Wanda’s Journal

Courage and Patience

During one of our visits to an Amish schoolhouse in Indiana, my husband made some twisty balloon animals for the children. Since Richard has been blowing up balloons for a good many years, his lungs are strong and he rarely uses a pump. The children were impressed at how easy he made it look, and several of the boys wanted to try blowing up a balloon. After a few attempts, all except one of the red-faced boys gave up. The determined boy had a bit more patience than the others. He continued trying to blow up the balloon, until he ran out of air and passed out for a few seconds. Undaunted, and unhurt, he picked himself up and continued blowing until his balloon was fully inflated.
Seeing the patience of this young boy made me think of how easily some people give up when they’re faced with a challenge. Sometimes we give up praying because we don’t receive an answer quickly enough. God wants us to wait patiently for Him, and He wants us to pray and continually seek to do His will.
Are you faced with a challenge today that seems un-daunting? Ask the Lord for the courage and strength to keep going. Ask Him for an attitude of patience as you wait for answers from Him.

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  1. today I ask him to change my mom’s attuidue and forgive me since it hard to communicate through media/social rather than in person to understand each other.

  2. Today I asked the Lord to help me stay on His will for my life and keep me and my family in His light always. I thank Him for all He has given our family.

  3. Patience is my worst virtue. But, I do try and most of the time I don’t give up.
    I just remember my favorite Bible verse ” I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. ” Philippians 4:13

  4. “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.” Isaiah 40:31a As we wait upon the Lord for an answer to a particular challenge we are facing we can be assured of His strength to see us through until the answer comes or the challenge is met. God never fails! So thankful for all His promises He has given to us to meet our daily needs. Blessings for a great post and one to remind us to wait patiently upon God for the answer and not try to make something happen according to our time table.

  5. Great post ,Wanda. It’s true that we need patience as we wait on the Lord for his answers to our prayers. Patience is something that I really need to work on in my life.
    I really enjoyed reading about that Amish boy trying to blow up that balloon. He wasn’t a quitter that’s for sure. Even after passing out from trying so hard, he got right up and tried again. He was determined wasn’t he?

  6. Oh, Wanda, I am so happy for your most recent recognition for your writing accomplishments! Kudos on the RT Book Reviews Career Achievement Award for Inspirational genre. Congratulations to you!!

  7. Thank you for the wonderful books you have published. I truly love them and have read each one you have written. I think they make me be a better person because of your inspiration. Take care.\

  8. I need to work on my patience! I’ve never been much on that. We want our house to sell so badly and God is saying, “Not yet!” Everyone who looks has dumb excuses, too many bushes, I don’t like the wallpaper, you have a hot tub? Yes, it’s in the ad. Thanks for the lesson.

  9. Thank you for writing and sharing this journal entry in particular. I do have the worst time being patient. I want immediate results. I have become better lately at being patient but still have a long way to go. It was encouraging reading about the young boy and how he didn’t give up even after passing out. Thank you Wanda for your wonderful books and journal entries that you share with us. I love reading all of them!!

  10. As I woke up this morning I was thinking how this new year would be different, and decided i would be different. I need to have more patience and to think twice before I speak . Happy new year Wanda and Richard .

  11. Patience is something I need and pray for at this time. We are having some problems with a house next to ours and I want the fix right away. I know it will be at least another year before that happens but it seems I can not wait. I pray that the Lord gives me the strength to overcome it.

  12. In regards to being patient when your husband was talking to someone,…then running into a women at another store.

    I know God works in our lives, because I have had similar situations happen to me.
    I am an elementary school teacher. I have left work many times & forgot something and ran back into the school to get what ever it was. I have ran into coworkers this way who for ex. , were crying. I thought, this person needed me just at this time. Had I not forgot something & went back, I would have not been able to meet their need at that time. I would talk to God & say ,”That was no accident. I was meant to go back & run into that person.”
    Same thing has happened at the grocery store, Wal-Mart, etc. I suddenly decide to stop to pick up something, unplanned, & run into a person I haven’t seen in a while who has a burden. God works through us to help others no doubt!