Wanda’s Journal

Getting to Know

We recently had relatives from Pennsylvania come to visit, and one of the first things my sister-in-law said to me when they arrived was, “I’m looking forward to getting to know you better while we are here.” I was surprised by that at first, as we have made many trips to Pennsylvania to visit my husband’s family over the years. However, after thinking about it awhile, I realized that during those trips, most of our visits have been in a group setting, and we never got the chance to say more than a few words to each person present.

In order to really get to know someone, you need to spend quality time together, asking questions about them, and sharing things about yourself. I learned a lot about my husband’s brother and his wife during their visit that I would never have known if we hadn’t spent a week together, and now I feel like I’ve made some new friends.

While pondering all of this, I thought about the time I spend in the presence of God. In order to get to know Him better, I need to spend time in His Word, and really talk to Him through prayer. Just a brief prayer here and there, or a quick glance at a passage in the Bible isn’t enough to help me really know the Lord. Is there someone in your life you need to get to know better? Are you spending enough time with God?

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  1. I am just discovering this very subject. I am really enjoying spending time with the Lord, in prayer and in the Word. I just attended a Woman’s Retreat in NE Indiana through the Church of the Nazarene. Our guest speaker was Liz Curtis Higgs. A dynamic speaker and also a Christian Author. My eyes were opened to the Grace of God by her talk and book, Embracing Grace. She has a bit of humor in her stories. But, as for stories on the Amish, You will always be my favorite author!!! Learning about the Amish has always been interesting, but also sharing God’s love in your books makes me anxious for the next book to come out! I have them all so far, except the second cookbook, I’m having a hard time finding it. Thank you for posting your thoughts.

  2. Thank you for reminding me that I need to spend more time with God than my morning devotions. I know I need to do better. In this busy world, we sometimes tend to not take enough time with the people around us and with our Lord. I enjoy your novels so much because they are faith filled and remind all of us of God’s love and grace.

  3. Thank you do very much, I am trying to follow my fathers footsteps as I slowly turn into a christian. I have a friend at my school, and I have known her for a year now. I don’t even know her last name or if she has a brother (I know she has a sister), sometimes we have to trust God on the right time to ask.

    If you would like to read my father’s daily comments on David Mainse’s blog, here is the website:

    My father is Scott Baker, just so you know! 🙂

  4. Dwight L Moody said that the enemy will do anything to keep you off your knees, even it’s to get up to adjust a window shade! I find I have many distractions & I have this syndrome called, “This will only take a minute…” I find that the 1 minute turns into 10 min; then there’s another “1 minute” distraction & then I’m running out the door, eating breakfast while driving–trying to pray between bites-
    I don’t like to talk to someone who is continually distracted…I wonder if GOD enjoys my distracted conversations w/ HIM…
    Time to break some some habits & spend some ONE on one time with HIM!