Wanda’s Journal


With all of the negative things going on in our world right now, it’s easy to become depressed and allow our minds to be filled with negative thoughts. However, the Bible clearly states in Philippians 4:8 that we are to think on positive things: Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8.
One thing that became clear to me when we began making friends with the Amish was their positive outlook on life. Not only do our Amish friends enjoy telling jokes and sharing stories, but they like to focus on the beauty of God’s creation. I’ve noticed that most Amish gardens are abundant with colorful flowers. Bird houses and feeders can also be found in their yards. Observing the beauty of flowers and watching the birds at the feeders is not only enjoyable, but it fills our minds with positive thoughts.
In order to be happy and keep from having negative thoughts, it helps if we can focus on the positive things around us. Watching flowers bloom and trees bud; listening to the birds sing, gazing at a beautiful sunset, giving someone a hug–these are just a few of the things that brings joy to me and fills my mind with positive thoughts.
If we don’t think positive thoughts, we can easily become negative, cynical, and depressed. What are some things you do during difficult times to maintain a positive attitude? Take a few moments to write down several things you appreciate about your surroundings. Make a list of things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report. When you do, your heart will feel a little lighter. Your outlook will be a little brighter.

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  1. I love sitting and watching the birds outside my living room window.I have feeders and birdhouses all around my house.I also love watching the squirrels eat and play in my front yard.And there are nothing like watching the sunset.God has created so many beautiful things for us to enjoy.I have so much to be thankful for…I love reading and it takes my mind off of things that are bring me down.Reading takes me places that I will probably never get to go,but it is like I see everything I read.There are a lot of beauty and inspiration in books.

  2. No one loves me like God.
    All the spring flowers and blossoms that are showing out.
    Nothing any purer than a new born baby.
    I love hearing that my grandkids are doing great in school.

    I have major depression and writing lists as this really helps me. Thanks for your blog.


  3. When i want to get away i do a lot of reading. I have 3 kids so reading is my way to get away and be in a world of my own so I can stay positive ! 🙂 I also love to take long walks and just unwind, even if it is a walk with the kids, its the idea of getting out in the fresh air and wakens your whole body and mind. Stress is a big issue in our house, with things that we are dealing with, but we try our best to try and keep it at a minimum . Also date nights , usually weekly with my husband is also a big help in staying positive! 🙂

  4. God has always supplied me plenty of beauty around our home, each morning I start my day by looking out over a treed ravine filled with wildlife, birds, squirrels, raccoons, etc. It is so comforting to see God’s handiwork each day and know HE is in control. Beauty can definitely give us a positive attitude if we allow ourselves to see everything the Lord has given us.

  5. Finding pleasure in the little things can get you through some tough times. I remember one day asking God to let me see a hummingbird so I would know that He saw my pain and sure enough I saw one. He is always faithful. I love the beauty of flowers and birds and enjoying a walk to see what surprise God has in store for me.

  6. That is a good scripture. Not always easy to listen to it when you are thinking about what is happening to our country. But I trust that our Lord is in control. Good devotional. Maxie

  7. I love watching the birds at our feeders every day. And love when the day is just starting and you hear all the birds singing and welcoming in the new day. It takes your mind off the terrible things that are happening in our world for a while. Also love being able to be with family any time we can get together. Any time with family is very, very good.

  8. Wanda, just love your books. We serve such an awesome God. My husband and I recently adopted a little girl from Bulgaria and my faith was tested during the process. But, now I know it only made it even stronger. Your books are such an inspiration. Never stop doing what you do!

  9. I have alot of major depression going on with different things, my health problems and such… God is great, he has Blessed my husband and I with Almost (in Sept) 7 grandchildren, it’s hard to take care of them the way I would like to ! I Love them all and thank God for them ! Children are a blessing from God! There’s nothing greater!! Wanda, you are such an inspiration to me and Im sure many, many others ❤I love escaping to the Amish World, with one of your books the Sunday Church meetings and fellowship afterwards…all of it! Keep Up The Good Work!!! And may God continue to Bless you!!! If u don’t know, you are ministering to us readers through your writing! And I thank you Wanda, please keep writing!

  10. I love your books!I really hope to meet you when you are at the Essen Haus or the Blue Gate.I dont have my mother any more either.Now Im the matriarch in the family.My mother made quilts too.I have some tops that need to be finished.I have Log Cabin blocks made that I need to finish into a quilt.God bless you.

  11. It must be a God thing, again! We got home a little while ago from Church and I am trying to catch up on some blog reading. Came to your blog and deja vu! Pastor Fred encouraged us to memorize Phillipians 4:8 today as part of our application of his message today. I think thru you and Pastor Fred, God is trying to talk to me here! Thank you for reinforcing God’s word in me today. Along this same line – I think the reason I enjoy reading your books is because you write the way Paul told us to think – on the positive. Your books are (fictional)truth, noble, right, pure, lovely and admirable. Thank you for bringing us wholesome reading. You are a true blessing from God. HUGS…

  12. I try to include something different each day during my prayer time in which I’m thankful for. This also helps me not to take my many blessings for granted. I’m so thankful for the lovely Purple Martin’s that arrive at my husband’s gourds each April without fail. They are so interesting to watch. Their song so delightful to hear. I love to watch them teach their young to fly. We are so fortunate to have them come here each year.

  13. I am so glad the Lord blessed you with such a talent for writing. I work in the medical field where patients are often terminal and I also have a child in a wheelchaire at home. With everyday struggles it great to sit and read on of your books. May you and your family .