I hope some day to see my grandchildren with one of my quilts!

  71. I have a green and white quilt handed down to me from my dad’s
    great grandfather. It’s in extremely frail condition, due to the weather
    conditions in Florida. My grandpa didn’t store it properly and the mildew
    has taken a toll on it, but to me it’s still pretty. Just knowing the work and
    effort that went into making it means something to me. I consider it a treasure
    and at some point I will pass it to one of my granddaughters.
    I love your books and I hope 2017 continues to bless you and
    your family!

  72. I have one beautiful blue star quilt from my grandmother. and two unfinished quilts. one is a variation of sunbonnet sue. one set of those squares was made up for me as a wedding gift from my mom. the rest of the squares are for me to make up for my daughter with the color of sashing she chooses. the other unfinished quilt top is very unfinished. its from the 30’s or 40’s by the pattern of fabrics. I thought one day i might finish it but my quilting skills never progressed to where i’d like to finish it correctly. I also have the patterns and some fabric left for both quilts i mentioned.
    I have several other family trinkets besides the quilts. My biggest treasure is my Grandma’s cookware set from the 30’s which is all I asked for and where my skills are better than quilting.

  73. Like you, my ggrandmother dies before I was born. In fact, she died when my mom was only 10 years old. She died from complications in child birth. I am in love with Amish fiction. Can’t get enough of it. Also a lover of cookbooks. Would love to win this..

  74. I don’t have any family heirlooms. I was blessed to know my grandmothers and even my great grandmothers.

  75. I read one of your books and it made me remeber the quilt my Mom gave me that my grandmother made of all the old clothes and things she had laying around it is so beautiful and the memories it brings of my Mom and grandmother are something that will carry me always

  76. While things that would be considered family heirlooms by many are wonderful to have. I consider the Godly heritage my parents passed on to me the most treasured by far. It is the most important thing they’ve given me and I hope my son feels the same way. It last forever!

  77. First of all—Happy New Year—-I also love quilts. My Mother and Dad moved to Sarasota, Fl
    in December 1963. My Dad went to work with his brother building houses. Mother has made
    quilts when she was young, but after getting married and having 5 children. Time just die not
    allow much except taking care of a home and raising the kid. After going to Fl. she had some
    time on her hands, so she made each of us children a quilt. A Bow Tie made for a regular bed
    but now we have a queen size bed, but in the winter time the Bow Tie goes on our bed, along
    with the Dutch Doll Quilt she made. In 1973 Dad had a stroke, so they moved back to Tennessee
    to live with me and my husband. We made her a special room, called Granny’s quilting room
    and she loved to make quilts. I have several hanging on my walls. She had started the
    cathedral window, but passed away in November 1999 and only had a few squares done.
    I am not a quilter, but I finished it last year, but I would never want to make another one.
    I also love the Amish Quilts. Shipshewanna has lot of them. Take Care and God Bless, Ida Elam

  78. January 1, 2017
    When I was a child we had a very special couple in our church. In Sunday School the Gentleman would lead the singing for the Opening Exercises with all the adults and children. He was very charismatic and enthused about Praising Jesus. The beginning song was “Onward Christian Soldiers”. We would follow him marching around the sanctuary in our church singing at the top of our lungs. ( As I remembered as a child) Everyone participated and what a precious memory.
    I believe this couple was my grandparents best friends. My parents invited them to go with us on vacations because everyone loved to fish.
    When we would go visit at their home the Lady would show us her quilts and I found them so pretty and fascinating. She made stitches I had never seen before.
    When this couple went to Florida in the winter I wrote letters to them.
    When I was preparing for my wedding she asked my Mother and others for left over material they used for sewing and neck ties. This was a wonderful surprise for me when she asked me to come to her house for tea. She brought out the quilt she had made for my wedding gift. It was so beautiful each square had neck ties and material from my mothers sewing and my girlfriend’s wedding dress. Each square had different stitches there are too many to remember. I was so thankful and could not express it enough.
    We enjoyed this quilt for many years. Then we had a house fire and the quilt was destroyed.
    My husband and I now quilt together we enjoy it so much and give them away to grandchildren and friends.
    The state my sister lives in she has Amish neighbors. She has told me of the wonderful events she has attended.
    I love your books Wanda, and I love reading the ones you and your daughter-in-love co author.

  79. My grandmother came from Poland and could hardly speak English. She was fair and rosy with sparkling blue eyes. She could do everything, cook, clean, sew, tend the animals. I would smile at her and nod my head for I was never sure she could understand. Then one day a beautiful quilt appeared just for me and it was all pastels mostly rosy and blue and peach colored just like her. I felt love, tenderness, kindness in that quilt and especially because it was for me. No words were needed.

  80. My grandmother quilted all the time. She made some to sell to supplement their income and others to give as gifts. How she would sit and do it for hours amazed me along with her tiny stitches. I made my first and last king-sized quilt while my future husband/then fiancé was on a tour of duty in Vietnam. It did make the long evenings pass quicker and kept my mind busy from worrying. My mother helped and even grandma did some of the stitching. Grandma knew exactly where the fabric came from and could tell which dress material belonged to whom. I still have the quilts she made and the ones my mother made after retirement. I look at them and think of all the loved sewed into each one.

  81. I have my mom and dad’s wedding rings. I wear my mom’s wedding band and diamond. I had them resized. She had the sets put in new rings and I also have the original bands they were in. My dad’s bands I will hand down to my son. Plus I have mom mom’s platter that she served the Turkey on every thanksgiving. We use it every year. No quilts. No one in my family quilts. I would love to own an Amish one, some day. God bless!

  82. My Mom had several of my grand mother’s quilt tops. She enjoyed piecing them, but did not want to quilt them. A couple of my uncles actually had quilts, but my Mom ended up with the tops. She gave each of us six kids a quilt top when we married. Since I was the youngest, I ended up with two. I have never quilted them, my sewing skills are not good enough to quilt them. I get them out once in awhile to reroll them, and air them out. I would like to have them quilted, but so far I have not found someone I trust with them. I have been married almost four decades, I’d like to get them done soon. Maybe this year!

  83. I love quilts, and enjoy quilting. I have quilts made from both of my grandmothers and they are one of my most prized possessions. I enjoy Christian fiction and love books that are about quilts/quilting. Thanks for sharing.

  84. I have several things that have been passed on to me that had belonged to my grandma. One piece is a very large pig bank that stands about 18 in high and I remember this in her kitchen. This means the world to me and I have it displayed in my living room so I can see in daily

  85. Enjoy reading your journal entries. Love seeing your different quilts. I had a grandmother that quilted. Loved her quilt patterns.

  86. Such beautiful pictures of the different quilts. I now live in Manheim in Lancaster County and I’ve seen many but your pictures are beautiful.


  87. Wanda, I love your story about your grandmother’s quilt. In my family my grandmother did a quilt top with the Dutch Girls and it stayed in the trunk for many years and I had it. I finally asked my mother in law if she would help me quilt it for my daughter which we did. That quilt has had to have some repair over the years but now my granddaughter has it and used it when she was small. My mother in law also made a twin quilt for my daughter. All are prized possessions, legacies of sweet loving grandmothers. Thank you so much for sharing your story as it brought back some wonderful memories to me.

  88. At my bridal shower, I received a quilt that my great-grandmother pieced and my grandmother quilted. It included many pieces of fabric from my mother’s clothes made for her by her mother and grandmother. I also received the first quilt my mom ever made which was with fabric from the clothes she made for me. My mother-in-law recently gave me a quilt she finished after 35 years that included fabrics from clothes she made for my sisters-in-law. She just came to visit for the holidays and got to sleep under it in our guest room. She gave it to me even though I was only a daughter in law as she/they thought I would appreciate and enjoy it – I do. I have not carried on the tradition as well but all my kids have wall-hanging sized baby quilts – one made by my mom, one made by my mother-in-law, and one pieced by me and quilted by all of us at the birth of my 3rd child. All quilts have a story are are meant to shared.

  89. Wanda, like you I love quilts. When I was young my grandmother gave my sister and I a quilt each. I remember mine was turquoise backing and my sister’s was lavender. I ruined mine but to this day my sister still has her. I had no concept of how much work goes into making a quilt until I started making them myself. Now I know how priceless they are.

  90. How fortunate you are! I don’t have any quits from my grandmother because they were used so much that they didn’t last to pass down. I do have a double wedding ring quilt that my mother had made for me using pieces of clothing familiar to me. I also have a tied quilt using old fabric that my mother pieced and backed with fleece.

  91. My most treasured heirloom is my mother’s cedar chest that contains several crocheted doileys and antique Cupie dolls that she had as a child. I also treasure a hand-pieced quilt that I helped my aunt make in the flower-garden style.I really enjoy reading your articles because they bring back memories of precious family times shared with some who are no longer with us. Thank you for sharing.

  92. I have an Amish heritage. I was 13 when my family changed from Amish to Mennonite. I am tahnkful to have the cupboard and dining table one set of grandparents set up housekeeping with in the 1880s. I do have a number of other items from bygone days that have been passed down. My mother was an avid quilter but I don’t have much that she quilted as she did much of her work for the less fortunate which is a legacy in itself. I enjoy reading your books and especially those that include recipes. I am happy to say I have acquired several of your cookbooks but this is one I don’t have. Thank you for your story telling and sharing of the Amish life. God bless.

  93. My mother has some very special ‘bits and pieces’ really that she was given by her mother. When I visit she brings them out and we talk about family. It’s a lovely way to connect the generations.

  94. My grandmother passed away this year. She made me a quilt with her sister (my great aunt). It’s the only thing I have to remind me of her so I truly treasure it. Later I plan on giving it to her great-great granddaughter and show her that love travels through stitches and time.

  95. I have a cake plate my Mom gave me before they moved from So Fla to NC mts many years ago…she gave it to as she was “scaling” down items to move and wanted to make sure I got it …it has flowers all over the plate with gold trim…she said it was 24 K ???
    My father was a very mean man and when Mom died and my “little sister” got in the mix to make sure she had everything given to her……possessions and $…..I was asked what I wanted….I wanted the set of stainless steel bowls I saw Mom “everything in”….well they didnt give me that … I got her iron….so that cake plate MOM made sure I got is very special ….Reading a few of the comments from “the girls” above me….I see that, like me, there are many people out there that memories, whether it be from a quilt lovingly stitched….or stainless steel bowls as I wanted….are much more important than money…..

  96. My Aunt is 97 years old and still lives in her own home.She still makes quilts and rag rugs for family members.I have several of her quilts and rugs and I will keep them forever or pass them on to my children and grandchildren.Love your stories and pictures on here.

  97. I have enjoyed reading your books over the last several years. Thank you for the sense of peace I feel when I read about a simpler way of life about people who truly love God. It is a great opportunity to take time out from a very busy world!

    I do not have any heirlooms, but I do have wonderful family memories.

  98. Happy New Year Wanda! I don’t have a quilt that is a special heirloom but I do have several other very special things that have been passed down to me. For instance one of my very favorites is the old white container that my grandmother used to store her flour. Inside it is a plastic coffee mug that she used to dip out her flour. It still holds my flour and I still use her cup. Most of my treasures are from the kitchen. I come from a long line of cooks. I do however quilt and sew a lot! I also have some very special, very old sewing notions that were my aunts and my grandmothers. I treasure them so ! I will buy your Harvest cookbook if I am not lucky enough to win one. I have all of your cookbooks and enjoy them so much. As well as all of your books. Your are a treasure too! Have a wonderful New Year!

  99. My first quilt made was when I was 23 years old (today I turned 66 yrs. old) I made it with all my younger years of sewing clothes, maternity clothes and all the fabrics I used throughout my home. Lots of memories in that quilt. I went on to making my two sons their first quilts and continued on thru the years with quilts for babies, friends & family. Yes quilts carry on our memories for sure. My interest for Amish lifestyle began in 2007 when I began reading books you, Wanda E. Brunstetter, have written. I’ve been reading about the Amish and have visited Amish in Ohio, Pennsylavania, Indiana and Iowa. I love you sharing stories of the Amish in my home. I’ve lost count of Amish authors but you are by far my favorite. I would love to receive an autographed copy of Amish Friends Harvest Cookbook

  100. This was beautiful Wanda. I have several family heirlooms but one of great importance is my Nannie ‘s wedding ring. It was given to me when I could appreciate it. It was my 15th birthday . Nannie could have given it to anyone but she chose me. I miss her.

  101. I was able to attend your book signing in Shipshewanna this past September and purchased your book Amish Quilts for my sister-in-law who is an amazing quilter. What I appreciate is the history behind the quilt. I attended a bed turning recently and watched an appraiser talk about the age of the fabrics. I do not quilt, but certainly appreciate the art.

  102. My mother in-law, with crippling arthritis, hands and fingers so severe, somehow with much pain, and in her 70’s made quilts for all 8 of he
    r children . She lived not many more years. We Cherish ours.

  103. I have an old quilt of my grandmothers that she made years ago. Will alway cherish it!! Also I know they are worth anything to anyone else but I am using some of her old kitchen bowls that she used in daily cooking. I inherited these when she passed away. The most thing I will cherish that is so close to me is her family Bible that she read dail, which also has a lot of family information written in it♥

  104. My grandmother taught me to quilt, needle point, crochet, gardening and how to cook. I have several unfinished quilts she started and never finished. So this year I am going to make my two granddaughters a quilt for their birthdays using her sun bonnet Sue pieces. I spent a lot of summers with her and she taught many many things. She passed away in 1986 and I miss her dearly today. I hope to pass along what she taught me to my grandchildren.

  105. Thank you, Wanda, for the wonderful books you have written to entertain your readers. I love everyone of them and know that I would love the cookbook if I were fortunate enough to win one.
    Happy New Year

  106. I never got into quilting myself, but I have one made by my mother and two made by my husband’s grandmother that are very precious to me. What a blessing to have such treasures passed down!

  107. I’ve loved quilts as long as I can remember. I still have a quilt my grandma and mother made. Also, the one our family carried around for picnics. My husband and I have collected quilts for years. By the way, I’m62.

  108. I loved this story!! I absolutely love quilts, however, I don’t quilt myself. Thank you for sharing!

  109. I love the story about your grandmothers quilt. I have cooking utensil that my grandmother had in her kitchen but the best item I have is her glass pie dish. I remember many yummy pies that she baked when I was younger and I cherish those memories.

  110. I brought my mom home a marble statue of the Blessed Mother from a trip to England years ago, from Westminster Cathedral. I trudged through the streets with it, then hand carried it on the plane home. We arrived back after a storm, & our driver told us that the George Washington Bridge was icy. I told him that we’d make it home all right because the Blessed Mother was with us, & we did. My mom keeps it in her house in Pennsylvania. She wants me to have it when she passes.

  111. I enjoy quilting myself so quilts are special to me. Especially my mothers that I have watched her make. My favorite time is when my mama, sisters(& sis in law) get together to plan, piece or quilt. Priceless

  112. Anyone can see the care, time, and talent in a quilt. I have no Amish quilts but have been the recipient of quilted items made by family members including a baby quilt made for my first born by my Aunt Jo. I think my daughter still has it as that cover was always a treasured possession.

  113. My father’s family is from Harrisburg, PA and I lived in Hershey as a child. I have been fortunate enough to receive many Wingert heirlooms. Some I am most proud of are the crochet pieces. I also am glad to read your stories of places around Lancaster and PA that I’ve visited. Will you please write one about the Strasburg RR?

  114. My mother’s family is from Ohio and I received several precious items from my Grandmother. She gave me her tea pot also her ruby sugar and creamer. I also have her wedding ring. Most of all I cherish the fact that I am named after my Great grandmother Katherine. I also had a person who was a minister’s wife that made quilts. She was like a second mother to me since I live far away from home. She made me three quilts. My daughter has two and I have one. These labors of love remind me of her, especially when I wrap my grandsons in them. Surely we are blessed by our relationships with both women that God brings into our life, both family and friends. I go to visit Ethridge, Tennessee a lot and see Old Order Amish Quilts that are sold there. They are beautiful works of art.

  115. I have been given some family heirlooms from my fathers side, the Watland’s. First I need to say that Great Grandmother Watland traveled to the new country on a fishing boat. I received 2 quilts dating from the early 1800’s one was a Log Cabin Quilt & the other was a Patchwork Quilt made up of pieces of clothing from my Great Grandmother’s family. I treasure them! And I also have an antique Mantel Clock she brought over with her when she came to the New Country. And I have a collection of souvenir spoons that were brought when my Great Grandparents & Grandparents traveled! I have passed down the memories to my children & will gladly be passing down the family heirlooms to my children & grandchildren.

  116. My aunt, who never had children of her own, made a quilt for each niece and nephew when they married. Aunt Bert is long gone but after 53 years of marriage, I still cherish mine. Now as a quilting grandmother and great grandmother, I have made a quilt for each family member and just keep on quilting!

  117. When I got married at a young age, my grandmother made sure I would have her handed down from generation to generation , antique furniture one dresser with attached mirror , a men’s dresser, and single bed, and a caned rocker chair. Which got my husband and I as of now (48 years) a wonderful start — in life. Not only does that furniture leave a meaning full impression, but a lastly love from those before me that had it. And that in turn will be given to family after we pass. Just like when my folks past they left me with a charming and beautiful mantel clock and two good sized tables… which were also handed down from generation to generation– back then it was the tradition to do that. I would not trade or simple give these away at no price …. We are truly blessed….. God Bless you…… with love Nancy VonAhsen

  118. I so enjoy having items in my home that belonged to past generations. I have several afghans made by my maternal grandma as well as some of her kitchen items (mixing bowls, rolling pin, biscuit cutter). I also have my paternal great-grandma’s trunk. More of my favorites include my paternal grandma’s dresser lamp and decorative side table. Someday I’m hoping to have room to showcase my maternal grandpa’s roller skates and a few of his tools. My middle name is a variation of my paternal grandma’s first name. My grandchildren call me Mimi, which is what I called my maternal great-grandma.
    I enjoyed great relationships with my grandparents so having these items in my home brings back happy memories.

  119. The quilts in your newsletter are beautiful. I have two quilts, one made by my grandmother and one by my father. I always like working on my grandmothers quilts. I will leave mine to my son and daughter. Love reading about the Amish.

  120. My grandmother used to make quilts for family members. I have even made a few and will starting making more now that I am retired.

  121. I unfortunately never had anyone in my family who quilted so I have no heirloom quilts left behind by any family members. I quilt and make memory quilts for our two sons in the past for their Eagle Scout awards, their Bar Mitzvahs and other memorable occasions. I also make wall hangings and pillows to mark special occasions and I always hope that the people who receive them from me understand and cherish all the time, thought and energy as well as the expense that goes into each project.

  122. I have many heirlooms my grandparents have given me over time. One particular is an old antique table. It was my great uncle John’s. He purchased it a long time ago at an antique store and when he passed my grandpa got it, when I moved and got my first apartment my grandfather gave it to me. I love inhereting family heirlooms. I hope to be able to pass it down to my son in hopes he can continue cherish the items as much as I do.

  123. I have been ordering your books off Amazon. I just ordered The Amish Christmas cookbook. I found a few recipes I want to try there are some helpful hints in it too I am gonna try Thank you for the books I am excited to find a cook book that will help with more canning ideas I know Amish can a lot of different foods hope a cook book of yours Wanda has some helpful ideas in it. Thank you God Bless. Happy New Year

  124. I remember my mother and her sister moving the dining room table to the corner and setting up the quilting frame to put the backing on and quilt the fronts that they had sewn since the frame was up last.

  125. My most precious heirlooms are quilts that I recently received after my Aunt passed away. One of them she had worked with her mom on, that would make her my Grandmother, I do not know her since she passed away before I was born. But I treasure it. Each quilt has a story and my Aunt passed those stories on to me.

  126. I like to read your journal entries. When I first visited the website, I checked out some of the previous journal notes. I am completely mesmerized by the Amish Quilts. We visit Berlin and Sugarcreek Ohio, and really enjoy the absolutely stunning quilts! I don’t have an Amish quilt at this time, but I will.

  127. January 3,2017


    I have read all of your books, including the ones with your daughter -in-law. Waiting on the next one, can’t wait. I don’t have any cookbooks from the Amish not sure why. I don’t quilt but I do knit, not quite as pretty as the quilts. The only handed down item I had of my mothers was her wedding band, which I gave to my youngest daughter on her 40th birthday,which is when I got it. My oldes daughter does quilt thou and made me a beautiful quilt for Mothers Day one year. I hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year

  128. I too have a love for quilts. I have one on our bed with matching shams. My mother-in-law gave us one years ago that she bought while visiting Amish country in Ohio. She is 97 and has given each of her 5 children a quilt that she made. She has also made doll quilts for some of her great grandaughters. These are cherished heirlooms.

    Enjoy your books so much. Blessings to you in the New Year!

  129. I received a bowl of depression glass from my grandmother After she pasted away. I have collected other pieces with the same pattern. I bought sewing rocker from the 1880s. It was my great great aunt’s. I I had it refinished to its original state. I love it. Rhonda Putzier

  130. I wish I had a quilt from my grandmother but I do have her old china dishes which I cherish tremendously. When I look at them I think how excited she must have been when she first purchased the set!

  131. I love quilts. My twin sister and I have our quilts our maternal grandmother made when we were born. Thank you for this giveaway.

  132. I have a yo-yo doll quilt from an elderly lady who lived upstairs given to me when I was a little girl. Thanks for the giveaway.

  133. My maternal Grandmother gave her grandchildren quilts she made when we were born. I still have mine. Thank you for this great giveaway.

  134. I recently was given my grandma’s thimble collection. I would say that’s the closest thing to an heirloom. I’ve started adding thimbles of my own to the collection.

  135. I’ve never been given a family heirloom. I just recently began reading your books, including the Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club Trilogy. It was through these books that I developed a love for Amish quilts, and desire greatly to meet someone like Emma Yoder to teach me how to make one. I’ve had a heart for the Amish ever since I was in elementary school, and have always dreamed of living a simple life. I can relate to all of the people in the Amish Quilting Club books, as I am in Celebrate Recovery for many different things I’ve faced in my life. I also have kept such a busy schedule and feel that our family is always on the go, partly to keep myself occupied so I don’t have time to deal with my past. I yearn for someone like Emma to speak to my heart. I have been a believer since 2009, and currently struggle with some health issues (minor compared to what many deal with). I recently quit my full-time job, and have decided to spend this year focused on school (Psychology), my part-time business, and learning a more “simple” way of life. One thing on my bucket list this year is to learn how to quilt. 🙂

  136. I do not have an heirloom quilt, but I started making quilts with my mother at the age of 12. We made them out of old dresses, shirts, and pants. We also made rag rugs by braiding strips of old clothing. They were then hand stitched together usually in an oval pattern. I make quilts for family members when they marry, but nothing as elaborate as the Amish. Also, have made several quilts in 12 inch blocks of the genealogy of our family.

  137. What a lovely post. I have never been given a family heirloom, but I know that owning an item from an ancestor creates a type of connection.

  138. I love Amish cookbooks and quilts. My mother made homemade quilts and I really wish I had learned from her how to do that. I think the Amish are very good and private people. I to am private and I really wish I had been raised Amish. Thank you for your generosity in giving away your books.
    I would really love to have an Amish cookbook of your.

  139. I hope someday to have a real Amish quilt. For now I am blessed to have a beautiful hand crocheted bedspread and some tableclothes from my mother-in-law who passed away 3 years ago. Cant waiat to see if I will be blessed with your Amish cookbook as well.

  140. Quilts hold a special place in my heart because of the memories they bring. My grandmother was also a prolific quilter. What she often didn’t say was given in the former of her Quilts. She may not have told me verbally how she felt but I know my quilt was made with love

  141. I love qulits > I think they are so beautiful in color and designs . One day I hope to be able to go to Lancaster and get one of the pretty quilts made by the Amish . I remember a lady at one of my father’s chruches quilted a double wedding ring qulit for my mom and she also quilted a bedspread that my Mom had cross stitched for me. Embrority was my mom’s hobby and she did many beautiful table cloths

  142. Quilts are fascinating! I have some china and brooches from a grandmother as well as china, paintings, furniture and other items from my late parents which I appreciate.

  143. I don’t have any family heirlooms such as quilts, dishes, etc. , but I learned to quilt in my late 20’s and have made several of my own quilts which I usually give away to family members. I just love reading your books and also purchased the Christmas cookbooks and sent my 5 sisters a copy along with a potholder. Thank you for keeping me entertained with your thoughts and wisdom throughout the years.

  144. As soon as better weather comes our way in New York, I plan on taking a trip and finding some of the Amish Stores where they sell their quilts in the New York state…Maybe traveling down into PA..
    I so wish to buy one of their quilts as I love the coloring and the fact they take such pains with the sewing..They care about what they do…Can’t wait…

  145. I enjoy your books and I am looking forward to the next series.
    I enjoy looking at traditional quilt patterns and I look forward to the time when I am able to make quilts again.
    My husband took me to an Amish auction when we were first married over 20 years ago and i really enjoyed the quilts. It would be nice to own one someday!
    Kim Crane

  146. I have not been given a family heirloom yet, but I saw the value of passing down a piece of history to your children when I became pregnant with my first child. As all of us who have had children know, either through giving birth or adopting, the feeling that we have when the child is first placed in our arms is one of overwhelming protection and love for the little one. That love was shown through each hook that I made with the yarn and each stitch that I made with the fabric. I crochet and made a baby quilt blanket and baby clothing with a stuffed animal/doll for each of my four children before they were each born. I just recently gave them each a gift box that had their blankets and the clothing that I made them along with their stuffed toy.

    I have a strong conviction that every person needs some form of belonging. My church is in a homeless, drug, gang infested community in the city of Pomona, California. This is a city that has a long history of the six council individuals ignoring the problems of the community and standing in the way of those that would like to help. Since my little church of about 50 people attend all the council meetings and have tried to open a homeless shelter in one of the empty buildings in Pomona for the past six years with no success we have been focusing on other things such as feeding and clothing the people that are homeless, welcoming them to church, and providing them a place to clean up and eat. Many from my congregation came to know the Lord through this service and are now employed and have shelter.

    The Amish way of life have been good examples for me that I have learned through your emails and books. The simple living with the focus on Christ is more rewarding and fulling than having riches because love is intertwined with everything that is done. From gardening, sewing, cooking, laboring in a project, and to be respected is what our human heart desires. Many of the people we helped have found out that the things we need have been not things, but love. I donate your books to my church for others to read, especially the homeless and make homemade items for them to keep, passing down some momentum that tells them they are special.

  147. As I no longer sew due to arthritic hands, I had someone in our church make a quilt for me which included facsimiles of pictures of my parents – their wedding picture, their 50th anniversary picture,
    a picture of my father’s medals from WWII, and so on. It’s very precious to me, as I had it made originally for my father to remember my mother. He never used it, but ‘saved’ it for me so I could enjoy it after his passing. Yes, this is now a family heirloom! (PS: Dad was PA Dutch, but not Amish. Close, though!)

  148. My mother made a Lone Star quilt in the 50’s. It had a huge orange star in the center. The Quilt is now in New Hampshire so that it can be restored. It was always kept in her cedar chest, but somehow it acquired some rust stains. It is still my favorite!

  149. Quilting is fiber art! And just as creative and important as any other art form. My friend, Linda Griffith, is a skilled weaver as well as a quilter. I treasure her gifts!

  150. My mother came from a family of 14 kids. My grandmother passed before I was born and my grandfather passed when I was 6 years old. Money was very tight for them growing up. I was never fortunate enough to inherit any family heirlooms such as tangible items. I was however fortunate enough to learn life lessons thru my mother’s stories of growing up being poor.

  151. My maternal grandmother was Norwegian, and embroidered many things: table runners, arm chair covers, dish towels, and tablecloths. My Mom taught me some embroidery stitches, & I enjoy embroidery, along w/ quilting. My cousin had 2 boys, and had inherited several of our grandmother’s hand embroidered items–she sent them to me for my 2 daughters, who aren’t interested…but I LOVE having them!

  152. Unfortunately, I never received any of the quilts that my Grandmother made, but I did receive a lamp that my Grandmother had on her nightstand, and used every night. It actually was a religious night light of sorts, and was very beautiful. My Aunt gave it to me, along with a special box of hers, which contained some Buffalo nickels, which I still have. I use the lamp every night, and it brings me comfort. I always think of her, when I turn it on. When I pick up the box, I can feel her presence. My Cousin might have gotten her quilts, but I have memories, that mean more to me than all the material items in the world!! My Grandmother was such a special Woman, who led a hard life, coming to this Country at the age of 16, to start a better life, all by herself. At that time, she stayed with a Sponsor, and met my Grandfather, who would be her Husband, and have 13 children along the way, losing one son, after he was a few months old. They all lived to a ripe old age, and my Uncle, who lived into his late 90’s, was the last to pass on, just last year. It has now brought their era to a close, which is sort of scary, but all in the scheme of things, as time marches on. As you can imagine, we are still a large family, full of cousins, 2nd, and 3rd cousins, and probably more. All I have to do is look at one to know they belong to our side!! lol

  153. The two family heirlooms I have are very near and dear to my heart. The first is my Grandfather’s Grandfather clock. When I was little and would visit him he would let me wind the clock and so when he passed it was the item I wanted that reminded me of him. I loved my grandfather so much and I lost him when I was in grade school, I was devastated but looking at his clock reminds me of how much he loved me and our special times we had together. The other item I have is my grandmother’s turquoise ring. She loved this ring so much and so now I wear it and feel like she is with me all the time. Heirlooms like these may mean nothing to others but to the family they mean the world.

  154. I appreciated reading your journal entry and liked reading it. I have a heirloom that my great grandmother passed on to me and I think it was used as a vase. Have it put in a special place.

  155. So many interesting posts concerning family heirlooms. Clearly, these tangible gifts and the memories they provide are so very precious. Our mothers’ and grandmothers’ personal tough is what makes it all so very special.

  156. Hello Wanda…I do not quilt but would love to learn. When I visit Amish country every year here in Ohio (Holmes County) I spend time just admiring the Amish quilts and I know how much time and labor is involved in making them..unfortunately I cannot afford to buy one and I know they are well worth the price. When I volunteered at a nursing home one of the residents that participates in the arts and crafts department did teach me how to make a tree skirt..we ended up making a tree skirt for each of my 5 grandchildren and my daughter..the tree skirt will be given to them on their wedding day..my oldest granddaughter just received hers in August on her wedding day..I am looking forward to your new book and have enjoyed many hours of reading your books..May the Lord continue to bless you with the health, strength and time to write many more..

  157. I have always loved looking at quilts people have made most quilts do represent memories I would love to learn how to make a quilt so I would have something meaningful to pass down to my children . The only thing that I have that my grandmother made was barbie doll dresses she crochet everyone of them so when she passed they were divided amongst all her grandchildren .

  158. I have a house full of heirlooms passed down from generation to generation. I loved the stories my mother shared about each one of the items. I now pass those stories down to my grandchildren who will sit and listen to the stories for hours. My favorite item is a blue and off white quilt that was made around the time of the civil war. My mom always displayed it on a quilt rack my dad made. It was passed on to me when my mother passed away in 2004. I treasure that quilt for so many reasons. The story has it that my great, great grandmother worked on that quilt while her boys were serving in the war. She passed the time singing and quilting while she awaited their return. Both made it back alive and she when she finished the quilt she proudly displayed it as a victory quilt.