Wanda’s Journal

The Importance of Friendship

Before leaving on a recent trip, my husband and I went to lunch with some friends we’ve known for a good many years. As we shared a meal and visited, I was reminded of the importance of friendship. Not only have we spent many hours visiting with these friends over time, but we’ve helped each other during times of need, and lifted one another up in prayer.

Then, more recently, while my husband and I were on our trip, we ran into some of Amish friends from Indiana. Spending the day with them, and sharing a meal, we and had a great time visting these special friends and getting caught up on one another’s lives. That afternoon I shared a prayer request with my Amish friend, and she shared one with me. It’s a comfort and a blessing to know that we have special friends–Amish and English–whom we can count on for support.

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 17:17 that a friend loveth at all times. How thankful I am for all of my friends. Have you done something for one of your friends lately? Has one of them done something special for you?

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  1. A lady from our Sunday school class had surgery on her shouldier recently. She will be unable to do her regular household chores for about 6 weeks. Our Sunday school class wondered what we could do to help her. We each decided to do our own thing to help out. I decided to order their favorite Pizza and have it delivered to their home in time for dinner, the day after ger surgery. They have been in our prayers and thoughts. We all wish her a speedy recovery.

  2. A dear friend of mine lost her son (her youngest child) a few years ago. He was murdered by his sister’s boyfriend. I try each year on his birthday and the anniversary of his death to talk to her or at least send her some type of message that lets her know how much I love her and that she is in my thoughts and prayers during this time. Most times I never mention her son’s name or the event but just that I am thinking of her.

  3. Dear friends and I plan a get together around each of our birthdays to celebrate the memories of being together another year. I personally try to send a card, e-mail or call friends weekly after they have experienced a loss or disappointment. Just knowing someone cares weeks after a tragic event assures the individual that they are not struggling alone and like Jesus said we are to be a light and friend at all times.

  4. Yes I’m 50 years old and I have a friend that I have known for a least 47 years old..I Grow up going to church later in years.she just had historecty and not been feeling well after surgery so I called her and my husband and I order pizzicato and we took it to themand had a good fist with them…God is great putting you together with family and friend old and new….

  5. Many of our Amish friends come into the library to check out books, mostly Amish books. It is always so nice to strike up a conversation with any of them, especially the teen age girls who love to read romance books! These girls often experience the same feelings and growing pains as the English girls. One day one poured her heart out to me about the guy who got away….and when I didn’t know what to say, the words automatically flowed…”I’ll pray for you”…now every time she comes into the library she shares about her life and how God has touched her just knowing someone outside her community is praying for her.

  6. I have several friends including myself that are dealing with various cancers. Although we each have are on difficulties we get together on facebook are we call each other when one is really sick from chemo are burned from there let them know hey i am here for u i am praying for u. Take them a meal are clean there house for them God wants us to show love and kindness to are fellow man to show them God’s love and u will receive a blessing from doing this. I also will share the books i read that are Amish and share them with someone so they to can get a blessing. Keep my friends and me on ur prayer list

  7. I have a special friend who’s husband has just had colon cancer surgery. They are adoptive parents of three children… 2 who have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and thus require much supervision. My husband and I, also, have adopted 2 children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. My friend, Rita, and I get together once or twice a week just to share with each other what is happening in our families. I have told my friend that I would do anything that she needs during her husband’s recovery from this cancer scare. Sometimes, it’s as simple as a phone text, just checking on how she’s doing or maybe meeting for an hour or so, so she can just talk. I am truly blessed by this friendship and we will remain friends for the rest of our lives.

  8. I am the type of person who tries to help everyone. I have alot of health issues myself , chronic that will always be with me….. But I always do what I can for a friend in need or my mother n law, whether its fixing supper a few times a week, changing her bed or just picking up medicine. Most days I do not feel good myself , but I don’t dwell on that, I still do as much as I can to help others.

  9. Years ago I was watching the local news on tv. It was two weeks before Christmas and a factory in a nearby town shut-down with no advance notice. The employees showed up for work and found a sign that said that it was closed due to bankruptcy. The reporter interviewed a gentleman that was 62 yrs old. They asked how he was going to get through this with it so closed to Christmas and no advance notice. Also, because of his age would have a hard time finding another job. His answer made me take a look at my life and I decided I loved his example and I strive to immolate him. These are not his exact words but close to it-the meaning is still the same. “I try to keep God first in my life, look for the humor in any situation (there’s always sometime to smile about) and spend as much time with my family and friends as possible.” There’s been some trying times, rough times, in my life since then. I remind myself of this and praise God for the blessings, look for the humor – he was right – there’s always something to smile or laugh about. Prayers and laughter are important in our lives. God created man and that means He has to have a wonderful sense of humor – look at all we are and do – wouldn’t you laugh too?

  10. I LOVE your books on the Amish. They tend to take me away to a calmer lifestyle…one in which families care for one another. That is a lost trait in today’s busy society. Parents took care of us as children, we as children in turn take care of our own offspring, as then care for our aging parents. Realizing too, that is not always possible today with families having to work 2 jobs to make ends meet, and the type of illness that aging parents might possibly have, that may require a nursing facility and care that we cannot give adequately.

    Four years ago God moved my husband & I back home with my Mama (Daddy had already gone to Heaven 8 years prior). Although we wanted to be with her (I was an only child), we were so hurt, not understanding why God was allowing this painful time in our lives (my husband had pastored our country church for 35+ years). Little did we know the real reason “why” God was calling us to this move. Within 2 years, my Mama’s health had deteriorated with Parkinson’s so much that we had to get Hospice upon her Dr’s advice to come in & help with bathing, meds, therapy, etc. Yes, days got hard as she diminished and her mind caused her to take out her frustration on those she loved most. But we were able to care for her by God giving my husband & I strength to lift her several times a day, change her and eventually feed her as her frail little hands & mind failed to work together to give her body substantial food/liquid intake. Right before Christmas in 2011, we sat by her bedside, along with our son & his family, and watched her 45 pound little body leave this temporary home and go to her Heavenly home & her Savior, to await our coming one day. We will NEVER regret taking care of her. It was an honor and a privilege that God gave us, and I will never forget it. But I know when I see her again, she will once again be that loving Mama I knew all my life and have her new body as she rejoices around God’s throne.

    Please continue to give us clean Christian fiction that encourages us and lifts us up on those days when we’re going through battles/trials that we don’t understand. May God give you grace & wisdom as you pen words of faith & encouragement to us all.

    1. Thank you, Linda. I appreciated hearing your precious story and thank you for the comments you made about my books. May God give me the words to continue to write stories that will touch lives in the days ahead.