Wanda’s Journal

The Neighborly Thing

Traveling down the road in our rented car sometime ago, I was surprised to see an elderly Amish woman struggling to get her horse out of a ditch and back on the road. Before my husband had a chance to respond to the situation, our Amish friend who sat in the backseat shouted, “Please, stop the car; I need to help that woman!” My husband had barely stopped the car when our friend jumped out and raced over to the horse and buggy. Having grown up around horses, she wasn’t afraid, and quickly had the horse under control so the elderly woman could get back in her buggy. Watching the situation unfold, I thought of the Bible verse that reminds us that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. That means helping when we see a need.
It’s easy to find a reason not to get involved—indifference, busyness, or fear. Life for the Amish isn’t about seeing if they can get ahead of their neighbors, but seeing if they can help their neighbors.
As we seek to follow the Lord, we should look for opportunities to help our neighbors. We may be the only Jesus they’ll ever see. Is there something you might do to help one of your neighbors this week?

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    1. Carolyn, have you subscribed to Wanda’ s newsletter yet? You can enter her monthly contest to win autographed books in her newsletters. Each month she has a different contest. Once you have signed up for Wanda’ s newsletter you will receive one each month on the first day of the month, in your emails. You can then enter the contest from there. You can then check the next month’s newsletter to see if you are a winner. Good luck!
      God bless

  1. I pray I will not always be so busy that I will not see the needs of those around me. At times I’ve also needed a helping hand from someone and the Lord has always provided for my needs. Perhaps I will have the opportunity to help someone yet this week.

  2. This is really a great reminder to not keep up with the Jones. Our neighbor has been busy working in her yard so I have offered for her children to play at our house. Keeps everyone busy and she can get her work done.

  3. The Lord often puts us in the path of other people to help them. We all have struggles and the Lord knows them all. We need to keep our eyes and hearts open to others, and sometimes even just a smile can make a difference in someone’s life.

  4. What a precious story. There are always opportunities to be a good neighbor and help others, if we just slow down and look. I agree with Monica that sometimes a smile can be a world of help and enouragement to someone.

  5. I had a problem with my computer and 2 neighbors helped get it back for me.My husband offered them any help in return.We believe in helping those in need if we are able to do it.

  6. The Amish truly have the heart of the Lord. They only see the need not the kind of person who is in need. They do not judge as others do. I have been told that I will be murdered one day stopping to help folks. Maybe I will but I cannot allow myself to pass by someone in need. Even if I don’t have the mental or physical capacities to help them I can surely get help for them and stay with them until it arrives. People are in need all around us. I know I can’t help everyone but sometimes just a smile and a kind word can make a difference. I strive and pray daily for the heart of Jesus that is filled with love and compassion for every man regardless of who they are.

  7. I have always admired my menonite relatives in upstate Pennsylvania. They are always ready to do an act of goodness and treat everyone as we are told to treat them in the bible. I have only recently discovered your books and love them . Thank you for making my life a little pleasanter in my olden years(79). I miss visiting my relatives but I no longer live near them. However, near me is a town called Clarita, OK and there a lovely group of Amish live. I visit with some of them when I am able.